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zio.test.TestArrow.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package zio.test
import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import zio.{Chunk, ChunkBuilder, Trace, ZIO}
import zio.internal.stacktracer.SourceLocation
import zio.test.Assertion.Arguments
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
case class TestResult(arrow: TestArrow[Any, Boolean]) { self =>
lazy val result: TestTrace[Boolean] =, Right(()))
lazy val failures: Option[TestTrace[Boolean]] = TestTrace.prune(result, false)
def isFailure: Boolean = failures.isDefined
def isSuccess: Boolean = failures.isEmpty
def &&(that: TestResult): TestResult = TestResult(arrow && that.arrow)
def ||(that: TestResult): TestResult = TestResult(arrow || that.arrow)
def unary_! : TestResult = TestResult(!arrow)
def implies(that: TestResult): TestResult = !self || that
def ==>(that: TestResult): TestResult = self.implies(that)
def iff(that: TestResult): TestResult =
(self ==> that) && (that ==> self)
def <==>(that: TestResult): TestResult =
def ??(message: String): TestResult = self.label(message)
def label(message: String): TestResult = TestResult(arrow.label(message))
def setGenFailureDetails(details: GenFailureDetails): TestResult =
object TestResult {
def allSuccesses(assert: TestResult, asserts: TestResult*): TestResult = asserts.foldLeft(assert)(_ && _)
def allSuccesses(asserts: Iterable[TestResult])(implicit trace: Trace, sourceLocation: SourceLocation): TestResult =
allSuccesses(assertCompletes, asserts.toSeq: _*)
def anySuccesses(assert: TestResult, asserts: TestResult*): TestResult = asserts.foldLeft(assert)(_ || _)
def anySuccesses(asserts: Iterable[TestResult])(implicit trace: Trace, sourceLocation: SourceLocation): TestResult =
anySuccesses(!assertCompletes, asserts.toSeq: _*)
implicit def liftTestResultToZIO[R, E](result: TestResult)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, TestResult] =
if (result.isSuccess)
private[zio] final case class Exit(result: TestResult) extends Throwable
@deprecated("Use allSuccesses", "2.0.16")
def all(asserts: TestResult*): TestResult = asserts.reduce(_ && _)
@deprecated("Use anySuccesses", "2.0.16")
def any(asserts: TestResult*): TestResult = asserts.reduce(_ || _)
sealed trait TestArrow[-A, +B] { self =>
def render: String = {
val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[String]()
def loop(arrows: List[Either[String, TestArrow[_, _]]]): Unit =
if (arrows.nonEmpty) {
arrows.head match {
case Right(TestArrow.And(left, right)) =>
loop(Left("(") :: Right(left) :: Left(" && ") :: Right(right) :: Left(")") :: arrows.tail)
case Right(TestArrow.Or(left, right)) =>
loop(Left("(") :: Right(left) :: Left(" || ") :: Right(right) :: Left(")") :: arrows.tail)
case Right(TestArrow.Not(arrow)) =>
loop(Left("not") :: Left("(") :: Right(arrow) :: Left(")") :: arrows.tail)
case Right(TestArrow.AndThen(left, right)) =>
loop(Right(left) :: Left("(") :: Right(right) :: Left(")") :: arrows.tail)
case Right(arrow: TestArrow.Meta[_, _]) =>
val code = { code =>
if (arrow.codeArguments.nonEmpty) s"${code}(${arrow.codeArguments.mkString(", ")})" else code
builder += code.mkString
case Right(arrow @ TestArrow.TestArrowF(_)) =>
builder += arrow.toString
case Right(arrow @ TestArrow.Suspend(_)) =>
builder += arrow.toString
case Left(str) =>
builder += str
def ??(message: String): TestArrow[A, B] = self.label(message)
def label(message: String): TestArrow[A, B] = self.meta(customLabel = Some(message))
def setGenFailureDetails(details: GenFailureDetails): TestArrow[A, B] =
self.meta(genFailureDetails = Some(details))
import TestArrow._
def meta(
span: Option[Span] = None,
parentSpan: Option[Span] = None,
code: Option[String] = None,
location: Option[String] = None,
completeCode: Option[String] = None,
customLabel: Option[String] = None,
genFailureDetails: Option[GenFailureDetails] = None
): TestArrow[A, B] = self match {
case self: Meta[A, B] =>
new Meta(
) {
override def codeArguments: Chunk[Arguments] = self.codeArguments
case _ =>
arrow = self,
span = span,
parentSpan = parentSpan,
code = code,
location = location,
completeCode = completeCode,
customLabel = customLabel,
genFailureDetails = genFailureDetails
def span(span: (Int, Int)): TestArrow[A, B] =
meta(span = Some(Span(span._1, span._2)))
def withCode(code: String): TestArrow[A, B] =
meta(code = Some(code))
def withCode(code: String, arguments: Arguments*): TestArrow[A, B] = self match {
case self: Meta[A, B] =>
new Meta(
) {
override def codeArguments: Chunk[Arguments] = Chunk.fromIterable(arguments)
case _ =>
new Meta(
arrow = self,
span = None,
parentSpan = None,
code = Some(code),
location = None,
completeCode = None,
customLabel = None,
genFailureDetails = None
) {
override def codeArguments: Chunk[Arguments] = Chunk.fromIterable(arguments)
def withCompleteCode(completeCode: String): TestArrow[A, B] =
meta(completeCode = Some(completeCode))
def withLocation(implicit sourceLocation: SourceLocation): TestArrow[A, B] =
meta(location = Some(s"${sourceLocation.path}:${sourceLocation.line}"))
def withParentSpan(span: (Int, Int)): TestArrow[A, B] =
meta(parentSpan = Some(Span(span._1, span._2)))
def >>>[C](that: TestArrow[B, C]): TestArrow[A, C] =
AndThen[A, B, C](self, that)
def &&[A1 <: A](that: TestArrow[A1, Boolean])(implicit ev: B <:< Boolean): TestArrow[A1, Boolean] =
And(self.asInstanceOf[TestArrow[A1, Boolean]], that)
def ||[A1 <: A](that: TestArrow[A1, Boolean])(implicit ev: B <:< Boolean): TestArrow[A1, Boolean] =
Or(self.asInstanceOf[TestArrow[A1, Boolean]], that)
def unary_![A1 <: A](implicit ev: B <:< Boolean): TestArrow[A1, Boolean] =
Not(self.asInstanceOf[TestArrow[A1, Boolean]])
object TestArrow {
def succeed[A](value: => A): TestArrow[Any, A] = TestArrowF(_ => TestTrace.succeed(value))
def fromFunction[A, B](f: A => B): TestArrow[A, B] = make(f andThen TestTrace.succeed)
def suspend[A, B](f: A => TestArrow[Any, B]): TestArrow[A, B] = TestArrow.Suspend(f)
def make[A, B](f: A => TestTrace[B]): TestArrow[A, B] =
makeEither(e => TestTrace.die(e).annotate(TestTrace.Annotation.Rethrow), f)
def makeEither[A, B](onFail: Throwable => TestTrace[B], onSucceed: A => TestTrace[B]): TestArrow[A, B] =
TestArrowF {
case Left(error) => onFail(error)
case Right(value) => onSucceed(value)
private def attempt[A](expr: => TestTrace[A]): TestTrace[A] =
try {
} catch {
case NonFatal(exception) =>
val trace = exception.getStackTrace
var met = false
val newTrace = trace.filterNot { trace =>
if (trace.toString.contains("zio.test.TestArrow")) {
met = true
def run[A, B](arrow: TestArrow[A, B], in: Either[Throwable, A]): TestTrace[B] = attempt {
arrow match {
case TestArrowF(f) =>
case AndThen(f, g) =>
val t1 = run(f, in)
t1.result match {
case Result.Fail => t1.asInstanceOf[TestTrace[B]]
case Result.Die(err) => t1 >>> run(g, Left(err))
case Result.Succeed(value) => t1 >>> run(g, Right(value))
case And(lhs, rhs) =>
run(lhs, in) && run(rhs, in)
case Or(lhs, rhs) =>
run(lhs, in) || run(rhs, in)
case Not(arrow) =>
!run(arrow, in)
case Suspend(f) =>
in match {
case Left(exception) =>
case Right(value) =>
run(f(value), in)
case Meta(arrow, span, parentSpan, code, location, completeCode, customLabel, genFailureDetails) =>
run(arrow, in)
case class Span(start: Int, end: Int) {
def substring(str: String): String = str.substring(start, end)
sealed case class Meta[-A, +B](
arrow: TestArrow[A, B],
span: Option[Span],
parentSpan: Option[Span],
code: Option[String],
location: Option[String],
completeCode: Option[String],
customLabel: Option[String],
genFailureDetails: Option[GenFailureDetails]
) extends TestArrow[A, B] {
def codeArguments: Chunk[Arguments] = Chunk.empty
case class TestArrowF[-A, +B](f: Either[Throwable, A] => TestTrace[B]) extends TestArrow[A, B]
case class AndThen[A, B, C](f: TestArrow[A, B], g: TestArrow[B, C]) extends TestArrow[A, C]
case class And[A](left: TestArrow[A, Boolean], right: TestArrow[A, Boolean]) extends TestArrow[A, Boolean]
case class Or[A](left: TestArrow[A, Boolean], right: TestArrow[A, Boolean]) extends TestArrow[A, Boolean]
case class Not[A](arrow: TestArrow[A, Boolean]) extends TestArrow[A, Boolean]
case class Suspend[A, B](f: A => TestArrow[Any, B]) extends TestArrow[A, B]