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zio.Chunk.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 2.1.9
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 * Copyright 2018-2024 John A. De Goes and the ZIO Contributors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package zio

import java.nio._
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable.Builder
import scala.math.log
import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag}

 * A `Chunk[A]` represents a chunk of values of type `A`. Chunks are designed
 * are usually backed by arrays, but expose a purely functional, safe interface
 * to the underlying elements, and they become lazy on operations that would be
 * costly with arrays, such as repeated concatenation.
 * The implementation of balanced concatenation is based on the one for
 * Conc-Trees in "Conc-Trees for Functional and Parallel Programming" by
 * Aleksandar Prokopec and Martin Odersky.
 * [[]]
 * NOTE: For performance reasons `Chunk` does not box primitive types. As a
 * result, it is not safe to construct chunks from heterogeneous primitive
 * types.
sealed abstract class Chunk[+A] extends ChunkLike[A] with Serializable { self =>
  def chunkIterator: Chunk.ChunkIterator[A]

   * Returns the concatenation of this chunk with the specified chunk.
  final def ++[A1 >: A](that: Chunk[A1]): Chunk[A1] =
    (self, that) match {
      case (Chunk.AppendN(start, buffer, bufferUsed, _), that) =>
        val chunk = Chunk.fromArray(buffer.asInstanceOf[Array[A1]]).take(bufferUsed)
        start ++ chunk ++ that
      case (self, Chunk.PrependN(end, buffer, bufferUsed, _)) =>
        val chunk = Chunk.fromArray(buffer.asInstanceOf[Array[A1]]).takeRight(bufferUsed)
        self ++ chunk ++ end
      case (self, Chunk.Empty) => self
      case (Chunk.Empty, that) => that
      case (self, that) =>
        val diff = that.concatDepth - self.concatDepth
        if (math.abs(diff) <= 1) Chunk.Concat(self, that)
        else if (diff < -1) {
          if (self.left.concatDepth >= self.right.concatDepth) {
            val nr = self.right ++ that
            Chunk.Concat(self.left, nr)
          } else {
            val nrr = self.right.right ++ that
            if (nrr.concatDepth == self.concatDepth - 3) {
              val nr = Chunk.Concat(self.right.left, nrr)
              Chunk.Concat(self.left, nr)
            } else {
              val nl = Chunk.Concat(self.left, self.right.left)
              Chunk.Concat(nl, nrr)
        } else {
          if (that.right.concatDepth >= that.left.concatDepth) {
            val nl = self ++ that.left
            Chunk.Concat(nl, that.right)
          } else {
            val nll = self ++ that.left.left
            if (nll.concatDepth == that.concatDepth - 3) {
              val nl = Chunk.Concat(nll, that.left.right)
              Chunk.Concat(nl, that.right)
            } else {
              val nr = Chunk.Concat(that.left.right, that.right)
              Chunk.Concat(nll, nr)

   * Returns the concatenation of this chunk with the specified chunk.
  final def ++[A1 >: A](that: NonEmptyChunk[A1]): NonEmptyChunk[A1] =

   * Returns the bitwise AND of this chunk and the specified chunk.
  def &(that: Chunk[Boolean])(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Chunk.BitChunkByte =
    Chunk.bitwise(self.asInstanceOf[Chunk[Boolean]], that, _ & _)

   * Returns the bitwise OR of this chunk and the specified chunk.
  def |(that: Chunk[Boolean])(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Chunk.BitChunkByte =
    Chunk.bitwise(self.asInstanceOf[Chunk[Boolean]], that, _ | _)

   * Returns the bitwise XOR of this chunk and the specified chunk.
  def ^(that: Chunk[Boolean])(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Chunk.BitChunkByte =
    Chunk.bitwise(self.asInstanceOf[Chunk[Boolean]], that, _ ^ _)

   * Returns the bitwise NOT of this chunk.
  def negate(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Chunk.BitChunkByte = {
    val bits      = self.length
    val fullBytes = bits >> 3
    val remBytes  = bits & 7
    val arr       = Array.ofDim[Byte](fullBytes + (if (remBytes == 0) 0 else 1))
    var i         = 0
    var mask      = 128
    while (i < fullBytes) {
      var byte = 0
      mask = 128
      (0 until 8).foreach { k =>
        byte = byte | (if (!ev(self(i * 8 + k))) mask else 0)
        mask >>= 1
      arr(i) = byte.asInstanceOf[Byte]
      i += 1
    if (remBytes != 0) {
      var byte = 0
      mask = 128
      (0 until remBytes).foreach { k =>
        byte = byte | (if (!ev(self(fullBytes * 8 + k))) mask else 0)
        mask >>= 1
      arr(fullBytes) = byte.asInstanceOf[Byte]
    Chunk.BitChunkByte(Chunk.fromArray(arr), 0, bits)

   * Crates a base64 encoded string based on the chunk's data.
  def asBase64String(implicit ev: Chunk.IsText[A]): String = {
    val encoder = java.util.Base64.getEncoder
    ev match {
      case Chunk.IsText.byteIsText =>
      case Chunk.IsText.charIsText =>
      case Chunk.IsText.strIsText =>

   * Converts a chunk of ints to a chunk of bits.
  final def asBitsInt(endianness: Chunk.BitChunk.Endianness)(implicit ev: A <:< Int): Chunk[Boolean] =
    if (self.isEmpty) Chunk.empty
    else Chunk.BitChunkInt(self.asInstanceOf[Chunk[Int]], endianness, 0, length << 5)

   * Converts a chunk of longs to a chunk of bits.
  final def asBitsLong(endianness: Chunk.BitChunk.Endianness)(implicit ev: A <:< Long): Chunk[Boolean] =
    if (self.isEmpty) Chunk.empty
    else Chunk.BitChunkLong(self.asInstanceOf[Chunk[Long]], endianness, 0, length << 6)

   * Converts a chunk of bytes to a chunk of bits.
  final def asBitsByte(implicit ev: A <:< Byte): Chunk[Boolean] =
    if (self.isEmpty) Chunk.empty
    else Chunk.BitChunkByte(, 0, length << 3)

  def toPackedByte(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Chunk[Byte] =
    if (self.isEmpty) Chunk.empty
    else Chunk.ChunkPackedBoolean[Byte](self.asInstanceOf[Chunk[Boolean]], 8, Chunk.BitChunk.Endianness.BigEndian)
  def toPackedInt(endianness: Chunk.BitChunk.Endianness)(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Chunk[Int] =
    if (self.isEmpty) Chunk.empty
    else Chunk.ChunkPackedBoolean[Int](self.asInstanceOf[Chunk[Boolean]], 32, endianness)
  def toPackedLong(endianness: Chunk.BitChunk.Endianness)(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Chunk[Long] =
    if (self.isEmpty) Chunk.empty
    else Chunk.ChunkPackedBoolean[Long](self.asInstanceOf[Chunk[Boolean]], 64, endianness)

   * Crates a new String based on this chunks data.
  final def asString(implicit ev: Chunk.IsText[A]): String = ev.convert(self)

   * Crates a new String based on this chunk of bytes and using the given
   * charset.
  final def asString(charset: Charset)(implicit ev: A <:< Byte): String = {
    implicit val cls: ClassTag[A] = classTag[Byte].asInstanceOf[ClassTag[A]]
    new String(self.toArray.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]], charset)

   * Get the element at the specified index.
  def boolean(index: Int)(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Boolean =

   * Get the element at the specified index.
  def byte(index: Int)(implicit ev: A <:< Byte): Byte =

   * Get the element at the specified index.
  def char(index: Int)(implicit ev: A <:< Char): Char =

   * Transforms all elements of the chunk for as long as the specified partial
   * function is defined.
  def collectWhile[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Chunk[B] =
    if (isEmpty) Chunk.empty else self.materialize.collectWhile(pf)

  def collectWhileZIO[R, E, B](pf: PartialFunction[A, ZIO[R, E, B]])(implicit
    trace: Trace
  ): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[B]] =
    if (isEmpty) ZIO.succeed(Chunk.empty) else self.materialize.collectWhileZIO(pf)

   * Returns a filtered, mapped subset of the elements of this chunk based on a
   * .
  def collectZIO[R, E, B](pf: PartialFunction[A, ZIO[R, E, B]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[B]] =
    if (isEmpty) ZIO.succeed(Chunk.empty) else self.materialize.collectZIO(pf)

   * Determines whether this chunk and the specified chunk have the same length
   * and every pair of corresponding elements of this chunk and the specified
   * chunk satisfy the specified predicate.
  final def corresponds[B](that: Chunk[B])(f: (A, B) => Boolean): Boolean =
    if (self.length != that.length) false
    else {
      val leftIterator  = self.chunkIterator
      val rightIterator = that.chunkIterator
      var index         = 0
      var equal         = true
      while (equal && leftIterator.hasNextAt(index) && rightIterator.hasNextAt(index)) {
        val a = leftIterator.nextAt(index)
        val b = rightIterator.nextAt(index)
        index += 1
        equal = f(a, b)

   * Deduplicates adjacent elements that are identical.
  def dedupe: Chunk[A] = {
    val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[A]()

    var lastA = null.asInstanceOf[A]

    foreach { a =>
      if (a != lastA) builder += a

      lastA = a


   * Get the element at the specified index.
  def double(index: Int)(implicit ev: A <:< Double): Double =

   * Drops the first `n` elements of the chunk.
  override def drop(n: Int): Chunk[A] = {
    val len = self.length

    if (n <= 0) self
    else if (n >= len) Chunk.empty
      self match {
        case Chunk.Slice(c, o, l) => Chunk.Slice(c, o + n, l - n)
        case Chunk.Concat(l, r) =>
          if (n > l.length) r.drop(n - l.length)
          else Chunk.Concat(l.drop(n), r)
        case _ =>
          if (depth >= Chunk.MaxDepthBeforeMaterialize) Chunk.Slice(self.materialize, n, len - n)
          else Chunk.Slice(self, n, len - n)

   * Drops the last `n` elements of the chunk.
  override def dropRight(n: Int): Chunk[A] = {
    val len = self.length

    if (n <= 0) self
    else if (n >= len) Chunk.empty
      self match {
        case Chunk.Slice(c, o, l) => Chunk.Slice(c, o, l - n)
        case Chunk.Concat(l, r) =>
          if (n > r.length) l.dropRight(n - r.length)
          else Chunk.Concat(l, r.dropRight(n))
        case _ =>
          if (depth >= Chunk.MaxDepthBeforeMaterialize) Chunk.Slice(self.materialize, 0, len - n)
          else Chunk.Slice(self, 0, len - n)

   * Drops all elements until the predicate returns true.
  def dropUntil(f: A => Boolean): Chunk[A] = {
    val iterator = self.chunkIterator
    var continue = true
    var i        = 0
    while (continue && iterator.hasNextAt(i)) {
      val a = iterator.nextAt(i)
      if (f(a)) continue = false
      i += 1

   * Drops all elements until the effectful predicate returns true.
  def dropUntilZIO[R, E](p: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[A]] =
    ZIO.suspendSucceed {
      val iterator = self.chunkIterator

      def loop(index: Int): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[A]] =
        if (iterator.hasNextAt(index))
          p(iterator.nextAt(index)).flatMap(b => if (b) ZIO.succeed(drop(index + 1)) else loop(index + 1))


   * Drops all elements so long as the predicate returns true.
  override def dropWhile(f: A => Boolean): Chunk[A] = {
    val iterator = self.chunkIterator
    var continue = true
    var i        = 0
    while (continue && iterator.hasNextAt(i)) {
      val a = iterator.nextAt(i)
      if (f(a)) {
        i += 1
      } else {
        continue = false

   * Drops all elements so long as the effectful predicate returns true.
  def dropWhileZIO[R, E](p: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[A]] =
    ZIO.suspendSucceed {
      val iterator = self.chunkIterator

      def loop(index: Int): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[A]] =
        if (iterator.hasNextAt(index))
          p(iterator.nextAt(index)).flatMap(b => if (b) loop(index + 1) else ZIO.succeed(drop(index)))


  override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
    (self eq that.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) || (that match {
      case that: Seq[_] => self.corresponds(that)(_ == _)
      case _            => false

   * Determines whether a predicate is satisfied for at least one element of
   * this chunk.
  override final def exists(f: A => Boolean): Boolean = {
    val iterator = self.chunkIterator
    var index    = 0
    var exists   = false
    while (!exists && iterator.hasNextAt(index)) {
      val a = iterator.nextAt(index)
      index += 1
      exists = f(a)

   * Returns a filtered subset of this chunk.
  override def filter(f: A => Boolean): Chunk[A] = {
    val iterator = self.chunkIterator
    var index    = 0
    val builder  = ChunkBuilder.make[A]()
    while (iterator.hasNextAt(index)) {
      val a = iterator.nextAt(index)
      index += 1
      if (f(a)) {
        builder += a

   * Filters this chunk by the specified effectful predicate, retaining all
   * elements for which the predicate evaluates to true.
  final def filterZIO[R, E](f: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[A]] =

   * Returns the first element that satisfies the predicate.
  override final def find(f: A => Boolean): Option[A] = {
    val iterator          = self.chunkIterator
    var index             = 0
    var result: Option[A] = None
    while (result.isEmpty && iterator.hasNextAt(index)) {
      val a = iterator.nextAt(index)
      index += 1
      if (f(a)) {
        result = Some(a)

   * Returns the first element that satisfies the effectful predicate.
  final def findZIO[R, E](f: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Option[A]] =
    ZIO.suspendSucceed {
      val iterator = self.chunkIterator
      var index    = 0

      def loop(iterator: Chunk.ChunkIterator[A]): ZIO[R, E, Option[A]] =
        if (iterator.hasNextAt(index)) {
          val a = iterator.nextAt(index)
          index += 1

          f(a).flatMap {
            if (_) ZIO.succeed(Some(a))
            else loop(iterator)
        } else {


   * Get the element at the specified index.
  def float(index: Int)(implicit ev: A <:< Float): Float =

   * Folds over the elements in this chunk from the left.
  override def foldLeft[S](s0: S)(f: (S, A) => S): S = {
    val iterator = self.chunkIterator
    var index    = 0
    var s        = s0
    while (iterator.hasNextAt(index)) {
      val a = iterator.nextAt(index)
      index += 1
      s = f(s, a)

   * Effectfully folds over the elements in this chunk from the left.
  final def foldZIO[R, E, S](s: S)(f: (S, A) => ZIO[R, E, S])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, S] =

   * Folds over the elements in this chunk from the right.
  override def foldRight[S](s0: S)(f: (A, S) => S): S = {
    val iterator = self.reverseIterator
    var s        = s0
    while (iterator.hasNext) {
      val a =
      s = f(a, s)

   * Folds over the elements in this chunk from the left. Stops the fold early
   * when the condition is not fulfilled.
  final def foldWhile[S](s0: S)(pred: S => Boolean)(f: (S, A) => S): S = {
    val iterator = self.chunkIterator
    var index    = 0
    var s        = s0
    var continue = pred(s)
    while (continue && iterator.hasNextAt(index)) {
      val a = iterator.nextAt(index)
      index += 1
      s = f(s, a)
      continue = pred(s)

  final def foldWhileZIO[R, E, S](
    z: S
  )(pred: S => Boolean)(f: (S, A) => ZIO[R, E, S])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, S] = {
    val iterator = self.chunkIterator

    def loop(s: S, iterator: Chunk.ChunkIterator[A], index: Int): ZIO[R, E, S] =
      if (iterator.hasNextAt(index)) {
        if (pred(s)) f(s, iterator.nextAt(index)).flatMap(loop(_, iterator, index + 1))
        else ZIO.succeed(s)
      } else {

    loop(z, iterator, 0)

   * Determines whether a predicate is satisfied for all elements of this chunk.
  override final def forall(f: A => Boolean): Boolean = {
    val iterator = self.chunkIterator
    var index    = 0
    var exists   = true
    while (exists && iterator.hasNextAt(index)) {
      val a = iterator.nextAt(index)
      index += 1
      exists = f(a)

  override final def hashCode: Int = toArrayOption match {
    case None        => Seq.empty[A].hashCode
    case Some(array) => array.toSeq.hashCode

   * Returns the first element of this chunk. Note that this method is partial
   * in that it will throw an exception if the chunk is empty. Consider using
   * `headOption` to explicitly handle the possibility that the chunk is empty
   * or iterating over the elements of the chunk in lower level, performance
   * sensitive code unless you really only need the first element of the chunk.
  override def head: A =

   * Returns the first element of this chunk if it exists.
  override final def headOption: Option[A] =
    if (isEmpty) None else Some(self(0))

   * Returns the first index for which the given predicate is satisfied after or
   * at some given index.
  override final def indexWhere(f: A => Boolean, from: Int): Int = {
    val iterator = self.chunkIterator
    var i        = 0
    var result   = -1
    while (result < 0 && iterator.hasNextAt(i)) {
      val a = iterator.nextAt(i)
      if (i >= from && f(a)) {
        result = i
      i += 1

   * Get the element at the specified index.
  def int(index: Int)(implicit ev: A <:< Int): Int =

   * Determines if the chunk is empty.
  override final def isEmpty: Boolean =
    length == 0

   * Returns the last element of this chunk if it exists.
  override final def lastOption: Option[A] =
    if (isEmpty) None else Some(self(self.length - 1))

   * Get the element at the specified index.
  def long(index: Int)(implicit ev: A <:< Long): Long =

   * Statefully maps over the chunk, producing new elements of type `B`.
  final def mapAccum[S1, B](s1: S1)(f1: (S1, A) => (S1, B)): (S1, Chunk[B]) = {
    val iterator = self.chunkIterator
    var index    = 0
    val builder  = ChunkBuilder.make[B]()
    var s = s1
    while (iterator.hasNextAt(index)) {
      val a = iterator.nextAt(index)
      index += 1
      val tuple = f1(s, a)
      s = tuple._1
      builder += tuple._2
    (s, builder.result())

   * Statefully and effectfully maps over the elements of this chunk to produce
   * new elements.
  final def mapAccumZIO[R, E, S1, B](
    s1: S1
  )(f1: (S1, A) => ZIO[R, E, (S1, B)])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, (S1, Chunk[B])] =
    ZIO.suspendSucceed {
      val iterator = self.chunkIterator
      val builder  = ChunkBuilder.make[B]()

      def loop(s1: S1, index: Int): ZIO[R, E, (S1, Chunk[B])] =
        if (iterator.hasNextAt(index)) {
          val a = iterator.nextAt(index)
          f1(s1, a).flatMap { case (s1, b) =>
            builder += b
            loop(s1, index + 1)
        } else {
          ZIO.succeed((s1, builder.result()))

      loop(s1, 0)

   * Effectfully maps the elements of this chunk.
  final def mapZIO[R, E, B](f: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[B]] =

   * Effectfully maps the elements of this chunk purely for the effects.
  final def mapZIODiscard[R, E](f: A => ZIO[R, E, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Unit] =

   * Effectfully maps the elements of this chunk in parallel.
  final def mapZIOPar[R, E, B](f: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[B]] =

   * Effectfully maps the elements of this chunk in parallel purely for the
   * effects.
  final def mapZIOParDiscard[R, E](f: A => ZIO[R, E, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Unit] =

   * Materializes a chunk into a chunk backed by an array. This method can
   * improve the performance of bulk operations.
  def materialize[A1 >: A]: Chunk[A1] =
    self.toArrayOption[A1] match {
      case None        => Chunk.Empty
      case Some(array) => Chunk.fromArray(array)

   * Runs `fn` if a `chunk` is not empty or returns default value
  def nonEmptyOrElse[B](ifEmpty: => B)(fn: NonEmptyChunk[A] => B): B =
    if (isEmpty) ifEmpty else fn(NonEmptyChunk.nonEmpty(self))

   * Partitions the elements of this chunk into two chunks using the specified
   * function.
  override final def partitionMap[B, C](f: A => Either[B, C]): (Chunk[B], Chunk[C]) = {
    val bs = ChunkBuilder.make[B]()
    val cs = ChunkBuilder.make[C]()
    foreach { a =>
      f(a) match {
        case Left(b)  => bs += b
        case Right(c) => cs += c
    (bs.result(), cs.result())

   * Get the element at the specified index.
  def short(index: Int)(implicit ev: A <:< Short): Short =

  override def slice(from: Int, until: Int): Chunk[A] = {
    val start = if (from < 0) 0 else if (from > length) length else from
    val end   = if (until < start) start else if (until > length) length else until
    if (depth > Chunk.MaxDepthBeforeMaterialize) Chunk.Slice(self.materialize, start, end - start)
    else Chunk.Slice(self, start, end - start)

  override def span(f: A => Boolean): (Chunk[A], Chunk[A]) =

   * Splits this chunk into `n` equally sized chunks.
  final def split(n: Int): Chunk[Chunk[A]] = {
    val length    = self.length
    val quotient  = length / n
    val remainder = length % n
    val iterator  = self.chunkIterator
    var index     = 0
    val chunks    = ChunkBuilder.make[Chunk[A]]()
    var i         = 0
    while (i < remainder) {
      val chunk = ChunkBuilder.make[A]()
      var j     = 0
      while (j <= quotient) {
        chunk += iterator.nextAt(index)
        index += 1
        j += 1
      chunks += chunk.result()
      i += 1
    if (quotient > 0) {
      while (i < n) {
        val chunk = ChunkBuilder.make[A]()
        var j     = 0
        while (j < quotient) {
          chunk += iterator.nextAt(index)
          index += 1
          j += 1
        chunks += chunk.result()
        i += 1

   * Returns two splits of this chunk at the specified index.
  override final def splitAt(n: Int): (Chunk[A], Chunk[A]) =
    (take(n), drop(n))

   * Splits this chunk on the first element that matches this predicate.
  final def splitWhere(f: A => Boolean): (Chunk[A], Chunk[A]) = {
    val iterator = self.chunkIterator
    var continue = true
    var i        = 0
    while (continue && iterator.hasNextAt(i)) {
      val a = iterator.nextAt(i)
      if (f(a)) {
        continue = false
      } else {
        i += 1

   * Takes the first `n` elements of the chunk.
  override def take(n: Int): Chunk[A] =
    if (n <= 0) Chunk.Empty
    else if (n >= length) this
      self match {
        case Chunk.Slice(c, o, _) => Chunk.Slice(c, o, n)
        case Chunk.Concat(l, r) =>
          if (n > l.length) Chunk.Concat(l, r.take(n - l.length))
          else l.take(n)
        case _ =>
          if (depth >= Chunk.MaxDepthBeforeMaterialize) Chunk.Slice(self.materialize, 0, n)
          else Chunk.Slice(self, 0, n)

   * Takes the last `n` elements of the chunk.
  override def takeRight(n: Int): Chunk[A] =
    if (n <= 0) Chunk.Empty
    else if (n >= length) this
      self match {
        case Chunk.Slice(c, o, l) => Chunk.Slice(c, o + l - n, n)
        case Chunk.Concat(l, r) =>
          if (n > r.length) Chunk.Concat(l.takeRight(n - r.length), r)
          else r.takeRight(n)
        case _ =>
          if (depth >= Chunk.MaxDepthBeforeMaterialize) Chunk.Slice(self.materialize, length - n, n)
          else Chunk.Slice(self, length - n, n)

   * Takes all elements so long as the predicate returns true.
  override def takeWhile(f: A => Boolean): Chunk[A] = {
    val iterator = self.chunkIterator
    var continue = true
    var i        = 0
    while (continue && iterator.hasNextAt(i)) {
      val a = iterator.nextAt(i)
      if (!f(a)) {
        continue = false
      } else {
        i += 1

   * Takes all elements so long as the effectual predicate returns true.
  def takeWhileZIO[R, E](p: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[A]] =
    ZIO.suspendSucceed {
      val iterator = self.chunkIterator

      def loop(index: Int): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[A]] =
        if (iterator.hasNextAt(index))
          p(iterator.nextAt(index)).flatMap(b => if (b) loop(index + 1) else ZIO.succeed(take(index)))


   * Converts the chunk into an array.
  override def toArray[A1 >: A: ClassTag]: Array[A1] = {
    val dest = Array.ofDim[A1](self.length)

    try {
      self.toArray(0, dest)
    } catch {
      case _: ClassCastException =>
        val dest = Array.ofDim[AnyRef](self.length).asInstanceOf[Array[A1]]
        self.toArray(0, dest)

   * Renders this chunk of bits as a binary string.
  final def toBinaryString(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): String = {
    val bits    = self.asInstanceOf[Chunk[Boolean]]
    val builder = new scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder
    bits.foreach(bit => if (bit) builder.append("1") else builder.append("0"))

  override final def toList: List[A] = {
    val listBuilder = List.newBuilder[A]

  override final def toVector: Vector[A] = {
    val vectorBuilder = Vector.newBuilder[A]

  override final def toString: String =
    toArrayOption.fold("Chunk()")(_.mkString("Chunk(", ",", ")"))

   * Zips this chunk with the specified chunk to produce a new chunk with pairs
   * of elements from each chunk. The returned chunk will have the length of the
   * shorter chunk.
  final def zip[B](that: Chunk[B])(implicit zippable: Zippable[A, B]): Chunk[zippable.Out] =
    zipWith(that)(, _))

   * Zips this chunk with the specified chunk to produce a new chunk with pairs
   * of elements from each chunk, filling in missing values from the shorter
   * chunk with `None`. The returned chunk will have the length of the longer
   * chunk.
  final def zipAll[B](that: Chunk[B]): Chunk[(Option[A], Option[B])] =
    zipAllWith(that)(a => (Some(a), None), b => (None, Some(b)))((a, b) => (Some(a), Some(b)))

   * Zips with chunk with the specified chunk to produce a new chunk with pairs
   * of elements from each chunk combined using the specified function `both`.
   * If one chunk is shorter than the other uses the specified function `left`
   * or `right` to map the element that does exist to the result type.
  final def zipAllWith[B, C](
    that: Chunk[B]
  )(left: A => C, right: B => C)(both: (A, B) => C): Chunk[C] = {
    val length = self.length.max(that.length)
    if (length == 0) Chunk.empty
    else {
      val leftIterator  = self.chunkIterator
      val rightIterator = that.chunkIterator
      var index         = 0
      val builder       = ChunkBuilder.make[C]()
      while (leftIterator.hasNextAt(index) && rightIterator.hasNextAt(index)) {
        val a = leftIterator.nextAt(index)
        val b = rightIterator.nextAt(index)
        index += 1
        val c = both(a, b)
        builder += c
      while (leftIterator.hasNextAt(index)) {
        val a = leftIterator.nextAt(index)
        index += 1
        val c = left(a)
        builder += c
      while (rightIterator.hasNextAt(index)) {
        val b = rightIterator.nextAt(index)
        index += 1
        val c = right(b)
        builder += c

   * Zips this chunk with the specified chunk using the specified combiner.
  final def zipWith[B, C](that: Chunk[B])(f: (A, B) => C): Chunk[C] = {
    val length = self.length.min(that.length)
    if (length == 0) Chunk.empty
    else {
      val leftIterator  = self.chunkIterator
      val rightIterator = that.chunkIterator
      var index         = 0
      val builder       = ChunkBuilder.make[C]()
      while (leftIterator.hasNextAt(index) && rightIterator.hasNextAt(index)) {
        val a = leftIterator.nextAt(index)
        val b = rightIterator.nextAt(index)
        index += 1
        val c = f(a, b)
        builder += c

   * Zips this chunk with the index of every element, starting from the initial
   * index value.
  final def zipWithIndexFrom(indexOffset: Int): Chunk[(A, Int)] = {
    val iterator = self.chunkIterator
    var index    = 0
    val builder  = ChunkBuilder.make[(A, Int)]()
    var i = indexOffset
    while (iterator.hasNextAt(index)) {
      val a = iterator.nextAt(index)
      index += 1
      builder += ((a, i))
      i += 1

  //noinspection AccessorLikeMethodIsUnit
  protected[zio] final def toArray[A1 >: A](n: Int, dest: Array[A1]): Unit =
    toArray(0, dest, n, length)

  protected[zio] def toArray[A1 >: A](srcPos: Int, dest: Array[A1], destPos: Int, length: Int): Unit =
    if (isEmpty) () else materialize.toArray(srcPos, dest, destPos, length)

   * Appends an element to the chunk.
  protected def append[A1 >: A](a1: A1): Chunk[A1] = {
    val buffer = Array.ofDim[AnyRef](Chunk.BufferSize)
    buffer(0) = a1.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
    if (depth >= Chunk.MaxDepthBeforeMaterialize) Chunk.AppendN(self.materialize, buffer, 1, new AtomicInteger(1))
    else Chunk.AppendN(self, buffer, 1, new AtomicInteger(1))

   * Returns a filtered, mapped subset of the elements of this chunk.
  protected def collectChunk[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Chunk[B] =
    if (isEmpty) Chunk.empty else self.materialize.collectChunk(pf)

  protected def concatDepth: Int =

  protected def depth: Int =

  protected def left: Chunk[A] =

   * Returns a chunk with the elements mapped by the specified function.
  protected def mapChunk[B](f: A => B): Chunk[B] = {
    val iter   = self.chunkIterator
    val newArr = Array.ofDim[AnyRef](self.length).asInstanceOf[Array[B]]
    var i      = 0
    while (iter.hasNextAt(i)) {
      newArr(i) = f(iter.nextAt(i))
      i += 1

   * Prepends an element to the chunk.
  protected def prepend[A1 >: A](a1: A1): Chunk[A1] = {
    val buffer = Array.ofDim[AnyRef](Chunk.BufferSize)
    buffer(Chunk.BufferSize - 1) = a1.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
    if (depth >= Chunk.MaxDepthBeforeMaterialize) Chunk.PrependN(self.materialize, buffer, 1, new AtomicInteger(1))
    else Chunk.PrependN(self, buffer, 1, new AtomicInteger(1))

  protected def right: Chunk[A] =

   * Updates an element at the specified index of the chunk.
  protected def update[A1 >: A](index: Int, a1: A1): Chunk[A1] =
    if (index < 0 || index >= length) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Update chunk access to $index")
    else {
      val bufferIndices = Array.ofDim[Int](Chunk.UpdateBufferSize)
      val bufferValues  = Array.ofDim[AnyRef](Chunk.UpdateBufferSize)
      bufferIndices(0) = index
      bufferValues(0) = a1.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
      if (depth >= Chunk.MaxDepthBeforeMaterialize)
        Chunk.Update(self.materialize, bufferIndices, bufferValues, 1, new AtomicInteger(1))
      else Chunk.Update(self, bufferIndices, bufferValues, 1, new AtomicInteger(1))

  private final def fromBuilder[A1 >: A, B[_]](builder: Builder[A1, B[A1]]): B[A1] = {
    val c   = materialize
    var i   = 0
    val len = c.length
    while (i < len) {
      builder += c(i)
      i += 1

   * A helper function that converts the chunk into an array if it is not empty.
  private final def toArrayOption[A1 >: A]: Option[Array[A1]] =
    self match {
      case Chunk.Empty => None
      case chunk       => Some(chunk.toArray(Chunk.classTagOf(self)))

object Chunk extends ChunkFactory with ChunkPlatformSpecific {

   * Returns a chunk from a number of values.
  override def apply[A](as: A*): Chunk[A] =
    if (as.size == 1) single(as.head) else fromIterable(as)

   * Performs bitwise operations on boolean chunks returning a Chunk.BitChunk
  private def bitwise(
    left: Chunk[Boolean],
    right: Chunk[Boolean],
    op: (Boolean, Boolean) => Boolean
  ): Chunk.BitChunkByte = {
    val bits      = left.length min right.length
    val fullBytes = bits >> 3
    val remBits   = bits & 7
    val arr = Array.ofDim[Byte](
      if (remBits == 0) fullBytes else fullBytes + 1
    var i    = 0
    var mask = 128
    while (i < fullBytes) {
      var byte = 0
      mask = 128
      (0 until 8).foreach { k =>
        byte = byte | (if (op(left(i * 8 + k), right(i * 8 + k))) mask else 0)
        mask >>= 1
      arr(i) = byte.toByte
      i += 1
    if (remBits != 0) {
      val offset = fullBytes * 8
      var byte   = 0
      mask = 128
      (0 until remBits).foreach { k =>
        byte = byte | (if (op(left(offset + k), right(offset + k))) mask else 0)
        mask >>= 1
      arr(fullBytes) = byte.toByte
    Chunk.BitChunkByte(Chunk.fromArray(arr), 0, bits)

   * Returns the empty chunk.
  override def empty[A]: Chunk[A] =

   * Returns a chunk backed by an array.
   * WARNING: The array must not be mutated after creating the chunk.
  def fromArray[A](array: Array[A]): Chunk[A] =
    (if (array.isEmpty) Empty
       (array.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]: @unchecked) match {
         case x: Array[AnyRef]  => AnyRefArray(x, 0, array.length)
         case x: Array[Int]     => IntArray(x, 0, array.length)
         case x: Array[Double]  => DoubleArray(x, 0, array.length)
         case x: Array[Long]    => LongArray(x, 0, array.length)
         case x: Array[Float]   => FloatArray(x, 0, array.length)
         case x: Array[Char]    => CharArray(x, 0, array.length)
         case x: Array[Byte]    => ByteArray(x, 0, array.length)
         case x: Array[Short]   => ShortArray(x, 0, array.length)
         case x: Array[Boolean] => BooleanArray(x, 0, array.length)

   * Returns a chunk backed by a [[java.nio.ByteBuffer]].
  def fromByteBuffer(buffer: ByteBuffer): Chunk[Byte] = {
    val dest = Array.ofDim[Byte](buffer.remaining())
    val pos  = buffer.position()

   * Returns a chunk backed by a [[java.nio.CharBuffer]].
  def fromCharBuffer(buffer: CharBuffer): Chunk[Char] = {
    val dest = Array.ofDim[Char](buffer.remaining())
    val pos  = buffer.position()

   * Returns a chunk backed by a [[java.nio.DoubleBuffer]].
  def fromDoubleBuffer(buffer: DoubleBuffer): Chunk[Double] = {
    val dest = Array.ofDim[Double](buffer.remaining())
    val pos  = buffer.position()

   * Returns a chunk backed by a [[java.nio.FloatBuffer]].
  def fromFloatBuffer(buffer: FloatBuffer): Chunk[Float] = {
    val dest = Array.ofDim[Float](buffer.remaining())
    val pos  = buffer.position()

   * Returns a chunk backed by a [[java.nio.IntBuffer]].
  def fromIntBuffer(buffer: IntBuffer): Chunk[Int] = {
    val dest = Array.ofDim[Int](buffer.remaining())
    val pos  = buffer.position()

   * Returns a chunk backed by a [[java.nio.LongBuffer]].
  def fromLongBuffer(buffer: LongBuffer): Chunk[Long] = {
    val dest = Array.ofDim[Long](buffer.remaining())
    val pos  = buffer.position()

   * Returns a chunk backed by a [[java.nio.ShortBuffer]].
  def fromShortBuffer(buffer: ShortBuffer): Chunk[Short] = {
    val dest = Array.ofDim[Short](buffer.remaining())
    val pos  = buffer.position()

   * Returns a chunk backed by an iterable.
  def fromIterable[A](it: Iterable[A]): Chunk[A] =
    it match {
      case chunk: Chunk[A]              => chunk
      case iterable if iterable.isEmpty => Empty
      case vector: Vector[A]            => VectorChunk(vector)
      case iterable =>
        val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[A]()
        builder ++= iterable

   * Creates a chunk from an iterator.
  def fromIterator[A](iterator: Iterator[A]): Chunk[A] =
    if (iterator.hasNext) {
      val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[A]()
      builder ++= iterator
    } else Empty

   * Returns a chunk backed by a Java iterable.
  def fromJavaIterable[A](iterable: java.lang.Iterable[A]): Chunk[A] = {
    val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[A]()
    if (iterable.isInstanceOf[java.util.Collection[_]]) {
    val iterator = iterable.iterator()
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      builder +=

   * Creates a chunk from a Java iterator.
  def fromJavaIterator[A](iterator: java.util.Iterator[A]): Chunk[A] = {
    val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[A]()
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      val a =
      builder += a

  override def fill[A](n: Int)(elem: => A): Chunk[A] =
    if (n <= 0) Chunk.empty
    else {
      val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[A]()

      var i = 0
      while (i < n) {
        builder += elem
        i += 1

  override def iterate[A](start: A, len: Int)(f: A => A): Chunk[A] =
    if (len <= 0) Chunk.empty
    else {
      val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[A]()

      var i = 0
      var a = start
      while (i < len) {
        builder += a
        a = f(a)
        i += 1

  def newBuilder[A]: ChunkBuilder[A] =

   * Returns a singleton chunk, eagerly evaluated.
  def single[A](a: A): Chunk[A] =

   * Alias for [[Chunk.single]].
  def succeed[A](a: A): Chunk[A] =

   * Constructs a `Chunk` by repeatedly applying the function `f` as long as it
   * returns `Some`.
  def unfold[S, A](s: S)(f: S => Option[(A, S)]): Chunk[A] = {

    def go(s: S, builder: ChunkBuilder[A]): Chunk[A] =
      f(s) match {
        case Some((a, s)) => go(s, builder += a)
        case None         => builder.result()

    go(s, ChunkBuilder.make[A]())

   * Constructs a `Chunk` by repeatedly applying the effectual function `f` as
   * long as it returns `Some`.
  def unfoldZIO[R, E, A, S](
    s: S
  )(f: S => ZIO[R, E, Option[(A, S)]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[A]] =
    ZIO.suspendSucceed {

      def go(s: S, builder: ChunkBuilder[A]): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[A]] =
        f(s).flatMap {
          case Some((a, s)) => go(s, builder += a)
          case None         => ZIO.succeed(builder.result())

      go(s, ChunkBuilder.make[A]())

   * The unit chunk
  val unit: Chunk[Unit] = single(())

   * Returns the `ClassTag` for the element type of the chunk.
  private[zio] def classTagOf[A](chunk: Chunk[A]): ClassTag[A] =
    chunk match {
      case x: AppendN[_]            => x.classTag.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[A]]
      case x: Arr[_]                => x.classTag.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[A]]
      case x: Concat[_]             => x.classTag.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[A]]
      case Empty                    => classTag[java.lang.Object].asInstanceOf[ClassTag[A]]
      case x: PrependN[_]           => x.classTag.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[A]]
      case x: Singleton[_]          => x.classTag.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[A]]
      case x: Slice[_]              => x.classTag.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[A]]
      case x: Update[_]             => x.classTag.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[A]]
      case x: VectorChunk[_]        => x.classTag.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[A]]
      case x: ChunkPackedBoolean[_] => x.classTag.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[A]]
      case _: BitChunk[_]           => ClassTag.Boolean.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[A]]

  sealed trait IsText[-T] {
    def convert(chunk: Chunk[T]): String
  object IsText {
    implicit val byteIsText: IsText[Byte] =
      new IsText[Byte] { def convert(chunk: Chunk[Byte]): String = new String(chunk.toArray) }
    implicit val charIsText: IsText[Char] =
      new IsText[Char] { def convert(chunk: Chunk[Char]): String = new String(chunk.toArray) }
    implicit val strIsText: IsText[String] =
      new IsText[String] { def convert(chunk: Chunk[String]): String = chunk.toArray.mkString }

   * The maximum number of elements in the buffer for fast append.
  private val BufferSize: Int =

   * The maximum depth of elements in the chunk before it is materialized.
  private val MaxDepthBeforeMaterialize: Int =

   * The maximum number of elements in the buffer for fast update.
  private val UpdateBufferSize: Int =

  private final case class AppendN[A](start: Chunk[A], buffer: Array[AnyRef], bufferUsed: Int, chain: AtomicInteger)
      extends Chunk[A] { self =>

    def chunkIterator: ChunkIterator[A] =
      start.chunkIterator ++ ChunkIterator.fromArray(buffer.asInstanceOf[Array[A]]).sliceIterator(0, bufferUsed)

    implicit val classTag: ClassTag[A] = classTagOf(start)

    override val depth: Int =
      start.depth + 1

    val length: Int =
      start.length + bufferUsed

    override protected def append[A1 >: A](a1: A1): Chunk[A1] =
      if (bufferUsed < buffer.length && chain.compareAndSet(bufferUsed, bufferUsed + 1)) {
        buffer(bufferUsed) = a1.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
        AppendN(start, buffer, bufferUsed + 1, chain)
      } else {
        val buffer = Array.ofDim[AnyRef](BufferSize)
        buffer(0) = a1.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
        val chunk = Chunk.fromArray(self.buffer.asInstanceOf[Array[A1]]).take(bufferUsed)
        AppendN(start ++ chunk, buffer, 1, new AtomicInteger(1))

    def apply(n: Int): A =
      if (n < 0 || n >= length) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Append chunk access to $n")
      else if (n < start.length) start(n)
      else buffer(n - start.length).asInstanceOf[A]

    override protected[zio] def toArray[A1 >: A](srcPos: Int, dest: Array[A1], destPos: Int, length: Int): Unit = {
      val n = math.max(math.min(math.min(length, start.length - srcPos), dest.length - destPos), 0)
      start.toArray(math.min(start.length, srcPos), dest, destPos, n)
      Array.copy(buffer, math.max(srcPos - start.length, 0), dest, destPos + n, length - n)

  private final case class PrependN[A](end: Chunk[A], buffer: Array[AnyRef], bufferUsed: Int, chain: AtomicInteger)
      extends Chunk[A] { self =>

    def chunkIterator: ChunkIterator[A] =
        .sliceIterator(BufferSize - bufferUsed, bufferUsed) ++ end.chunkIterator

    implicit val classTag: ClassTag[A] = classTagOf(end)

    override val depth: Int =
      end.depth + 1

    val length: Int =
      end.length + bufferUsed

    override protected def prepend[A1 >: A](a1: A1): Chunk[A1] =
      if (bufferUsed < buffer.length && chain.compareAndSet(bufferUsed, bufferUsed + 1)) {
        buffer(BufferSize - bufferUsed - 1) = a1.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
        PrependN(end, buffer, bufferUsed + 1, chain)
      } else {
        val buffer = Array.ofDim[AnyRef](BufferSize)
        buffer(BufferSize - 1) = a1.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
        val chunk = Chunk.fromArray(self.buffer.asInstanceOf[Array[A1]]).takeRight(bufferUsed)
        PrependN(chunk ++ end, buffer, 1, new AtomicInteger(1))

    def apply(n: Int): A =
      if (n < 0 || n >= length) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Prepend chunk access to $n")
      else if (n < bufferUsed) buffer(BufferSize - bufferUsed + n).asInstanceOf[A]
      else end(n - bufferUsed)

    override protected[zio] def toArray[A1 >: A](srcPos: Int, dest: Array[A1], destPos: Int, length: Int): Unit = {
      val n = math.max(math.min(math.min(length, bufferUsed - srcPos), dest.length - destPos), 0)
      Array.copy(buffer, math.min(BufferSize, BufferSize - bufferUsed + srcPos), dest, destPos, n)
      end.toArray(math.max(srcPos - bufferUsed, 0), dest, destPos + n, length - n)

  private final case class Update[A](
    chunk: Chunk[A],
    bufferIndices: Array[Int],
    bufferValues: Array[AnyRef],
    used: Int,
    chain: AtomicInteger
  ) extends Chunk[A] { self =>

    def chunkIterator: ChunkIterator[A] =

    implicit val classTag: ClassTag[A] = Chunk.classTagOf(chunk)

    override val depth: Int =
      chunk.depth + 1

    val length: Int =

    def apply(i: Int): A = {
      var j = used - 1
      var a = null.asInstanceOf[A]
      while (j >= 0) {
        if (bufferIndices(j) == i) {
          a = bufferValues(j).asInstanceOf[A]
          j = -1
        } else {
          j -= 1
      if (a != null) a else chunk(i)

    override protected def update[A1 >: A](i: Int, a: A1): Chunk[A1] =
      if (i < 0 || i >= length) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Update chunk access to $i")
      else if (used < UpdateBufferSize && chain.compareAndSet(used, used + 1)) {
        bufferIndices(used) = i
        bufferValues(used) = a.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
        Update(chunk, bufferIndices, bufferValues, used + 1, chain)
      } else {
        val bufferIndices = Array.ofDim[Int](UpdateBufferSize)
        val bufferValues  = Array.ofDim[AnyRef](UpdateBufferSize)
        bufferIndices(0) = i
        bufferValues(0) = a.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
        val array = self.asInstanceOf[Chunk[AnyRef]].toArray
        Update(Chunk.fromArray(array.asInstanceOf[Array[A1]]), bufferIndices, bufferValues, 1, new AtomicInteger(1))

    override protected[zio] def toArray[A1 >: A](srcPos: Int, dest: Array[A1], destPos: Int, length: Int): Unit = {
      chunk.toArray(srcPos, dest, destPos, length)
      var i = 0
      while (i < used) {
        val index = bufferIndices(i)
        val value = self.bufferValues(i)
        if (index >= srcPos && index < srcPos + length)
          dest(index + destPos) = value.asInstanceOf[A1]
        i += 1

  private[zio] sealed abstract class Arr[A] extends Chunk[A] with Serializable { self =>

    val array: Array[A]

    implicit val classTag: ClassTag[A] =

    override def collectZIO[R, E, B](
      pf: PartialFunction[A, ZIO[R, E, B]]
    )(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[B]] = ZIO.suspendSucceed {
      val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[B]()

      val orElse = (_: A) => ZIO.succeed(null.asInstanceOf[B])

      def loop(index: Int): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[B]] =
        if (index < length) {
          val a = self(index)
          pf.applyOrElse(a, orElse).flatMap { b =>
            if (b != null) builder += b
            loop(index + 1)
        } else ZIO.succeed(builder.result())


    override def collectWhile[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Chunk[B] = {
      val self    = array
      val len     = self.length
      val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[B]()

      var i    = 0
      var done = false
      while (!done && i < len) {
        val b = pf.applyOrElse(self(i), (_: A) => null.asInstanceOf[B])

        if (b != null) {
          builder += b
        } else {
          done = true

        i += 1


    override def collectWhileZIO[R, E, B](
      pf: PartialFunction[A, ZIO[R, E, B]]
    )(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[B]] =
      ZIO.suspendSucceed {
        val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[B]()

        val orElse = (_: A) => ZIO.succeed(null.asInstanceOf[B])

        def loop(index: Int): ZIO[R, E, Chunk[B]] =
          if (index < length) {
            val a = self(index)
            pf.applyOrElse(a, orElse).flatMap { b =>
              if (b != null) {
                builder += b
                loop(index + 1)
              } else {
          } else ZIO.succeed(builder.result())


    override def dropWhile(f: A => Boolean): Chunk[A] = {
      val self = array
      val len  = self.length

      var i = 0
      while (i < len && f(self(i))) {
        i += 1


    override def filter(f: A => Boolean): Chunk[A] = {
      val len     = self.length
      val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[A]()

      var i = 0
      while (i < len) {
        val elem = self(i)

        if (f(elem)) {
          builder += elem

        i += 1


    override def foldLeft[S](s0: S)(f: (S, A) => S): S = {
      val len = self.length
      var s   = s0

      var i = 0
      while (i < len) {
        s = f(s, self(i))
        i += 1


    override def foldRight[S](s0: S)(f: (A, S) => S): S = {
      val self = array
      val len  = self.length
      var s    = s0

      var i = len - 1
      while (i >= 0) {
        s = f(self(i), s)
        i -= 1


    override def foreach[B](f: A => B): Unit =

    override def iterator: Iterator[A] =

    override def materialize[A1 >: A]: Chunk[A1] =

     * Takes all elements so long as the predicate returns true.
    override def takeWhile(f: A => Boolean): Chunk[A] = {
      val self = array
      val len  = length

      var i = 0
      while (i < len && f(self(i))) {
        i += 1


    override protected[zio] def toArray[A1 >: A](srcPos: Int, dest: Array[A1], destPos: Int, length: Int): Unit =
      Array.copy(array, srcPos, dest, destPos, length)

    override protected def collectChunk[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Chunk[B] = {
      val len     = self.length
      val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[B]()

      var i = 0
      while (i < len) {
        val b = pf.applyOrElse(self(i), (_: A) => null.asInstanceOf[B])
        if (b != null) {
          builder += b

        i += 1

    override protected def mapChunk[B](f: A => B): Chunk[B] = {
      implicit val ct: ClassTag[B] = ClassTag.AnyRef.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[B]]

  private final case class Concat[A](override protected val left: Chunk[A], override protected val right: Chunk[A])
      extends Chunk[A] {
    self =>

    def chunkIterator: ChunkIterator[A] =
      left.chunkIterator ++ right.chunkIterator

    implicit val classTag: ClassTag[A] = {
      val lct = classTagOf(left)
      val rct = classTagOf(right)

      if (left eq Empty) lct
      else if (right eq Empty) rct
      else if (lct == rct) lct
      else ClassTag.AnyRef.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[A]]

    override val concatDepth: Int =
      1 + math.max(left.concatDepth, right.concatDepth)

    override val depth: Int =
      1 + math.max(left.depth, right.depth)

    override val length: Int =
      left.length + right.length

    override def apply(n: Int): A =
      if (n < left.length) left(n) else right(n - left.length)

    override def foreach[B](f: A => B): Unit = {

    override def iterator: Iterator[A] =
      left.iterator ++ right.iterator

    override protected[zio] def toArray[A1 >: A](srcPos: Int, dest: Array[A1], destPos: Int, length: Int): Unit = {
      val n = math.max(math.min(math.min(length, left.length - srcPos), dest.length - destPos), 0)
      left.toArray(math.min(left.length, srcPos), dest, destPos, n)
      right.toArray(math.max(srcPos - left.length, 0), dest, destPos + n, length - n)

  private final case class Singleton[A](a: A) extends Chunk[A] with ChunkIterator[A] { self =>

    implicit val classTag: ClassTag[A] =

    override val length =

    override def apply(n: Int): A =
      if (n == 0) a
      else throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Singleton chunk access to $n")

    override def foreach[B](f: A => B): Unit = {
      val _ = f(a)

    override protected[zio] def toArray[A1 >: A](srcPos: Int, dest: Array[A1], destPos: Int, length: Int): Unit =
      dest(destPos) = a

    def chunkIterator: ChunkIterator[A] =

    def hasNextAt(index: Int): Boolean =
      index == 0

    def nextAt(index: Int): A =
      if (index == 0) a
      else throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Singleton chunk access to $index")

    def sliceIterator(offset: Int, length: Int): ChunkIterator[A] =
      if (offset <= 0 && length >= 1) self
      else ChunkIterator.empty

  private final case class Slice[A](private val chunk: Chunk[A], offset: Int, l: Int) extends Chunk[A] {

    def chunkIterator: ChunkIterator[A] =
      chunk.chunkIterator.sliceIterator(offset, l)

    implicit val classTag: ClassTag[A] =

    override val depth: Int =
      chunk.depth + 1

    override val length: Int =

    override def apply(n: Int): A =
      chunk.apply(offset + n)

    override def foreach[B](f: A => B): Unit = {
      var i = 0
      while (i < length) {
        i += 1

    override def iterator: Iterator[A] =
      chunk.iterator.slice(offset, offset + l)

    override protected[zio] def toArray[A1 >: A](srcPos: Int, dest: Array[A1], destPos: Int, length: Int): Unit =
      chunk.toArray(srcPos + offset, dest, destPos, math.min(length, l - srcPos))

  private final case class VectorChunk[A](private val vector: Vector[A]) extends Chunk[A] {

    def chunkIterator: ChunkIterator[A] =

    implicit val classTag: ClassTag[A] =

    override val length: Int =

    override def apply(n: Int): A =

    override def foreach[B](f: A => B): Unit =

    override protected[zio] def toArray[A1 >: A](srcPos: Int, dest: Array[A1], destPos: Int, length: Int): Unit =
      vector.drop(srcPos).copyToArray(dest, destPos, length)

  private[zio] trait BitOps[T] {
    def zero: T
    def one: T
    def reverse(a: T): T
    def <<(x: T, n: Int): T
    def >>(x: T, n: Int): T
    def |(x: T, y: T): T
    def &(x: T, y: T): T
    def ^(x: T, y: T): T
    def invert(x: T): T
    def classTag: ClassTag[T]

  private[zio] object BitOps {
    def apply[T](implicit ops: BitOps[T]): BitOps[T] = ops
    implicit val ByteOps: BitOps[Byte] = new BitOps[Byte] {
      def zero: Byte                = 0
      def one: Byte                 = 1
      def reverse(a: Byte): Byte    = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
      def <<(x: Byte, n: Int): Byte = (x << n).toByte
      def >>(x: Byte, n: Int): Byte = (x >> n).toByte
      def |(x: Byte, y: Byte): Byte = (x | y).toByte
      def &(x: Byte, y: Byte): Byte = (x & y).toByte
      def ^(x: Byte, y: Byte): Byte = (x ^ y).toByte
      def invert(x: Byte): Byte     = (~x).toByte
      def classTag: ClassTag[Byte]  = ClassTag.Byte
    implicit val IntOps: BitOps[Int] = new BitOps[Int] {
      def zero: Int               = 0
      def one: Int                = 1
      def reverse(a: Int): Int    = Integer.reverse(a)
      def <<(x: Int, n: Int): Int = x << n
      def >>(x: Int, n: Int): Int = x >> n
      def |(x: Int, y: Int): Int  = x | y
      def &(x: Int, y: Int): Int  = x & y
      def ^(x: Int, y: Int): Int  = x ^ y
      def invert(x: Int): Int     = ~x
      def classTag: ClassTag[Int] = ClassTag.Int
    implicit val LongOps: BitOps[Long] = new BitOps[Long] {
      def zero: Long                = 0L
      def one: Long                 = 1L
      def reverse(a: Long): Long    = java.lang.Long.reverse(a)
      def <<(x: Long, n: Int): Long = x << n
      def >>(x: Long, n: Int): Long = x >> n
      def |(x: Long, y: Long): Long = x | y
      def &(x: Long, y: Long): Long = x & y
      def ^(x: Long, y: Long): Long = x ^ y
      def invert(x: Long): Long     = ~x
      def classTag: ClassTag[Long]  = ClassTag.Long

  private[zio] sealed abstract class BitChunk[T](
    chunk: Chunk[T],
    val bits: Int
  ) extends Chunk[Boolean]
      with ChunkIterator[Boolean] {
    self =>

    protected val minBitIndex: Int
    protected val maxBitIndex: Int

    protected val bitsLog2: Int = (log(bits.toDouble) / log(2d)).toInt

    val length: Int =
      maxBitIndex - minBitIndex

    protected def elementAt(n: Int): T

    protected def newBitChunk(chunk: Chunk[T], min: Int, max: Int): BitChunk[T]

    override def drop(n: Int): Chunk[Boolean] = {
      val index  = (minBitIndex + n) min maxBitIndex
      val toDrop = index >> bitsLog2
      val min    = index & bits - 1
      val max    = maxBitIndex - index + min
      newBitChunk(chunk.drop(toDrop), min, max)

    override def take(n: Int): Chunk[Boolean] = {
      val index  = (minBitIndex + n) min maxBitIndex
      val toTake = (index + bits - 1) >> bitsLog2
      newBitChunk(chunk.take(toTake), minBitIndex, index)

    override def foreach[A](f: Boolean => A): Unit = {
      val minLongIndex    = (minBitIndex + bits - 1) >> bitsLog2
      val maxLongIndex    = maxBitIndex >> bitsLog2
      val minFullBitIndex = (minLongIndex << bitsLog2) min maxBitIndex
      val maxFullBitIndex = (maxLongIndex << bitsLog2) max minFullBitIndex
      var i               = minBitIndex
      while (i < minFullBitIndex) {
        i += 1
      i = minLongIndex
      while (i < maxLongIndex) {
        foreachElement(f, elementAt(i))
        i += 1
      i = maxFullBitIndex
      while (i < maxBitIndex) {
        i += 1

    protected def foreachElement[A](f: Boolean => A, elem: T): Unit

    override protected[zio] def toArray[A1 >: Boolean](
      srcPos: Int,
      dest: Array[A1],
      destPos: Int,
      length: Int
    ): Unit = {
      var i = 0
      while (i < length) {
        dest(i + destPos) = self.apply(i + srcPos)
        i += 1

    def chunkIterator: ChunkIterator[Boolean] =

    def hasNextAt(index: Int): Boolean =
      index < length

    def nextAt(index: Int): Boolean =

    override def slice(from: Int, until: Int): BitChunk[T] = {
      val lo = from max 0
      if (lo <= 0 && until >= self.length) self
      else if (lo >= self.length || until <= lo) newBitChunk(Chunk.empty, 0, 0)
      else newBitChunk(chunk, self.minBitIndex + lo, self.minBitIndex + until min self.maxBitIndex)

    def sliceIterator(offset: Int, length: Int): ChunkIterator[Boolean] = {
      val lo = offset max 0
      if (lo <= 0 && length >= self.length) self
      else if (lo >= self.length || length <= 0) ChunkIterator.empty
      else newBitChunk(chunk, self.minBitIndex + lo, self.minBitIndex + lo + length min self.maxBitIndex)


  object BitChunk {
    sealed trait Endianness
    object Endianness {
      case object BigEndian    extends Endianness
      case object LittleEndian extends Endianness


  private[zio] final case class BitChunkByte(bytes: Chunk[Byte], minBitIndex: Int, maxBitIndex: Int)
      extends BitChunk[Byte](bytes, 8) {
    self =>

    override val length: Int =
      maxBitIndex - minBitIndex

    override def apply(n: Int): Boolean =
      (bytes(n >> bitsLog2) & (1 << (bits - 1 - (n & bits - 1)))) != 0

    override protected def elementAt(n: Int): Byte = bytes(n)

    override protected def newBitChunk(bytes: Chunk[Byte], min: Int, max: Int): BitChunk[Byte] =
      BitChunkByte(bytes, min, max)

    override protected def foreachElement[A](f: Boolean => A, byte: Byte): Unit = {
      f((byte & 128) != 0)
      f((byte & 64) != 0)
      f((byte & 32) != 0)
      f((byte & 16) != 0)
      f((byte & 8) != 0)
      f((byte & 4) != 0)
      f((byte & 2) != 0)
      f((byte & 1) != 0)

    override def toPackedByte(implicit ev: Boolean <:< Boolean): Chunk[Byte] =
      if (minBitIndex == maxBitIndex) Chunk.empty
      else if ((minBitIndex & bits - 1) != 0) ChunkPackedBoolean[Byte](self, bits, BitChunk.Endianness.BigEndian)
      else if ((maxBitIndex & bits - 1) != 0) {
        val minByteIndex = minBitIndex >> bitsLog2
        val maxByteIndex = maxBitIndex >> bitsLog2
        val maxByte      = bytes(maxByteIndex)
        val maxByteValue = (maxByte & 0xff) >> bits - (maxBitIndex & bits - 1)
        bytes.slice(minByteIndex, maxByteIndex) :+ maxByteValue.toByte
      } else bytes

    private def nthByte(n: Int): Byte = {
      val offset    = minBitIndex & 7
      val startByte = minBitIndex >> 3
      if (offset == 0) {
        bytes(n + startByte)
      } else {
        val leftover = minBitIndex + (n + 1) * 8 - maxBitIndex
        if (leftover <= 0) {
          val index  = n + startByte
          val first  = ((255 >> offset) & bytes(index)) << offset
          val second = (255 << (8 - offset) & 255 & bytes(index + 1)) >> (8 - offset)
          (first | second).asInstanceOf[Byte]
        } else {
          throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(s"There are only $leftover bits left.")

    private def bitwise(that: BitChunkByte, f: (Byte, Byte) => Byte, g: (Boolean, Boolean) => Boolean): BitChunkByte = {
      val bits      = self.length min that.length
      val bytes     = bits >> 3
      val leftovers = bits - bytes * 8
      val arr = Array.ofDim[Byte](
        if (leftovers == 0) bytes else bytes + 1

      (0 until bytes).foreach { n =>
        arr(n) = f(self.nthByte(n), that.nthByte(n))

      if (leftovers != 0) {
        val offset     = bytes * 8
        var last: Byte = null.asInstanceOf[Byte]
        var mask       = 128
        var i          = 0
        while (i < leftovers) {
          if (g(self.apply(offset + self.minBitIndex + i), that.apply(offset + that.minBitIndex + i)))
            last = (last | mask).asInstanceOf[Byte]
          i += 1
          mask >>= 1
        arr(bytes) = last

      BitChunkByte(Chunk.fromArray(arr), 0, bits)

    def and(that: BitChunkByte): BitChunkByte =
      bitwise(that, (l, r) => (l & r).asInstanceOf[Byte], _ && _)

    def &(that: BitChunkByte): BitChunkByte =
      bitwise(that, (l, r) => (l & r).asInstanceOf[Byte], _ && _)

    def or(that: BitChunkByte): BitChunkByte =
      bitwise(that, (l, r) => (l | r).asInstanceOf[Byte], _ || _)

    def |(that: BitChunkByte): BitChunkByte =
      bitwise(that, (l, r) => (l | r).asInstanceOf[Byte], _ || _)

    def xor(that: BitChunkByte): BitChunkByte =
      bitwise(that, (l, r) => (l ^ r).asInstanceOf[Byte], _ ^ _)

    def ^(that: BitChunkByte): BitChunkByte =
      bitwise(that, (l, r) => (l ^ r).asInstanceOf[Byte], _ ^ _)

    def negate: BitChunkByte = {
      val bits      = self.length
      val bytes     = bits >> 3
      val leftovers = bits - bytes * 8

      val arr = Array.ofDim[Byte](
        if (leftovers == 0) bytes else bytes + 1

      (0 until bytes).foreach { n =>
        arr(n) = (~self.nthByte(n)).asInstanceOf[Byte]

      if (leftovers != 0) {
        val offset     = bytes * 8 + self.minBitIndex
        var last: Byte = null.asInstanceOf[Byte]
        var mask       = 128
        var i          = 0
        while (i < leftovers) {
          if (!self.apply(offset + i))
            last = (last | mask).asInstanceOf[Byte]
          i += 1
          mask >>= 1
        arr(bytes) = last

      BitChunkByte(Chunk.fromArray(arr), 0, bits)

  private[zio] final case class BitChunkInt(
    ints: Chunk[Int],
    endianness: BitChunk.Endianness,
    minBitIndex: Int,
    maxBitIndex: Int
  ) extends BitChunk[Int](ints, 32) {
    self =>

    override val length: Int =
      maxBitIndex - minBitIndex

    override protected def elementAt(n: Int): Int =
      respectEndian(endianness, ints(n))

    override def apply(n: Int): Boolean =
      (elementAt(n >> bitsLog2) & (1 << (bits - 1 - (n & bits - 1)))) != 0

    override protected def newBitChunk(chunk: Chunk[Int], min: Int, max: Int): BitChunk[Int] =
      BitChunkInt(chunk, endianness, min, max)

    override protected def foreachElement[A](f: Boolean => A, int: Int): Unit = {
      f((int & 0x80000000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x40000000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x20000000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x10000000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x8000000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x4000000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x2000000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x1000000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x800000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x400000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x200000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x100000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x80000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x40000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x20000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x10000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x8000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x4000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x2000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x1000) != 0)
      f((int & 0x800) != 0)
      f((int & 0x400) != 0)
      f((int & 0x200) != 0)
      f((int & 0x100) != 0)
      f((int & 0x80) != 0)
      f((int & 0x40) != 0)
      f((int & 0x20) != 0)
      f((int & 0x10) != 0)
      f((int & 0x8) != 0)
      f((int & 0x4) != 0)
      f((int & 0x2) != 0)
      f((int & 0x1) != 0)

    override def toPackedInt(endianness: BitChunk.Endianness)(implicit ev: Boolean <:< Boolean): Chunk[Int] =
      if (minBitIndex == maxBitIndex) Chunk.empty
      else if ((minBitIndex & bits - 1) != 0) ChunkPackedBoolean[Int](self, bits, endianness)
      else if ((maxBitIndex & bits - 1) != 0) {
        val minIntIndex = minBitIndex >> bitsLog2
        val maxIntIndex = maxBitIndex >> bitsLog2
        val maxInt      = elementAt(maxIntIndex)
        val maxIntValue = maxInt >>> bits - (maxBitIndex & bits - 1)
        val fullInts    = ints.slice(minIntIndex, maxIntIndex)

        if (self.endianness == endianness) fullInts :+ respectEndian(endianness, maxIntValue)
        else :+ respectEndian(endianness, maxIntValue)

      } else if (self.endianness == endianness) ints

    private def respectEndian(endianness: BitChunk.Endianness, bigEndianValue: Int) =
      if (endianness == BitChunk.Endianness.BigEndian) bigEndianValue
      else Integer.reverse(bigEndianValue)

  private[zio] final case class BitChunkLong(
    longs: Chunk[Long],
    endianness: BitChunk.Endianness,
    minBitIndex: Int,
    maxBitIndex: Int
  ) extends BitChunk[Long](longs, 64) {
    self =>

    override protected def elementAt(n: Int): Long =
      if (endianness == BitChunk.Endianness.BigEndian) longs(n) else java.lang.Long.reverse(longs(n))

    def apply(n: Int): Boolean =
      (elementAt(n >> bitsLog2) & (1L << (bits - 1 - (n & bits - 1)))) != 0

    override protected def newBitChunk(longs: Chunk[Long], min: Int, max: Int): BitChunk[Long] =
      BitChunkLong(longs, endianness, min, max)

    override protected def foreachElement[A](f: Boolean => A, long: Long): Unit = {
      f((long & 0x8000000000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x4000000000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x2000000000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x1000000000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x800000000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x400000000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x200000000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x100000000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x80000000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x40000000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x20000000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x10000000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x8000000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x4000000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x2000000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x1000000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x800000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x400000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x200000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x100000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x80000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x40000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x20000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x10000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x8000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x4000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x2000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x1000000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x800000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x400000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x200000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x100000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x80000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x40000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x20000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x10000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x8000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x4000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x2000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x1000000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x800000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x400000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x200000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x100000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x80000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x40000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x20000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x10000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x8000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x4000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x2000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x1000L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x800L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x400L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x200L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x100L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x80L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x40L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x20L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x10L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x8L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x4L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x2L) != 0)
      f((long & 0x1L) != 0)

    override def toPackedLong(endianness: BitChunk.Endianness)(implicit ev: Boolean <:< Boolean): Chunk[Long] =
      if (minBitIndex == maxBitIndex) Chunk.empty
      else if ((minBitIndex & bits - 1) != 0) ChunkPackedBoolean[Long](self, bits, endianness)
      else if ((maxBitIndex & bits - 1) != 0) {
        val minLongIndex = minBitIndex >> bitsLog2
        val maxLongIndex = maxBitIndex >> bitsLog2
        val maxLong      = elementAt(maxLongIndex)
        val maxLongValue = maxLong >>> bits - (maxBitIndex & bits - 1)
        val fullLongs    = longs.slice(minLongIndex, maxLongIndex)

        if (self.endianness == endianness) fullLongs :+ respectEndian(endianness, maxLongValue)
        else :+ respectEndian(endianness, maxLongValue)

      } else if (self.endianness == endianness) longs

    private def respectEndian(endianness: BitChunk.Endianness, bigEndianValue: Long) =
      if (endianness == BitChunk.Endianness.BigEndian) bigEndianValue
      else java.lang.Long.reverse(bigEndianValue)


  private[zio] final case class ChunkPackedBoolean[T](
    unpacked: Chunk[Boolean],
    bits: Int,
    endianness: Chunk.BitChunk.Endianness
  )(implicit val ops: BitOps[T])
      extends Chunk[T]
      with ChunkIterator[T] {
    self =>

    import ops._

    override val length: Int       = unpacked.length / bits + (if (unpacked.length % bits == 0) 0 else 1)
    private def bitOr0(index: Int) = if (index < unpacked.length && unpacked(index)) one else zero
    override def apply(n: Int): T =
      if (n < 0 || n >= length)
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Packed boolean chunk index $n out of bounds [0, $length)")
      else {
        val offset     = n * bits
        val bitsToRead = if ((n + 1) * bits > unpacked.length) unpacked.length % bits else bits
        var elem       = zero
        var i          = bitsToRead - 1
        while (i >= 0) {
          val shiftBy = bitsToRead - 1 - i
          val index   = offset + i
          val shifted = <<(bitOr0(index), shiftBy)
          elem = ops.|(elem, shifted)
          i -= 1

        if (endianness == BitChunk.Endianness.BigEndian) elem else ops.reverse(elem)

    override protected[zio] def toArray[A1 >: T](srcPos: Int, dest: Array[A1], destPos: Int, length: Int): Unit = {
      var i = 0
      while (i < length) {
        dest(i + destPos) = self.apply(i + srcPos)
        i += 1

    override def chunkIterator: ChunkIterator[T] =

    implicit val classTag: ClassTag[T] =

    def hasNextAt(index: Int): Boolean =
      index < length

    def nextAt(index: Int): T =

    def sliceIterator(offset: Int, length: Int): ChunkIterator[T] =
      if (offset < 0 && offset >= this.length) self
      else ChunkPackedBoolean(unpacked.slice(offset * bits, length * bits), bits, endianness)

  private case object Empty extends Chunk[Nothing] { self =>

    def chunkIterator: ChunkIterator[Nothing] =

    override val length: Int =

    override def apply(n: Int): Nothing =
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Empty chunk access to $n")

    override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
      that match {
        case seq: Seq[_] => seq.isEmpty
        case _           => false

    override def foreach[B](f: Nothing => B): Unit = {
      val _ = f

     * Materializes a chunk into a chunk backed by an array. This method can
     * improve the performance of bulk operations.
    override def materialize[A1]: Chunk[A1] =

    override def toArray[A1: ClassTag]: Array[A1] =

  final case class AnyRefArray[A <: AnyRef](array: Array[A], offset: Int, override val length: Int)
      extends Arr[A]
      with ChunkIterator[A] { self =>
    def apply(index: Int): A =
      array(index + offset)
    def chunkIterator: ChunkIterator[A] =
    def hasNextAt(index: Int): Boolean =
      index < length
    def nextAt(index: Int): A =
      array(index + offset)
    def sliceIterator(offset: Int, length: Int): ChunkIterator[A] =
      if (offset <= 0 && length >= self.length) self
      else if (offset >= self.length || length <= 0) ChunkIterator.empty
      else AnyRefArray(array, self.offset + offset, self.length - offset min length)

  final case class ByteArray(array: Array[Byte], offset: Int, override val length: Int)
      extends Arr[Byte]
      with ChunkIterator[Byte] { self =>
    def apply(index: Int): Byte =
      array(index + offset)
    override def byte(index: Int)(implicit ev: Byte <:< Byte): Byte =
      array(index + offset)
    def chunkIterator: ChunkIterator[Byte] =
    override def filter(f: Byte => Boolean): Chunk[Byte] = {
      val len     = self.length
      val builder = new ChunkBuilder.Byte

      var i = 0
      while (i < len) {
        val elem = self(i)

        if (f(elem)) {

        i += 1

    def hasNextAt(index: Int): Boolean =
      index < length
    override protected def mapChunk[B](f: Byte => B): Chunk[B] = {
      val len = self.length
      if (len == 0) Empty
      else {
        val oldArr = array
        val head   = f(oldArr(0))
        var newArr = Array.ofDim[B](len)(Chunk.Tags.fromValue(head))
        var i      = 1
        newArr(0) = head
        while (i < len) {
          val newVal = f(oldArr(i))
          try {
            newArr(i) = newVal
          } catch {
            case _: ClassCastException =>
              val newArr2 = Array.ofDim[AnyRef](len)
              var ii      = 0
              while (ii < i) {
                newArr2(ii) = newArr(ii).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
                ii += 1
              newArr = newArr2.asInstanceOf[Array[B]]
              newArr(i) = newVal
          i += 1
    def nextAt(index: Int): Byte =
      array(index + offset)
    def sliceIterator(offset: Int, length: Int): ChunkIterator[Byte] =
      if (offset <= 0 && length >= self.length) self
      else if (offset >= self.length || length <= 0) ChunkIterator.empty
      else ByteArray(array, self.offset + offset, self.length - offset min length)
    override def takeWhile(f: Byte => Boolean): Chunk[Byte] = {
      val self = array
      val len  = length

      var i = 0
      while (i < len && f(self(i))) {
        i += 1


  final case class CharArray(array: Array[Char], offset: Int, override val length: Int)
      extends Arr[Char]
      with ChunkIterator[Char] { self =>
    def apply(index: Int): Char =
      array(index + offset)
    override def char(index: Int)(implicit ev: Char <:< Char): Char =
      array(index + offset)
    def chunkIterator: ChunkIterator[Char] =
    override def filter(f: Char => Boolean): Chunk[Char] = {
      val len     = self.length
      val builder = new ChunkBuilder.Char

      var i = 0
      while (i < len) {
        val elem = self(i)

        if (f(elem)) {

        i += 1

    def hasNextAt(index: Int): Boolean =
      index < length
    override protected def mapChunk[B](f: Char => B): Chunk[B] = {
      val len = self.length
      if (len == 0) Empty
      else {
        val oldArr = array
        val head   = f(oldArr(0))
        var newArr = Array.ofDim[B](len)(Chunk.Tags.fromValue(head))
        var i      = 1
        newArr(0) = head
        while (i < len) {
          val newVal = f(oldArr(i))
          try {
            newArr(i) = newVal
          } catch {
            case _: ClassCastException =>
              val newArr2 = Array.ofDim[AnyRef](len)
              var ii      = 0
              while (ii < i) {
                newArr2(ii) = newArr(ii).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
                ii += 1
              newArr = newArr2.asInstanceOf[Array[B]]
              newArr(i) = newVal
          i += 1
    def nextAt(index: Int): Char =
      array(index + offset)
    def sliceIterator(offset: Int, length: Int): ChunkIterator[Char] =
      if (offset <= 0 && length >= self.length) self
      else if (offset >= self.length || length <= 0) ChunkIterator.empty
      else CharArray(array, self.offset + offset, self.length - offset min length)
    override def takeWhile(f: Char => Boolean): Chunk[Char] = {
      val self = array
      val len  = length

      var i = 0
      while (i < len && f(self(i))) {
        i += 1


  final case class IntArray(array: Array[Int], offset: Int, override val length: Int)
      extends Arr[Int]
      with ChunkIterator[Int] { self =>
    def apply(index: Int): Int =
      array(index + offset)
    def chunkIterator: ChunkIterator[Int] =
    override def filter(f: Int => Boolean): Chunk[Int] = {
      val len     = self.length
      val builder = new ChunkBuilder.Int

      var i = 0
      while (i < len) {
        val elem = self(i)

        if (f(elem)) {

        i += 1

    def hasNextAt(index: Int): Boolean =
      index < length
    override def int(index: Int)(implicit ev: Int <:< Int): Int =
      array(index + offset)
    override protected def mapChunk[B](f: Int => B): Chunk[B] = {
      val len = self.length
      if (len == 0) Empty
      else {
        val oldArr = array
        val head   = f(oldArr(0))
        var newArr = Array.ofDim[B](len)(Chunk.Tags.fromValue(head))
        var i      = 1
        newArr(0) = head
        while (i < len) {
          val newVal = f(oldArr(i))
          try {
            newArr(i) = newVal
          } catch {
            case _: ClassCastException =>
              val newArr2 = Array.ofDim[AnyRef](len)
              var ii      = 0
              while (ii < i) {
                newArr2(ii) = newArr(ii).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
                ii += 1
              newArr = newArr2.asInstanceOf[Array[B]]
              newArr(i) = newVal
          i += 1
    def nextAt(index: Int): Int =
      array(index + offset)
    def sliceIterator(offset: Int, length: Int): ChunkIterator[Int] =
      if (offset <= 0 && length >= self.length) self
      else if (offset >= self.length || length <= 0) ChunkIterator.empty
      else IntArray(array, self.offset + offset, self.length - offset min length)
    override def takeWhile(f: Int => Boolean): Chunk[Int] = {
      val self = array
      val len  = length

      var i = 0
      while (i < len && f(self(i))) {
        i += 1


  final case class LongArray(array: Array[Long], offset: Int, override val length: Int)
      extends Arr[Long]
      with ChunkIterator[Long] { self =>
    def apply(index: Int): Long =
      array(index + offset)
    def chunkIterator: ChunkIterator[Long] =
    override def filter(f: Long => Boolean): Chunk[Long] = {
      val len     = self.length
      val builder = new ChunkBuilder.Long

      var i = 0
      while (i < len) {
        val elem = self(i)

        if (f(elem)) {

        i += 1

    def hasNextAt(index: Int): Boolean =
      index < length
    override def long(index: Int)(implicit ev: Long <:< Long): Long =
      array(index + offset)
    override protected def mapChunk[B](f: Long => B): Chunk[B] = {
      val len = self.length
      if (len == 0) Empty
      else {
        val oldArr = array
        val head   = f(oldArr(0))
        var newArr = Array.ofDim[B](len)(Chunk.Tags.fromValue(head))
        var i      = 1
        newArr(0) = head
        while (i < len) {
          val newVal = f(oldArr(i))
          try {
            newArr(i) = newVal
          } catch {
            case _: ClassCastException =>
              val newArr2 = Array.ofDim[AnyRef](len)
              var ii      = 0
              while (ii < i) {
                newArr2(ii) = newArr(ii).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
                ii += 1
              newArr = newArr2.asInstanceOf[Array[B]]
              newArr(i) = newVal
          i += 1
    def nextAt(index: Int): Long =
      array(index + offset)
    def sliceIterator(offset: Int, length: Int): ChunkIterator[Long] =
      if (offset <= 0 && length >= self.length) self
      else if (offset >= self.length || length <= 0) ChunkIterator.empty
      else LongArray(array, self.offset + offset, self.length - offset min length)
    override def takeWhile(f: Long => Boolean): Chunk[Long] = {
      val self = array
      val len  = length

      var i = 0
      while (i < len && f(self(i))) {
        i += 1


  final case class DoubleArray(array: Array[Double], offset: Int, override val length: Int)
      extends Arr[Double]
      with ChunkIterator[Double] { self =>
    def apply(index: Int): Double =
      array(index + offset)
    def chunkIterator: ChunkIterator[Double] =
    override def double(index: Int)(implicit ev: Double <:< Double): Double =
      array(index + offset)
    override def filter(f: Double => Boolean): Chunk[Double] = {
      val len     = self.length
      val builder = new ChunkBuilder.Double

      var i = 0
      while (i < len) {
        val elem = self(i)

        if (f(elem)) {

        i += 1

    def hasNextAt(index: Int): Boolean =
      index < length
    override protected def mapChunk[B](f: Double => B): Chunk[B] = {
      val len = self.length
      if (len == 0) Empty
      else {
        val oldArr = array
        val head   = f(oldArr(0))
        var newArr = Array.ofDim[B](len)(Chunk.Tags.fromValue(head))
        var i      = 1
        newArr(0) = head
        while (i < len) {
          val newVal = f(oldArr(i))
          try {
            newArr(i) = newVal
          } catch {
            case _: ClassCastException =>
              val newArr2 = Array.ofDim[AnyRef](len)
              var ii      = 0
              while (ii < i) {
                newArr2(ii) = newArr(ii).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
                ii += 1
              newArr = newArr2.asInstanceOf[Array[B]]
              newArr(i) = newVal
          i += 1
    def nextAt(index: Int): Double =
      array(index + offset)
    def sliceIterator(offset: Int, length: Int): ChunkIterator[Double] =
      if (offset <= 0 && length >= self.length) self
      else if (offset >= self.length || length <= 0) ChunkIterator.empty
      else DoubleArray(array, self.offset + offset, self.length - offset min length)
    override def takeWhile(f: Double => Boolean): Chunk[Double] = {
      val self = array
      val len  = length

      var i = 0
      while (i < len && f(self(i))) {
        i += 1


  final case class FloatArray(array: Array[Float], offset: Int, override val length: Int)
      extends Arr[Float]
      with ChunkIterator[Float] { self =>
    def apply(index: Int): Float =
      array(index + offset)
    def chunkIterator: ChunkIterator[Float] =
    override def filter(f: Float => Boolean): Chunk[Float] = {
      val len     = self.length
      val builder = new ChunkBuilder.Float

      var i = 0
      while (i < len) {
        val elem = self(i)

        if (f(elem)) {

        i += 1

    override def float(index: Int)(implicit ev: Float <:< Float): Float =
      array(index + offset)
    def hasNextAt(index: Int): Boolean =
      index < length
    override protected def mapChunk[B](f: Float => B): Chunk[B] = {
      val len = self.length
      if (len == 0) Empty
      else {
        val oldArr = array
        val head   = f(oldArr(0))
        var newArr = Array.ofDim[B](len)(Chunk.Tags.fromValue(head))
        var i      = 1
        newArr(0) = head
        while (i < len) {
          val newVal = f(oldArr(i))
          try {
            newArr(i) = newVal
          } catch {
            case _: ClassCastException =>
              val newArr2 = Array.ofDim[AnyRef](len)
              var ii      = 0
              while (ii < i) {
                newArr2(ii) = newArr(ii).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
                ii += 1
              newArr = newArr2.asInstanceOf[Array[B]]
              newArr(i) = newVal
          i += 1
    def nextAt(index: Int): Float =
      array(index + offset)
    def sliceIterator(offset: Int, length: Int): ChunkIterator[Float] =
      if (offset <= 0 && length >= self.length) self
      else if (offset >= self.length || length <= 0) ChunkIterator.empty
      else FloatArray(array, self.offset + offset, self.length - offset min length)
    override def takeWhile(f: Float => Boolean): Chunk[Float] = {
      val self = array
      val len  = length

      var i = 0
      while (i < len && f(self(i))) {
        i += 1


  final case class ShortArray(array: Array[Short], offset: Int, override val length: Int)
      extends Arr[Short]
      with ChunkIterator[Short] { self =>
    def apply(index: Int): Short =
      array(index + offset)
    def chunkIterator: ChunkIterator[Short] =
    override def filter(f: Short => Boolean): Chunk[Short] = {
      val len     = self.length
      val builder = new ChunkBuilder.Short

      var i = 0
      while (i < len) {
        val elem = self(i)

        if (f(elem)) {

        i += 1

    def hasNextAt(index: Int): Boolean =
      index < length
    override protected def mapChunk[B](f: Short => B): Chunk[B] = {
      val len = self.length
      if (len == 0) Empty
      else {
        val oldArr = array
        val head   = f(oldArr(0))
        var newArr = Array.ofDim[B](len)(Chunk.Tags.fromValue(head))
        var i      = 1
        newArr(0) = head
        while (i < len) {
          val newVal = f(oldArr(i))
          try {
            newArr(i) = newVal
          } catch {
            case _: ClassCastException =>
              val newArr2 = Array.ofDim[AnyRef](len)
              var ii      = 0
              while (ii < i) {
                newArr2(ii) = newArr(ii).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
                ii += 1
              newArr = newArr2.asInstanceOf[Array[B]]
              newArr(i) = newVal
          i += 1
    def nextAt(index: Int): Short =
      array(index + offset)
    override def short(index: Int)(implicit ev: Short <:< Short): Short =
      array(index + offset)
    def sliceIterator(offset: Int, length: Int): ChunkIterator[Short] =
      if (offset <= 0 && length >= self.length) self
      else if (offset >= self.length || length <= 0) ChunkIterator.empty
      else ShortArray(array, self.offset + offset, self.length - offset min length)
    override def takeWhile(f: Short => Boolean): Chunk[Short] = {
      val self = array
      val len  = length

      var i = 0
      while (i < len && f(self(i))) {
        i += 1


  final case class BooleanArray(array: Array[Boolean], offset: Int, length: Int)
      extends Arr[Boolean]
      with ChunkIterator[Boolean] { self =>
    def apply(index: Int): Boolean =
      array(index + offset)
    override def boolean(index: Int)(implicit ev: Boolean <:< Boolean): Boolean =
      array(index + offset)
    def chunkIterator: ChunkIterator[Boolean] =
    override def filter(f: Boolean => Boolean): Chunk[Boolean] = {
      val len     = self.length
      val builder = new ChunkBuilder.Boolean

      var i = 0
      while (i < len) {
        val elem = self(i)

        if (f(elem)) {

        i += 1

    def hasNextAt(index: Int): Boolean =
      index < length
    override protected def mapChunk[B](f: Boolean => B): Chunk[B] = {
      val len = self.length
      if (len == 0) Empty
      else {
        val oldArr = array
        val head   = f(oldArr(0))
        var newArr = Array.ofDim[B](len)(Chunk.Tags.fromValue(head))
        var i      = 1
        newArr(0) = head
        while (i < len) {
          val newVal = f(oldArr(i))
          try {
            newArr(i) = newVal
          } catch {
            case _: ClassCastException =>
              val newArr2 = Array.ofDim[AnyRef](len)
              var ii      = 0
              while (ii < i) {
                newArr2(ii) = newArr(ii).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
                ii += 1
              newArr = newArr2.asInstanceOf[Array[B]]
              newArr(i) = newVal
          i += 1
    def nextAt(index: Int): Boolean =
      array(index + offset)
    def sliceIterator(offset: Int, length: Int): ChunkIterator[Boolean] =
      if (offset <= 0 && length >= self.length) self
      else if (offset >= self.length || length <= 0) ChunkIterator.empty
      else BooleanArray(array, self.offset + offset, self.length - offset min length)
    override def takeWhile(f: Boolean => Boolean): Chunk[Boolean] = {
      val self = array
      val len  = length

      var i = 0
      while (i < len && f(self(i))) {
        i += 1


   * A `ChunkIterator` is a specialized iterator that supports efficient
   * iteration over chunks. Unlike a normal iterator, the caller is responsible
   * for providing an `index` with each call to `hasNextAt` and `nextAt`. By
   * contract this should be `0` initially and incremented by `1` each time
   * `nextAt` is called. This allows the caller to maintain the current index in
   * local memory rather than the iterator having to do it on the heap for array
   * backed chunks.
  sealed trait ChunkIterator[+A] { self =>

     * Checks if the chunk iterator has another element.
    def hasNextAt(index: Int): Boolean

     * The length of the iterator.
    def length: Int

     * Gets the next element from the chunk iterator.
    def nextAt(index: Int): A

     * Returns a new iterator that is a slice of this iterator.
    def sliceIterator(offset: Int, length: Int): ChunkIterator[A]

     * Concatenates this chunk iterator with the specified chunk iterator.
    final def ++[A1 >: A](that: ChunkIterator[A1]): ChunkIterator[A1] =
      ChunkIterator.Concat(self, that)

  object ChunkIterator {

     * The empty iterator.
    val empty: ChunkIterator[Nothing] =

     * Constructs an iterator from an array of arbitrary values.
    def fromArray[A](array: Array[A]): ChunkIterator[A] =
      array match {
        case array: Array[AnyRef]  => Chunk.AnyRefArray(array, 0, array.length)
        case array: Array[Boolean] => Chunk.BooleanArray(array, 0, array.length)
        case array: Array[Byte]    => Chunk.ByteArray(array, 0, array.length)
        case array: Array[Char]    => Chunk.CharArray(array, 0, array.length)
        case array: Array[Double]  => Chunk.DoubleArray(array, 0, array.length)
        case array: Array[Float]   => Chunk.FloatArray(array, 0, array.length)
        case array: Array[Int]     => Chunk.IntArray(array, 0, array.length)
        case array: Array[Long]    => Chunk.LongArray(array, 0, array.length)
        case array: Array[Short]   => Chunk.ShortArray(array, 0, array.length)

     * Constructs an iterator from a `Vector`.
    def fromVector[A](vector: Vector[A]): ChunkIterator[A] =
      if (vector.length <= 0) Empty
      else Iterator(vector.iterator, vector.length)

    private final case class Concat[A](left: ChunkIterator[A], right: ChunkIterator[A]) extends ChunkIterator[A] {
      self =>
      def hasNextAt(index: Int): Boolean =
        index < length
      val length: Int =
        left.length + right.length
      def nextAt(index: Int): A =
        if (left.hasNextAt(index)) left.nextAt(index)
        else right.nextAt(index - left.length)
      def sliceIterator(offset: Int, length: Int): ChunkIterator[A] =
        if (offset <= 0 && length >= self.length) self
        else if (offset >= self.length || length <= 0) Empty
        else if (offset >= left.length) right.sliceIterator(offset - left.length, length)
        else if (length <= left.length - offset) left.sliceIterator(offset, length)
            left.sliceIterator(offset, left.length - offset),
            right.sliceIterator(0, offset + length - left.length)

    private case object Empty extends ChunkIterator[Nothing] { self =>
      def hasNextAt(index: Int): Boolean =
      val length: Int =
      def nextAt(index: Int): Nothing =
        throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Empty chunk access to $index")
      def sliceIterator(offset: Int, length: Int): ChunkIterator[Nothing] =

    private final case class Iterator[A](iterator: scala.Iterator[A], length: Int) extends ChunkIterator[A] { self =>
      def hasNextAt(index: Int): Boolean =
      def nextAt(index: Int): A =
      def sliceIterator(offset: Int, length: Int): ChunkIterator[A] =
        if (offset <= 0 && length >= self.length) self
        else if (offset >= self.length || length <= 0) Empty
        else Iterator(iterator.slice(offset, offset + length), self.length - offset min length)

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