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zio.test.SmartAssertMacros.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package zio.test
import zio.{Cause, Exit}
import scala.annotation.{nowarn, tailrec}
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
class SmartAssertMacros(val c: blackbox.Context) {
import c.universe._
private val SA = q"_root_.zio.test.internal.SmartAssertions"
private val Arrow = q"_root_.zio.test.TestArrow"
private val TestResult = q"_root_.zio.test.TestResult"
def assert_impl(expr: c.Expr[Boolean], exprs: c.Expr[Boolean]*): c.Tree = { (acc, assert) =>
q"$acc && $assert"
sealed trait AST { self =>
def span: (Int, Int)
def withSpan(span0: (Int, Int)): AST =
self match {
case not: AST.Not => not.copy(span = span0)
case and: AST.And => and.copy(span = span0)
case or: AST.Or => or.copy(span = span0)
case method: AST.Method => method.copy(span = span0)
case function: AST.Function => function.copy(span = span0)
case raw: AST.Raw => raw.copy(span = span0)
object AST {
case class Not(ast: AST, span: (Int, Int), innerSpan: (Int, Int)) extends AST
case class And(lhs: AST, rhs: AST, span: (Int, Int), leftSpan: (Int, Int), rightSpan: (Int, Int)) extends AST
case class Or(lhs: AST, rhs: AST, span: (Int, Int), leftSpan: (Int, Int), rightSpan: (Int, Int)) extends AST
case class Method(
lhs: AST,
lhsTpe: Type,
rhsTpe: Type,
name: String,
tpes: List[Type],
args: Option[List[c.Tree]],
span: (Int, Int)
) extends AST
case class Function(lhs: c.Tree, rhs: AST, lhsTpe: Type, span: (Int, Int)) extends AST
case class Raw(ast: c.Tree, span: (Int, Int)) extends AST
case class AssertAST(
name: String,
tpes: List[Type] = List.empty,
args: List[c.Tree] = List.empty,
implicits: Boolean = false
) {
def this(name: String, tpes: List[Type], args: List[c.Tree]) =
this(name, tpes, args, false)
def copy(name: String = name, tpes: List[Type] = tpes, args: List[c.Tree] = args): AssertAST =
AssertAST(name, tpes, args, implicits)
object AssertAST {
def apply(name: String, tpes: List[Type], args: List[c.Tree]): AssertAST = AssertAST(name, tpes, args, false)
def toTree(assertAST: AssertAST): c.Tree = {
val implicits = q"import zio.test.internal.SmartAssertions.Implicits._"
if (assertAST.implicits)
assertAST match {
case AssertAST(name, List(), List(), _) =>
case AssertAST(name, List(), args, _) =>
case AssertAST(name, tpes, List(), _) =>
case AssertAST(name, tpes, args, _) =>
assertAST match {
case AssertAST(name, List(), List(), _) =>
case AssertAST(name, List(), args, _) =>
case AssertAST(name, tpes, List(), _) =>
case AssertAST(name, tpes, args, _) =>
def parseAsAssertion(ast: AST)(start: c.Tree)(implicit positionContext: PositionContext): c.Tree =
ast match {
case AST.Method(lhs, _, _, "some", _, _, span) =>
q"${parseAsAssertion(lhs)(start)} >>> $SA.isSome.span($span)"
case AST.Method(lhs, _, _, "right", _, _, span) =>
q"${parseAsAssertion(lhs)(start)} >>> $SA.asRight.span($span)"
case AST.Method(lhs, _, _, "left", _, _, span) =>
q"${parseAsAssertion(lhs)(start)} >>> $SA.asLeft.span($span)"
case AST.Method(lhs, _, _, "anything", _, _, span) =>
q"${parseAsAssertion(lhs)(start)} >>> $SA.anything.span($span)"
case AST.Method(lhs, lhsTpe, _, "subtype", List(tpe), _, span) =>
q"${parseAsAssertion(lhs)(start)} >>> $[${lhsTpe.typeArgs.head}, $tpe].span($span)"
case AST.Method(lhs, _, _, "custom", List(_), Some(List(customAssertion)), span) =>
q"${parseAsAssertion(lhs)(start)} >>> $SA.custom($customAssertion).span($span)"
case AST.Method(lhs, lhsTpe, _, "die", _, _, span) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[TestLens[Exit[_, _]]] =>
q"${parseAsAssertion(lhs)(start)} >>> $SA.asExitDie.span($span)"
case AST.Method(lhs, lhsTpe, _, "failure", _, _, span) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[TestLens[Exit[_, _]]] =>
q"${parseAsAssertion(lhs)(start)} >>> $SA.asExitFailure.span($span)"
case AST.Method(lhs, lhsTpe, _, "success", _, _, span) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[TestLens[Exit[_, _]]] =>
q"${parseAsAssertion(lhs)(start)} >>> $SA.asExitSuccess.span($span)"
case AST.Method(lhs, lhsTpe, _, "interrupted", _, _, span) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[TestLens[Exit[_, _]]] =>
q"${parseAsAssertion(lhs)(start)} >>> $SA.asExitInterrupted.span($span)"
case AST.Method(lhs, lhsTpe, _, "success", _, _, span) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[TestLens[scala.util.Try[_]]] =>
q"${parseAsAssertion(lhs)(start)} >>> $SA.asTrySuccess.span($span)"
case AST.Method(lhs, lhsTpe, _, "failure", _, _, span) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[TestLens[scala.util.Try[_]]] =>
q"${parseAsAssertion(lhs)(start)} >>> $SA.asTryFailure.span($span)"
case AST.Method(lhs, lhsTpe, _, "die", _, _, span) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[TestLens[Cause[_]]] =>
q"${parseAsAssertion(lhs)(start)} >>> $SA.asCauseDie.span($span)"
case AST.Method(lhs, lhsTpe, _, "failure", _, _, span) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[TestLens[Cause[_]]] =>
q"${parseAsAssertion(lhs)(start)} >>> $SA.asCauseFailure.span($span)"
case AST.Method(lhs, lhsTpe, _, "interrupted", _, _, span) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[TestLens[Cause[_]]] =>
q"${parseAsAssertion(lhs)(start)} >>> $SA.asCauseInterrupted.span($span)"
case AST.Method(lhs, lhsTpe, _, "cause", _, _, span) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[TestLens[Exit[_, _]]] =>
q"${parseAsAssertion(lhs)(start)} >>> $SA.asExitCause.span($span)"
case _ =>
def astToAssertion(ast: AST)(implicit positionContext: PositionContext): c.Tree =
ast match {
case AST.Not(ast, _, _) =>
case AST.And(lhs, rhs, _, ls, rs) =>
q"${astToAssertion(lhs)}.withParentSpan($ls) && ${astToAssertion(rhs)}.withParentSpan($rs)"
case AST.Or(lhs, rhs, _, ls, rs) =>
q"${astToAssertion(lhs)}.withParentSpan($ls) || ${astToAssertion(rhs)}.withParentSpan($rs)"
// Matches ``
case AST.Method(lhs, _, _, "is", _, Some(List(arg)), _) if arg.tpe.typeArgs.head <:< weakTypeOf[TestLens[_]] =>
val assertion = astToAssertion(lhs)
parseExpr(arg) match {
case AST.Function(_, rhs, _, _) => parseAsAssertion(rhs)(assertion)
case _ => throw new Error("This is not possible.")
case AST.Method(lhs, lhsTpe, _, "forall", _, Some(args), span) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[Iterable[_]] =>
val assertion = astToAssertion(parseExpr(args.head))
q"${astToAssertion(lhs)} >>> $SA.forallIterable($assertion).span($span)"
case AST.Method(lhs, lhsTpe, _, "exists", _, Some(args), span) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[Iterable[_]] =>
val assertion = astToAssertion(parseExpr(args.head))
q"${astToAssertion(lhs)} >>> $SA.existsIterable($assertion).span($span)"
case Matcher(lhs, ast, span) =>
val tree = AssertAST.toTree(ast)
q"${astToAssertion(lhs)} >>> $tree.span($span)"
case AST.Method(lhs, lhsTpe, _, name, tpes, args, span) =>
val select =
args match {
case Some(args) =>
c.untypecheck(q"{ (a: $lhsTpe) => a.${TermName(name)}[..$tpes](..$args) }")
case None =>
c.untypecheck(q"{ (a: $lhsTpe) => a.${TermName(name)}[..$tpes] }")
q"${astToAssertion(lhs)} >>> $Arrow.fromFunction($select).span($span)"
case AST.Function(lhs, rhs, _, span) =>
val rhsAssert = astToAssertion(rhs)
val select = c.untypecheck(q"{ ($lhs) => $rhsAssert }")
case AST.Raw(ast, span) =>
case class PositionContext(start: Int, codeString: String) {
def getPos(tree: c.Tree): (Int, Int) = (getStart(tree), getEnd(tree))
def getEnd(tree: c.Tree): Int = tree.pos.end - start
def getStart(tree: c.Tree): Int = tree.pos.start - start
@nowarn("msg=never used")
def parseExpr(tree: c.Tree)(implicit pos: PositionContext): AST = {
val end = pos.getEnd(tree)
tree match {
case q"!($inner)" =>
AST.Not(parseExpr(inner), pos.getPos(tree), pos.getPos(inner))
case q"$lhs && $rhs" if lhs.tpe == typeOf[Boolean] =>
AST.And(parseExpr(lhs), parseExpr(rhs), pos.getPos(tree), pos.getPos(lhs), pos.getPos(rhs))
case q"$lhs || $rhs" if lhs.tpe == typeOf[Boolean] =>
AST.Or(parseExpr(lhs), parseExpr(rhs), pos.getPos(tree), pos.getPos(lhs), pos.getPos(rhs))
case MethodCall(lhs, name, tpes, args) =>
(pos.getEnd(lhs), end)
case fn @ q"($a) => $b" =>
val inType = fn.tpe.widen.typeArgs.head
AST.Function(a, parseExpr(b), inType, (pos.getStart(tree), end))
case _ => AST.Raw(tree, (pos.getStart(tree), end))
def assertOne_impl(expr: Expr[Boolean]): c.Tree = {
val (stats, tree) = expr.tree match {
case Block(stats, expr) => (stats, expr)
case other => (Nil, other)
val (_, start, codeString) = text(tree)
implicit val pos: PositionContext = PositionContext(start, codeString)
val parsed = parseExpr(tree)
val ast = astToAssertion(parsed)
val location = Some(s"${tree.pos.source.file.path}:${tree.pos.line}")
$TestResult($ast.withCode($codeString).meta(location = $location))
object UnwrapImplicit {
@nowarn("msg=never used")
def unapply(tree: c.Tree): Option[c.Tree] =
tree match {
case q"$wrapper($lhs)" if wrapper.symbol.isImplicit =>
case _ => Some(tree)
object MethodCall {
@nowarn("msg=never used")
def unapply(tree: c.Tree): Option[(c.Tree, TermName, List[Type], Option[List[c.Tree]])] =
tree match {
case q"${UnwrapImplicit(lhs)}.$name[..$tpes]"
if !(tree.symbol.isModule || tree.symbol.isStatic || tree.symbol.isClass) =>
Some((lhs, name,, None))
case q"${UnwrapImplicit(lhs)}.$name"
if !(tree.symbol.isModule || tree.symbol.isStatic || tree.symbol.isClass) =>
Some((lhs, name, List.empty, None))
case q"${UnwrapImplicit(lhs)}.$name(..$args)" =>
Some((lhs, name, List.empty, Some(args)))
case q"${UnwrapImplicit(lhs)}.$name[..$tpes](..$args)" =>
Some((lhs, name,, Some(args)))
case _ => None
object IsConstructor {
def unapply(tree: c.Tree): Option[c.Tree] =
tree match {
case Apply(_, _) | TypeApply(_, _) if isConstructor(tree) => Some(tree)
case _ => None
private def isConstructor(tree: c.Tree): Boolean =
tree match {
case Select(Literal(_), _) => false
case Select(Select(s, _), TermName("apply"))
if s.symbol.isModule || s.symbol.isSynthetic || s.symbol.isClass || s.symbol.isStatic =>
case Select(s, _)
if s != null && (s.symbol.isModule || s.symbol.isSynthetic || s.symbol.isClass || s.symbol.isStatic) =>
case TypeApply(s, _) => isConstructor(s)
case Apply(s, _) => isConstructor(s)
case _ => false
// Pilfered (with immense gratitude & minor modifications)
// from
private def text[T: c.WeakTypeTag](tree: c.Tree): (Int, Int, String) = {
val fileContent = new String(tree.pos.source.content)
var start = tree.collect { case treeVal =>
treeVal.pos match {
case NoPosition => Int.MaxValue
case p => p.start
val initialStart = start
// Moves to the true beginning of the expression, in the case where the
// internal expression is wrapped in parens.
while ((start - 2) >= 0 && fileContent(start - 2) == '(') {
start -= 1
val g = c.asInstanceOf[reflect.macros.runtime.Context].global
val parser = g.newUnitParser(fileContent.drop(start))
val end =
(initialStart - start, start, fileContent.slice(start, start + end))
trait ASTConverter { self =>
final def orElse(that: ASTConverter): ASTConverter = new ASTConverter {
override def unapply(method: AST.Method): Option[(AST, AssertAST, (Int, Int))] =
def unapply(method: AST.Method): Option[(AST, AssertAST, (Int, Int))]
object ASTConverter {
def make(pf: PartialFunction[AST.Method, AssertAST]): ASTConverter = new ASTConverter {
override def unapply(method: AST.Method): Option[(AST, AssertAST, (Int, Int))] =
pf.lift(method).map { result =>
(method.lhs, result, method.span)
object Matcher {
def tpesPriority(tpe: Type): Int =
tpe.typeSymbol.fullName match {
case "scala.Byte" | "java.lang.Byte" => 0
case "scala.Short" | "java.lang.Short" => 1
case "scala.Char" | "java.lang.Character" => 2
case "scala.Int" | "java.lang.Integer" => 3
case "scala.Long" | "java.lang.Long" => 4
case "scala.Float" | "java.lang.Float" => 5
case "scala.Double" | "java.lang.Double" => 6
case _ => -1
// `true` for conversion from `lhs` to `rhs`.
def implicitConversionDirection(lhs: Type, rhs: Type): Option[Boolean] =
if (tpesPriority(lhs) == -1 || tpesPriority(rhs) == -1) {
// tq"lhs => rhs" does not work. It seems to generate untyped tree that cannot be typechecked
val function1 = weakTypeOf[_ => _]
c.inferImplicitValue(appliedType(function1, lhs, rhs)) match {
case EmptyTree =>
c.inferImplicitValue(appliedType(function1, rhs, lhs)) match {
case EmptyTree => None
case _ => Some(false)
case _ => Some(true)
} else if (tpesPriority(rhs) - tpesPriority(lhs) > 0) Some(true)
else Some(false)
def needsImplicits(lhs: Type, rhs: Type) =
lhs.typeSymbol.fullName.contains("java.lang") || rhs.typeSymbol.fullName.contains("java.lang")
def comparisonConverter(lhsTpe: Type, args: List[c.Tree], methodName: String): AssertAST = {
val rhsTpe = args.head.tpe.widen
if (lhsTpe =:= rhsTpe)
AssertAST(methodName, List(lhsTpe), args)
implicitConversionDirection(lhsTpe, rhsTpe) match {
case Some(true) => AssertAST(methodName ++ "L", List(lhsTpe, rhsTpe), args, needsImplicits(lhsTpe, rhsTpe))
case Some(false) => AssertAST(methodName ++ "R", List(lhsTpe, rhsTpe), args, needsImplicits(lhsTpe, rhsTpe))
case None => AssertAST(methodName, List(lhsTpe), args, needsImplicits(lhsTpe, rhsTpe))
def unapply(method: AST.Method): Option[(AST, AssertAST, (Int, Int))] =
all.reduce(_ orElse _).unapply(method)
val asInstanceOf: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make { case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "asInstanceOf", List(tpe), _, _) =>
AssertAST("as", List(lhsTpe, tpe))
val isInstanceOf: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make { case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "isInstanceOf", List(tpe), _, _) =>
AssertAST("is", List(lhsTpe, tpe))
val equalTo: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make { case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "$eq$eq", _, Some(args), _) =>
comparisonConverter(lhsTpe, args, "equalTo")
val get: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make {
case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "get", _, _, _) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[Option[_]] =>
val isEven: ASTConverter =
new ASTConverter {
def unapply(method: AST.Method): Option[(AST, AssertAST, (Int, Int))] =
method match {
case AST.Method(
AST.Method(lhs, lhsTpe, _, "$percent", _, Some(List(q"2")), span0),
) =>
Some((lhs, AssertAST("isEven", List(lhsTpe)), span0._1 -> span._2))
case _ => None
val isOdd: ASTConverter =
new ASTConverter {
def unapply(method: AST.Method): Option[(AST, AssertAST, (Int, Int))] =
method match {
case AST.Method(
AST.Method(lhs, lhsTpe, _, "$percent", _, Some(List(q"2")), span0),
) =>
Some((lhs, AssertAST("isOdd", List(lhsTpe)), span0._1 -> span._2))
case _ => None
val greaterThan: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make { case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "$greater", _, Some(args), _) =>
comparisonConverter(lhsTpe, args, "greaterThan")
val greaterThanOrEqualTo: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make { case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "$greater$eq", _, Some(args), _) =>
comparisonConverter(lhsTpe, args, "greaterThanOrEqualTo")
val lessThan: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make { case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "$less", _, Some(args), _) =>
comparisonConverter(lhsTpe, args, "lessThan")
val lessThanOrEqualTo: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make { case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "$less$eq", _, Some(args), _) =>
comparisonConverter(lhsTpe, args, "lessThanOrEqualTo")
val head: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make {
case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "head", _, _, _) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[Iterable[_]] =>
val hasAt: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make {
case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "apply", _, Some(args), _) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[Seq[_]] =>
AssertAST("hasAt", args = args)
val hasKey: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make {
case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "apply", _, Some(args), _) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[Map[_, _]] =>
AssertAST("hasKey", args = args)
val isEmptyIterable: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make {
case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "isEmpty", _, _, _) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[Iterable[_]] =>
val isNonEmptyIterable: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make {
case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "nonEmpty", _, _, _) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[Iterable[_]] =>
val isEmptyOption: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make {
case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "isEmpty", _, _, _) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[Option[_]] =>
val isDefinedOption: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make {
case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "isDefined", _, _, _) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[Option[_]] =>
val containsSeq: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make {
case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "contains", _, Some(args), _) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[Seq[_]] =>
if (args.head.tpe.dealias <:< lhsTpe.typeArgs.head.dealias)
AssertAST("containsSeq", args = args, tpes = List(args.head.tpe.dealias, lhsTpe.typeArgs.head.dealias))
AssertAST("containsSeq", args = args)
val containsOption: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make {
case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "contains", _, Some(args), _) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[Option[_]] =>
AssertAST("containsOption", args = args, tpes = List(lhsTpe.dealias.typeArgs.head))
val containsString: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make {
case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "contains", _, Some(args), _) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[String] =>
AssertAST("containsString", args = args)
// Option
val asSome: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make {
case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "get", _, _, _) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[Option[_]] =>
// Either
val asRight: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make {
case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "$asRight", _, _, _) if lhsTpe <:< weakTypeOf[Either[_, _]] =>
val eitherType: Type = typeOf[Either[_, _]]
val rightGet: ASTConverter =
new ASTConverter {
def unapply(method: AST.Method): Option[(AST, AssertAST, (Int, Int))] =
method match {
case AST.Method(AST.Method(lhs, lhsTpe, _, "right", _, _, lhsSpan), _, _, "get", _, _, span)
if lhsTpe <:< eitherType =>
Some((lhs, AssertAST("asRight"), lhsSpan._1 -> span._2))
case _ => None
val asLeft: ASTConverter =
ASTConverter.make {
case AST.Method(_, lhsTpe, _, "$asLeft", _, _, _) if lhsTpe <:< eitherType =>
val leftGet: ASTConverter =
new ASTConverter {
override def unapply(method: AST.Method): Option[(AST, AssertAST, (Int, Int))] =
method match {
case AST.Method(AST.Method(lhs, lhsTpe, _, "left", _, _, lhsSpan), _, _, "get", _, _, span)
if lhsTpe <:< eitherType =>
Some((lhs, AssertAST("asLeft"), lhsSpan._1 -> span._2))
case _ => None
val all: List[ASTConverter] = List(