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* Copyright 2019-2024 John A. De Goes and the ZIO Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.internal
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.{AbstractIterator, mutable}
import scala.collection.immutable.{HashMap, VectorBuilder}
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
private[zio] final class UpdateOrderLinkedMap[K, +V](
fields: Vector[Any],
underlying: HashMap[K, (Int, V)]
) extends Serializable { self =>
import UpdateOrderLinkedMap._
def size: Int = underlying.size
def isEmpty: Boolean = size == 0
def keySet: Set[K] = underlying.keySet
def updated[V1 >: V](key: K, value: V1): UpdateOrderLinkedMap[K, V1] = {
val existing = underlying.getOrElse(key, null)
if (existing eq null) {
new UpdateOrderLinkedMap(fields :+ key, underlying.updated(key, (fields.size, value)))
} else if (existing._1 == fields.size - 1) {
// If the entry to be added is at the tail of the fields, we can just update the value
new UpdateOrderLinkedMap(fields, underlying.updated(key, existing.copy(_2 = value)))
} else {
var fs = fields
val oldIdx = existing._1
// Calculate next of kin
val next = fs(oldIdx + 1) match {
case Tombstone(d) => oldIdx + d + 1
case _ => oldIdx + 1
// Calculate first index of preceding tombstone sequence
val first =
if (oldIdx > 0) {
fs(oldIdx - 1) match {
case Tombstone(d) if d < 0 => if (oldIdx + d >= 0) oldIdx + d else 0
case Tombstone(d) if d == 1 => oldIdx - 1
case Tombstone(d) => throw new IllegalStateException("tombstone indicate wrong position: " + d)
case _ => oldIdx
} else oldIdx
// Calculate last index of succeeding tombstone sequence
val last = next - 1
fs = fs.updated(first, Tombstone(next - first))
if (last != first) {
fs = fs.updated(last, Tombstone(first - 1 - last))
if (oldIdx != first && oldIdx != last) {
fs = fs.updated(oldIdx, Tombstone(next - oldIdx))
new UpdateOrderLinkedMap(fs :+ key, underlying.updated(key, (fs.length, value))).maybeReindex()
* Rebuilds the underlying vector and map, removing tombstones and reindexing
* the elements, but only if the number of dead elements exceeds 10000.
* This should never happen, but we add it as a safeguard against memory leaks
* due to weird usage patterns.
private def maybeReindex(): UpdateOrderLinkedMap[K, V] =
if (self.fields.size - size > 10000) fromUnsafe(iterator0)
else self
def iterator: Iterator[(K, V)] = iteratorLz.iterator
private[this] lazy val iteratorLz: LzList[(K, V)] = {
val it = iterator0
def loop(): LzList[(K, V)] =
if (it.hasNext) LzList(, loop()) else LzList.empty
private[this] def iterator0: Iterator[(K, V)] = new AbstractIterator[(K, V)] {
private[this] val fieldsLength = fields.length
private[this] var slot = -1
final private[this] def findNextKey(nextSlot: Int): K =
fields(nextSlot) match {
case Tombstone(d) => findNextKey(nextSlot + d)
case k =>
slot = nextSlot
override def hasNext: Boolean = slot < fieldsLength - 1
override def next(): (K, V) =
if (!hasNext)
else {
val key = findNextKey(slot + 1)
(key, underlying(key)._2)
def reverseIterator: Iterator[(K, V)] = reverseIteratorLz.iterator
private[this] lazy val reverseIteratorLz: LzList[(K, V)] = {
val it = reverseIterator0
def loop(): LzList[(K, V)] =
if (it.hasNext) LzList(, loop()) else LzList.empty
private def reverseIterator0: Iterator[(K, V)] = new AbstractIterator[(K, V)] {
private[this] var slot = fields.length
final private[this] def findNextKey(nextSlot: Int): K =
fields(nextSlot) match {
case Tombstone(d) if d < 0 => findNextKey(nextSlot + d)
case Tombstone(d) if d == 1 => findNextKey(nextSlot - 1)
case Tombstone(d) => throw new IllegalStateException("tombstone indicate wrong position: " + d)
case k =>
slot = nextSlot
override def hasNext: Boolean = slot > 0
override def next(): (K, V) =
if (!hasNext)
else {
val key = findNextKey(slot - 1)
val result = (key, underlying(key)._2)
def toList: List[(K, V)] = iterator.toList
override def hashCode(): Int = MurmurHash3.orderedHash(iterator)
private[zio] object UpdateOrderLinkedMap {
private final case class Tombstone(distance: Int)
private[this] final val EmptyMap: UpdateOrderLinkedMap[Nothing, Nothing] =
new UpdateOrderLinkedMap[Nothing, Nothing](Vector.empty[Nothing], HashMap.empty[Nothing, (Int, Nothing)])
def empty[K, V]: UpdateOrderLinkedMap[K, V] = EmptyMap.asInstanceOf[UpdateOrderLinkedMap[K, V]]
def fromMap[K, V](map: Map[K, V]): UpdateOrderLinkedMap[K, V] = fromUnsafe(map.iterator)
* Keys in the iterator '''MUST be unique'''!
private def fromUnsafe[K, V](it: Iterator[(K, V)]): UpdateOrderLinkedMap[K, V] = {
val vectorBuilder = new VectorBuilder[K]
val mapBuilder = HashMap.newBuilder[K, (Int, V)]
var i = 0
while (it.hasNext) {
val (k, v) =
vectorBuilder += k
mapBuilder += ((k, (i, v)))
i += 1
new UpdateOrderLinkedMap(vectorBuilder.result(), mapBuilder.result())
def newBuilder[K, V]: UpdateOrderLinkedMap.Builder[K, V] = new UpdateOrderLinkedMap.Builder[K, V]
final class Builder[K, V] { self =>
private[this] var entries: List[(K, V)] = Nil
private[this] var aliased: UpdateOrderLinkedMap[K, V] = _
def addOne(elem: (K, V)): UpdateOrderLinkedMap.Builder[K, V] = {
if (aliased ne null) {
aliased = aliased.updated(elem._1, elem._2)
} else {
// Place them in reverse order, we'll reverse them back during `result()`
entries = elem :: entries
def clear(): Unit = {
entries = Nil
aliased = null
def result(): UpdateOrderLinkedMap[K, V] = {
if (aliased eq null) {
var reversed = List.empty[(K, V)]
var remaining = entries
val set = mutable.HashSet.empty[K]
while (remaining ne Nil) {
val head = remaining.head
if (set.add(head._1)) reversed = head :: reversed
remaining = remaining.tail
aliased = fromUnsafe(reversed.iterator)
private sealed trait LzList[+A] { self =>
protected def head: A
protected def tail: LzList[A]
final def isEmpty: Boolean = this eq LzList.Empty
final def iterator: Iterator[A] = new AbstractIterator[A] {
private[this] var current: LzList[A] = self
override def hasNext: Boolean = !current.isEmpty
override def next(): A = {
// Never call `tail` before `head`!
val result = current.head
current = current.tail
private object LzList {
def apply[A](head: => A, tail: => LzList[A]): LzList[A] =
new Cons(() => head, () => tail)
def empty[A]: LzList[A] = Empty
private case object Empty extends LzList[Nothing] {
protected def head: Nothing = throw new NoSuchElementException("head of empty list")
protected def tail: LzList[Nothing] = throw new NoSuchElementException("tail of empty list")
private final class Cons[A](_head: () => A, _tail: () => LzList[A]) extends LzList[A] {
@transient protected lazy val head: A = _head()
@transient protected lazy val tail: LzList[A] = _tail()