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* Copyright 2018-2024 John A. De Goes and the ZIO Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.internal
import zio.internal.MutableQueueFieldsPadding.{headUpdater, tailUpdater}
import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
import zio.{Chunk, ChunkBuilder}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongArray
private[zio] object RingBuffer {
* @note
* minimum supported capacity is 2
final def apply[A](requestedCapacity: Int): RingBuffer[A] = {
assert(requestedCapacity >= 2)
if (nextPow2(requestedCapacity) == requestedCapacity) RingBufferPow2(requestedCapacity)
else RingBufferArb(requestedCapacity)
* Used only once during queue creation. Doesn't need to be
* performant or anything.
final def nextPow2(n: Int): Int = {
val nextPow = (Math.log(n.toDouble) / Math.log(2.0)).ceil.toInt
Math.pow(2.0, nextPow.toDouble).toInt.max(2)
private final val STATE_LOOP = 0
private final val STATE_EMPTY = -1
private final val STATE_FULL = -2
private final val STATE_RESERVED = 1
* A lock-free array-based bounded queue. It is thread-safe and can be used in
* multiple-producer/multiple-consumer (MPMC) setting.
* =Main concepts=
* A simple array-based queue of size N uses an array `buf` of size N as an
* underlying storage. There are 2 pointers `head` and `tail`. The element is
* enqueued into `buf` at position `tail % N` and dequeued from `head % N`. Each
* time an enqueue happens `tail` is incremented, similarly when dequeue happens
* `head` is incremented.
* Since pointers wrap around the array as they get incremented such data
* structure is also called a
* [[ circular buffer]] or a ring
* buffer.
* Because queue is bounded, enqueue and dequeue may fail, which is captured in
* the semantics of `offer` and `poll` methods.
* Using `offer` as an example, the algorithm can be broken down roughly into
* three steps:
* 1. Find a place to insert an element.
* 1. Reserve this place, put an element and make it visible to other threads
* (store and publish).
* 1. If there was no place on step 1 return false, otherwise returns true.
* Steps 1 and 2 are usually done in a loop to accommodate the possibility of
* failure due to race. Depending on the implementation of these steps the
* resulting queue will have different characteristics. For instance, the more
* sub-steps are between reserve and publish in step 2, the higher is the chance
* that one thread will delay other threads due to being descheduled.
* =Notes on the design=
* The queue uses a `buf` array to store elements. It uses `seq` array to store
* longs which serve as:
* 1. an indicator to producer/consumer threads whether the slot is right for
* enqueue/dequeue,
* 1. an indicator whether the queue is empty/full,
* 1. a mechanism to ''publish'' changes to `buf` via volatile write (can even
* be relaxed to ordered store).
* See comments in `offer`/`poll` methods for more details on `seq`.
* The benefit of using `seq` + `head`/`tail` counters is that there are no
* allocations during enqueue/dequeue and very little overhead. The downside is
* it doubles (on 64bit) or triples (compressed OOPs) the amount of memory
* needed for a queue.
* Concurrent enqueues and concurrent dequeues are possible. However there is no
* ''helping'', so threads can delay other threads, and thus the queue doesn't
* provide full set of lock-free guarantees. In practice it's usually not a
* problem, since benefits are simplicity, zero GC pressure and speed.
* There are 2 implementations of a RingBuffer:
* 1. `RingBufferArb` that supports queues with arbitrary capacity;
* 1. `RingBufferPow2` that supports queues with only power of 2 capacities.
* The reason is `head % N` and `tail % N` are rather cheap when can be done as
* a simple mask (N is pow 2), and pretty expensive when involve an `idiv`
* instruction. The difference is especially pronounced in tight loops (see.
* RoundtripBenchmark).
* To ensure good performance reads/writes to `head` and `tail` fields need to
* be independent, e.g. they shouldn't fall on the same (adjacent) cache-line.
* We can make those counters regular volatile long fields and space them out,
* but we still need a way to do CAS on them. The only way to do this except
* `Unsafe` is to use `AtomicLongFieldUpdater`, which is exactly what we have
* here.
* @see
* [[zio.internal.MutableQueueFieldsPadding]] for more details on padding and
* object's memory layout.
* The design is heavily inspired by such libraries as
* [[]] and
* [[]] which is based off D. Vyukov's design
* [[]]
* Compared to JCTools this implementation doesn't rely on `sun.misc.Unsafe`, so
* it is arguably more portable, and should be easier to read. It's also very
* extensively commented, including reasoning, assumptions, and hacks.
* =Alternative designs=
* There is an alternative design described in
* [[ the paper]] A Portable Lock-Free
* Bounded Queue by Pirkelbauer et al.
* It provides full lock-free guarantees, which generally means that one out of
* many contending threads is guaranteed to make progress in a finite number of
* steps. The design thus is not susceptible to threads delaying other threads.
* However the helping scheme is rather involved and cannot be implemented
* without allocations (at least I couldn't come up with a way yet). This
* translates into worse performance on average, and better performance in some
* very specific situations.
private[zio] abstract class RingBuffer[A](override final val capacity: Int)
extends MutableQueueFieldsPadding[A]
with Serializable {
private val buf: Array[AnyRef] = new Array[AnyRef](capacity)
private val seq: AtomicLongArray = new AtomicLongArray(capacity)
0.until(capacity).foreach(i => seq.set(i, i.toLong))
protected def posToIdx(pos: Long, capacity: Int): Int
override final def size(): Int = (tailUpdater.get(this) - headUpdater.get(this)).toInt
override final def enqueuedCount(): Long = tailUpdater.get(this)
override final def dequeuedCount(): Long = headUpdater.get(this)
override final def offer(a: A): Boolean = {
// Loading all instance fields locally. Otherwise JVM will reload
// them after every volatile read in a loop below.
val aCapacity = capacity
val aSeq = seq
var curSeq = 0L
val aHead = headUpdater
var curHead = 0L
val aTail = tailUpdater
var curTail = aTail.get(this)
var curIdx = 0
var state = STATE_LOOP
while (state == STATE_LOOP) {
curIdx = posToIdx(curTail, aCapacity)
curSeq = aSeq.get(curIdx)
if (curSeq < curTail) {
// This means we're about to wrap around the buffer, i.e. the
// queue is likely full. But there may be a dequeuing
// happening at the moment, so we need to check for this.
curHead = aHead.get(this)
if (curTail >= curHead + aCapacity) {
// This case implies that there is no in-progress dequeue,
// we can just report that the queue is full.
state = STATE_FULL
} else {
// This means that the consumer moved the head of the queue
// (i.e. reserved a place to dequeue from), but hasn't yet
// loaded an element from `buf` and hasn't updated the
// `seq`. However, this should happen momentarily, so we can
// just spin for a little while.
state = STATE_LOOP
} else if (curSeq == curTail) {
// We're at the right spot. At this point we can try to
// reserve the place for enqueue by doing CAS on tail.
if (aTail.compareAndSet(this, curTail, curTail + 1)) {
// We successfully reserved a place to enqueue.
} else {
// There was a concurrent offer that won CAS. We need to try again at the next location.
curTail += 1
state = STATE_LOOP
} else { // curSeq > curTail
// Either some other thread beat us enqueued an right element
// or this thread got delayed. We need to resynchronize with
// `tail` and try again.
curTail = aTail.get(this)
state = STATE_LOOP
if (state == STATE_RESERVED) {
// To add an element into the queue we do
// 1. plain store into `buf`,
// 2. volatile write of a `seq` value.
// Following volatile read of `curTail + 1` guarantees
// that plain store will be visible as it happens before in
// program order.
// The volatile write can actually be relaxed to ordered store
// (`lazySet`). See Doug Lea's response in
// [[]].
buf(curIdx) = a.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
aSeq.lazySet(curIdx, curTail + 1)
} else { // state == STATE_FULL
override final def offerAll[A1 <: A](as: Iterable[A1]): Chunk[A1] =
offerAll(as.iterator, as.size)
* This method is similar to `offerAll` but it allows to offer an iterator
* instead.
* @param offers
* the number of elements to take from the iterator. For performance
* reasons, the iterators hasNext method is not called, so it's the
* responsibility of the caller to ensure that `offers` is equal or less
* than the remaining number of elements in the iterator.
final def offerAll[A1 <: A](as: Iterator[A1], offers: Long): Chunk[A1] = {
val aCapacity = capacity
val aSeq = seq
var curSeq = 0L
val aHead = headUpdater
var curHead = 0L
val aTail = tailUpdater
var curTail = 0L
var curIdx = 0
var enqHead = 0L
var enqTail = 0L
var state = STATE_LOOP
while (state == STATE_LOOP) {
curHead = aHead.get(this)
curTail = aTail.get(this)
val size = curTail - curHead
val available = aCapacity - size
val forQueue = math.min(offers, available)
if (forQueue == 0) {
// There are no elements to offer or no space in the queue, terminate
// immediately.
state = STATE_FULL
} else {
// We know that space for this many elements has been reserved in the
// queue. However, elements in some of these spaces may be in the
// process of being dequeued so we need to check for that.
enqHead = curTail
enqTail = curTail + forQueue
var continue = true
while (continue & enqHead < enqTail) {
curIdx = posToIdx(enqHead, aCapacity)
curSeq = aSeq.get(curIdx)
if (curSeq != enqHead) {
// The element at this spot has not been dequeued yet, or possibly
// has been dequeued and another thread has already enqueued a new
// element. We need to abort and retry.
continue = false
enqHead += 1
// If all elements have been dequeued, we can do compare and swap to
// try to reserve the space in the queue.
if (continue && aTail.compareAndSet(this, curTail, enqTail)) {
// We successfully reserved the space in the queue. We can prepare to
// enqueue the elements and publish our changes.
enqHead = curTail
} else {
// Another thread beat us to reserving space in the queue. We need to
// abort and retry.
state = STATE_LOOP
if (state == STATE_RESERVED) {
// We have successfully resserved space in the queue and have exclusive
// ownership of each space until we publish our changes. Enqueue the
// elements sequentially and publish our changes as we go.
while (enqHead < enqTail) {
val a =
curIdx = posToIdx(enqHead, aCapacity)
buf(curIdx) = a.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
aSeq.lazySet(curIdx, enqHead + 1)
enqHead += 1
// If there was no space in the queue we return the remainder of the iterator
override final def poll(default: A): A = {
// Loading all instance fields locally. Otherwise JVM will reload
// them after every volatile read in a loop below.
val aCapacity = capacity
val aBuf = buf
val aSeq = seq
var curSeq = 0L
val aHead = headUpdater
var curHead = aHead.get(this)
var curIdx = 0
val aTail = tailUpdater
var curTail = 0L
var state = STATE_LOOP
while (state == STATE_LOOP) {
curIdx = posToIdx(curHead, aCapacity)
curSeq = aSeq.get(curIdx)
if (curSeq <= curHead) {
// There may be two distinct cases:
// 1. curSeq == curHead
// This means there is no item available to dequeue. However
// there may be in-flight enqueue, and we need to check for
// that.
// 2. curSeq < curHead
// This is a tricky case. Polling thread T1 can observe
// `curSeq < curHead` if thread T0 started dequeing at
// position `curSeq` but got descheduled. Meantime enqueing
// threads enqueued another (capacity - 1) elements, and other
// dequeueing threads dequeued all of them. So, T1 wrapped
// around the buffer and cannot proceed until T0 finishes its
// dequeue.
// It may sound surprising that a thread get descheduled
// during dequeue for `capacity` number of operations, but
// it's actually pretty easy to observe such situations even
// at queue capacity of 4096 elements.
// Anyway, in this case we can report that the queue is empty.
curTail = aTail.get(this)
if (curHead >= curTail) {
// There is no concurrent enqueue happening. We can report
// that that queue is empty.
} else {
// There is an ongoing enqueue. A producer had reserved the
// place, but hasn't published an element just yet. Let's
// spin for a little while, as publishing should happen
// momentarily.
state = STATE_LOOP
} else if (curSeq == curHead + 1) {
// We're at the right spot, and can try to reserve the spot
// for dequeue.
if (aHead.compareAndSet(this, curHead, curHead + 1)) {
// Successfully reserved the spot and can proceed to dequeueing.
} else {
// Another concurrent dequeue won. Let's try again at the next location.
curHead += 1
state = STATE_LOOP
} else { // curSeq > curHead + 1
// Either some other thread beat us or this thread got
// delayed. We need to resynchronize with `head` and try again.
curHead = aHead.get(this)
state = STATE_LOOP
if (state == STATE_RESERVED) {
// See the comment in offer method about volatile writes and
// visibility guarantees.
val deqElement = aBuf(curIdx)
aBuf(curIdx) = null
aSeq.lazySet(curIdx, curHead + aCapacity)
} else {
override final def pollUpTo(n: Int): Chunk[A] = {
val aCapacity = capacity
val aSeq = seq
var curSeq = 0L
val aHead = headUpdater
var curHead = 0L
var curIdx = 0
val aTail = tailUpdater
var curTail = 0L
val takers = n.toLong
var deqHead = 0L
var deqTail = 0L
var state = STATE_LOOP
while (state == STATE_LOOP) {
curHead = aHead.get(this)
curTail = aTail.get(this)
val size = curTail - curHead
val toTake = math.min(takers, size)
if (toTake <= 0) {
// There are no elements to take, terminate immediately.
} else {
// We know that space for this many elements has been reserved in the
// queue. However, some of these elements may still be in the process
// of being enqueued, so we need to check for that.
deqHead = curHead
deqTail = curHead + toTake
var continue = true
while (continue && deqHead < deqTail) {
curIdx = posToIdx(deqHead, aCapacity)
curSeq = aSeq.get(curIdx)
if (curSeq != deqHead + 1) {
// The element at this spot has not been enqueued yet, or possibly
// has been enqueued and already dequeued by another thread. We
// need to abort and retry.
continue = false
deqHead += 1
// If all elements have been enqueued, we can do compare and swap to
// try to reserve the space in the queue.
if (continue && aHead.compareAndSet(this, curHead, deqTail)) {
// We successfully reserved the space in the queue. We can prepare to
// dequeue the elements and publish our changes.
deqHead = curHead
} else {
// Another thread beat us to reserving space in the queue. We need to
// abort and retry.
state = STATE_LOOP
if (state == STATE_RESERVED) {
// We have successfully reserved space in the queue and have exclusive
// ownership of each space until we publish our changes. Dequeue the
// elements sequentially and publish our changes as we go.
val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[A]((deqTail - deqHead).toInt)
while (deqHead < deqTail) {
curIdx = posToIdx(deqHead, aCapacity)
val a = buf(curIdx).asInstanceOf[A]
buf(curIdx) = null
aSeq.lazySet(curIdx, deqHead + aCapacity)
deqHead += 1
} else {
// There were no elements to take, just return an empty collection.
override final def isEmpty(): Boolean = tailUpdater.get(this) == headUpdater.get(this)
override final def isFull(): Boolean = tailUpdater.get(this) == headUpdater.get(this) + capacity