org.valkyriercp.dialog.ApplicationDialog Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.valkyriercp.dialog;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Configurable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import org.valkyriercp.application.config.ApplicationConfig;
import org.valkyriercp.command.CommandManager;
import org.valkyriercp.core.Guarded;
import org.valkyriercp.core.TitleConfigurable;
import org.valkyriercp.util.GuiStandardUtils;
import org.valkyriercp.util.WindowUtils;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.awt.event.WindowFocusListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Abstract Base Class for a dialog with standard layout, buttons, and behavior.
* Use of this class will apply a standard appearance to dialogs in the
* application.
* Subclasses implement the body of the dialog (wherein business objects are
* manipulated), and the action taken by the OK
button. Aside
* from creating the dialog's contentj with {@link #createDialogContentPane()},
* a proper disposing should be implemented in
* {@link #disposeDialogContentPane()}.
* Services of a ApplicationDialog
* - centering on the parent frame
* - reusing the parent's icon
* - standard layout and border spacing, based on Java Look and Feel
* guidelines.
* - uniform naming style for dialog title
* OK
and Cancel
buttons at the bottom of the
* dialog -OK
is the default, and the Escape
* activates Cancel
(the latter works only if the dialog receives
* the escape keystroke, and not one of its components)
* - by default, modal
* - enabling & disabling of resizing
* - will be shown in taskbar if no parent window has been set, and no
* applicationwindow is open
* Note: Default close behaviour is to dispose the graphical dialog when it closes, you can set the CloseAction to hide if needed.
* @author Keith Donald
* @author Jan Hoskens
public abstract class ApplicationDialog implements TitleConfigurable, Guarded {
private static final String DEFAULT_DIALOG_TITLE = "Application Dialog";
protected static final String DEFAULT_FINISH_COMMAND_ID = "okCommand";
protected static final String DEFAULT_CANCEL_COMMAND_ID = "cancelCommand";
protected static final String DEFAULT_FINISH_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_KEY = "defaultFinishSuccessMessage";
protected static final String DEFAULT_FINISH_SUCCESS_TITLE_KEY = "defaultFinishSuccessTitle";
protected static final String SUCCESS_FINISH_MESSAGE_KEY = "finishSuccessMessage";
protected static final String SUCCESS_FINISH_TITLE_KEY = "finishSuccessTitle";
protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
private final DialogEventHandler dialogEventHandler = new DialogEventHandler();
private String title;
private JDialog dialog;
private Component parentComponent;
private Window parentWindow;
private CloseAction closeAction = CloseAction.DISPOSE;
private boolean defaultEnabled = true;
private boolean modal = true;
private boolean resizable = true;
private Dimension preferredSize;
private Point location;
private Component locationRelativeTo;
private ActionCommand finishCommand;
private ActionCommand cancelCommand;
private CommandGroup dialogCommandGroup;
private boolean displayFinishSuccessMessage;
private ActionCommand callingCommand;
private ApplicationConfig applicationConfig;
private CommandManager commandManager;
* Create dialog with default closeAction {@link CloseAction#DISPOSE}. No
* parent or title set.
* @see #init()
public ApplicationDialog() {
* Create dialog with default closeAction {@link CloseAction#DISPOSE}.
* @param title text that will appear on dialog's titlebar.
* @param parent component serving as parent in it's hierarchy.
* @see #init()
public ApplicationDialog(String title, Component parent) {
* Creates a new application dialog. The actual UI is not initialized until
* showDialog() is called.
* @param title text which appears in the title bar after the name of the
* application.
* @param parent frame to which this dialog is attached.
* @param closeAction sets the behaviour of the dialog upon close. Default
* closeAction is {@link CloseAction#DISPOSE}.
* @see #init()
public ApplicationDialog(String title, Component parent, CloseAction closeAction) {
* Hook called in constructor. Add specific initialization code here.
protected void init() {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
if (dialog != null) {
* Returns the title of this dialog. If no specific title has been set, the
* calling command's text will be used. If that doesn't yield a result, the
* default title is returned.
* @see #getCallingCommandText()
protected String getTitle() {
if (!StringUtils.hasText(this.title)) {
if (StringUtils.hasText(getCallingCommandText()))
return getCallingCommandText();
return this.title;
* The parent Component that will be used to extract the Frame/Dialog owner
* for the JDialog at creation. You may pass a Window/Frame that will be
* used directly as parent for the JDialog, or you can pass the component
* which has one of both in it's parent hierarchy. The latter option can be
* handy when you're locally implementing Components without a direct
* -connection to/notion of- a Window/Frame.
* @param parentComponent Component that is a Frame/Window or has one in its
* parent hierarchy.
public void setParentComponent(Component parentComponent) {
this.parentComponent = parentComponent;
* Returns the parent Component.
* @return
* @see #setParentComponent(Component)
public Component getParentComponent() {
return this.parentComponent;
* Set the {@link CloseAction} of this dialog. Default action is
* {@link CloseAction#DISPOSE} which disposes the visual dialog upon
* closing. When using {@link CloseAction#HIDE} the visual components are
* cached and reused.
* @param action the {@link CloseAction} to use when closing the dialog.
public void setCloseAction(CloseAction action) {
this.closeAction = action;
* When opening the dialog, the finish button can be enabled by default.
* @param enabled true
when the finish button should be
* enabled by default, false
public void setDefaultEnabled(boolean enabled) {
this.defaultEnabled = enabled;
* Set the modal property of the dialog.
* @see JDialog#setModal(boolean)
public void setModal(boolean modal) {
this.modal = modal;
* Set the resizable property of the dialog.
* @see JDialog#setResizable(boolean)
public void setResizable(boolean resizable) {
this.resizable = resizable;
* Set a specific location for the JDialog to popup.
* @param location point on screen where to place the JDialog.
public void setLocation(Point location) {
this.location = location;
* Set a relative location for the JDialog to popup.
* @see Window#setLocationRelativeTo(Component)
public void setLocationRelativeTo(Component locationRelativeTo) {
this.locationRelativeTo = locationRelativeTo;
* Set the preferrred size for the JDialog.
* @see JComponent#setPreferredSize(Dimension)
public void setPreferredSize(Dimension preferredSize) {
this.preferredSize = preferredSize;
* Enable/disable the finish command of the dialog.
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
* Message to show upon succesful completion.
public void setDisplayFinishSuccessMessage(boolean displayFinishSuccessMessage) {
this.displayFinishSuccessMessage = displayFinishSuccessMessage;
* Set the command that opened this dialog.
* @see #getFinishSuccessMessage()
* @see #getFinishSuccessTitle()
public void setCallingCommand(ActionCommand callingCommand) {
this.callingCommand = callingCommand;
* Enable/disable the finish command.
protected void setFinishEnabled(boolean enabled) {
if (isControlCreated()) {
* Returns whether this Dialog is enabled.
public boolean isEnabled() {
if (isControlCreated())
return finishCommand.isEnabled();
return false;
* Returns true
if the JDialog is showing.
* @see JDialog#isShowing()
public boolean isShowing() {
if (!isControlCreated()) {
return false;
return dialog.isShowing();
* Returns true
if the JDialog is constructed.
public boolean isControlCreated() {
return dialog != null;
* Return the JDialog, create it if needed (lazy).
public JDialog getDialog() {
if (!isControlCreated()) {
return dialog;
* Return the contentPane of the dialog.
* @see JDialog#getContentPane()
protected Container getDialogContentPane() {
Assert.state(isControlCreated(), "The wrapped JDialog control has not yet been created.");
return dialog.getContentPane();
* Show the dialog. The dialog will be created if it doesn't exist yet.
* Before setting the dialog visible, a hook method onAboutToShow is called
* and the location will be set.
* When showing the dialog several times, it will always be opened on the
* location that has been set, or relative to the parent. (former location
* will not persist)
public void showDialog() {
if (!isControlCreated()) {
if (!isShowing()) {
if (getLocation() != null) {
else {
WindowUtils.centerOnParent(dialog, getLocationRelativeTo());
* Subclasses should call if layout of the dialog components changes.
protected void componentsChanged() {
if (isControlCreated()) {
* Builds/initializes the dialog and all of its components.
* Follows the Java Look and Feel guidelines for spacing elements.
protected final void createDialog() {
* Construct the visual dialog frame on which the content needs to be added.
private void constructDialog() {
if (getParentWindow() instanceof Frame) {
dialog = new JDialog((Frame) getParentWindow(), getTitle(), modal);
else {
dialog = new JDialog((Dialog) getParentWindow(), getTitle(), modal);
dialog.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
* --jh-- This method is copied from JOptionPane. I'm still trying to figure
* out why they chose to have a static method with package visibility for
* this one instead of just making it public.
* Returns the specified component's toplevel Frame
* Dialog
* @param parentComponent the Component
to check for a
* Frame
or Dialog
* @return the Frame
or Dialog
that contains
* the component, or the default frame if the component is null
* or does not have a valid Frame
or Dialog
* parent
* @exception HeadlessException if
* GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless
returns true
* @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless
public static Window getWindowForComponent(Component parentComponent) throws HeadlessException {
if (parentComponent == null)
return JOptionPane.getRootFrame();
if (parentComponent instanceof Frame || parentComponent instanceof Dialog)
return (Window) parentComponent;
return getWindowForComponent(parentComponent.getParent());
* Initialize the standard commands needed on a Dialog: Ok/Cancel.
private void initStandardCommands() {
finishCommand = new ActionCommand(getFinishCommandId()) {
public void doExecuteCommand() {
boolean result = onFinish();
if (result) {
if (getDisplayFinishSuccessMessage()) {
cancelCommand = new ActionCommand(getCancelCommandId()) {
public void doExecuteCommand() {
* Subclasses may override to return a custom message key, default is
* "okCommand", corresponding to the "&OK" label.
* @return The message key to use for the finish ("ok") button
protected String getFinishCommandId() {
* Subclasses may override to return a security controller id to be attached
* to the finish command. The default is null, no controller.
* @return security controller id, or null if none
protected String getFinishSecurityControllerId() {
return null;
* Request invocation of the action taken when the user hits the
* OK
(finish) button.
* @return true if action completed successfully; false otherwise.
protected abstract boolean onFinish();
* Return the message that needs to be set on a succesful finish.
protected boolean getDisplayFinishSuccessMessage() {
return displayFinishSuccessMessage;
* Opens a dialog which contains the sussesful finish message.
* @see #getFinishSuccessTitle()
* @see #getFinishSuccessMessage()
protected void showFinishSuccessMessageDialog() {
MessageDialog messageDialog = new MessageDialog(getFinishSuccessTitle(), getDialog(), getFinishSuccessMessage());
* Returns the message to use upon succesful finish.
protected String getFinishSuccessMessage() {
ActionCommand callingCommand = getCallingCommand();
if (callingCommand != null) {
String[] successMessageKeys = new String[] { callingCommand.getId() + "." + SUCCESS_FINISH_MESSAGE_KEY,
return applicationConfig.messageResolver().getMessage(successMessageKeys, getFinishSuccessMessageArguments());
return applicationConfig.messageResolver().getMessage(DEFAULT_FINISH_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_KEY);
* Returns the command that opened this dialog.
protected ActionCommand getCallingCommand() {
return callingCommand;
* Returns the arguments to use in the succesful finish message.
protected Object[] getFinishSuccessMessageArguments() {
return new Object[0];
* Returns the title to use upon succesful finish.
protected String getFinishSuccessTitle() {
ActionCommand callingCommand = getCallingCommand();
if (callingCommand != null) {
String[] successTitleKeys = new String[] { callingCommand.getId() + "." + SUCCESS_FINISH_TITLE_KEY,
return applicationConfig.messageResolver().getMessage(successTitleKeys, getFinishSuccessTitleArguments());
return applicationConfig.messageResolver().getMessage(DEFAULT_FINISH_SUCCESS_TITLE_KEY);
* Returns the arguments to use in the finish succesful title.
protected Object[] getFinishSuccessTitleArguments() {
if (StringUtils.hasText(getCallingCommandText()))
return new Object[] { getCallingCommandText() };
return new Object[0];
* Return the text of the command that opened this dialog.
private String getCallingCommandText() {
return getCallingCommand() != null ? getCallingCommand().getText() : null;
* Returns the id for the cancel command.
protected String getCancelCommandId() {
* Returns the finish command.
protected ActionCommand getFinishCommand() {
return finishCommand;
* Returns the cancel command.
protected ActionCommand getCancelCommand() {
return cancelCommand;
* Force the escape key to call the same action as pressing the Cancel
* button. This does not always work. See class comment.
private void addCancelByEscapeKey() {
int noModifiers = 0;
KeyStroke escapeKey = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, noModifiers, false);
addActionKeyBinding(escapeKey, cancelCommand.getId());
* Add an action key binding to this dialog.
* @param key the {@link KeyStroke} that triggers the command/action.
* @param actionKey id of command that will be triggered by the {@link KeyStroke}.
* @see #addActionKeyBinding(KeyStroke, String, Action)
protected void addActionKeyBinding(KeyStroke key, String actionKey) {
if (actionKey == finishCommand.getId()) {
addActionKeyBinding(key, actionKey, finishCommand.getActionAdapter());
else if (actionKey == cancelCommand.getId()) {
addActionKeyBinding(key, actionKey, cancelCommand.getActionAdapter());
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown action key " + actionKey);
* Add an action key binding to this dialog.
* @param key the {@link KeyStroke} that triggers the command/action.
* @param actionKey id of the action.
* @param action {@link Action} that will be triggered by the {@link KeyStroke}.
* @see #getActionMap()
* @see #getInputMap()
* @see ActionMap#put(Object, Action)
* @see InputMap#put(KeyStroke, Object)
protected void addActionKeyBinding(KeyStroke key, String actionKey, Action action) {
getInputMap().put(key, actionKey);
getActionMap().put(actionKey, action);
* Return the {@link ActionMap} of the dialog.
* @see JLayeredPane#getActionMap()
protected ActionMap getActionMap() {
return getDialog().getLayeredPane().getActionMap();
* Return the {@link InputMap} of the dialog.
* @see JLayeredPane#getInputMap(int)
protected InputMap getInputMap() {
return getDialog().getLayeredPane().getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT);
* Subclasses may override to customize how this dialog is built.
protected void addDialogComponents() {
JComponent dialogContentPane = createDialogContentPane();
if (getPreferredSize() != null) {
getDialogContentPane().add(createButtonBar(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
* Return the location of the dialog.
protected Point getLocation() {
return location;
* Return the relative location of the dialog.
protected Component getLocationRelativeTo() {
return locationRelativeTo;
* Return the preferred size for the dialog.
protected Dimension getPreferredSize() {
return preferredSize;
* Return the GUI which allows the user to manipulate the business objects
* related to this dialog. This GUI will be placed above the OK
* and Cancel
buttons, in a standard manner.
* Any components/objects created at this point need to be disposed in
* {@link #disposeDialogContentPane()}.
* @see #disposeDialogContentPane()
protected abstract JComponent createDialogContentPane();
* Attach the handler that invokes the lifecycle methods on the
* ApplicationDialog
* @see DialogEventHandler
protected final void attachListeners() {
* Return a standardized row of command buttons, right-justified and all of
* the same size, with OK as the default button, and no mnemonics used, as
* per the Java Look and Feel guidelines.
protected JComponent createButtonBar() {
this.dialogCommandGroup = commandManager.createCommandGroup(null, getCommandGroupMembers());
JComponent buttonBar = this.dialogCommandGroup.createButtonBar();
return buttonBar;
* Template getter method to return the commands to populate the dialog
* button bar.
* @return The array of commands (may also be a separator or glue
* identifier)
protected java.util.List extends AbstractCommand> getCommandGroupMembers() {
return Lists.newArrayList(getFinishCommand(), getCancelCommand());
* Register the finish button as the default dialog button.
protected void registerDefaultCommand() {
if (isControlCreated()) {
* Register the cancel button as the default dialog button.
protected final void registerCancelCommandAsDefault() {
if (isControlCreated()) {
protected ApplicationConfig getApplicationConfig() {
return applicationConfig;
* Register the provided button as the default dialog button. The button
* must be present on the dialog.
* @param command The button to become the default.
protected final void registerDefaultCommand(ActionCommand command) {
if (isControlCreated()) {
* Template lifecycle method invoked after the dialog control is
* initialized.
protected void onInitialized() {
* Template lifecycle method invoked right before the dialog is to become
* visible.
protected void onAboutToShow() {
* Template lifecycle method invoked when the dialog gains focus.
protected void onWindowGainedFocus() {
* Template lifecycle method invoked when the dialog is activated.
protected void onWindowActivated() {
* Template lifecycle method invoked when the dialog loses focus.
protected void onWindowLostFocus() {
* Template lifecycle method invoked when the dialog's window is closing.
protected void onWindowClosing() {
* Handle a dialog cancellation request.
protected void onCancel() {
* Select the appropriate close logic.
private void executeCloseAction() {
if (closeAction == CloseAction.HIDE) {
else {
* Close and dispose of the visual dialog. This forces the dialog to be
* re-built on the next show. Any subclasses that are creating visual
* components and holding references to them should dispose them when the
* surrounding dialog is disposed by implementing
* {@link #disposeDialogContentPane()}. Any other objects that are created
* in {@link #createDialogContentPane()} can be handled here as well.
* @see #disposeDialogContentPane()
protected final void dispose() {
if (dialog != null) {
dialog = null;
* Cleanup any components/objects that are created during
* {@link #createDialogContentPane()}. This method is called if the
* {@link CloseAction} is set to {@link CloseAction#DISPOSE} and the dialog
* is being closed. This ensures that when disposing the surrounding dialog,
* the content pane can be disposed as well.
* @see #createDialogContentPane()
* @see #dispose()
protected void disposeDialogContentPane() {
* Hide the dialog. This differs from dispose in that the dialog control
* stays cached in memory.
protected final void hide() {
if (dialog != null) {
* Returns the parent window based on the internal parent Component. Will
* search for a Window in the parent hierarchy if needed (when parent
* Component isn't a Window).
* @return the parent window
public Window getParentWindow() {
if (parentWindow == null) {
if ((parentComponent == null) && (applicationConfig.windowManager().getActiveWindow() != null)) {
parentWindow = applicationConfig.windowManager().getActiveWindow().getControl();
else {
parentWindow = getWindowForComponent(parentComponent);
return parentWindow;
* Handler that will be registered as listener on the dialog.
private class DialogEventHandler extends WindowAdapter implements WindowFocusListener {
public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
public void windowGainedFocus(WindowEvent e) {
public void windowLostFocus(WindowEvent e) {