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* Copyright 2017-2024 John A. De Goes and the ZIO Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio
import zio.internal.UpdateOrderLinkedMap
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.{immutable, mutable}
import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
final class ZEnvironment[+R] private (
private val map: UpdateOrderLinkedMap[LightTypeTag, Any],
private val cache: ConcurrentHashMap[LightTypeTag, Any],
private val scope: Scope
) extends Serializable { self =>
import ZEnvironment.{ScopeTag, TaggedAny, UnitAny}
@deprecated("Kept for binary compatibility only. Do not use", "2.1.2")
private[ZEnvironment] def this(map: Map[LightTypeTag, Any], index: Int, cache: Map[LightTypeTag, Any] = Map.empty) =
this(UpdateOrderLinkedMap.fromMap(map), ZEnvironment.scalaToJucMap(cache), null)
@deprecated("Kept for binary compatibility only. Do not use", "2.1.5")
private[ZEnvironment] def this(
map: UpdateOrderLinkedMap[LightTypeTag, Any],
cache: immutable.HashMap[LightTypeTag, Any],
scope: Scope
) = this(map, ZEnvironment.scalaToJucMap(cache), scope)
@deprecated("Kept for binary compatibility only. Do not use", "2.1.6")
private[ZEnvironment] def this(
map: UpdateOrderLinkedMap[LightTypeTag, Any],
cache: mutable.HashMap[LightTypeTag, Any],
scope: Scope
) = this(map, ZEnvironment.scalaToJucMap(cache), scope)
def ++[R1: EnvironmentTag](that: ZEnvironment[R1]): ZEnvironment[R with R1] =
* Adds a service to the environment.
def add[A](a: A)(implicit tag: Tag[A]): ZEnvironment[R with A] =
unsafe.add[A](tag.tag, a)(Unsafe.unsafe)
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case that: ZEnvironment[_] =>
if (self eq that) true
else if (self.scope ne that.scope) false
else if ( eq true
else if ( != false
else self.hashCode == that.hashCode
case _ => false
* Retrieves a service from the environment.
def get[A >: R](implicit tag: Tag[A]): A =
* Retrieves a service from the environment corresponding to the specified
* key.
def getAt[K, V](k: K)(implicit ev: R <:< Map[K, V], tagged: EnvironmentTag[Map[K, V]]): Option[V] =
unsafe.get[Map[K, V]](taggedTagType(tagged))(Unsafe.unsafe).get(k)
* Retrieves a service from the environment if it exists in the environment.
def getDynamic[A](implicit tag: Tag[A]): Option[A] =
Option(unsafe.getOrElse(tag.tag, null.asInstanceOf[A])(Unsafe.unsafe))
override lazy val hashCode: Int =
MurmurHash3.productHash((map, scope))
* Prunes the environment to the set of services statically known to be
* contained within it.
def prune[R1 >: R](implicit tagged: EnvironmentTag[R1]): ZEnvironment[R1] = {
val tag = taggedTagType(tagged)
// Mutable set lookups are much faster. It also iterates faster. We're better off just allocating here
// Why are immutable set lookups so slow???
val set = new mutable.HashSet ++= taggedGetServices(tag)
if (set.isEmpty || self.isEmpty) self
else {
val builder = UpdateOrderLinkedMap.newBuilder[LightTypeTag, Any]
val found = new mutable.HashSet[LightTypeTag]
val it0 =
while (it0.hasNext) {
val next @ (leftTag, _) =
if (set.contains(leftTag)) {
// Exact match, no need to loop
builder addOne next
} else {
// Need to check whether it's a subtype
var loop = true
val it1 = set.iterator
while (it1.hasNext && loop) {
val rightTag =
if (taggedIsSubtype(leftTag, rightTag)) {
builder addOne next
loop = false
val scopeTags = set.filter(isScopeTag)
val newMap = builder.result()
if (set.size > found.size) {
val missing = set -- found
// We need to check whether one of the services we added is a subtype of the missing service
val newTags = newMap.keySet
missing.foreach { tag =>
if (newTags.exists(taggedIsSubtype(_, tag))) missing.remove(tag)
if (missing.nonEmpty)
throw new Error(
s"Defect in zio.ZEnvironment: ${missing} statically known to be contained within the environment are missing"
new ZEnvironment(
cache = new ConcurrentHashMap[LightTypeTag, Any],
scope = if (scopeTags.isEmpty) null else scope
* The size of the environment, which is the number of services contained in
* the environment. This is intended primarily for testing purposes.
def size: Int =
map.size + (if (scope eq null) 0 else 1)
def isEmpty: Boolean =
(scope eq null) && map.isEmpty
override def toString: String = {
val asList = map.toList
val entries = if (scope ne null) (ScopeTag, scope) :: asList else asList
s"ZEnvironment(${ { case (tag, service) => s"$tag -> $service" }.mkString(", ")})"
* Combines this environment with the specified environment.
def union[R1: EnvironmentTag](that: ZEnvironment[R1]): ZEnvironment[R with R1] =
* Combines this environment with the specified environment. In the event of
* service collisions, which may not be reflected in statically known types,
* the right hand side will be preferred.
def unionAll[R1](that: ZEnvironment[R1]): ZEnvironment[R with R1] =
if (self == that) that.asInstanceOf[ZEnvironment[R with R1]]
else {
val newMap = { case (map, (k, v)) =>
map.updated(k, v)
val newScope = if (that.scope eq null) self.scope else that.scope
// Reuse the cache of the right hand-side
new ZEnvironment(newMap, cache = new ConcurrentHashMap[LightTypeTag, Any](that.cache), scope = newScope)
* Updates a service in the environment.
def update[A >: R: Tag](f: A => A): ZEnvironment[R] =
* Updates a service in the environment corresponding to the specified key.
def updateAt[K, V](k: K)(f: V => V)(implicit ev: R <:< Map[K, V], tag: Tag[Map[K, V]]): ZEnvironment[R] =
self.add[Map[K, V]](unsafe.get[Map[K, V]](taggedTagType(tag))(Unsafe.unsafe).updated(k, f(getAt(k).get)))
trait UnsafeAPI {
def get[A](tag: LightTypeTag)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): A
private[ZEnvironment] def add[A](tag: LightTypeTag, a: A)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): ZEnvironment[R with A]
private[ZEnvironment] def update[A >: R](tag: LightTypeTag, f: A => A)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): ZEnvironment[R]
trait UnsafeAPI2 {
private[ZEnvironment] def getOrElse[A](tag: LightTypeTag, default: => A)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): A
trait UnsafeAPI3 {
private[zio] def addScope(scope: Scope)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): ZEnvironment[R with Scope]
private[ZEnvironment] def addService[A](tag: LightTypeTag, a: A)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): ZEnvironment[R with A]
private def isScopeTag(tag: LightTypeTag): Boolean =
taggedIsSubtype(tag, ScopeTag)
val unsafe: UnsafeAPI with UnsafeAPI2 with UnsafeAPI3 =
new UnsafeAPI with UnsafeAPI2 with UnsafeAPI3 with Serializable {
private[ZEnvironment] def add[A](tag: LightTypeTag, a: A)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): ZEnvironment[R with A] =
if (a.isInstanceOf[Scope] && isScopeTag(tag))
addScope(a.asInstanceOf[Scope]).asInstanceOf[ZEnvironment[R with A]]
addService[A](tag, a)
private[zio] def addScope(scope: Scope)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): ZEnvironment[R with Scope] =
new ZEnvironment(map, cache = cache, scope = scope)
private[ZEnvironment] def addService[A](tag: LightTypeTag, a: A)(implicit
unsafe: Unsafe
): ZEnvironment[R with A] = {
val newCache = new ConcurrentHashMap[LightTypeTag, Any]
newCache.put(tag, a)
new ZEnvironment(map.updated(tag, a), cache = newCache, scope = scope)
def get[A](tag: LightTypeTag)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): A = {
val value = getUnsafe[A](tag)
if (value == null) throw new Error(s"Defect in zio.ZEnvironment: Could not find ${tag} inside ${self}")
else value
private[ZEnvironment] def getOrElse[A](tag: LightTypeTag, default: => A)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): A = {
val value = getUnsafe[A](tag)
if (value == null) default
else value
private[this] def getUnsafe[A](tag: LightTypeTag)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): A = {
val fromCache = self.cache.get(tag)
if (fromCache != null)
else if ((scope ne null) && isScopeTag(tag))
else if (self.isEmpty && tag == TaggedAny)
else {
val it =
var service = null.asInstanceOf[A]
while (it.hasNext && service == null) {
val (curTag, entry) =
if (taggedIsSubtype(curTag, tag)) {
service = entry.asInstanceOf[A]
if (service != null) {
self.cache.put(tag, service)
private[ZEnvironment] def update[A >: R](tag: LightTypeTag, f: A => A)(implicit
unsafe: Unsafe
): ZEnvironment[R] =
add[A](tag, f(get(tag)))
object ZEnvironment {
* Constructs a new environment holding no services.
def apply(): ZEnvironment[Any] =
* Constructs a new environment holding the single service.
def apply[A: Tag](a: A): ZEnvironment[A] =
* Constructs a new environment holding the specified services.
def apply[A: Tag, B: Tag](a: A, b: B): ZEnvironment[A with B] =
* Constructs a new environment holding the specified services.
def apply[A: Tag, B: Tag, C: Tag](
a: A,
b: B,
c: C
): ZEnvironment[A with B with C] =
* Constructs a new environment holding the specified services.
def apply[A: Tag, B: Tag, C: Tag, D: Tag](
a: A,
b: B,
c: C,
d: D
): ZEnvironment[A with B with C with D] =
* Constructs a new environment holding the specified services.
def apply[
A: Tag,
B: Tag,
C: Tag,
D: Tag,
E: Tag
a: A,
b: B,
c: C,
d: D,
e: E
): ZEnvironment[A with B with C with D with E] =
* The empty environment containing no services.
val empty: ZEnvironment[Any] =
new ZEnvironment[Any](
UpdateOrderLinkedMap.empty[LightTypeTag, Any],
cache = new ConcurrentHashMap[LightTypeTag, Any],
scope = null
@deprecated("kept for bin-compat only")
private case object MissingService extends ControlThrowable
// Can't use scala -> java collection conversions because they don't cross compile to Scala 2.12.
@deprecated("Marked as deprecated to avoid usage in non-deprecated methods", "2.1.16")
private def scalaToJucMap[K, V](map: collection.Map[K, V]): ConcurrentHashMap[K, V] = {
val jucMap = new ConcurrentHashMap[K, V]
map.foreach { case (k, v) => jucMap.put(k, v) }
* A `Patch[In, Out]` describes an update that transforms a `ZEnvironment[In]`
* to a `ZEnvironment[Out]` as a data structure. This allows combining updates
* to different services in the environment in a compositional way.
sealed trait Patch[-In, +Out] { self =>
import Patch._
* Applies an update to the environment to produce a new environment.
def apply(environment: ZEnvironment[In]): ZEnvironment[Out] = {
def loop(env: ZEnvironment[Any], patches: List[Patch[Any, Any]]): ZEnvironment[Any] =
if (patches eq Nil) env
patches.head match {
case AddService(service, tag) => loop(env.unsafe.addService(tag, service)(Unsafe.unsafe), patches.tail)
case AndThen(first, second) => loop(env, erase(first) :: erase(second) :: patches.tail)
case AddScope(scope) => loop(env.unsafe.addScope(scope)(Unsafe.unsafe), patches.tail)
case _: Empty[?] => loop(env, patches.tail)
case _: RemoveService[?, ?] => loop(env, patches.tail)
case _: UpdateService[?, ?] => loop(env, patches.tail)
val env0 = environment.asInstanceOf[ZEnvironment[Out]]
if (isEmpty) env0
else {
val out = loop(environment, self.asInstanceOf[Patch[Any, Any]] :: Nil).asInstanceOf[ZEnvironment[Out]]
// Unfortunately we can't rely on eq here. However, the ZEnvironment equals method uses a cached hashCode
// so it's pretty fast
if (env0 == out) env0 else out
* Combines two patches to produce a new patch that describes applying the
* updates from this patch and then the updates from the specified patch.
def combine[Out2](that: Patch[Out, Out2]): Patch[In, Out2] =
AndThen(self, that)
* Boolean flag indicating whether the patch is empty.
def isEmpty: Boolean = self.isInstanceOf[Empty[?]]
object Patch {
* An empty patch which returns the environment unchanged.
def empty[A]: Patch[A, A] = empty0.asInstanceOf[Patch[A, A]]
* Constructs a patch that describes the updates necessary to transform the
* specified old environment into the specified new environment.
def diff[In, Out](oldValue: ZEnvironment[In], newValue: ZEnvironment[Out]): Patch[In, Out] =
if ( eq {
if (oldValue.scope eq newValue.scope) empty0.asInstanceOf[Patch[In, Out]]
else AddScope(newValue.scope).asInstanceOf[Patch[In, Out]]
} else {
val oldIt =
val newIt =
var patch = empty0.asInstanceOf[Patch[In, Out]]
var loop = true
* When the new map is updated, entries in the old map that haven't been
* updated will match the same order of non-updated entries in the new
* map. Our goal is to loop until we find a common tag that has a
* different service.
* Three scenarios here:
* 1. We found the tag and the services are the same, so we can
* continue in this loop (no patch required)
* 1. We found the tag and the services are different, so we can exit
* this loop
* 1. We didn't find the old tag, which means this is a completely
* different map and we should exit this loop.
* (TODO: Maybe discard the whole old map if no common tag was found?)
while (loop && oldIt.hasNext && newIt.hasNext) {
var (oldTag, oldService) =
val (newTag, newService) =
while (oldIt.hasNext && oldTag != newTag) {
val old =
oldTag = old._1
oldService = old._2
if (oldService != newService) {
loop = false
patch = patch.combine(AddService(newService, newTag))
// All entries in the new environment from now on are guaranteed to be new
while (newIt.hasNext) {
val (tag, newService) =
patch = patch.combine(AddService(newService, tag))
if (oldValue.scope ne newValue.scope) {
patch = patch.combine(AddScope(newValue.scope))
private val empty0 = Empty()
private final case class Empty[Env]() extends Patch[Env, Env]
private final case class AddScope[Env, Service](scope: Scope) extends Patch[Env, Env with Scope]
private final case class AddService[Env, Service](service: Service, tag: LightTypeTag)
extends Patch[Env, Env with Service]
private final case class AndThen[In, Out, Out2](first: Patch[In, Out], second: Patch[Out, Out2])
extends Patch[In, Out2]
@deprecated("Kept for binary compatibility only. Do not use")
private final case class RemoveService[Env, Service](tag: LightTypeTag) extends Patch[Env with Service, Env]
@deprecated("Kept for binary compatibility only. Do not use")
private final case class UpdateService[Env, Service](update: Service => Service, tag: LightTypeTag)
extends Patch[Env with Service, Env with Service]
private def erase[In, Out](patch: Patch[In, Out]): Patch[Any, Any] =
patch.asInstanceOf[Patch[Any, Any]]
private val ScopeTag: LightTypeTag =
private val TaggedAny: LightTypeTag =
// For some reason we get a SIGFAULT in Scala Native if we don't do this
private val UnitAny: Any = ()