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package zio.test
import zio._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* A `ZTestLogger` is an implementation of a `ZLogger` that writes all log
* messages to an internal data structure. The contents of this data structure
* can be accessed using the `logOutput` operator. This makes it easy to write
* tests to verify that expected messages are being logged.
* {{{
* test("logging works") {
* for {
* _ <- ZIO.logDebug("It's alive!")
* output <- ZTestLogger.logOutput
* } yield assertTrue(output.length == 1) &&
* assertTrue(output(0).message() == "It's alive!") &&
* assertTrue(output(0).logLevel == LogLevel.Debug)
* }
* }}}
sealed trait ZTestLogger[-Message, +Output] extends ZLogger[Message, Output] {
* Returns the contents of the log.
def logOutput: UIO[Chunk[ZTestLogger.LogEntry]]
object ZTestLogger {
* A layer which constructs a new `ZTestLogger` and runs the effect it is
* provided to with the `Runtime` updated to add the `ZTestLogger`.
val default: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Any] =
ZLayer.scoped {
for {
testLogger <- ZTestLogger.make
acquire <- FiberRef.currentLoggers.locallyScopedWith(_ + testLogger)
} yield ()
* Accesses the contents of the current test logger.
val logOutput: UIO[Chunk[ZTestLogger.LogEntry]] =
ZIO.loggersWith { loggers =>
loggers.collectFirst { case testLogger: ZTestLogger[_, _] =>
.getOrElse(ZIO.dieMessage("Defect: ZTestLogger is missing"))
* A log entry captures all of the contents of a log message as a data
* structure.
final case class LogEntry(
trace: Trace,
fiberId: FiberId,
logLevel: LogLevel,
message: () => String,
cause: Cause[Any],
context: FiberRefs,
spans: List[LogSpan],
annotations: Map[String, String]
) {
def call[A](zlogger: ZLogger[String, A]): A =
zlogger(trace, fiberId, logLevel, message, cause, context, spans, annotations)
* Constructs a `ZTestLogger`.
private def make: UIO[ZLogger[String, Unit]] =
ZIO.succeed {
val _logOutput = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference[Chunk[LogEntry]](Chunk.empty)
new ZTestLogger[String, Unit] {
def apply(
trace: Trace,
fiberId: FiberId,
logLevel: LogLevel,
message: () => String,
cause: Cause[Any],
context: FiberRefs,
spans: List[LogSpan],
annotations: Map[String, String]
): Unit = {
val newEntry = LogEntry(trace, fiberId, logLevel, message, cause, context, spans, annotations)
val oldState = _logOutput.get
if (!_logOutput.compareAndSet(oldState, oldState :+ newEntry))
apply(trace, fiberId, logLevel, message, cause, context, spans, annotations)
else ()
val logOutput: UIO[Chunk[LogEntry]] =