zio.ZIOAppPlatformSpecific.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package zio
import zio.internal._
import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
private[zio] trait ZIOAppPlatformSpecific { self: ZIOApp =>
* The Scala main function, intended to be called only by the Scala runtime.
final def main(args0: Array[String]): Unit = {
implicit val trace: Trace = Trace.empty
implicit val unsafe: Unsafe = Unsafe.unsafe
val newLayer =
ZLayer.succeed(ZIOAppArgs(Chunk.fromIterable(args0))) >>>
bootstrap +!+ ZLayer.environment[ZIOAppArgs]
val workflow =
(for {
runtime <- ZIO.runtime[Environment with ZIOAppArgs]
_ <- installSignalHandlers(runtime)
result <- runtime.run(ZIO.scoped[Environment with ZIOAppArgs](run)).tapErrorCause(ZIO.logErrorCause(_))
} yield result).provideLayer(newLayer.tapErrorCause(ZIO.logErrorCause(_)))
runtime.unsafe.run {
ZIO.uninterruptibleMask { restore =>
for {
fiberId <- ZIO.fiberId
p <- Promise.make[Nothing, Set[FiberId.Runtime]]
fiber <- restore(workflow).onExit { exit0 =>
val exitCode = if (exit0.isSuccess) ExitCode.success else ExitCode.failure
val interrupt = interruptRootFibers(p)
// If we're shutting down due to an external signal, the shutdown hook will fulfill the promise
// Otherwise it means we're shutting down due to normal completion and we need to fulfill the promise
ZIO.unless(shuttingDown.get())(p.succeed(Set(fiberId))) *> interrupt *> exit(exitCode)
_ <-
ZIO.succeed(Platform.addShutdownHook { () =>
if (!shuttingDown.getAndSet(true)) {
if (FiberRuntime.catastrophicFailure.get) {
"**** WARNING ****\n" +
"Catastrophic error encountered. " +
"Application not safely interrupted. " +
"Resources may be leaked. " +
"Check the logs for more details and consider overriding `Runtime.reportFatal` to capture context."
} else {
try {
val completePromise = ZIO.fiberIdWith(fid2 => p.succeed(Set(fiberId, fid2)))
runtime.unsafe.run(completePromise *> fiber.interrupt)
} catch {
case _: Throwable =>
result <- fiber.join
} yield result
private def interruptRootFibers(p: Promise[Nothing, Set[FiberId.Runtime]])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] =
for {
ignoredIds <- p.await
roots <- Fiber.roots
_ <- Fiber.interruptAll(roots.view.filter(fiber => fiber.isAlive() && !ignoredIds(fiber.id)))
} yield ()