zio.test.PrettyPrint.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package zio.test
import zio.internal.ansi.AnsiStringOps
import zio.{Chunk, NonEmptyChunk}
import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
* PrettyPrint will attempt to render a Scala value as the syntax used to create
* that value. This makes it easier to copy-paste from values printed to the
* console during tests back into runnable code.
private[zio] object PrettyPrint extends PrettyPrintVersionSpecific {
def apply(any: Any): String =
any match {
case nonEmptyChunk: NonEmptyChunk[_] =>
nonEmptyChunk.map(PrettyPrint.apply).mkString("NonEmptyChunk(", ", ", ")")
case chunk: Chunk[_] =>
chunk.map(PrettyPrint.apply).mkString("Chunk(", ", ", ")")
case array: Array[_] =>
array.map(PrettyPrint.apply).mkString("Array(", ", ", ")")
case Some(a) => s"Some(${PrettyPrint(a)})"
case None => s"None"
case Nil => "Nil"
case set: Set[_] =>
set.map(PrettyPrint.apply).mkString(s"${className(set)}(", ", ", ")")
case iterable: Seq[_] =>
iterable.map(PrettyPrint.apply).mkString(s"${className(iterable)}(", ", ", ")")
case map: Map[_, _] =>
val body = map.map { case (key, value) => s"${PrettyPrint(key)} -> ${PrettyPrint(value)}" }
case product: Product =>
val name = product.productPrefix
val labels0 = labels(product)
val body = labels0
.map { case (key, value) =>
s"${(key + " =").faint} ${PrettyPrint(value)}"
val isMultiline = body.split("\n").length > 1
val indentedBody = indent(body, if (isMultiline) 2 else 0)
val spacer = if (isMultiline) "\n" else ""
case string: String =>
val surround = if (string.split("\n").length > 1) "\"\"\"" else "\""
string.replace("\"", """\"""").mkString(surround, "", surround)
case char: Char =>
case null => ""
case other => other.toString
private def indent(string: String, n: Int = 2): String =
string.split("\n").map((" " * n) + _).mkString("\n")
private def className(any: Any): String = any match {
case _: List[_] => "List"
case other => other.getClass.getSimpleName