com.vlsolutions.swing.docking.package.html Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The VLDocking Framework for JFC "Swing" applications.

The VLDocking Framework provides a means to add docking capabilities into a Swing
application with minor modification of the components hierarchy (only decoration of
existing components and containers and adding of a new root container).
This javadoc is targetted to :
- API Users : developpers of "User Applications"
- API Extenders : developpers that want to extend the framework, add new
kinds of containers, or change the look and feel of existing ones.
You will find in this documentation references of those targets, indicating you if
you have to read such document or not, depending on your goals
(developping a "User Application" or extending the API).
For API Users
Basic Description
The VL Docking Framework is a set of Swing Components that is used to enhance any
Swing Application by providing Docking capabilities to user components :
A user component can be any Swing JComponent (usualy a JPanel or a JScrollPane).
Docking functions are built upon the following classes :
: the root container of a docking-enabled application
: an interface implemented (usually) by components that need
docking capabilities.
s : specialized containers with drag and drop extensions
(come in two flavors, SingleDockableContainer and TabbedDockabeContainer).
: a JavaBeans object fully describing the dockable (use for save/load, and for
DockableContainers customization) : name, icon, tooltip, docking features.
The DockingDesktop
There is usually only one DockingDesktop associated to a Window.
For developpers used to JInternalFrame
API, the DockingDesktop is equivalent
to the JDesktopPane
: a layered pane capable of managing and displaying
multiple components, with overlapping when needed.
The desktop is composed of :
- 4 auto-hide zones (on borders ) displaying buttons
that are used to activate or hide their
- a central zone, for visible Dockables (or "docked" components).
The central zone contains a DockableContainer
that can be
recursively splitted in two (horizontally or vertically) to add
more DockableContainers. Each split acts
as a JSplitPane, and can be resized by the end-user or with the API.
The Dockable
The Dockable
is implemented by dockable component providers or, simply
by components that want to benefit of the docking features.
If you already have a working application (without docking) and want to use
the docking framework, take your GUI major components, have them implement
the Dockable interface (only 2 methods) and you will be able to add them to
the docking desktop.
Alternatively, you can use DockablePanel which is a JPanel container
implementing Dockable.
The DockableContainer
, SingleDockableContainer
These interfaces are implemented by containers of Dockables. Usually you will not
interact with them (except if you want to extend the framework).
The DockKey
This one is important because it fully describes the Docking presentation of
your dockables, and their behaviour.
A DockKey is used in 3 situations :
- the
needs a unique key to identify a dockable
(for read/write operations)
- the
displaying a Dockable
information about the dockable : a name, an icon, ...
- and finally, the DockingDesktop and DockableContainer only allow docking
features associated to that DockKey (maximizeable, closeable, hidable...).
So keep in mind that each dockable must have a unique DockKey (it's a kind of
primary key) and that the key, as a javabean, is used to decorate the
dockable container.
Listeners : most DockKey properties are bound, and changing their value will have
an immediate effect on the DockingDesktop : for example, you can change the icon
property of a key and it will be propagated to the DockableContainer's title bar of
its dockable.
Getting Started
It's easy, just follow the steps below, or have a look at the tutorial on
the online tutorial .
Creating a small sample application :

Here is a working code showing a simple frame with dockable buttons.
import com.vldocking.swing.docking.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class DemoFrame extends JFrame {
// our docking desktop
DockingDesktop desk = new DockingDesktop();
public DemoFrame(){
// first, create 4 dockable buttons (inner class below)
DockableButton button1 = new DockableButton("Dockable 1");
DockableButton button2 = new DockableButton("Dockable 2");
DockableButton button3 = new DockableButton("Dockable 3");
DockableButton button4 = new DockableButton("Dockable 4");
// first button at center
// second and third button splitted vertically on the left of center
// first parameter is the "reference", second is the added dockable
desk.split(button1, button2, DockingConstants.SPLIT_LEFT);
desk.split(button2, button3, DockingConstants.SPLIT_BOTTOM);
// add the fourth button as a tab on the 3rd :
desk.createTab(button3, button4, 1);
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
setVisible(true); // realize on the event dispatch thread
public static void main(String [] args){
new DemoFrame();
// our basic dockable object
class DockableButton extends JButton implements Dockable {
DockKey key;
public DockableButton(String label){
this.key = new DockKey(label); // most simple dockkey constructor
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200,200));
public DockKey getDockKey() {
return key;
public Component getComponent() {
return this;
But of course, there's more in the docking framework than this.
For example you can also :
- hide a component on a border
- attract user attention by a blinking dockable title
- adjust the width and height of the dockables
- read and write a desktop configuration from/to an XML stream
- ...
You can read more about these features in the tutorial on
Browsing the API
The subset of classes of this package needed to understand and use the Docking Framework is
limited to the following classes :
- DockingPanel : the panel that contains the users components is also the main
interface to docking functions.
- Dockable : the interface implemented by dockable objects
- DockKey : the key of a Dockable, an object that describes a user component (icon, text, tooltip)
Extending the API
This API has been developed with extension in mind.
To Fully understand its principles, you will have to browse the entire javadoc and
read the API extension tutorial on VLDocking google code.