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package zio.internal
import zio.internal.WeakConcurrentBag.IsAlive
import zio.{Chunk, Duration, Unsafe}
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import java.util.function.Predicate
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* A [[WeakConcurrentBag]] stores a collection of values that will ultimately be
* wrapped in a `WeakReference`, if they are survive long enough in a 'nursery'.
* The structure is optimized for addition, and will achieve zero allocations in
* the happy path. There is no way to remove values from the bag, as they will
* be automatically removed assuming they become unreachable.
* The larger the nursery size, the less weak references will be created,
* because the more values will die before they are forced out of the nursery.
* However, larger nursery sizes use more memory, and increase the worst
* possible performance of the `add` method, which has to do maintenance of the
* nursery and occassional garbage collection.
private[zio] class WeakConcurrentBag[A <: AnyRef](nurserySize: Int, isAlive: IsAlive[A]) { self =>
private[this] def nCpu = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors()
private[this] val nursery = new PartitionedRingBuffer[WeakReference[A]](nCpu * 4, nurserySize, roundToPow2 = true)
private[this] val nurseryActualSize = nursery.capacity
private[this] val graduates = Platform.newConcurrentSet[WeakReference[A]](nurseryActualSize * 2)(Unsafe.unsafe)
private[this] val gcStatus = new AtomicBoolean(false)
private[this] val autoGc = new AtomicBoolean(false)
private[this] val notAlive = new Predicate[WeakReference[A]] {
def test(ref: WeakReference[A]): Boolean = {
val value = ref.get()
(value eq null) || !isAlive(value)
* Schedules a thread (if not already running) which will wake up on the
* specified interval and remove dead references from long term storage by
* running `gc(false)`.
* @note
* this method is only supported on the JVM. On Scala JS and Scala Native,
* it is a no-op.
def withAutoGc(every: Duration): WeakConcurrentBag[A] = {
if (autoGc.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
WeakConcurrentBagGc.start(self, every)
* Adds a new value to the weak concurrent bag, graduating nursery occupants
* if necessary to make room.
final def add(a: A): Unit = {
val flushed = maybeFlushAndOffer(new WeakReference[A](a))
if (flushed.nonEmpty) {
if (graduates.size() > nurseryActualSize) gc(false)
* Performs a garbage collection, which consists of traversing long-term
* storage, identifying dead or GC'd values, and removing them.
final def gc(): Unit = gc(true)
final def gc(force: Boolean): Unit = {
val lockAcquired = gcStatus.compareAndSet(false, true)
// NOTE: try-finally most probably not needed; just being extra cautious not to accidentally lock GC
try if (force || lockAcquired) graduates.removeIf(notAlive)
finally if (lockAcquired) gcStatus.set(false)
* Moves all occupants of the nursery into long-term storage in a concurrent
* set, wrapped in a weak reference to avoid interfering with GC.
* This method will occassionally perform garbage collection, but only when
* the size of long-term storage exceeds the nursery size.
final def graduate(): Unit = {
if (graduates.size() > nurseryActualSize) gc(false)
private def flushNurseryToLongTermStorage(): Unit = {
val partitions = nursery.partitionIterator
while (partitions.hasNext) {
val partition =
* Attempts to offer an element to a queue partition. If the partition is
* full, then we flush half of the partition and add the element to it
* @note
* We only flush half of the partition so that we give a chance to the
* WeakReferences to be GC'd without moving them to long-term storage
* @return
* the elements that were flushed from the partition
private def maybeFlushAndOffer(a: WeakReference[A]): Chunk[WeakReference[A]] = {
val queue = nursery.randomPartition(ThreadLocalRandom.current())
if (!queue.offer(a)) {
val flushed = queue.pollUpTo(queue.capacity >> 1)
// In the extremely unlikely case that the partition filled up between the poll and the offer
// return the element as part of the flushed elements
if (queue.offer(a)) flushed else flushed :+ a
} else Chunk.empty
private def addToLongTermStorage(chunk: Chunk[WeakReference[A]]): Unit = {
var i = 0
val iter = chunk.chunkIterator
while (iter.hasNextAt(i)) {
val ref = iter.nextAt(i)
val value = ref.get()
if ((value ne null) && isAlive(value)) graduates.add(ref)
i += 1
* Returns a weakly consistent iterator over the bag. This iterator will never
* throw exceptions even in the presence of concurrent modifications.
final def iterator: Iterator[A] = {
// No need to force GC if another thread is already doing it as we'll remove the entry in the iterator below
new Iterator[A] {
val it = graduates.iterator()
var _next = prefetch()
def prefetch(): A =
if (it.hasNext) {
val next =
if (next eq null) {
it.remove() // Remove dead reference since we're iterating over the set
} else next
} else {
def hasNext() = _next ne null
def next(): A =
if (_next eq null)
throw new NoSuchElementException("There is no more element in the weak concurrent bag iterator")
else {
val result = _next
_next = prefetch()
* Returns the approximate size of the bag.
def size = graduates.size() + nursery.size()
override final def toString(): String = iterator.mkString("WeakConcurrentBag(", ",", ")")
private[zio] object WeakConcurrentBag {
def apply[A <: AnyRef](capacity: Int, isAlive: IsAlive[A] = IsAlive.always): WeakConcurrentBag[A] =
new WeakConcurrentBag(capacity, isAlive)
/** Specialized Function1 that doesn't cause boxing of the Boolean */
trait IsAlive[-A] {
def apply(value: A): Boolean
object IsAlive {
val always: IsAlive[Any] = _ => true