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* Copyright 2022-2024 John A. De Goes and the ZIO Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio
import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
import scala.collection.immutable.LongMap
* A `Scope` is the foundation of safe, composable resource management in ZIO. A
* scope has two fundamental operators, `addFinalizer`, which adds a finalizer
* to the scope, and `close`, which closes a scope and runs all finalizers that
* have been added to the scope.
trait Scope extends Serializable { self =>
* Adds a finalizer to this scope. The finalizer is guaranteed to be run when
* the scope is closed.
def addFinalizerExit(finalizer: Exit[Any, Any] => UIO[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]
* Forks a new scope that is a child of this scope. Finalizers added to the
* child scope will be run according to the specified `ExecutionStrategy`. The
* child scope will automatically be closed when this scope is closed.
def forkWith(executionStrategy: => ExecutionStrategy)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Scope.Closeable]
* A simplified version of `addFinalizerWith` when the `finalizer` does not
* depend on the `Exit` value that the scope is closed with.
final def addFinalizer(finalizer: => UIO[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] =
addFinalizerExit(_ => finalizer)
* The execution strategy finalizers associated with this scope will be run
* with.
def executionStrategy: ExecutionStrategy =
* Extends the scope of a `ZIO` workflow that needs a scope into this scope by
* providing it to the workflow but not closing the scope when the workflow
* completes execution. This allows extending a scoped value into a larger
* scope.
final def extend[R]: Scope.ExtendPartiallyApplied[R] =
new Scope.ExtendPartiallyApplied[R](self)
* Forks a new scope that is a child of this scope. Finalizers added to this
* scope will be run sequentially in the reverse of the order in which they
* were added when this scope is closed. The child scope will automatically be
* closed when this scope is closed.
final def fork(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Scope.Closeable] =
object Scope {
sealed trait Closeable extends Scope { self =>
* Closes a scope with the specified exit value, running all finalizers that
* have been added to the scope.
def close(exit: => Exit[Any, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]
* Uses the scope by providing it to a `ZIO` workflow that needs a scope,
* guaranteeing that the scope is closed with the result of that workflow as
* soon as the workflow completes execution, whether by success, failure, or
* interruption.
final def use[R]: Scope.UsePartiallyApplied[R] =
new Scope.UsePartiallyApplied[R](self)
* Accesses a scope in the environment and adds a finalizer to it.
def addFinalizer(finalizer: => UIO[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit] =
* Accesses a scope in the environment and adds a finalizer to it.
def addFinalizerExit(finalizer: Exit[Any, Any] => UIO[Any])(implicit
trace: Trace
): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit] =
* A layer that constructs a scope and closes it when the workflow the layer
* is provided to completes execution, whether by success, failure, or
* interruption. This can be used to close a scope when providing a layer to a
* workflow.
val default: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Scope] =
.acquireReleaseExit(Scope.make(Trace.empty))((scope, exit) => scope.close(exit)(Trace.empty))(
* The global scope which is never closed. Finalizers added to this scope will
* be immediately discarded and closing this scope has no effect.
val global: Scope.Closeable =
new Scope.Closeable {
def addFinalizerExit(finalizer: Exit[Any, Any] => UIO[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] =
def close(exit: => Exit[Any, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] =
def forkWith(executionStrategy: => ExecutionStrategy)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Scope.Closeable] =
* Makes a scope. Finalizers added to this scope will be run sequentially in
* the reverse of the order in which they were added when this scope is
* closed.
def make(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Scope.Closeable] =
* Makes a scope. Finalizers added to this scope will be run according to the
* specified `ExecutionStrategy`.
def makeWith(executionStrategy0: => ExecutionStrategy)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Scope.Closeable] = { releaseMap =>
new Scope.Closeable { self =>
def addFinalizerExit(finalizer: Exit[Any, Any] => UIO[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] =
def close(exit: => Exit[Any, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] =
ZIO.suspendSucceed(releaseMap.releaseAll(exit, executionStrategy).unit)
override val executionStrategy: ExecutionStrategy =
def forkWith(executionStrategy: => ExecutionStrategy)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Scope.Closeable] =
ZIO.uninterruptible {
for {
scope <- Scope.makeWith(executionStrategy)
finalizer <- releaseMap.add(scope.close(_))
_ <- scope.addFinalizerExit(finalizer)
} yield scope
* Makes a scope. Finalizers added to this scope will be run in parallel when
* this scope is closed.
def parallel(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Scope.Closeable] =
final class ExtendPartiallyApplied[R](private val scope: Scope) extends AnyVal {
def apply[E, A](zio: => ZIO[Scope with R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A] =
final class UsePartiallyApplied[R](private val scope: Scope.Closeable) extends AnyVal {
def apply[E, A](zio: => ZIO[Scope with R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A] =
private type Finalizer = Exit[Any, Any] => UIO[Any]
private sealed abstract class State
private final case class Exited(nextKey: Long, exit: Exit[Any, Any], update: Finalizer => Finalizer) extends State
private final case class Running(nextKey: Long, finalizers: LongMap[Finalizer], update: Finalizer => Finalizer)
extends State
* A `ReleaseMap` represents the finalizers associated with a scope.
* The design of `ReleaseMap` is inspired by ResourceT, written by Michael
* Snoyman @snoyberg.
* (
private abstract class ReleaseMap extends Serializable {
* An opaque identifier for a finalizer stored in the map.
type Key
* Adds a finalizer to the finalizers associated with this scope. If the
* finalizers associated with this scope have already been run this
* finalizer will be run immediately.
* The finalizer returned from this method will remove the original
* finalizer from the map and run it.
def add(finalizer: Finalizer)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Finalizer]
* Adds a finalizer to the finalizers associated with this scope. If the
* scope is still open, a [[Key]] will be returned. This is an opaque
* identifier that can be used to activate this finalizer and remove it from
* the map. from the map. If the scope has been closed, the finalizer will
* be executed immediately (with the [[Exit]] value with which the scope has
* ended) and no Key will be returned.
def addIfOpen(finalizer: Finalizer)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Option[Key]]
* Retrieves the finalizer associated with this key.
def get(key: Key)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Option[Finalizer]]
* Runs the specified finalizer and removes it from the finalizers
* associated with this scope.
def release(key: Key, exit: Exit[Any, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Any]
* Runs the finalizers associated with this scope using the specified
* execution strategy. After this action finishes, any finalizers added to
* this scope will be run immediately.
def releaseAll(exit: Exit[Any, Any], execStrategy: ExecutionStrategy)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Any]
* Removes the finalizer associated with this key and returns it.
def remove(key: Key)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Option[Finalizer]]
* Replaces the finalizer associated with this key and returns it. If the
* finalizers associated with this scope have already been run this
* finalizer will be run immediately.
def replace(key: Key, finalizer: Finalizer)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Option[Finalizer]]
* Updates the finalizers associated with this scope using the specified
* function.
def updateAll(f: Finalizer => Finalizer)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]
private object ReleaseMap {
* Creates a new ReleaseMap.
def make(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[ReleaseMap] =
private object unsafe {
* Creates a new ReleaseMap.
def make()(implicit Unsafe: Unsafe) = {
// The sorting order of the LongMap uses bit ordering (000, 001, ... 111 but with 64 bits). This
// works out to be `0 ... Long.MaxValue, Long.MinValue, ... -1`. The order of the map is mainly
// important for the finalization, in which we want to walk it in reverse order. So we insert
// into the map using keys that will build it in reverse. That way, when we do the final iteration,
// the finalizers are already in correct order.
val initialKey: Long = -1L
def next(l: Long) =
if (l == 0L) throw new RuntimeException("ReleaseMap wrapped around")
else if (l == Long.MinValue) Long.MaxValue
else l - 1
val ref: Ref[State] =
Ref.unsafe.make(Running(initialKey, LongMap.empty, identity))
new ReleaseMap {
type Key = Long
def add(finalizer: Finalizer)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Finalizer] =
addIfOpen(finalizer).map {
case Some(key) => release(key, _)
case None => _ => ZIO.unit
def addIfOpen(finalizer: Finalizer)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Option[Key]] =
ref.modify {
case Exited(nextKey, exit, update) =>
finalizer(exit).as(None) -> Exited(next(nextKey), exit, update)
case Running(nextKey, fins, update) =>
ZIO.succeed(Some(nextKey)) -> Running(next(nextKey), fins.updated(nextKey, finalizer), update)
def get(key: Key)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Option[Finalizer]] = {
case Exited(_, _, _) => None
case Running(_, fins, _) => fins get key
def release(key: Key, exit: Exit[Any, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Any] =
ref.modify {
case s @ Exited(_, _, _) => (ZIO.unit, s)
case s @ Running(_, fins, update) =>
fins.get(key).fold(ZIO.unit: UIO[Any])(fin => update(fin)(exit)),
s.copy(finalizers = fins - key)
def releaseAll(exit: Exit[Any, Any], execStrategy: ExecutionStrategy)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Any] =
ref.modify {
case s @ Exited(_, _, _) => (ZIO.unit, s)
case Running(nextKey, fins, update) =>
execStrategy match {
case ExecutionStrategy.Sequential =>
.foreach(fins: Iterable[(Long, Finalizer)]) { case (_, fin) =>
.flatMap(results => ZIO.done(Exit.collectAll(results) getOrElse Exit.unit)),
Exited(nextKey, exit, update)
case ExecutionStrategy.Parallel =>
.foreachPar(fins: Iterable[(Long, Finalizer)]) { case (_, finalizer) =>
.flatMap(results => ZIO.done(Exit.collectAllPar(results) getOrElse Exit.unit)),
Exited(nextKey, exit, update)
case ExecutionStrategy.ParallelN(n) =>
.foreachPar(fins: Iterable[(Long, Finalizer)]) { case (_, finalizer) =>
.flatMap(results => ZIO.done(Exit.collectAllPar(results) getOrElse Exit.unit))
Exited(nextKey, exit, update)
def remove(key: Key)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Option[Finalizer]] =
ref.modify {
case Exited(nk, exit, update) => (None, Exited(nk, exit, update))
case Running(nk, fins, update) => (fins get key, Running(nk, fins - key, update))
def replace(key: Key, finalizer: Finalizer)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Option[Finalizer]] =
ref.modify {
case Exited(nk, exit, update) => (finalizer(exit).as(None), Exited(nk, exit, update))
case Running(nk, fins, update) =>
(ZIO.succeed(fins get key), Running(nk, fins.updated(key, finalizer), update))
def updateAll(f: Finalizer => Finalizer)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] =
ref.update {
case Exited(key, exit, update) => Exited(key, exit, update.andThen(f))
case Running(key, exit, update) => Running(key, exit, update.andThen(f))