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zio.internal.macros.Graph.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package zio.internal.macros
import zio.internal.macros.LayerTree._
final case class Graph[Key, A](nodes: List[Node[Key, A]], keyEquals: (Key, Key) => Boolean) {
def buildComplete(outputs: List[Key]): Either[::[GraphError[Key, A]], LayerTree[A]] =
forEach(outputs) { output =>
getNodeWithOutput[GraphError[Key, A]](output, error = GraphError.MissingTopLevelDependency(output))
.flatMap(node => buildNode(node, Set(node)))
def buildNodes(nodes: List[Node[Key, A]]): Either[::[GraphError[Key, A]], LayerTree[A]] =
private def buildNode(node: Node[Key, A]): Either[::[GraphError[Key, A]], LayerTree[A]] =
forEach(node.inputs) { output =>
getNodeWithOutput[GraphError[Key, A]](output, error = GraphError.missingTransitiveDependency(node, output))
.flatMap(node => buildNode(node, Set(node)))
.map(_ >>> LayerTree.succeed(node.value))
def map[B](f: A => B): Graph[Key, B] =
Graph(, keyEquals)
private val nodeWithOutputCache = new java.util.HashMap[Key, Option[Node[Key, A]]]
private def getNodeWithOutput[E](output: Key, error: => E): Either[::[E], Node[Key, A]] =
nodeWithOutputCache.computeIfAbsent(output, findNodeWithOutput).toRight(::(error, Nil))
private def findNodeWithOutput(output: Key): Option[Node[Key, A]] =
nodes.find(_.outputs.exists(keyEquals(_, output)))
private def buildNode(
node: Node[Key, A],
seen: Set[Node[Key, A]]
): Either[::[GraphError[Key, A]], LayerTree[A]] =
forEach(node.inputs) { input =>
for {
out <- getNodeWithOutput(input, error = GraphError.missingTransitiveDependency(node, input))
_ <- assertNonCircularDependency(node, seen, out)
result <- buildNode(out, seen + out)
} yield result
}.map {
_.distinct.combineHorizontally >>> LayerTree.succeed(node.value)
private def assertNonCircularDependency(
node: Node[Key, A],
seen: Set[Node[Key, A]],
dependency: Node[Key, A]
): Either[::[GraphError[Key, A]], Unit] =
if (seen(dependency))
Left(::(GraphError.CircularDependency(node, dependency, seen.size), Nil))
private def forEach[B, C](
list: List[B]
)(f: B => Either[::[GraphError[Key, A]], C]): Either[::[GraphError[Key, A]], List[C]] =
list.foldRight[Either[::[GraphError[Key, A]], List[C]]](Right(List.empty)) { (a, b) =>
(f(a), b) match {
case (Left(::(e, es)), Left(e1s)) => Left(::(e, es ++ e1s))
case (Left(es), _) => Left(es)
case (_, Left(es)) => Left(es)
case (Right(a), Right(b)) => Right(a +: b)