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* Copyright 2019-2024 John A. De Goes and the ZIO Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.stm
import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
import zio.stm.TReentrantLock._
import zio.{FiberId, Scope, Trace, Unsafe, ZIO}
* A `TReentrantLock` is a reentrant read/write lock. Multiple readers may all
* concurrently acquire read locks. Only one writer is allowed to acquire a
* write lock at any given time. Read locks may be upgraded into write locks. A
* fiber that has a write lock may acquire other write locks or read locks.
* The two primary methods of this structure are `readLock`, which acquires a
* read lock in a scoped context, and `writeLock`, which acquires a write lock
* in a scoped context.
* Although located in the STM package, there is no need for locks within STM
* transactions. However, this lock can be quite useful in effectful code, to
* provide consistent read/write access to mutable state; and being in STM
* allows this structure to be composed into more complicated concurrent
* structures that are consumed from effectful code.
final class TReentrantLock private (data: TRef[LockState]) {
* Acquires a read lock. The transaction will suspend until no other fiber is
* holding a write lock. Succeeds with the number of read locks held by this
* fiber.
lazy val acquireRead: USTM[Int] = adjustRead(1)
* Acquires a write lock. The transaction will suspend until no other fibers
* are holding read or write locks. Succeeds with the number of write locks
* held by this fiber.
lazy val acquireWrite: USTM[Int] =
ZSTM.Effect((journal, fiberId, _) =>
data.unsafeGet(journal) match {
case readLock: ReadLock if readLock.noOtherHolder(fiberId) =>
data.unsafeSet(journal, WriteLock(1, readLock.readLocks(fiberId), fiberId))
case WriteLock(n, m, `fiberId`) =>
data.unsafeSet(journal, WriteLock(n + 1, m, fiberId))
n + 1
case _ => throw ZSTM.RetryException
* Just a convenience method for applications that only need reentrant locks,
* without needing a distinction between readers / writers.
* See [[writeLock]].
def lock(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Int] = writeLock
* Determines if any fiber has a read or write lock.
def locked: USTM[Boolean] =
(readLocked zipWith writeLocked)(_ || _)
* Obtains a read lock in a scoped context.
def readLock(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Int] =
ZIO.acquireRelease(acquireRead.commit)(_ => releaseRead.commit)
* Retrieves the total number of acquired read locks.
def readLocks: USTM[Int] =
* Retrieves the number of acquired read locks for this fiber.
def fiberReadLocks: USTM[Int] =
ZSTM.Effect((journal, fiberId, _) => data.unsafeGet(journal).readLocks(fiberId))
* Retrieves the number of acquired write locks for this fiber.
def fiberWriteLocks: USTM[Int] =
ZSTM.Effect((journal, fiberId, _) => data.unsafeGet(journal).writeLocks(fiberId))
* Determines if any fiber has a read lock.
def readLocked: USTM[Boolean] = > 0)
* Releases a read lock held by this fiber. Succeeds with the outstanding
* number of read locks held by this fiber.
lazy val releaseRead: USTM[Int] = adjustRead(-1)
* Releases a write lock held by this fiber. Succeeds with the outstanding
* number of write locks held by this fiber.
lazy val releaseWrite: USTM[Int] =
ZSTM.Effect { (journal, fiberId, _) =>
val res = data.unsafeGet(journal) match {
case WriteLock(1, m, `fiberId`) => ReadLock(fiberId, m)
case WriteLock(n, m, `fiberId`) if n > 1 =>
WriteLock(n - 1, m, fiberId)
case s => die(s"Defect: Fiber $fiberId releasing write lock it does not hold: $s")
data.unsafeSet(journal, res)
* Runs the specified workflow with a lock.
def withLock[R, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A] =
* Runs the specified workflow with a read lock.
def withReadLock[R, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A] =
ZIO.uninterruptibleMask(restore => restore(acquireRead.commit) *> restore(zio).ensuring(releaseRead.commit))
* Runs the specified workflow with a write lock.
def withWriteLock[R, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A] =
ZIO.uninterruptibleMask(restore => restore(acquireWrite.commit) *> restore(zio).ensuring(releaseWrite.commit))
* Obtains a write lock in a scoped context.
def writeLock(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Int] =
ZIO.acquireRelease(acquireWrite.commit)(_ => releaseWrite.commit)
* Determines if a write lock is held by some fiber.
def writeLocked: USTM[Boolean] = > 0)
* Computes the number of write locks held by fibers.
def writeLocks: USTM[Int] =
private def adjustRead(delta: Int): USTM[Int] =
ZSTM.Effect((journal, fiberId, _) =>
data.unsafeGet(journal) match {
case readLock: ReadLock =>
val res = readLock.adjust(fiberId, delta)
data.unsafeSet(journal, res)
case WriteLock(w, r, `fiberId`) =>
val newTotal = r + delta
if (newTotal < 0)
die(s"Defect: Fiber $fiberId releasing read locks it does not hold, newTotal: $newTotal")
data.unsafeSet(journal, WriteLock(w, newTotal, fiberId))
case _ => throw ZSTM.RetryException //another fiber is holding a write lock
object TReentrantLock {
private[stm] sealed abstract class LockState {
def readLocks: Int
def readLocks(fiberId: FiberId): Int
val writeLocks: Int
def writeLocks(fiberId: FiberId): Int
* This data structure describes the state of the lock when a single fiber has
* a write lock. The fiber has an identity, and may also have acquired a
* certain number of read locks.
private[stm] final case class WriteLock(writeLocks: Int, readLocks: Int, fiberId: FiberId) extends LockState {
override def readLocks(fiberId0: FiberId): Int = if (fiberId0 == fiberId) readLocks else 0
override def writeLocks(fiberId0: FiberId): Int = if (fiberId0 == fiberId) writeLocks else 0
* This data structure describes the state of the lock when multiple fibers
* have acquired read locks. The state is tracked as a map from fiber identity
* to number of read locks acquired by the fiber. This level of detail permits
* upgrading a read lock to a write lock.
private[stm] final class ReadLock(readers: Map[FiberId, Int]) extends LockState {
* Computes the total number of read locks acquired.
lazy val readLocks: Int = readers.values.sum
* Determines if there is no other holder of read locks aside from the
* specified fiber id. If there are no other holders of read locks aside
* from the specified fiber id, then it is safe to upgrade the read lock
* into a write lock.
def noOtherHolder(fiberId: FiberId): Boolean =
readers.isEmpty || (readers.size == 1 && readers.contains(fiberId))
* Computes the number of read locks held by the specified fiber id.
def readLocks(fiberId: FiberId): Int = readers.getOrElse(fiberId, 0)
* Adjusts the number of read locks held by the specified fiber id.
def adjust(fiberId: FiberId, adjust: Int): ReadLock = {
val total = readLocks(fiberId)
val newTotal = total + adjust
new ReadLock(
if (newTotal < 0) die(s"Defect: Fiber $fiberId releasing read lock it does not hold: $readers")
else if (newTotal == 0) readers - fiberId
else readers.updated(fiberId, newTotal)
override val writeLocks: Int = 0
override def writeLocks(fiberId: FiberId): Int = 0
private[stm] object ReadLock {
* An empty read lock state, in which no fiber holds any read locks.
val empty: ReadLock = new ReadLock(Map())
* Creates a new read lock where the specified fiber holds the specified
* number of read locks.
def apply(fiberId: FiberId, count: Int): ReadLock =
if (count <= 0) empty else new ReadLock(Map(fiberId -> count))
* Makes a new reentrant read/write lock.
def make: USTM[TReentrantLock] =
object unsafe {
def make()(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): TReentrantLock =
new TReentrantLock(TRef.unsafeMake[LockState](ReadLock.empty))
private def die(message: String): Nothing =
throw new RuntimeException(message)