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* Copyright 2017-2024 John A. De Goes and the ZIO Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio
import zio.internal.MutableConcurrentQueue
import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* A `Queue` is a lightweight, asynchronous queue into which values can be
* enqueued and of which elements can be dequeued.
abstract class Queue[A] extends Dequeue[A] with Enqueue[A] {
* Checks whether the queue is currently empty.
override final def isEmpty(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Boolean] = <= 0)
* Checks whether the queue is currently full.
override final def isFull(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Boolean] = >= capacity)
object Queue extends QueuePlatformSpecific {
* Makes a new bounded queue. When the capacity of the queue is reached, any
* additional calls to `offer` will be suspended until there is more room in
* the queue.
* @note
* when possible use only power of 2 capacities; this will provide better
* performance by utilising an optimised version of the underlying
* [[zio.internal.RingBuffer]].
* @param requestedCapacity
* capacity of the `Queue`
* @tparam A
* type of the `Queue`
* @return
* `UIO[Queue[A]]`
def bounded[A](requestedCapacity: => Int)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Queue[A]] =, _)(Unsafe.unsafe))
* Makes a new bounded queue with the dropping strategy. When the capacity of
* the queue is reached, new elements will be dropped.
* @note
* when possible use only power of 2 capacities; this will provide better
* performance by utilising an optimised version of the underlying
* [[zio.internal.RingBuffer]].
* @param requestedCapacity
* capacity of the `Queue`
* @tparam A
* type of the `Queue`
* @return
* `UIO[Queue[A]]`
def dropping[A](requestedCapacity: => Int)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Queue[A]] =, _)(Unsafe.unsafe))
* Makes a new bounded queue with sliding strategy. When the capacity of the
* queue is reached, new elements will be added and the old elements will be
* dropped.
* @note
* when possible use only power of 2 capacities; this will provide better
* performance by utilising an optimised version of the underlying
* [[zio.internal.RingBuffer]].
* @param requestedCapacity
* capacity of the `Queue`
* @tparam A
* type of the `Queue`
* @return
* `UIO[Queue[A]]`
def sliding[A](requestedCapacity: => Int)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Queue[A]] =, _)(Unsafe.unsafe))
* Makes a new unbounded queue.
* @tparam A
* type of the `Queue`
* @return
* `UIO[Queue[A]]`
def unbounded[A](implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Queue[A]] =
object unsafe {
def bounded[A](requestedCapacity: Int, fiberId: FiberId)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): Queue[A] =
createQueue(MutableConcurrentQueue.bounded[A](requestedCapacity), Strategy.BackPressure(), fiberId)
def dropping[A](requestedCapacity: Int, fiberId: FiberId)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): Queue[A] =
createQueue(MutableConcurrentQueue.bounded[A](requestedCapacity), Strategy.Dropping(), fiberId)
def sliding[A](requestedCapacity: Int, fiberId: FiberId)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): Queue[A] =
createQueue(MutableConcurrentQueue.bounded[A](requestedCapacity), Strategy.Sliding(), fiberId)
def unbounded[A](fiberId: FiberId)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): Queue[A] =
createQueue(MutableConcurrentQueue.unbounded[A], Strategy.Dropping(), fiberId)
private def createQueue[A](
queue: MutableConcurrentQueue[A],
strategy: Strategy[A],
fiberId: FiberId
)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): Queue[A] = {
val p = Promise.unsafe.make[Nothing, Unit](fiberId)
new ConcurrentDeque[Promise[Nothing, A]],
new AtomicBoolean(false),
private def unsafeCreate[A](
queue: MutableConcurrentQueue[A],
takers: ConcurrentDeque[Promise[Nothing, A]],
shutdownHook: Promise[Nothing, Unit],
shutdownFlag: AtomicBoolean,
strategy: Strategy[A]
): Queue[A] = new Queue[A] {
private def removeTaker(taker: Promise[Nothing, A])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] =
val capacity: Int = queue.capacity
def offer(a: A)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Boolean] =
ZIO.suspendSucceed {
if (shutdownFlag.get) ZIO.interrupt
else {
val noRemaining =
if (queue.isEmpty()) {
val taker = takers.poll()
if (taker eq null) false
else {
unsafeCompletePromise(taker, a)
} else false
if (noRemaining) Exit.`true`
else {
// not enough takers, offer to the queue
val succeeded = queue.offer(a)
if (succeeded) {
strategy.unsafeCompleteTakers(queue, takers)
} else
strategy.handleSurplus(Chunk.single(a), queue, takers, shutdownFlag)
def offerAll[A1 <: A](as: Iterable[A1])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Chunk[A1]] =
ZIO.suspendSucceed {
if (shutdownFlag.get) ZIO.interrupt
else {
val pTakers = if (queue.isEmpty()) unsafePollN(takers, as.size) else Chunk.empty
val (forTakers, remaining) = as.splitAt(pTakers.size)
(pTakers zip forTakers).foreach { case (taker, item) =>
unsafeCompletePromise(taker, item)
if (remaining.isEmpty) ZIO.succeed(Chunk.empty)
else {
// not enough takers, offer to the queue
val surplus = unsafeOfferAll(queue, remaining)
if (surplus.isEmpty) {
strategy.unsafeCompleteTakers(queue, takers)
} else
strategy.handleSurplus(surplus, queue, takers, shutdownFlag).map { offered =>
if (offered) Chunk.empty else surplus
def awaitShutdown(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] = shutdownHook.await
def size(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Int] =
ZIO.suspendSucceed {
if (shutdownFlag.get)
ZIO.succeed(queue.size() - takers.size() + strategy.surplusSize)
def shutdown(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] =
ZIO.fiberIdWith { fiberId =>
ZIO.foreachParDiscard(unsafePollAll(takers))(_.interruptAs(fiberId)) *> strategy.shutdown
def isShutdown(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Boolean] = ZIO.succeed(shutdownFlag.get)
def take(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[A] =
ZIO.fiberIdWith { fiberId =>
if (shutdownFlag.get) ZIO.interrupt
else {
queue.poll(null.asInstanceOf[A]) match {
case null =>
// add the promise to takers, then:
// - try take again in case a value was added since
// - wait for the promise to be completed
// - clean up resources in case of interruption
val p = Promise.unsafe.make[Nothing, A](fiberId)(Unsafe.unsafe)
ZIO.suspendSucceed {
strategy.unsafeCompleteTakers(queue, takers)
if (shutdownFlag.get) ZIO.interrupt else p.await
case item =>
strategy.unsafeOnQueueEmptySpace(queue, takers)
def takeAll(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Chunk[A]] =
ZIO.suspendSucceed {
if (shutdownFlag.get)
ZIO.succeed {
val as = unsafePollAll(queue)
strategy.unsafeOnQueueEmptySpace(queue, takers)
def takeUpTo(max: Int)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Chunk[A]] =
ZIO.suspendSucceed {
if (shutdownFlag.get)
ZIO.succeed {
val as = unsafePollN(queue, max)
strategy.unsafeOnQueueEmptySpace(queue, takers)
private sealed abstract class Strategy[A] {
private[this] val draining = new AtomicBoolean(false)
def handleSurplus(
as: Iterable[A],
queue: MutableConcurrentQueue[A],
takers: ConcurrentDeque[Promise[Nothing, A]],
isShutdown: AtomicBoolean
)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Boolean]
def unsafeOnQueueEmptySpace(
queue: MutableConcurrentQueue[A],
takers: ConcurrentDeque[Promise[Nothing, A]]
): Unit
def surplusSize: Int
def shutdown(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]
final def unsafeCompleteTakers(
queue: MutableConcurrentQueue[A],
takers: ConcurrentDeque[Promise[Nothing, A]]
): Unit =
if (!takers.isEmpty && draining.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
try {
var keepPolling = !queue.isEmpty()
val empty = null.asInstanceOf[A]
var notifyEmptySpace = false
while (keepPolling) {
val taker = takers.poll()
if (taker eq null) keepPolling = false
else {
queue.poll(empty) match {
case null =>
keepPolling = false
case a =>
unsafeCompletePromise(taker, a)
notifyEmptySpace = true
if (notifyEmptySpace) unsafeOnQueueEmptySpace(queue, takers)
} finally {
// We need to check in case someone added a putter or pulled from the queue since our last check
// while we were still holding the lock
if (!queue.isEmpty()) unsafeCompleteTakers(queue, takers)
private object Strategy {
final case class BackPressure[A]() extends Strategy[A] {
private[this] val notifying = new AtomicBoolean(false)
// A is an item to add
// Promise[Nothing, Boolean] is the promise completing the whole offerAll
// Boolean indicates if it's the last item to offer (promise should be completed once this item is added)
private val putters = new ConcurrentDeque[(A, Promise[Nothing, Boolean], Boolean)]
private def unsafeRemove(p: Promise[Nothing, Boolean]): Unit =
putters.removeIf(_._2 eq p)
def handleSurplus(
as: Iterable[A],
queue: MutableConcurrentQueue[A],
takers: ConcurrentDeque[Promise[Nothing, A]],
isShutdown: AtomicBoolean
)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Boolean] =
ZIO.fiberIdWith { fiberId =>
val p = Promise.unsafe.make[Nothing, Boolean](fiberId)(Unsafe.unsafe)
ZIO.suspendSucceed {
unsafeOffer(as, p)
unsafeOnQueueEmptySpace(queue, takers)
unsafeCompleteTakers(queue, takers)
if (isShutdown.get) ZIO.interrupt else p.await
private def unsafeOffer(as: Iterable[A], p: Promise[Nothing, Boolean]): Unit = {
val iterator = as.iterator
var hasNext = iterator.hasNext
while (hasNext) {
val a =
hasNext = iterator.hasNext
putters.offer((a, p, !hasNext))
def unsafeOnQueueEmptySpace(
queue: MutableConcurrentQueue[A],
takers: ConcurrentDeque[Promise[Nothing, A]]
): Unit = {
val putters0 = putters
if (!putters0.isEmpty && notifying.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
var keepPolling = !queue.isFull()
try {
while (keepPolling) {
val putter = putters0.poll()
if (putter eq null) {
keepPolling = false
unsafeCompleteTakers(queue, takers)
} else {
val offered = queue.offer(putter._1)
if (offered && putter._3)
else if (!offered) {
if (!offered || queue.isFull()) {
unsafeCompleteTakers(queue, takers)
keepPolling = !queue.isFull()
} finally {
// We need to check in case someone added a putter or pulled from the queue since our last check
// while we were still holding the lock
if (!queue.isFull()) unsafeOnQueueEmptySpace(queue, takers)
def surplusSize: Int = putters.size()
def shutdown(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] =
for {
fiberId <- ZIO.fiberId
putters <- ZIO.succeed(unsafePollAll(putters))
_ <- ZIO.foreachPar(putters) { case (_, p, lastItem) => if (lastItem) p.interruptAs(fiberId) else ZIO.unit }
} yield ()
final case class Dropping[A]() extends Strategy[A] {
// do nothing, drop the surplus
def handleSurplus(
as: Iterable[A],
queue: MutableConcurrentQueue[A],
takers: ConcurrentDeque[Promise[Nothing, A]],
isShutdown: AtomicBoolean
)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Boolean] = ZIO.succeed(false)
def unsafeOnQueueEmptySpace(
queue: MutableConcurrentQueue[A],
takers: ConcurrentDeque[Promise[Nothing, A]]
): Unit = ()
def surplusSize: Int = 0
def shutdown(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] = ZIO.unit
final case class Sliding[A]() extends Strategy[A] {
def handleSurplus(
as: Iterable[A],
queue: MutableConcurrentQueue[A],
takers: ConcurrentDeque[Promise[Nothing, A]],
isShutdown: AtomicBoolean
)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Boolean] = {
def unsafeSlidingOffer(as: Iterable[A]): Unit =
if (as.nonEmpty && queue.capacity > 0) {
val iterator = as.iterator
var a =
var loop = true
val empty = null.asInstanceOf[A]
while (loop) {
val offered = queue.offer(a)
if (offered && iterator.hasNext) {
a =
} else if (offered && !iterator.hasNext) {
loop = false
ZIO.succeed {
unsafeCompleteTakers(queue, takers)
def unsafeOnQueueEmptySpace(
queue: MutableConcurrentQueue[A],
takers: ConcurrentDeque[Promise[Nothing, A]]
): Unit = ()
def surplusSize: Int = 0
def shutdown(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] = ZIO.unit
private def unsafeCompletePromise[A](p: Promise[Nothing, A], a: A): Unit =
* Offer items to the queue
private def unsafeOfferAll[A, B <: A](q: MutableConcurrentQueue[A], as: Iterable[B]): Chunk[B] =
* Poll all items from the queue
private def unsafePollAll[A](q: MutableConcurrentQueue[A]): Chunk[A] =
private def unsafePollAll[A <: AnyRef](q: ConcurrentDeque[A]): Chunk[A] = {
val cb = ChunkBuilder.make[A](q.size)
var loop = true
while (loop) {
val a = q.poll()
if (a eq null) loop = false
else cb.addOne(a)
* Poll n items from the queue
private def unsafePollN[A](q: MutableConcurrentQueue[A], max: Int): Chunk[A] =
* Poll n items from the queue
private def unsafePollN[A <: AnyRef](q: ConcurrentDeque[A], max: Int): Chunk[A] = {
val cb = ChunkBuilder.make[A]()
var i = 0
while (i < max) {
val a = q.poll()
if (a eq null) i = max
else {
i += 1