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* Copyright 2022-2024 John A. De Goes and the ZIO Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.control.{NonFatal, NoStackTrace}
* A [[zio.Config]] describes the structure of some configuration data.
sealed trait Config[+A] { self =>
* Returns a new config that is the composition of this config and the
* specified config.
def ++[B](that: => Config[B])(implicit zippable: Zippable[A, B]): Config[zippable.Out] =
Config.Zipped[A, B, zippable.Out](self, Config.defer(that), zippable)
* Returns a config whose structure is preferentially described by this
* config, but which falls back to the specified config if there is an issue
* reading from this config.
def ||[A1 >: A](that: => Config[A1]): Config[A1] = Config.Fallback(self, Config.defer(that))
* Adds a description to this configuration, which is intended for humans.
def ??(label: => String): Config[A] = Config.defer(Config.Described(self, label))
* Returns a new config whose structure is the same as this one, but which
* produces a different Scala value, constructed using the specified function.
def map[B](f: A => B): Config[B] = self.mapOrFail(a => Right(f(a)))
* Returns a new config whose structure is the same as this one, but which may
* produce a different Scala value, constructed using the specified fallible
* function.
def mapOrFail[B](f: A => Either[Config.Error, B]): Config[B] = Config.MapOrFail(self, f)
* Returns a new config whose structure is the same as this one, but which may
* produce a different Scala value, constructed using the specified function,
* which may throw exceptions that will be translated into validation errors.
def mapAttempt[B](f: A => B): Config[B] =
self.mapOrFail { a =>
try Right(f(a))
catch {
case NonFatal(e) => Left(Config.Error.InvalidData(Chunk.empty, e.getMessage))
* Returns a new config that has this configuration nested as a property of
* the specified name.
def nested(name: => String): Config[A] =
Config.defer(Config.Nested(name, self))
* Returns a new config that has this configuration nested as a property of
* the specified name.
def nested(name: => String, names: String*): Config[A] =
Config.defer(Config.Nested(name, names.foldRight(self)((name, config) => Config.Nested(name, config))))
* Returns an optional version of this config, which will be `None` if the
* data is missing from configuration, and `Some` otherwise.
def optional: Config[Option[A]] = Config.Optional(self)
* A named version of `||`.
def orElse[A1 >: A](that: => Config[A1]): Config[A1] = self || that
* Returns configuration which reads from this configuration, but which falls
* back to the specified configuration if reading from this configuration
* fails with an error satisfying the specified predicate.
def orElseIf(condition: Config.Error => Boolean): Config.OrElse[A] =
new Config.OrElse(self, condition)
* Returns a new config that describes a sequence of values, each of which has
* the structure of this config.
def repeat: Config[Chunk[A]] = Config.Sequence(self)
* Returns a new configuration which reads from this configuration and uses
* the resulting value to determine the configuration to read from.
def switch[A1 >: A, B](f: (A1, Config[B])*): Config[B] =
Config.Switch(self, f.toMap)
* Returns a new config that describes the same structure as this one, but
* which performs validation during loading.
def validate(message: => String)(f: A => Boolean): Config[A] =
self.mapOrFail(a => if (!f(a)) Left(Config.Error.InvalidData(Chunk.empty, message)) else Right(a))
* Returns a new config whose structure is the same as this one, but which may
* produce a different Scala value, constructed using the specified partial
* function, failing with the specified validation error if the partial
* function is not defined.
def validateWith[B](message: => String)(pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Config[B] =
self.mapOrFail(a => pf.lift(a).toRight(Config.Error.InvalidData(Chunk.empty, message)))
* Returns a new config that describes the same structure as this one, but has
* the specified default value in case the information cannot be found.
def withDefault[A1 >: A](default: => A1): Config[A1] =
* A named version of `++`.
def zip[B](that: => Config[B])(implicit z: Zippable[A, B]): Config[z.Out] = self ++ that
* Returns a new configuration that is the composition of this configuration
* and the specified configuration, combining their values using the function
* `f`.
def zipWith[B, C](that: => Config[B])(f: (A, B) => C): Config[C] =
object Config {
final class Secret private (private val raw: Array[Char]) { self =>
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
that match {
case that: Secret => {
val selfLength = self.raw.length
val thatLength = that.raw.length
var isEqual = if (selfLength == thatLength) 0 else 1
var i = 0
while (i < selfLength) {
val char = if (i >= thatLength) 'a' else that.raw(i)
isEqual = isEqual | (self.raw(i) ^ char)
i += 1
isEqual == 0
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int = value.hashCode
override def toString(): String = "Secret()"
object unsafe {
def wipe(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): Unit =
(0 until raw.length).foreach(i => raw(i) = 0)
def value: Chunk[Char] = Chunk.fromArray(raw)
object Secret extends (Chunk[Char] => Secret) {
def apply(chunk: Chunk[Char]): Secret = new Secret(chunk.toArray)
def apply(cs: CharSequence): Secret = Secret(cs.toString)
def apply(s: String): Secret = new Secret(s.toCharArray)
def unapply(secret: Secret): Some[Chunk[Char]] = Some(secret.value)
sealed trait Primitive[+A] extends Config[A] { self =>
final def description: String =
(self: Primitive[_]) match {
case Bool => "a boolean property"
case Constant(_) => "a constant property"
case Decimal => "a decimal property"
case Duration => "a duration property"
case Fail(_) => "a static failure"
case Integer => "an integer property"
case LocalDateTime => "a local date-time property"
case LocalDate => "a local date property"
case LocalTime => "a local time property"
case OffsetDateTime => "an offset date-time property"
case SecretType => "a secret property"
case Text => "a text property"
final def missingError(name: String): Config.Error =
Config.Error.MissingData(Chunk.empty, s"Expected ${description} with name ${name}")
def parse(text: String): Either[Config.Error, A]
sealed trait Composite[+A] extends Config[A]
case object Bool extends Primitive[Boolean] {
final def parse(text: String): Either[Config.Error, Boolean] = text.toLowerCase match {
case "true" | "yes" | "on" | "1" => Right(true)
case "false" | "no" | "off" | "0" => Right(false)
case _ => Left(Config.Error.InvalidData(Chunk.empty, s"Expected a boolean value, but found ${text}"))
final case class Constant[A](value: A) extends Primitive[A] {
final def parse(text: String): Either[Config.Error, A] = Right(value)
case object Decimal extends Primitive[BigDecimal] {
final def parse(text: String): Either[Config.Error, BigDecimal] = try Right(BigDecimal(text))
catch {
case NonFatal(e) => Left(Config.Error.InvalidData(Chunk.empty, s"Expected a decimal value, but found ${text}"))
case object Duration extends Primitive[zio.Duration] {
final def parse(text: String): Either[Config.Error, zio.Duration] =
try {
} catch {
case _: java.time.format.DateTimeParseException =>
try {
} catch {
case _: NumberFormatException =>
Left(Config.Error.InvalidData(Chunk.empty, s"Expected a duration value, but found ${text}"))
final case class Fail(message: String) extends Primitive[Nothing] {
final def parse(text: String): Either[Config.Error, Nothing] = Left(Config.Error.Unsupported(Chunk.empty, message))
sealed class Fallback[A] protected (val first: Config[A], val second: Config[A])
extends Composite[A]
with Product
with Serializable { self =>
def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean =
def condition(error: Config.Error): Boolean =
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
that match {
case that: Fallback[_] => that.canEqual(self) && self.first == that.first && self.second == that.second
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int =
(first, second).##
def productArity: Int =
def productElement(n: Int): Any =
n match {
case 0 => first
case 1 => second
case _ => throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(n.toString)
object Fallback {
def apply[A](first: Config[A], second: Config[A]): Fallback[A] = new Fallback(first, second)
def unapply[A](fallback: Fallback[A]): Option[(Config[A], Config[A])] = Some((fallback.first, fallback.second))
final case class Optional[A](config: Config[A])
extends Fallback[Option[A]](, Config.succeed(None)) {
override def condition(error: Config.Error): Boolean = error.isMissingDataOnly
final case class FallbackWith[A](
override val first: Config[A],
override val second: Config[A],
f: Config.Error => Boolean
) extends Fallback[A](first, second) {
override def condition(error: Config.Error): Boolean =
case object Integer extends Primitive[BigInt] {
final def parse(text: String): Either[Config.Error, BigInt] = try Right(BigInt(text))
catch {
case NonFatal(e) => Left(Config.Error.InvalidData(Chunk.empty, s"Expected an integer value, but found ${text}"))
final case class Described[A](config: Config[A], description: String) extends Composite[A]
final case class Lazy[A](thunk: () => Config[A]) extends Composite[A]
case object LocalDateTime extends Primitive[java.time.LocalDateTime] {
final def parse(text: String): Either[Config.Error, java.time.LocalDateTime] = try Right(
catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
Left(Config.Error.InvalidData(Chunk.empty, s"Expected a local date-time value, but found ${text}"))
case object LocalDate extends Primitive[java.time.LocalDate] {
final def parse(text: String): Either[Config.Error, java.time.LocalDate] = try Right(
catch {
case NonFatal(e) => Left(Config.Error.InvalidData(Chunk.empty, s"Expected a local date value, but found ${text}"))
case object LocalTime extends Primitive[java.time.LocalTime] {
final def parse(text: String): Either[Config.Error, java.time.LocalTime] = try Right(
catch {
case NonFatal(e) => Left(Config.Error.InvalidData(Chunk.empty, s"Expected a local time value, but found ${text}"))
final case class MapOrFail[A, B](original: Config[A], mapOrFail: A => Either[Config.Error, B]) extends Composite[B]
final case class Nested[A](name: String, config: Config[A]) extends Composite[A]
case object OffsetDateTime extends Primitive[java.time.OffsetDateTime] {
final def parse(text: String): Either[Config.Error, java.time.OffsetDateTime] = try Right(
catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
Left(Config.Error.InvalidData(Chunk.empty, s"Expected an offset date-time value, but found ${text}"))
case object SecretType extends Primitive[Secret] {
final def parse(text: String): Either[Config.Error, Secret] = Right(
final case class Sequence[A](config: Config[A]) extends Composite[Chunk[A]]
final case class Switch[A, B](config: Config[A], map: Map[A, Config[B]]) extends Composite[B]
final case class Table[V](valueConfig: Config[V]) extends Composite[Map[String, V]]
case object Text extends Primitive[String] {
final def parse(text: String): Either[Config.Error, String] = Right(text)
final case class Zipped[A, B, C](left: Config[A], right: Config[B], zippable: Zippable.Out[A, B, C])
extends Composite[C]
* The possible ways that loading configuration data may fail.
sealed trait Error extends Exception with NoStackTrace { self =>
import Error._
def &&(that: Error): Error = And(self, that)
def ||(that: Error): Error = Or(self, that)
final def fold[Z](
invalidDataCase0: (Chunk[String], String) => Z,
missingDataCase0: (Chunk[String], String) => Z,
sourceUnavailableCase0: (Chunk[String], String, Cause[Throwable]) => Z,
unsupportedCase0: (Chunk[String], String) => Z
andCase0: (Z, Z) => Z,
orCase0: (Z, Z) => Z
): Z =
foldContext(()) {
new Folder[Unit, Z] {
def invalidDataCase(context: Unit, path: Chunk[String], message: String): Z =
invalidDataCase0(path, message)
def missingDataCase(context: Unit, path: Chunk[String], message: String): Z =
missingDataCase0(path, message)
def sourceUnavailableCase(context: Unit, path: Chunk[String], message: String, cause: Cause[Throwable]): Z =
sourceUnavailableCase0(path, message, cause)
def unsupportedCase(context: Unit, path: Chunk[String], message: String): Z =
unsupportedCase0(path, message)
def andCase(context: Unit, left: Z, right: Z): Z =
andCase0(left, right)
def orCase(context: Unit, left: Z, right: Z): Z =
orCase0(left, right)
final def foldContext[C, Z](context: C)(folder: Folder[C, Z]): Z = {
import folder._
sealed trait ErrorCase
case object AndCase extends ErrorCase
case object OrCase extends ErrorCase
def loop(in: List[Error], out: List[Either[ErrorCase, Z]]): List[Z] =
in match {
case InvalidData(path, message) :: errors =>
loop(errors, Right(invalidDataCase(context, path, message)) :: out)
case MissingData(path, message) :: errors =>
loop(errors, Right(missingDataCase(context, path, message)) :: out)
case SourceUnavailable(path, message, cause) :: errors =>
loop(errors, Right(sourceUnavailableCase(context, path, message, cause)) :: out)
case Unsupported(path, message) :: errors =>
loop(errors, Right(unsupportedCase(context, path, message)) :: out)
case And(left, right) :: errors =>
loop(left :: right :: errors, Left(AndCase) :: out)
case Or(left, right) :: errors =>
loop(left :: right :: errors, Left(OrCase) :: out)
case Nil =>
out.foldLeft[List[Z]](List.empty) {
case (acc, Right(errors)) => errors :: acc
case (acc, Left(AndCase)) =>
val left :: right :: errors = (acc: @unchecked)
andCase(context, left, right) :: errors
case (acc, Left(OrCase)) =>
val left :: right :: errors = (acc: @unchecked)
orCase(context, left, right) :: errors
loop(List(self), List.empty).head
final def isMissingDataOnly: Boolean =
def prefixed(prefix: Chunk[String]): Error
override def getMessage(): String = toString()
object Error {
final case class And(left: Error, right: Error) extends Error {
def prefixed(prefix: Chunk[String]): And =
copy(left = left.prefixed(prefix), right = right.prefixed(prefix))
override def toString(): String = s"(${left.toString()} and ${right.toString()})"
final case class InvalidData(path: Chunk[String] = Chunk.empty, message: String) extends Error {
def prefixed(prefix: Chunk[String]): InvalidData = copy(path = prefix ++ path)
override def toString(): String = s"(Invalid data at ${path.mkString(".")}: ${message})"
final case class MissingData(path: Chunk[String] = Chunk.empty, message: String) extends Error {
def prefixed(prefix: Chunk[String]): MissingData = copy(path = prefix ++ path)
override def toString(): String = s"(Missing data at ${path.mkString(".")}: ${message})"
final case class Or(left: Error, right: Error) extends Error {
def prefixed(prefix: Chunk[String]): Or =
copy(left = left.prefixed(prefix), right = right.prefixed(prefix))
override def toString(): String = s"(${left.toString()} or ${right.toString()})"
final case class SourceUnavailable(path: Chunk[String] = Chunk.empty, message: String, cause: Cause[Throwable])
extends Error {
def prefixed(prefix: Chunk[String]): SourceUnavailable = copy(path = prefix ++ path)
override def toString(): String = s"(Source unavailable at ${path.mkString(".")}: ${message})"
final case class Unsupported(path: Chunk[String] = Chunk.empty, message: String) extends Error {
def prefixed(prefix: Chunk[String]): Unsupported = copy(path = prefix ++ path)
override def toString(): String = s"(Unsupported operation at ${path.mkString(".")}: ${message})"
trait Folder[-Context, Z] {
def andCase(context: Context, left: Z, right: Z): Z
def invalidDataCase(context: Context, path: Chunk[String], message: String): Z
def missingDataCase(context: Context, path: Chunk[String], message: String): Z
def orCase(context: Context, left: Z, right: Z): Z
def sourceUnavailableCase(context: Context, path: Chunk[String], message: String, cause: Cause[Throwable]): Z
def unsupportedCase(context: Context, path: Chunk[String], message: String): Z
object Folder {
case object IsMissingDataOnly extends Folder[Any, Boolean] {
def andCase(context: Any, left: Boolean, right: Boolean): Boolean = left && right
def invalidDataCase(context: Any, path: Chunk[String], message: String): Boolean = false
def missingDataCase(context: Any, path: Chunk[String], message: String): Boolean = true
def orCase(context: Any, left: Boolean, right: Boolean): Boolean = left && right
def sourceUnavailableCase(
context: Any,
path: Chunk[String],
message: String,
cause: Cause[Throwable]
): Boolean = false
def unsupportedCase(context: Any, path: Chunk[String], message: String): Boolean = false
def bigDecimal: Config[BigDecimal] = Decimal
def bigDecimal(name: String): Config[BigDecimal] = bigDecimal.nested(name)
def bigInt: Config[BigInt] = Integer
def bigInt(name: String): Config[BigInt] = bigInt.nested(name)
def boolean: Config[Boolean] = Bool
def boolean(name: String): Config[Boolean] = boolean.nested(name)
def chunkOf[A](config: Config[A]): Config[Chunk[A]] = Sequence(config)
def chunkOf[A](name: String, config: Config[A]): Config[Chunk[A]] = chunkOf(config).nested(name)
def defer[A](config: => Config[A]): Config[A] =
Lazy(() => config)
def double: Config[Double] =
def double(name: String): Config[Double] = double.nested(name)
def duration: Config[zio.Duration] = Duration
def duration(name: String): Config[zio.Duration] = duration.nested(name)
def fail(error: => String): Config[Nothing] = defer(Fail(error))
def float: Config[Float] =
def float(name: String): Config[Float] = float.nested(name)
def int: Config[Int] =
def int(name: String): Config[Int] = int.nested(name)
def listOf[A](config: Config[A]): Config[List[A]] = chunkOf(config).map(_.toList)
def listOf[A](name: String, config: Config[A]): Config[List[A]] = listOf(config).nested(name)
def localDate: Config[java.time.LocalDate] = LocalDate
def localDate(name: String): Config[java.time.LocalDate] = localDate.nested(name)
def localDateTime: Config[java.time.LocalDateTime] = LocalDateTime
def localDateTime(name: String): Config[java.time.LocalDateTime] = localDateTime.nested(name)
def localTime: Config[java.time.LocalTime] = LocalTime
def localTime(name: String): Config[java.time.LocalTime] = localTime.nested(name)
def logLevel: Config[LogLevel] = Config.string.mapOrFail { value =>
val label = value.toUpperCase
LogLevel.levels.find(_.label == label) match {
case Some(v) => Right(v)
case None => Left(Config.Error.InvalidData(Chunk.empty, s"Expected a log level, but found ${value}"))
def logLevel(name: String): Config[LogLevel] = logLevel.nested(name)
def long: Config[Long] =
def long(name: String): Config[Long] = long.nested(name)
def nonEmptyChunkOf[A](config: Config[A]): Config[NonEmptyChunk[A]] =
.toRight(Config.Error.InvalidData(message = "Expected a NonEmptyChunk, but found Chunk.Empty"))
def nonEmptyChunkOf[A](name: String, config: Config[A]): Config[NonEmptyChunk[A]] =
def offsetDateTime: Config[java.time.OffsetDateTime] = OffsetDateTime
def offsetDateTime(name: String): Config[java.time.OffsetDateTime] = offsetDateTime.nested(name)
def secret: Config[Secret] = SecretType
def secret(name: String): Config[Secret] = secret.nested(name)
def setOf[A](config: Config[A]): Config[Set[A]] = chunkOf(config).map(_.toSet)
def setOf[A](name: String, config: Config[A]): Config[Set[A]] = setOf(config).nested(name)
def string: Config[String] = Text
def string(name: String): Config[String] = string.nested(name)
def succeed[A](value: => A): Config[A] = defer(Constant(value))
def table[V](value: Config[V]): Config[Map[String, V]] = Table(value)
def table[V](name: String, value: Config[V]): Config[Map[String, V]] = table(value).nested(name)
def uri: Config[] = string.mapAttempt(
def uri(name: String): Config[] = uri.nested(name)
def vectorOf[A](config: Config[A]): Config[Vector[A]] = chunkOf(config).map(_.toVector)
def vectorOf[A](name: String, config: Config[A]): Config[Vector[A]] = vectorOf(config).nested(name)
final class OrElse[+A](self: Config[A], condition: Error => Boolean) {
def apply[A1 >: A](that: Config[A1]): Config[A1] =
FallbackWith(self, that, condition)