org.valkyriercp.component.BigDecimalTextField Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.valkyriercp.component;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.PlainDocument;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.awt.event.FocusListener;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
* This class can have different "read" and "write" formats. When showing the
* number the "read" format will be used. If the user enters the inputfield
* (gains focus), the "write" format will be used.
* A maximum of decimals/non-decimals can be specified so no more numbers can be
* input than strictly defined.
* A boolean can be specified to allow only positive numbers or positive and
* negative numbers. Switching between positive and negative can be done by
* using the +/- buttons anywhere in the inputfield.
* TODO There's a third option: only negative numbers, this should be
* configurable as well.
* @author Jan Hoskens
public class BigDecimalTextField extends JTextField {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -601376040393562990L;
Log log = LogFactory.getLog(BigDecimalTextField.class);
public static final NumberFormat DEFAULT_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("###,###,###,##0.######");
public static final NumberFormat DEFAULT_UNFORMAT = new DecimalFormat("#0.#######");
public static final DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
private Class numberClass = null;
private final NumberFormat format;
private final NumberFormat unformat;
private Integer scale;
private List listeners;
private boolean internallySettingText = false;
* Default constructor.
public BigDecimalTextField() {
this(2, 4, true);
* @see #BigDecimalTextField(int, int, boolean, Class, NumberFormat,
* NumberFormat)
public BigDecimalTextField(int nrOfNonDecimals, int nrOfDecimals, boolean negativeSign) {
this(nrOfNonDecimals, nrOfDecimals, negativeSign, BigDecimal.class);
* @see #BigDecimalTextField(int, int, boolean, Class, NumberFormat,
* NumberFormat)
public BigDecimalTextField(int nrOfNonDecimals, int nrOfDecimals, boolean negativeSign, Class numberClass) {
this(nrOfNonDecimals, nrOfDecimals, negativeSign, numberClass, DEFAULT_FORMAT);
* @see #BigDecimalTextField(int, int, boolean, Class, NumberFormat,
* NumberFormat)
public BigDecimalTextField(int nrOfNonDecimals, int nrOfDecimals, boolean negativeSign, Class numberClass,
NumberFormat format) {
this(nrOfNonDecimals, nrOfDecimals, negativeSign, numberClass, format, DEFAULT_UNFORMAT);
* @param nrOfNonDecimals Number of non-decimals.
* @param nrOfDecimals Number of decimals.
* @param negativeSign Negative numbers allowed.
* @param numberClass Class type (default BigDecimal).
* @param format The "read"-format.
* @param unformat The "edit"-format.
public BigDecimalTextField(int nrOfNonDecimals, int nrOfDecimals, boolean negativeSign, Class numberClass,
NumberFormat format, NumberFormat unformat) {
this.format = format;
setBigDecimalFormat(format, numberClass);
this.unformat = unformat;
setBigDecimalFormat(unformat, numberClass);
this.numberClass = numberClass;
setDocument(new BigDecimalDocument(nrOfNonDecimals, nrOfDecimals, negativeSign));
addFocusListener(new FormatFocusListener());
* When parsing a number, BigDecimalFormat can return numbers different than
* BigDecimal. This method will ensure that when using a {@link BigDecimal}
* or a {@link java.math.BigInteger}, the formatter will return a {@link BigDecimal}
* in order to prevent loss of precision. Note that you should use the
* {@link DecimalFormat} to make this work.
* @param format
* @param numberClass
* @see #getValue()
* @see DecimalFormat#setParseBigDecimal(boolean)
private static final void setBigDecimalFormat(NumberFormat format, Class numberClass) {
if (format instanceof DecimalFormat && ((numberClass == BigDecimal.class) || (numberClass == BigInteger.class))) {
((DecimalFormat) format).setParseBigDecimal(true);
* Add a UserInputListener.
* @param listener UserInputListener.
* @see UserInputListener
public void addUserInputListener(UserInputListener listener) {
if (this.listeners == null)
this.listeners = new ArrayList();
* Remove a UserInputListener.
* @param listener UserInputListener.
* @see UserInputListener
public void removeUserInputListener(UserInputListener listener) {
if (listeners != null) {
* Fire an event to all UserInputListeners.
private void fireUserInputChange() {
if (!internallySettingText && (this.listeners != null)) {
for (Iterator it = this.listeners.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
UserInputListener userInputListener = (UserInputListener);
* Parses a number from the inputField and will adjust it's class if needed.
* @return Number the Parsed number.
public Number getValue() {
if ((getText() == null) || "".equals(getText().trim()))
return null;
try {
Number n = format.parse(getText());
if (n.getClass() == this.numberClass)
return n;
else if (this.numberClass == BigDecimal.class) {
BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(n.doubleValue());
if (scale != null) {
bd = bd.setScale(scale.intValue(), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
return bd;
else if (this.numberClass == Double.class)
return new Double(n.doubleValue());
else if (this.numberClass == Float.class)
return new Float(n.floatValue());
else if (this.numberClass == BigInteger.class)
// we have called setBigDecimalFormat to make sure a BigDecimal
// is returned so use toBigInteger on that class
return ((BigDecimal) n).toBigInteger();
else if (this.numberClass == Long.class)
return new Long(n.longValue());
else if (this.numberClass == Integer.class)
return new Integer(n.intValue());
else if (this.numberClass == Short.class)
return new Short(n.shortValue());
else if (this.numberClass == Byte.class)
return new Byte(n.byteValue());
return null;
catch (Exception pe) {
log.error("Error: " + getText() + " is not a number.", pe);
return null;
* Format the number and show it.
* @param number Number to set.
public void setValue(Number number) {
String txt = null;
if (number != null) {
txt = this.format.format(number);
* Set text internally: will change text but not fire any event.
* @param s Text to set.
private void setTextInternally(String s) {
internallySettingText = true;
internallySettingText = false;
* When inputField gets focus, the contents will switch to "edit"-format
* (=unformat). In most cases a format without all decorations, just the
* number. In addition a selectAll() will be done.
* TODO check if selectAll() is appropriate in all cases.
* When inputField loses focus, the contents will switch to "read"-format
* (=format). This will probably contain some decorations.
class FormatFocusListener implements FocusListener {
* Focus gained: "edit"-format and selectAll.
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
String s = getText();
setTextInternally(format(unformat, format, s));
* Focus lost: "read"-format.
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
String s = getText();
setTextInternally(format(format, unformat, s));
* Format a string.
* @param toFormat Change to this format.
* @param fromFormat Current format to be changed.
* @param s String to be reformatted.
* @return String which holds the number in the new format.
private String format(NumberFormat toFormat, NumberFormat fromFormat, String s) {
if (!"".equals(s)) {
try {
return toFormat.format(fromFormat.parse(s));
catch (ParseException pe) {
log.error("Fout: De ingevulde waarde " + getText() + " is geen nummer.", pe);
return null;
* Specific document that allows only input of numbers, decimal separator
* (or alternative) and sign. Maximum number of decimals/non-decimals will
* be respected at all times. Signing can be changed anywhere in the
* inputField by simply clicking +/-. Decimal separator input can be done
* with alternative character to allow both comma and point.
* @author jh
class BigDecimalDocument extends PlainDocument {
private final int nrOfNonDecimals;
private final int nrOfDecimals;
private final boolean negativeSign;
private final char decimalSeparator = symbols.getDecimalSeparator();
private final char alternativeSeparator;
* @see #BigDecimalDocument(int, int, boolean, char)
public BigDecimalDocument() {
this(10, 2, true);
* @see #BigDecimalDocument(int, int, boolean, char)
public BigDecimalDocument(int nrOfNonDecimals, int nrOfDecimals, boolean negativeSign) {
this(nrOfNonDecimals, nrOfDecimals, negativeSign, symbols.getGroupingSeparator());
* Constructor with several configurations. Alternative separator can be
* given in order to make input easier. Eg. Comma and point can be used
* for decimal separation.
* @param nrOfNonDecimals Maximum number of non-decimals.
* @param nrOfDecimals Maximum number of decimals.
* @param negativeSign Negative sign allowed.
* @param alternativeSeparator Alternative separator.
public BigDecimalDocument(int nrOfNonDecimals, int nrOfDecimals, boolean negativeSign, char alternativeSeparator) {
this.nrOfNonDecimals = nrOfNonDecimals;
this.nrOfDecimals = nrOfDecimals;
this.negativeSign = negativeSign;
this.alternativeSeparator = alternativeSeparator;
* Handles string insertion, checks several things like number of
* non-decimals/decimals/sign...
* @inheritDoc
public void insertString(int offset, String str, AttributeSet a) throws BadLocationException {
// first doing the single keys, then review what can be used for
// cut/paste actions
if ("-".equals(str)) {
if (this.negativeSign) // set - or flip to + if it's already
// there
if ((this.getLength() == 0) || !this.getText(0, 1).equals("-"))
super.insertString(0, str, a);
else if (!(this.getLength() == 0) && this.getText(0, 1).equals("-"))
super.remove(0, 1);
else if ("+".equals(str)) {
if (this.negativeSign && (!(this.getLength() == 0) && this.getText(0, 1).equals("-"))) {
super.remove(0, 1);
else if (isShortCut(str))
handleShortCut(str, offset, a);
// check decimal signs
else if ((str.length() == 1)
&& ((this.alternativeSeparator == str.charAt(0)) || (this.decimalSeparator == str.charAt(0)))) {
if ((nrOfDecimals > 0) && (nrOfDecimals >= (getLength() - offset))
&& (getText(0, getLength()).indexOf(this.decimalSeparator) == -1)) {
super.insertString(offset, Character.toString(this.decimalSeparator), a);
String s = getText(0, offset) + str;
if (offset < getLength()) {
s += getText(offset, getLength() - offset);
boolean isNegative = s.startsWith("-");
char[] sarr = isNegative ? s.substring(1).toCharArray() : s.toCharArray();
int sep = -1;
int numberLength = 0; // count numbers, no special characters
for (int i = 0; i < sarr.length; i++) {
if (sarr[i] == this.decimalSeparator) {
if (sep != -1) {// double decimalseparator??
.debug("Error while inserting string: " + s + "[pos=" + i + "]"
+ " Double decimalseparator?");
sep = i;
if (numberLength > this.nrOfNonDecimals) {// too many
// digits left
// of decimal
// separator
log.debug("Error while inserting string: " + s + "[pos=" + i + "]" + " Too many non decimals? ["
+ this.nrOfNonDecimals + "]");
else if ((sarr.length - sep - 1) > this.nrOfDecimals) {// too
// many
// digits
// right
// of
// decimal
// separator"Error while inserting string: " + s + "[pos=" + i + "]" + " Too many decimals? ["
+ this.nrOfDecimals + "]");
else if (sarr[i] == symbols.getGroupingSeparator()) {
// ignore character
else if (!Character.isDigit(sarr[i])) {// non digit, no
// grouping/decimal
// separator not allowed
log.debug("Error while inserting string: " + s + "[pos=" + i + "]"
+ " String contains character that is no digit or separator?");
if ((sep == -1) && (numberLength > this.nrOfNonDecimals)) {// no
// separator,
// number
// too
// big
log.debug("Error while inserting string: " + s + " Too many non decimals? [" + this.nrOfNonDecimals
+ "]");
super.insertString(offset, str, a);
private void handleShortCut(String str, int offset, AttributeSet a) throws BadLocationException
log.debug("handing shortcut " + str);
if (getLength() == 0)
if (str.equals("k"))
super.insertString(0, "1000", a);
else if (str.equals("m"))
super.insertString(0, "1000000", a);
else if (str.equals("b"))
super.insertString(0, "1000000000", a);
else if (getLength() == 1 && (getText(0, 1).equals("-") || getText(0, 1).equals("+")))
String text = getText(0, offset);
text = text.replace(',', '.');
BigDecimal dec = new BigDecimal(text);
if (str.equals("k"))
dec = dec.scaleByPowerOfTen(3);
else if (str.equals("m"))
dec = dec.scaleByPowerOfTen(6);
else if (str.equals("b"))
dec = dec.scaleByPowerOfTen(9);
super.remove(0, offset);
String outcome = dec.toBigIntegerExact().toString();
outcome = outcome.replace('.', decimalSeparator);
super.insertString(0, outcome, a);
private boolean isShortCut(String str)
return str.equals("k") || str.equals("m") || str.equals("b");
* Will trigger the UserInputListeners once after removing.
* @inheritDoc
public void remove(int offs, int len) throws BadLocationException {
super.remove(offs, len);
* Will trigger the UserInputListeners once after replacing.
* @inheritDoc
public void replace(int offset, int length, String text, AttributeSet attrs) throws BadLocationException {
boolean oldInternallySettingText = internallySettingText;
internallySettingText = true;
super.replace(offset, length, text, attrs);
internallySettingText = oldInternallySettingText;
* @return Returns the scale.
public Integer getScale() {
return scale;
* @param scale The scale to set.
public void setScale(Integer scale) {
this.scale = scale;