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zio.test.Macros.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2021-2023 John A. De Goes and the ZIO Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.test
import zio._
import zio.internal.stacktracer.SourceLocation
import zio.test.internal.SmartAssertions
import scala.quoted._
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
object SmartAssertMacros {
def smartAssertSingle(expr: Expr[Boolean], sourceLocation: Expr[SourceLocation])(using Quotes): Expr[TestResult] =
SmartAssertMacros.smartAssertSingle_impl(expr, sourceLocation)
def smartAssert(exprs: Expr[Seq[Boolean]], sourceLocation: Expr[SourceLocation])(using Quotes): Expr[TestResult] =
SmartAssertMacros.smartAssert_impl(exprs, sourceLocation)
extension (using Quotes)(typeRepr: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr) {
def typeTree: quotes.reflect.TypeTree = {
import quotes.reflect._
typeRepr.widen.asType match {
case '[tp] => TypeTree.of[tp]
object MethodCall {
def unapply(using Quotes)(tree: quotes.reflect.Term): Option[(quotes.reflect.Term, String, List[quotes.reflect.TypeRepr], Option[List[quotes.reflect.Term]])] = {
import quotes.reflect._
tree match {
case Select(lhs, name) => Some((lhs, name, List.empty, None))
case TypeApply(Select(lhs, name), tpes) => Some((lhs, name,, None))
case Apply(Select(lhs, name), args) => Some((lhs, name, List.empty, Some(args)))
case Apply(TypeApply(Select(lhs, name), tpes), args) => Some((lhs, name,, Some(args)))
case _ => None
case class PositionContext(start: Int)
object PositionContext {
def apply(using Quotes)(term: quotes.reflect.Term) = new PositionContext(term.pos.start)
def transformAs[Start: Type, End: Type](expr: Expr[TestLens[End]])(start: Expr[TestArrow[Any, Start]])(using PositionContext, Quotes) : Expr[TestArrow[Any, End]] = {
val res = expr match {
case '{ TestLensAnyOps($lhs: TestLens[a]).anything } =>
val arrow = transformAs[Start, a](lhs.asInstanceOf[Expr[TestLens[a]]])(start)
'{ $arrow >>> SmartAssertions.anything }
case '{ type a; TestLensAnyOps($lhs: TestLens[`a`]).custom($customAssertion: CustomAssertion[`a`, End]) } =>
val arrow = transformAs[Start, a](lhs.asInstanceOf[Expr[TestLens[a]]])(start)
'{ $arrow >>> SmartAssertions.custom[a, End]($customAssertion) }
case '{ type a >: End; TestLensAnyOps($lhs: TestLens[`a`]).subtype[End] } =>
val arrow = transformAs[Start, a](lhs.asInstanceOf[Expr[TestLens[a]]])(start)
Expr.summon[ClassTag[End]] match {
case Some(tag) =>
'{ $arrow >>>[a, End]($tag) }
case None =>
throw new Error("NEED CLASS TAG")
case '{ TestLensOptionOps($lhs: TestLens[Option[End]]).some } =>
val arrow = transformAs[Start, Option[End]](lhs.asInstanceOf[Expr[TestLens[Option[End]]]])(start)
'{ $arrow >>> SmartAssertions.isSome }
case '{ type e; TestLensEitherOps[`e`, End]($lhs: TestLens[Either[`e`, End]]).right } =>
val arrow = transformAs[Start, Either[e, End]](lhs.asInstanceOf[Expr[TestLens[Either[e, End]]]])(start)
'{ $arrow >>> SmartAssertions.asRight }
case '{ type e; TestLensEitherOps[End, `e`]($lhs: TestLens[Either[End, `e`]]).left } =>
val arrow = transformAs[Start, Either[End, e]](lhs.asInstanceOf[Expr[TestLens[Either[End, e]]]])(start)
'{ $arrow >>> SmartAssertions.asLeft }
case '{ TestLensCauseOps($lhs: TestLens[Cause[End]]).failure } =>
val arrow = transformAs[Start, Cause[End]](lhs.asInstanceOf[Expr[TestLens[Cause[End]]]])(start)
'{ $arrow >>> SmartAssertions.asCauseFailure }
case '{ type a; TestLensCauseOps($lhs: TestLens[Cause[`a`]]).die } =>
val arrow = transformAs[Start, Cause[a]](lhs.asInstanceOf[Expr[TestLens[Cause[a]]]])(start)
'{ $arrow >>> SmartAssertions.asCauseDie }
case '{ type a; TestLensCauseOps($lhs: TestLens[Cause[`a`]]).interrupted } =>
val arrow = transformAs[Start, Cause[a]](lhs.asInstanceOf[Expr[TestLens[Cause[a]]]])(start)
'{ $arrow >>> SmartAssertions.asCauseInterrupted }
case '{ type a; TestLensExitOps($lhs: TestLens[Exit[End, `a`]]).failure } =>
val arrow = transformAs[Start, Exit[End, a]](lhs.asInstanceOf[Expr[TestLens[Exit[End, a]]]])(start)
'{ $arrow >>> SmartAssertions.asExitFailure }
case '{ type a; TestLensExitOps($lhs: TestLens[Exit[`a`, End]]).success } =>
val arrow = transformAs[Start, Exit[a, End]](lhs.asInstanceOf[Expr[TestLens[Exit[a, End]]]])(start)
'{ $arrow >>> SmartAssertions.asExitSuccess }
case '{ type e; type a; TestLensExitOps($lhs: TestLens[Exit[`e`, `a`]]).die } =>
val arrow = transformAs[Start, Exit[e, a]](lhs.asInstanceOf[Expr[TestLens[Exit[e, a]]]])(start)
'{ $arrow >>> SmartAssertions.asExitDie }
case '{ type e; type a; TestLensExitOps($lhs: TestLens[Exit[`e`, `a`]]).interrupted } =>
val arrow = transformAs[Start, Exit[e, a]](lhs.asInstanceOf[Expr[TestLens[Exit[e, a]]]])(start)
'{ $arrow >>> SmartAssertions.asExitInterrupted }
case other =>
res.asInstanceOf[Expr[TestArrow[Any, End]]]
def transform[A: Type](expr: Expr[A])(using PositionContext, Quotes) : Expr[TestArrow[Any, A]] = {
import quotes.reflect._
def isBool(term: quotes.reflect.Term): Boolean = {
term.tpe.widen.asType match {
case '[Boolean] => true
case _ => false
def getSpan(term: quotes.reflect.Term): Expr[(Int, Int)] =
Expr(term.pos.start - summon[PositionContext].start, term.pos.end - summon[PositionContext].start)
expr match {
case '{ type t; type v; SmartAssertionOps[`t`](${something}: `t`).is[`v`](${Unseal(Lambda(terms, body))}) } =>
val lhs = transform(something).asInstanceOf[Expr[TestArrow[Any, t]]]
val res = transformAs(body.asExprOf[TestLens[v]])(lhs)
res.asInstanceOf[Expr[TestArrow[Any, A]]]
case Unseal(Inlined(a, b, expr)) => Inlined(a, b, transform(expr.asExprOf[A]).asTerm).asExprOf[zio.test.TestArrow[Any, A]]
case Unseal(Apply(Select(lhs, op @ (">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=")), List(rhs))) =>
val span = getSpan(rhs)
lhs.tpe.widen.asType match {
case '[l] =>
Expr.summon[Ordering[l]] match {
case Some(ord) =>
op match {
case ">" =>
'{${transform(lhs.asExprOf[l])} >>> SmartAssertions.greaterThan(${rhs.asExprOf[l]})($ord).span($span)}.asExprOf[TestArrow[Any, A]]
case ">=" =>
'{${transform(lhs.asExprOf[l])} >>> SmartAssertions.greaterThanOrEqualTo(${rhs.asExprOf[l]})($ord).span($span)}.asExprOf[TestArrow[Any, A]]
case "<" =>
'{${transform(lhs.asExprOf[l])} >>> SmartAssertions.lessThan(${rhs.asExprOf[l]})($ord).span($span)}.asExprOf[TestArrow[Any, A]]
case "<=" =>
'{${transform(lhs.asExprOf[l])} >>> SmartAssertions.lessThanOrEqualTo(${rhs.asExprOf[l]})($ord).span($span)}.asExprOf[TestArrow[Any, A]]
case _ => throw new Error("NO")
case Unseal(MethodCall(lhs, "==", tpes, Some(List(rhs)))) =>
val span = getSpan(rhs)
'{${transform(lhs.asExpr)} >>> SmartAssertions.equalTo(${rhs.asExpr}).span($span)}.asExprOf[TestArrow[Any, A]]
case Unseal(MethodCall(lhs, "&&", tpes, Some(List(rhs)))) if isBool(lhs) =>
val span = getSpan(rhs)
lhs.tpe.widen.asType match {
case '[l] =>
'{${transform(lhs.asExprOf[Boolean])} && {${transform(rhs.asExprOf[Boolean])}}}.asExprOf[TestArrow[Any, A]]
case Unseal(MethodCall(lhs, "||", tpes, Some(List(rhs)))) if isBool(lhs) =>
val span = getSpan(rhs)
lhs.tpe.widen.asType match {
case '[l] =>
'{${transform(lhs.asExprOf[Boolean])} || {${transform(rhs.asExprOf[Boolean])}}}.asExprOf[TestArrow[Any, A]]
case Unseal(method @ MethodCall(lhs, name, tpeArgs, args)) =>
def body(param: Term) =
(tpeArgs, args) match {
case (Nil, None) =>
try Select.unique(param, name)
catch {
case _: AssertionError =>
// Tries to find directly the referenced method on lhs's type
lhs.symbol.declaredMethods.filter( == name).headOption match {
case Some(method) => Select(param, method)
case None => throw new Error(s"Could not resolve $name on $lhs")
case (tpeArgs, Some(args)) => Select.overloaded(param, name, tpeArgs, args)
case (tpeArgs, None) => TypeApply(Select.unique(param, name),
val tpe = lhs.tpe.widen
tpe.asType match {
case '[l] =>
val selectBody = '{
(from: l) => ${ body('{from}.asTerm).asExprOf[A] }
val lhsExpr = transform(lhs.asExprOf[l]).asExprOf[TestArrow[Any, l]]
val assertExpr = '{TestArrow.fromFunction[l, A](${selectBody})}
val pos = summon[PositionContext]
val span = Expr((lhs.pos.end - pos.start, method.pos.end - pos.start))
'{$lhsExpr >>> $assertExpr.span($span)}
case Unseal(tree) =>
val span = getSpan(tree)
def smartAssertSingle_impl(using Quotes)(value: Expr[Boolean], sourceLocation: Expr[SourceLocation]): Expr[TestResult] = {
import quotes.reflect._
val code = Macros.showExpr(value)
implicit val ptx: PositionContext =
val ast = transform(value)
val arrow = ast.asExprOf[TestArrow[Any, Boolean]]
def smartAssert_impl(using Quotes)(values: Expr[Seq[Boolean]], sourceLocation: Expr[SourceLocation]): Expr[TestResult] = {
import quotes.reflect._
values match {
case Varargs(head +: tail) =>
tail.foldLeft(smartAssertSingle_impl(head, sourceLocation)) { (acc, expr) =>
'{$acc && ${smartAssertSingle_impl(expr, sourceLocation)}}
case other =>
throw new Error(s"Improper Varargs: ${other}")
object Unseal {
def unapply(using Quotes)(expr: Expr[_]): Option[quotes.reflect.Term] = {
import quotes.reflect._
object Macros {
def assertZIO_impl[R: Type, E: Type, A: Type](effect: Expr[ZIO[R, E, A]])(assertion: Expr[Assertion[A]])
(using Quotes): Expr[ZIO[R, E, TestResult]] = {
import quotes.reflect._
val code = Expr(showExpr(effect))
val assertionCode = Expr(showExpr(assertion))
'{_root_.zio.test.CompileVariants.assertZIOProxy($effect, $code, $assertionCode)($assertion)}
def assert_impl[A](value: Expr[A])(assertion: Expr[Assertion[A]], trace: Expr[Trace], sourceLocation: Expr[SourceLocation])(using Quotes, Type[A]): Expr[TestResult] = {
import quotes.reflect._
val code = showExpr(value)
val assertionCode = showExpr(assertion)
'{_root_.zio.test.CompileVariants.assertProxy($value, ${Expr(code)}, ${Expr(assertionCode)})($assertion)($trace, $sourceLocation)}
def showExpr[A](expr: Expr[A])(using Quotes): String = {
import quotes.reflect._
def showExpression_impl[A](value: Expr[A])(using Quotes): Expr[String] = {
import quotes.reflect._