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* Copyright 2019-2024 John A. De Goes and the ZIO Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
package zio.test
import zio.{Chunk, Console, FiberRef, IO, Ref, Trace, UIO, URIO, Unsafe, ZIO, ZLayer}
import zio.internal.stacktracer.Tracer
import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
import{EOFException, IOException}
* `TestConsole` provides a testable interface for programs interacting with the
* console by modeling input and output as reading from and writing to input and
* output buffers maintained by `TestConsole` and backed by a `Ref`.
* All calls to `print` and `printLine` using the `TestConsole` will write the
* string to the output buffer and all calls to `readLine` will take a string
* from the input buffer. To facilitate debugging, by default output will also
* be rendered to standard output. You can enable or disable this for a scope
* using `debug`, `silent`, or the corresponding test aspects.
* `TestConsole` has several methods to access and manipulate the content of
* these buffers including `feedLines` to feed strings to the input buffer that
* will then be returned by calls to `readLine`, `output` to get the content of
* the output buffer from calls to `print` and `printLine`, and `clearInput` and
* `clearOutput` to clear the respective buffers.
* Together, these functions make it easy to test programs interacting with the
* console.
* {{{
* import zio.Console._
* import zio.test.TestConsole
* import zio.ZIO
* val sayHello = for {
* name <- readLine
* _ <- printLine("Hello, " + name + "!")
* } yield ()
* for {
* _ <- TestConsole.feedLines("John", "Jane", "Sally")
* _ <- ZIO.collectAll(List.fill(3)(sayHello))
* result <- TestConsole.output
* } yield result == Vector("Hello, John!\n", "Hello, Jane!\n", "Hello, Sally!\n")
* }}}
trait TestConsole extends Console with Restorable {
def clearInput(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]
def clearOutput(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]
def clearOutputErr(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]
def debug[R, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]
def feedLines(lines: String*)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]
def output(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Vector[String]]
def outputErr(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Vector[String]]
def silent[R, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]
object TestConsole extends Serializable {
case class Test(
consoleState: Ref.Atomic[TestConsole.Data],
live: Live,
annotations: Annotations,
debugState: FiberRef[Boolean]
) extends TestConsole {
* Clears the contents of the input buffer.
def clearInput(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] =
consoleState.update(data => data.copy(input = List.empty))
* Clears the contents of the output buffer.
def clearOutput(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] =
consoleState.update(data => data.copy(output = Vector.empty))
* Clears the contents of the output error buffer.
def clearOutputErr(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] =
consoleState.update(data => data.copy(errOutput = Vector.empty))
* Runs the specified effect with the `TestConsole` set to debug mode, so
* that console output is rendered to standard output in addition to being
* written to the output buffer.
def debug[R, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A] =
* Writes the specified sequence of strings to the input buffer. The first
* string in the sequence will be the first to be taken. These strings will
* be taken before any strings that were previously in the input buffer.
def feedLines(lines: String*)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] =
consoleState.update(data => data.copy(input = lines.toList ::: data.input))
* Takes the first value from the input buffer, if one exists, or else fails
* with an `EOFException`.
def readLine(implicit trace: Trace): IO[IOException, String] =
ZIO.attempt(unsafe.readLine()(Unsafe.unsafe)).refineToOrDie[IOException].tap { line =>
annotations.annotate(TestAnnotation.output, Chunk(ConsoleIO.Input(line)))
* Returns the contents of the output buffer. The first value written to the
* output buffer will be the first in the sequence.
def output(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Vector[String]] =
* Returns the contents of the error output buffer. The first value written
* to the error output buffer will be the first in the sequence.
def outputErr(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Vector[String]] =
* Writes the specified string to the output buffer.
override def print(line: => Any)(implicit trace: Trace): IO[IOException, Unit] =
ZIO.succeed(unsafe.print(line)(Unsafe.unsafe)) *>
* Writes the specified string to the error buffer.
override def printError(line: => Any)(implicit trace: Trace): IO[IOException, Unit] =
ZIO.succeed(unsafe.printError(line)(Unsafe.unsafe)) *>
* Writes the specified string to the output buffer followed by a newline
* character.
override def printLine(line: => Any)(implicit trace: Trace): IO[IOException, Unit] =
annotations.annotate(TestAnnotation.output, Chunk(ConsoleIO.Output(line.toString))) *>
ZIO.succeed(unsafe.printLine(line)(Unsafe.unsafe)) *>
* Writes the specified string to the error buffer followed by a newline
* character.
override def printLineError(line: => Any)(implicit trace: Trace): IO[IOException, Unit] =
ZIO.succeed(unsafe.printLineError(line)(Unsafe.unsafe)) *>
* Saves the `TestConsole`'s current state in an effect which, when run,
* will restore the `TestConsole` state to the saved state.
def save(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[UIO[Unit]] =
for {
consoleData <- consoleState.get
} yield consoleState.set(consoleData)
* Runs the specified effect with the `TestConsole` set to silent mode, so
* that console output is only written to the output buffer and not rendered
* to standard output.
def silent[R, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A] =
override val unsafe: UnsafeAPI =
new UnsafeAPI {
override def print(line: Any)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): Unit =
consoleState.unsafe.update { data =>
Data(data.input, data.output :+ line.toString, data.errOutput)
override def printError(line: Any)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): Unit =
consoleState.unsafe.update { data =>
Data(data.input, data.output, data.errOutput :+ line.toString)
override def printLine(line: Any)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): Unit =
consoleState.unsafe.update { data =>
Data(data.input, data.output :+ s"$line\n", data.errOutput)
override def printLineError(line: Any)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): Unit =
consoleState.unsafe.update { data =>
Data(data.input, data.output, data.errOutput :+ s"$line\n")
override def readLine()(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): String =
consoleState.unsafe.modify { data =>
data.input match {
case head :: tail =>
head -> Data(tail, data.output, data.errOutput)
case Nil =>
throw new EOFException("There is no more input left to read")
* Constructs a new `Test` object that implements the `TestConsole` interface.
* This can be useful for mixing in with implementations of other interfaces.
def make(data: Data, debug: Boolean = true)(implicit
trace: Trace
): ZLayer[Live with Annotations, Nothing, TestConsole] =
ZLayer.scoped {
for {
live <- ZIO.service[Live]
annotations <- ZIO.service[Annotations]
ref <- ZIO.succeed(Ref.unsafe.make(data)(Unsafe.unsafe))
debugRef <- FiberRef.make(debug)
test = Test(ref, live, annotations, debugRef)
_ <- ZIO.withConsoleScoped(test)
} yield test
val any: ZLayer[TestConsole, Nothing, TestConsole] =
val debug: ZLayer[Live with Annotations, Nothing, TestConsole] =
make(Data(Nil, Vector()), true)(Tracer.newTrace)
val silent: ZLayer[Live with Annotations, Nothing, TestConsole] =
make(Data(Nil, Vector()), false)(Tracer.newTrace)
* Accesses a `TestConsole` instance in the environment and clears the input
* buffer.
def clearInput(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] =
* Accesses a `TestConsole` instance in the environment and clears the output
* buffer.
def clearOutput(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] =
* Accesses a `TestConsole` instance in the environment and runs the specified
* effect with the `TestConsole` set to debug mode, so that console output is
* rendered to standard output in addition to being written to the output
* buffer.
def debug[R, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A] =
* Accesses a `TestConsole` instance in the environment and writes the
* specified sequence of strings to the input buffer.
def feedLines(lines: String*)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] =
testConsoleWith(_.feedLines(lines: _*))
* Accesses a `TestConsole` instance in the environment and returns the
* contents of the output buffer.
def output(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Vector[String]] =
* Accesses a `TestConsole` instance in the environment and returns the
* contents of the error buffer.
def outputErr(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Vector[String]] =
* Accesses a `TestConsole` instance in the environment and saves the console
* state in an effect which, when run, will restore the `TestConsole` to the
* saved state.
def save(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[UIO[Unit]] =
* Accesses a `TestConsole` instance in the environment and runs the specified
* effect with the `TestConsole` set to silent mode, so that console output is
* only written to the output buffer and not rendered to standard output.
def silent[R, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A] =
* The state of the `TestConsole`.
final case class Data(
input: List[String] = List.empty,
output: Vector[String] = Vector.empty,
errOutput: Vector[String] = Vector.empty