zio.stream.compression.Gunzipper.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2020-2024 John A. De Goes and the ZIO Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.stream.compression
import zio._
import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
import java.util.zip.{CRC32, Inflater}
import java.{util => ju}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* Performs few steps of parsing header, then decompresses body and checks
* trailer. With reasonably chosen bufferSize there shouldn't occur many
* concatenation of arrays.
private[compression] class Gunzipper private (bufferSize: Int) {
import Gunzipper._
private var state: State = new ParseHeaderStep(Array.emptyByteArray, new CRC32)
def close(): Unit = state.close()
def onChunk(c: Chunk[Byte])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, CompressionException, Chunk[Byte]] =
ZIO.attempt {
val (newState, output) = state.feed(c.toArray)
state = newState
}.refineOrDie {
case e: ju.zip.DataFormatException => CompressionException(e)
case e: CompressionException => e
def onNone(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, CompressionException, Chunk[Byte]] =
if (state.isInProgress) ZIO.fail(CompressionException("Stream closed before completion."))
else ZIO.succeed(Chunk.empty)
private def nextStep(
acc: Array[Byte],
checkCrc16: Boolean,
crc32: CRC32,
parseExtra: Boolean,
commentsToSkip: Int
): Gunzipper.State =
if (parseExtra) new ParseExtraStep(acc, crc32, checkCrc16, commentsToSkip)
else if (commentsToSkip > 0) new SkipCommentsStep(checkCrc16, crc32, commentsToSkip)
else if (checkCrc16) new CheckCrc16Step(Array.emptyByteArray, crc32.getValue())
else new Decompress()
private class ParseHeaderStep(acc: Array[Byte], crc32: CRC32) extends State {
//TODO: If whole input is shorther than fixed header, not output is produced and no error is singaled. Is it ok?
override def feed(chunkBytes: Array[Byte]): (State, Chunk[Byte]) = {
val bytes = acc ++ chunkBytes
if (bytes.length < fixedHeaderLength) (new ParseHeaderStep(bytes, crc32), Chunk.empty)
else {
val (header, leftover) = bytes.splitAt(fixedHeaderLength)
if (u8(header(0)) != 31 || u8(header(1)) != 139) throw CompressionException("Invalid GZIP header")
else if (header(2) != 8)
throw CompressionException(s"Only deflate (8) compression method is supported, present: ${header(2)}")
else {
val flags = header(3) & 0xff
val checkCrc16 = (flags & 2) > 0
val hasExtra = (flags & 4) > 0
val skipFileName = (flags & 8) > 0
val skipFileComment = (flags & 16) > 0
val commentsToSkip = (if (skipFileName) 1 else 0) + (if (skipFileComment) 1 else 0)
nextStep(header, checkCrc16, crc32, hasExtra, commentsToSkip).feed(leftover)
override def isInProgress: Boolean = acc.nonEmpty
private class ParseExtraStep(acc: Array[Byte], crc32: CRC32, checkCrc16: Boolean, commentsToSkip: Int) extends State {
override def feed(chunkBytes: Array[Byte]): (State, Chunk[Byte]) = {
val bytes = acc ++ chunkBytes
if (bytes.length < 12) {
(new ParseExtraStep(bytes, crc32, checkCrc16, commentsToSkip), Chunk.empty)
} else {
val xlenLenght = 2
val extraBytes: Int = u16(bytes(fixedHeaderLength), bytes(fixedHeaderLength + 1))
val headerWithExtraLength = fixedHeaderLength + xlenLenght + extraBytes
if (bytes.length < headerWithExtraLength)
(new ParseExtraStep(bytes, crc32, checkCrc16, commentsToSkip), Chunk.empty)
else {
val (headerWithExtra, leftover) = bytes.splitAt(headerWithExtraLength)
nextStep(headerWithExtra, checkCrc16, crc32, false, commentsToSkip).feed(leftover)
private class SkipCommentsStep(checkCrc16: Boolean, crc32: CRC32, commentsToSkip: Int) extends State {
override def feed(chunkBytes: Array[Byte]): (State, Chunk[Byte]) = {
val idx = chunkBytes.indexOf(0)
val (upTo0, leftover) = if (idx == -1) (chunkBytes, Array.emptyByteArray) else chunkBytes.splitAt(idx + 1)
nextStep(Array.emptyByteArray, checkCrc16, crc32, false, commentsToSkip - 1).feed(leftover)
private class CheckCrc16Step(pastCrc16Bytes: Array[Byte], crcValue: Long) extends State {
override def feed(chunkBytes: Array[Byte]): (State, Chunk[Byte]) = {
val (crc16Bytes, leftover) = (pastCrc16Bytes ++ chunkBytes).splitAt(2)
//Unlikely but possible that chunk was 1 byte only, leftover is empty.
if (crc16Bytes.length < 2) {
(new CheckCrc16Step(crc16Bytes, crcValue), Chunk.empty)
} else {
val computedCrc16 = (crcValue & 0xffffL).toInt
val expectedCrc = u16(crc16Bytes(0), crc16Bytes(1))
if (computedCrc16 != expectedCrc) throw CompressionException("Invalid header CRC16")
else new Decompress().feed(leftover)
private class Decompress extends State {
private val inflater = new Inflater(true)
private val crc32: CRC32 = new CRC32
private val buffer: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte](bufferSize)
private[compression] def pullOutput(
inflater: Inflater,
buffer: Array[Byte]
): Chunk[Byte] = {
def next(prev: Chunk[Byte]): Chunk[Byte] = {
val read = inflater.inflate(buffer)
val newBytes = ju.Arrays.copyOf(buffer, read)
val current = Chunk.fromArray(newBytes)
val pulled = prev ++ current
if (read > 0 && inflater.getRemaining > 0) next(pulled) else pulled
if (inflater.needsInput()) Chunk.empty else next(Chunk.empty)
override def close(): Unit = inflater.end()
override def feed(chunkBytes: Array[Byte]): (State, Chunk[Byte]) = {
val newChunk = pullOutput(inflater, buffer)
if (inflater.finished()) {
val leftover = chunkBytes.takeRight(inflater.getRemaining())
val (state, restOfChunks) =
new CheckTrailerStep(Array.emptyByteArray, crc32.getValue(), inflater.getBytesWritten()).feed(leftover)
(state, newChunk ++ restOfChunks)
} else (this, newChunk)
private class CheckTrailerStep(acc: Array[Byte], expectedCrc32: Long, expectedIsize: Long) extends State {
private def readInt(a: Array[Byte]): Int = u32(a(0), a(1), a(2), a(3))
override def feed(chunkBytes: Array[Byte]): (State, Chunk[Byte]) = {
val bytes = acc ++ chunkBytes
if (bytes.length < 8)
((new CheckTrailerStep(bytes, expectedCrc32, expectedIsize), Chunk.empty)) // need more input
else {
val (trailerBytes, leftover) = bytes.splitAt(8)
val crc32 = readInt(trailerBytes.take(4))
val isize = readInt(trailerBytes.drop(4))
if (expectedCrc32.toInt != crc32) throw CompressionException("Invalid CRC32")
else if (expectedIsize.toInt != isize) throw CompressionException("Invalid ISIZE")
else new ParseHeaderStep(Array.emptyByteArray, new CRC32()).feed(leftover)
private def u8(b: Byte): Int = b & 0xff
private def u16(b1: Byte, b2: Byte): Int = u8(b1) | (u8(b2) << 8)
private def u32(b1: Byte, b2: Byte, b3: Byte, b4: Byte) = u16(b1, b2) | (u16(b3, b4) << 16)
private[stream] object Gunzipper {
private val fixedHeaderLength = 10
private sealed trait State {
def close(): Unit = ()
def feed(chunkBytes: Array[Byte]): (State, Chunk[Byte])
def isInProgress: Boolean = true
def make(bufferSize: Int)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Gunzipper] =
ZIO.succeed(new Gunzipper(bufferSize))