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* Copyright 2022-2024 John A. De Goes and the ZIO Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet
import scala.util.Try
* A ConfigProvider is a service that provides configuration given a description
* of the structure of that configuration.
trait ConfigProvider {
self =>
* Loads the specified configuration, or fails with a config error.
def load[A](config: Config[A])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[Config.Error, A]
* Loads the configuration of type `A` using implicit Config[A], or fails with
* a config error.
def load[A](implicit trace: Trace, config: Config[A]): IO[Config.Error, A] = load(config)
* Returns a new config provider that will automatically tranform all path
* configuration names with the specified function. This can be utilized to
* adapt the names of configuration properties from one naming convention to
* another.
final def contramapPath(f: String => String): ConfigProvider =
* Flattens this config provider into a simplified config provider that knows
* only how to deal with flat (key/value) properties.
def flatten: ConfigProvider.Flat =
new ConfigProvider.Flat {
def load[A](path: Chunk[String], config: Config.Primitive[A])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] =
ZIO.die(new NotImplementedError("ConfigProvider#flatten"))
def enumerateChildren(path: Chunk[String])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[Config.Error, Set[String]] =
ZIO.die(new NotImplementedError("ConfigProvider#flatten"))
* Returns a new config provider that will automatically convert all property
* names to kebab case. This can be utilized to adapt the names of
* configuration properties from the default naming convention of camel case
* to the naming convention of a config provider.
final def kebabCase: ConfigProvider =
contramapPath(_.replaceAll("([a-z])([A-Z])", "$1-$2").toLowerCase)
* Returns a new config provider that will automatically convert all property
* names to lower case. This can be utilized to adapt the names of
* configuration properties from the default naming convention of camel case
* to the naming convention of a config provider.
final def lowerCase: ConfigProvider =
* Returns a new config provider that will automatically nest all
* configuration under the specified property name. This can be utilized to
* aggregate separate configuration sources that are all required to load a
* single configuration value.
final def nested(name: String): ConfigProvider =
* Returns a new config provider that preferentially loads configuration data
* from this one, but which will fall back to the specified alternate provider
* if there are any issues loading the configuration from this provider.
final def orElse(that: ConfigProvider): ConfigProvider =
* Returns a new config provider that will automatically convert all property
* names to snake case. This can be utilized to adapt the names of
* configuration properties from the default naming convention of camel case
* to the naming convention of a config provider.
final def snakeCase: ConfigProvider =
contramapPath(_.replaceAll("([a-z])([A-Z])", "$1_$2").toLowerCase)
* Returns a new config provider that will automatically unnest all
* configuration from the specified property name.
final def unnested(name: String): ConfigProvider =
* Returns a new config provider that will automatically convert all property
* names to upper case. This can be utilized to adapt the names of
* configuration properties from the default naming convention of camel case
* to the naming convention of a config provider.
final def upperCase: ConfigProvider =
* Returns a new config provider that transforms the config provider with the
* specified function within the specified path.
final def within(path: Chunk[String])(f: ConfigProvider => ConfigProvider): ConfigProvider = {
val unnested = path.foldLeft(self)((configProvider, name) => configProvider.unnested(name))
val nested = path.foldRight(f(unnested))((name, configProvider) => configProvider.nested(name))
object ConfigProvider {
* A simplified config provider that knows only how to deal with flat
* (key/value) properties. Because these providers are common, there is
* special support for implementing them.
trait Flat {
self =>
import Flat._
def load[A](path: Chunk[String], config: Config.Primitive[A])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]]
def enumerateChildren(path: Chunk[String])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[Config.Error, Set[String]]
def contramapPath(f: String => String): Flat =
new Flat {
override def load[A](path: Chunk[String], config: Config.Primitive[A], split: Boolean)(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] =
self.load(path, config, split)
def enumerateChildren(path: Chunk[String])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[Config.Error, Set[String]] =
def load[A](path: Chunk[String], config: Config.Primitive[A])(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] =
load(path, config, true)
override def patch: PathPatch =
def load[A](path: Chunk[String], config: Config.Primitive[A], split: Boolean)(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] =
load(path, config)
final def nested(name: String): Flat =
new Flat {
override def load[A](path: Chunk[String], config: Config.Primitive[A], split: Boolean)(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] =
self.load(path, config, split)
def enumerateChildren(path: Chunk[String])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[Config.Error, Set[String]] =
def load[A](path: Chunk[String], config: Config.Primitive[A])(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] =
load(path, config, true)
override def patch: PathPatch =
def patch: PathPatch =
final def orElse(that: Flat): Flat =
new Flat {
override def load[A](path: Chunk[String], config: Config.Primitive[A], split: Boolean)(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] =
.flatMap(self.load(_, config, split))
.catchAll(e1 =>
.flatMap(that.load(_, config, split))
.catchAll(e2 => || e2))
def enumerateChildren(path: Chunk[String])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[Config.Error, Set[String]] =
for {
l <- ZIO.fromEither(self.patch(path)).flatMap(self.enumerateChildren).either
r <- ZIO.fromEither(that.patch(path)).flatMap(that.enumerateChildren).either
result <- (l, r) match {
case (Left(e1), Left(e2)) => && e2)
case (Left(_), Right(r)) => ZIO.succeed(r)
case (Right(l), Left(_)) => ZIO.succeed(l)
case (Right(l), Right(r)) => ZIO.succeed(if (l.nonEmpty) l else r)
} yield result
def load[A](path: Chunk[String], config: Config.Primitive[A])(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] =
load(path, config, true)
override def patch: PathPatch =
final def unnested(name: String): Flat =
new Flat {
override def load[A](path: Chunk[String], config: Config.Primitive[A], split: Boolean)(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] =
self.load(path, config, split)
def enumerateChildren(path: Chunk[String])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[Config.Error, Set[String]] =
def load[A](path: Chunk[String], config: Config.Primitive[A])(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] =
load(path, config, true)
override def patch: PathPatch =
object Flat {
sealed trait PathPatch {
self =>
import PathPatch._
def apply[A](path: Chunk[String]): Either[Config.Error, Chunk[String]] = {
def loop(path: Chunk[String], patches: List[PathPatch]): Either[Config.Error, Chunk[String]] =
patches match {
case AndThen(first, second) :: tail =>
loop(path, first :: second :: tail)
case Empty :: tail =>
loop(path, tail)
case MapName(f) :: tail =>
loop(, tail)
case Nested(name) :: tail =>
loop(name +: path, tail)
case Unnested(name) :: tail =>
if (path.headOption.contains(name)) loop(path.tail, tail)
else Left(Config.Error.MissingData(path, s"Expected $name to be in path in ConfigProvider#unnested"))
case Nil =>
loop(path, List(self))
def mapName(f: String => String): PathPatch =
AndThen(self, MapName(f))
def nested(name: String): PathPatch =
AndThen(self, Nested(name))
def unnested(name: String): PathPatch =
AndThen(self, Unnested(name))
object PathPatch {
val empty: PathPatch =
private final case class AndThen(first: PathPatch, second: PathPatch) extends PathPatch
private case object Empty extends PathPatch
private final case class MapName(f: String => String) extends PathPatch
private final case class Nested(name: String) extends PathPatch
private final case class Unnested(name: String) extends PathPatch
object util {
def splitPathString(text: String, escapedDelim: String): Chunk[String] =
Chunk.fromArray(text.split("\\s*" + escapedDelim + "\\s*"))
def parsePrimitive[A](
text: String,
path: Chunk[String],
name: String,
primitive: Config.Primitive[A],
escapedDelim: String,
split: Boolean
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] = {
val name = path.lastOption.getOrElse("")
if (!split)
else {
.foreach(splitPathString(text, escapedDelim))(s => ZIO.fromEither(primitive.parse(s.trim)))
def parsePrimitive[A](
text: String,
path: Chunk[String],
name: String,
primitive: Config.Primitive[A],
escapedDelim: String
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] =
parsePrimitive(text, path, name, primitive, escapedDelim, true)
* A config provider layer that loads configuration from interactive console
* prompts, using the default Console service.
lazy val console: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, ConfigProvider] =
lazy val consoleProvider: ConfigProvider =
def consoleProvider(seqDelim: String = ","): ConfigProvider =
fromFlat(new Flat {
override def load[A](path: Chunk[String], primitive: Config.Primitive[A], split: Boolean)(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] = {
val name = path.lastOption.getOrElse("")
val description = primitive.description
val sourceError = (e: Throwable) =>
path :+ name,
"There was a problem reading configuration from the console",
for {
_ <- Console.printLine(s"Please enter ${description} for property ${name}:").mapError(sourceError)
line <- Console.readLine.mapError(sourceError)
results <- Flat.util.parsePrimitive(line, path, name, primitive, ",", split)
} yield results
def enumerateChildren(path: Chunk[String])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[Config.Error, Set[String]] =
(for {
_ <- Console.printLine(s"Enter the keys you want for the table ${path}, separated by commas:")
keys <-",").map(_.trim))
} yield keys.toSet).mapError(e =>
.SourceUnavailable(path, "There was a problem reading configuration from the console",
def load[A](path: Chunk[String], primitive: Config.Primitive[A])(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] =
load(path, primitive, true)
lazy val defaultProvider: ConfigProvider =
* A config provider layer that loads configuration from environment
* variables, using the default System service.
lazy val env: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, ConfigProvider] =
* A config provider that loads configuration from environment variables,
* using the default System service.
lazy val envProvider: ConfigProvider =
* Constructs a ConfigProvider that loads configuration information from
* environment variables, using the default System service and the specified
* delimiter strings.
def fromEnv(pathDelim: String = "_", seqDelim: String = ","): ConfigProvider =
fromFlat(new Flat {
val sourceUnavailable = (path: Chunk[String]) =>
(e: Throwable) =>
Config.Error.SourceUnavailable(path, "There was a problem reading environment variables",
val escapedSeqDelim = java.util.regex.Pattern.quote(seqDelim)
val escapedPathDelim = java.util.regex.Pattern.quote(pathDelim)
def makePathString(path: Chunk[String]): String = path.mkString(pathDelim).toUpperCase
def unmakePathString(pathString: String): Chunk[String] =
override def load[A](path: Chunk[String], primitive: Config.Primitive[A], split: Boolean)(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] = {
val pathString = makePathString(path)
val name = path.lastOption.getOrElse("")
for {
valueOpt <- zio.System.env(pathString).mapError(sourceUnavailable(path))
value <-
.mapError(_ => Config.Error.MissingData(path, s"Expected ${pathString} to be set in the environment"))
results <- Flat.util.parsePrimitive(value, path, name, primitive, escapedSeqDelim, split)
} yield results
def enumerateChildren(path: Chunk[String])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[Config.Error, Set[String]] = { envs =>
val keyPaths = Chunk.fromIterable(envs.keys).map(_.toUpperCase).map(unmakePathString)
def load[A](path: Chunk[String], primitive: Config.Primitive[A])(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] =
load(path, primitive, true)
}).contramapPath(_.replaceAll("-", "_"))
* Constructs a new ConfigProvider from a key/value (flat) provider, where
* nesting is embedded into the string keys.
def fromFlat(flat: Flat): ConfigProvider =
new ConfigProvider {
import Config._
def extend[A, B](leftDef: Int => A, rightDef: Int => B)(left: Chunk[A], right: Chunk[B]): (Chunk[A], Chunk[B]) = {
val leftPad = Chunk.unfold(left.length) { index =>
if (index >= right.length) None else Some(leftDef(index) -> (index + 1))
val rightPad = Chunk.unfold(right.length) { index =>
if (index >= left.length) None else Some(rightDef(index) -> (index + 1))
val leftExtension = left ++ leftPad
val rightExtension = right ++ rightPad
(leftExtension, rightExtension)
def returnEmptyListIfValueIsNil[A](
prefix: Chunk[String],
continue: ZIO[Any, Error, Chunk[Chunk[A]]]
): ZIO[Any, Error, Chunk[Chunk[A]]] =
(for {
possibleNil <- flat.load(prefix, Config.Text, split = false)
result <- if (possibleNil.headOption.exists(string => string.toLowerCase().trim == ""))
else continue
} yield result).orElse(continue)
def loop[A](prefix: Chunk[String], config: Config[A], split: Boolean, patchTail: Boolean = true)(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] =
config match {
case fallback: Fallback[A] =>
loop(prefix, fallback.first, split).catchAll(e1 =>
if (fallback.condition(e1)) loop(prefix, fallback.second, split).catchAll(e2 => || e2))
case Described(config, _) => loop(prefix, config, split)
case Lazy(thunk) => loop(prefix, thunk(), split)
case MapOrFail(original, f) =>
loop(prefix, original, split).flatMap { as =>
ZIO.foreach(as)(a => ZIO.fromEither(f(a)).mapError(_.prefixed(prefix)))
case Sequence(config) =>
for {
patchedPrefix <- ZIO.fromEither(flat.patch(prefix))
indices <- flat
.flatMap(set => indicesFrom(set))
values <-
if (indices.isEmpty) {
prefix = patchedPrefix,
continue = loop(prefix, config, split = true).map(Chunk(_))
} else
.foreach(Chunk.fromIterable(indices)) { index =>
loop(prefix :+ BracketedIndex(index), config, split = true)
.map { chunkChunk =>
val flattened = chunkChunk.flatten
if (flattened.isEmpty) Chunk(Chunk.empty)
else Chunk(flattened)
} yield values
case Nested(name, config) =>
loop(prefix :+ name, config, split)
case Switch(config, map) =>
loop(prefix, config, split).flatMap { as =>
.foreach(as) { a =>
map.get(a) match {
case Some(config) => loop(prefix, config, split)
case None =>, s"Invalid case: ${a}"))
case table: Table[valueType] =>
import table.valueConfig
for {
patchedPrefix <- ZIO.fromEither(flat.patch(prefix))
keys <- flat.enumerateChildren(patchedPrefix)
values <- ZIO.foreach(Chunk.fromIterable(keys))(key =>
loop(prefix ++ Chunk(key), valueConfig, split, patchTail = false)
} yield
if (values.isEmpty) Chunk(Map.empty[String, valueType])
else =>
case zipped: Zipped[leftType, rightType, c] =>
import zipped.{left, right, zippable}
for {
l <- loop(prefix, left, split).either
r <- loop(prefix, right, split).either
result <- (l, r) match {
case (Left(e1), Left(e2)) => && e2)
case (Left(e1), Right(_)) =>
case (Right(_), Left(e2)) =>
case (Right(l), Right(r)) =>
val path = prefix.mkString(".")
def lfail(index: Int): Either[Config.Error, leftType] =
s"The element at index ${index} in a sequence at ${path} was missing"
def rfail(index: Int): Either[Config.Error, rightType] =
s"The element at index ${index} in a sequence at ${path} was missing"
val (ls, rs) = extend(lfail, rfail)(,
ZIO.foreach( { case (l, r) =>
ZIO.fromEither(l).zipWith(ZIO.fromEither(r))(, _))
} yield result
case Constant(value) =>
case Fail(message) =>, message))
case primitive: Primitive[A] =>
for {
prefix <- if (patchTail) ZIO.fromEither(flat.patch(prefix))
else ZIO.fromEither(flat.patch(prefix.dropRight(1))).map(_ :+ prefix.last)
vs <- flat.load(prefix, primitive, split)
result <- if (vs.isEmpty)"")))
else ZIO.succeed(vs)
} yield result
def load[A](config: Config[A])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[Config.Error, A] =
loop(Chunk.empty, config, false).flatMap { chunk =>
chunk.headOption match {
case Some(a) => ZIO.succeed(a)
case _ =>, s"Expected a single value having structure ${config}"))
override def flatten: Flat = flat
* Constructs a ConfigProvider using a map and the specified delimiter string,
* which determines how to split the keys in the map into path segments.
def fromMap(map: Map[String, String], pathDelim: String = ".", seqDelim: String = ","): ConfigProvider =
fromFlat(new Flat {
val escapedSeqDelim = java.util.regex.Pattern.quote(seqDelim)
val escapedPathDelim = java.util.regex.Pattern.quote(pathDelim)
val mapWithIndexSplit = splitIndexInKeys(map, unmakePathString, makePathString)
def makePathString(path: Chunk[String]): String = path.mkString(pathDelim)
def unmakePathString(pathString: String): Chunk[String] =
override def load[A](path: Chunk[String], primitive: Config.Primitive[A], split: Boolean)(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] = {
val pathString = makePathString(path)
val name = path.lastOption.getOrElse("")
val valueOpt = mapWithIndexSplit.get(pathString)
for {
value <- ZIO
.mapError(_ => Config.Error.MissingData(path, s"Expected ${pathString} to be set in properties"))
results <- Flat.util.parsePrimitive(value, path, name, primitive, escapedSeqDelim, split)
} yield results
lazy val keyPaths = TreeSet.empty[String] ++ mapWithIndexSplit.keySet
def enumerateChildren(path: Chunk[String])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[Config.Error, Set[String]] =
ZIO.succeed {
val pathString = if (path.nonEmpty) path.mkString("", pathDelim, pathDelim) else ""
.flatMap(s => unmakePathString(s).slice(path.length, path.length + 1))
def load[A](path: Chunk[String], primitive: Config.Primitive[A])(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] =
load(path, primitive, true)
* Constructs a ConfigProvider that loads configuration information from
* system properties, using the default System service and the specified
* delimiter strings.
def fromProps(pathDelim: String = ".", seqDelim: String = ","): ConfigProvider =
fromFlat(new Flat {
val sourceUnavailable = (path: Chunk[String]) =>
(e: Throwable) => Config.Error.SourceUnavailable(path, "There was a problem reading properties",
val escapedSeqDelim = java.util.regex.Pattern.quote(seqDelim)
val escapedPathDelim = java.util.regex.Pattern.quote(pathDelim)
def makePathString(path: Chunk[String]): String = path.mkString(pathDelim)
def unmakePathString(pathString: String): Chunk[String] =
override def load[A](path: Chunk[String], primitive: Config.Primitive[A], split: Boolean)(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] = {
val pathString = makePathString(path)
val name = path.lastOption.getOrElse("")
for {
valueOpt <-
value <- ZIO
.mapError(_ => Config.Error.MissingData(path, s"Expected ${pathString} to be set in properties"))
results <- Flat.util.parsePrimitive(value, path, name, primitive, escapedSeqDelim, split)
} yield results
def enumerateChildren(path: Chunk[String])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[Config.Error, Set[String]] = { envs =>
val keyPaths = Chunk.fromIterable(envs.keys).map(unmakePathString)
def load[A](path: Chunk[String], primitive: Config.Primitive[A])(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[Config.Error, Chunk[A]] =
load(path, primitive, true)
* A config provider layer that loads configuration from system properties,
* using the default System service.
lazy val props: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, ConfigProvider] =
* A configuration provider that loads configuration from system properties,
* using the default System service.
lazy val propsProvider: ConfigProvider =
* The tag that describes the ConfigProvider service.
lazy val tag: Tag[ConfigProvider] = Tag[ConfigProvider]
private def indicesFrom(indices: Set[String]) =
.foreach(indices) { index =>
ZIO.fromOption(index match {
case BracketedIndex(index) => Some(index)
case _ => None
.mapBoth(_ => Chunk.empty, set => Chunk.fromIterable(set).sorted)
private object BracketedIndex {
private lazy val indexRegex = """(\[(\d+)\])""".stripMargin.r
def apply(value: Int): String = s"[${value}]"
def unapply(value: String): Option[Int] =
for {
regexMatched <- indexRegex.findPrefixMatchOf(value).filter(
possibleIndex <- Option(
index <- Try(possibleIndex.toInt).toOption
} yield index
private def splitIndexInKeys(
map: Map[String, String],
unmakePathString: String => Chunk[String],
makePathString: Chunk[String] => String
): Map[String, String] = { case (pathString, value) =>
val keyWithIndex =
for {
key <- unmakePathString(pathString)
keyWithIndex <-
splitIndexFrom(key) match {
case Some((key, index)) => Chunk(key, BracketedIndex(index))
case None => Chunk(key)
} yield keyWithIndex
makePathString(keyWithIndex) -> value
private lazy val strIndexRegex = """(^.+)(\[(\d+)\])$""".stripMargin.r
private def splitIndexFrom(key: String): Option[(String, Int)] =
.flatMap { regexMatched =>
val optionalString: Option[String] = Option(
.flatMap(s => if (s.isEmpty) None else Some(s))
val optionalIndex: Option[Int] = Option(
.flatMap(s => if (s.isEmpty) None else Try(s.toInt).toOption)
optionalString.flatMap(str => => (str, ind)))