zio.test.junit.ZTestJUnitRunner.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2020-2024 John A. De Goes and the ZIO Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.test.junit
import org.junit.runner.manipulation.{Filter, Filterable}
import org.junit.runner.notification.{Failure, RunNotifier}
import org.junit.runner.{Description, RunWith, Runner}
import zio.ZIO.succeed
import zio._
import zio.test.TestFailure.{Assertion, Runtime}
import zio.test.TestSuccess.{Ignored, Succeeded}
import zio.test._
import zio.test.render.ConsoleRenderer
import zio.test.render.ExecutionResult.ResultType.Test
import zio.test.render.ExecutionResult.Status.Failed
import zio.test.render.LogLine.Message
* Custom JUnit 4 runner for ZIO Test Specs.
Any instance of
* [[zio.test.ZIOSpecAbstract]], that is a class (JUnit won't run objects), if
* annotated with `@RunWith(classOf[ZTestJUnitRunner])` can be run by IDEs and
* build tools that support JUnit.
Your spec can also extend
* [[JUnitRunnableSpec]] to inherit the annotation. In order to expose the
* structure of the test to JUnit (and the external tools), `getDescription` has
* to execute Suite level effects. This means that these effects will be
* executed twice (first in `getDescription` and then in `run`).
* Scala.JS is not supported, as JUnit TestFramework for SBT under Scala.JS
* doesn't support custom runners.
class ZTestJUnitRunner(klass: Class[_]) extends Runner with Filterable {
private val className = klass.getName.stripSuffix("$")
private lazy val spec: ZIOSpecAbstract = {
private var filter = Filter.ALL
lazy val getDescription: Description = {
val description = Description.createSuiteDescription(className)
def traverse[R, E](
spec: Spec[R, E],
description: Description,
path: Vector[String] = Vector.empty
): ZIO[R with Scope, Any, Unit] =
spec.caseValue match {
case Spec.ExecCase(_, spec) => traverse(spec, description, path)
case Spec.LabeledCase(label, spec) => traverse(spec, description, path :+ label)
case Spec.ScopedCase(scoped) => scoped.flatMap(traverse(_, description, path))
case Spec.MultipleCase(specs) =>
val suiteDesc = Description.createSuiteDescription(path.lastOption.getOrElse(""), path.mkString(":"))
ZIO.succeed(description.addChild(suiteDesc)) *>
ZIO.foreach(specs)(traverse(_, suiteDesc, path)).ignore
case Spec.TestCase(_, _) =>
ZIO.succeed(description.addChild(testDescription(path.lastOption.getOrElse(""), path)))
val scoped =
ZIO.scoped[ZTestJUnitRunner.this.spec.Environment with zio.test.TestEnvironment](
traverse(filteredSpec, description)
Scope.default >>> (liveEnvironment >>> TestEnvironment.live ++ ZLayer.environment[Scope]),
)(Trace.empty, Unsafe.unsafe)
override def run(notifier: RunNotifier): Unit = {
val _ = zio.Runtime.default.unsafe.run {
val instrumented: Spec[spec.Environment with TestEnvironment with Scope, Any] =
instrumentSpec(filteredSpec, new JUnitNotifier(notifier))
.runSpecAsApp(instrumented, TestArgs.empty, Console.ConsoleLive)
Scope.default >>> (liveEnvironment >>> TestEnvironment.live ++ ZLayer.environment[Scope] +!+ spec.bootstrap)
}(Trace.empty, Unsafe.unsafe).getOrThrowFiberFailure()(Unsafe.unsafe)
private def reportRuntimeFailure[E](
notifier: JUnitNotifier,
path: Vector[String],
label: String,
cause: Cause[E]
): UIO[Unit] = {
val rendered = renderToString(ConsoleRenderer.renderCause(cause, 0))
notifier.fireTestFailure(label, path, rendered, cause.dieOption.orNull) *> notifier.fireTestFinished(label, path)
private def reportAssertionFailure(
notifier: JUnitNotifier,
path: Vector[String],
label: String,
result: TestResult
): UIO[Unit] = {
val rendered = renderFailureDetails(label, result)
notifier.fireTestFailure(label, path, renderToString(rendered)) *> notifier.fireTestFinished(label, path)
private def renderFailureDetails(label: String, result: TestResult): Message =
ConsoleRenderer.renderAssertionResult(result.result, 0).lines: _*
private def testDescription(label: String, path: Vector[String]): Description = {
val uniqueId = path.mkString(":") + ":" + label
Description.createTestDescription(className, label, uniqueId)
private def instrumentSpec[R, E](
zspec: Spec[R, E],
notifier: JUnitNotifier
): Spec[R, E] = {
type ZSpecCase = Spec.SpecCase[R, E, Spec[R, E]]
def instrumentTest(label: String, path: Vector[String], test: ZIO[R, TestFailure[E], TestSuccess]) =
case Assertion(result, _) =>
notifier.fireTestStarted(label, path) *>
reportAssertionFailure(notifier, path, label, result)
case Runtime(cause, _) =>
notifier.fireTestStarted(label, path) *>
reportRuntimeFailure(notifier, path, label, cause)
case Succeeded(_) =>
notifier.fireTestStarted(label, path) *>
notifier.fireTestFinished(label, path)
case Ignored(_) => notifier.fireTestIgnored(label, path)
.tapDefect { e =>
notifier.fireTestStarted(label, path) *>
reportRuntimeFailure(notifier, path, label, e)
def loop(specCase: ZSpecCase, path: Vector[String] = Vector.empty): ZSpecCase =
specCase match {
case Spec.ExecCase(exec, spec) =>
Spec.ExecCase(exec, Spec(loop(spec.caseValue, path)))
case Spec.LabeledCase(label, spec) =>
Spec.LabeledCase(label, Spec(loop(spec.caseValue, path :+ label)))
case Spec.ScopedCase(scoped) =>
Spec.ScopedCase[R, E, Spec[R, E]](
scoped.map(spec => Spec(loop(spec.caseValue, path)))
case Spec.MultipleCase(specs) =>
Spec.MultipleCase(specs.map(spec => Spec(loop(spec.caseValue, path))))
case Spec.TestCase(test, annotations) =>
Spec.TestCase(instrumentTest(path.lastOption.getOrElse(""), path, test), annotations)
private def filteredSpec =
.filterLabels(l => filter.shouldRun(testDescription(l, Vector.empty)))
override def filter(filter: Filter): Unit =
this.filter = filter
private def renderToString(message: Message) =
message.lines.map {
_.fragments.map(_.text).fold("")(_ + _)
private class JUnitNotifier(notifier: RunNotifier) {
def fireTestFailure(
label: String,
path: Vector[String],
renderedText: String,
throwable: Throwable = null
): UIO[Unit] =
succeed {
new Failure(testDescription(label, path), new TestFailed(renderedText, throwable))
def fireTestStarted(label: String, path: Vector[String]): UIO[Unit] = succeed {
notifier.fireTestStarted(testDescription(label, path))
def fireTestFinished(label: String, path: Vector[String]): UIO[Unit] = succeed {
notifier.fireTestFinished(testDescription(label, path))
def fireTestIgnored(label: String, path: Vector[String]): UIO[Unit] = succeed {
notifier.fireTestIgnored(testDescription(label, path))
private[junit] class TestFailed(message: String, cause: Throwable = null)
extends Throwable(message, cause, false, false)
abstract class JUnitRunnableSpec extends ZIOSpecDefault
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