commonMain.earth.worldwind.geom.Location.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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The WorldWind Kotlin SDK (WWK) includes the library, examples and tutorials for building multiplatform 3D virtual globe applications for Android, Web and Java.
package earth.worldwind.geom
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.POS180
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.ZERO
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.fromDegrees
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.fromRadians
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.normalizeLongitude
import earth.worldwind.shape.PathType
import earth.worldwind.shape.PathType.GREAT_CIRCLE
import earth.worldwind.shape.PathType.RHUMB_LINE
import earth.worldwind.util.format.format
import kotlinx.datetime.Clock
import kotlinx.datetime.TimeZone
import kotlinx.datetime.offsetIn
import kotlin.jvm.JvmStatic
import kotlin.math.*
* Geographic location with a latitude and longitude.
open class Location(
* The location's latitude.
var latitude: Angle,
* The location's longitude.
var longitude: Angle
) {
* Constructs a location with latitude and longitude both 0.
constructor(): this(latitude = ZERO, longitude = ZERO)
* Constructs a location with the latitude and longitude of a specified location.
* @param location the location specifying the coordinates
constructor(location: Location): this(location.latitude, location.longitude)
companion object {
protected const val NEAR_ZERO_THRESHOLD = 1e-15
protected val timeZoneLatitudes = mapOf(
-12 to -45, // GMT-12
-11 to -30, // GMT-11
-10 to 20, // GMT-10
-9 to 45, // GMT-9
-8 to 40, // GMT-8
-7 to 35, // GMT-7
-6 to 30, // GMT-6
-5 to 25, // GMT-5
-4 to -15, // GMT-4
-3 to 0, // GMT-3
-2 to 45, // GMT-2
-1 to 30, // GMT-1
0 to 30, // GMT+0
1 to 20, // GMT+1
2 to 20, // GMT+2
3 to 25, // GMT+3
4 to 30, // GMT+4
5 to 35, // GMT+5
6 to 30, // GMT+6
7 to 25, // GMT+7
8 to -30, // GMT+8
9 to -30, // GMT+9
10 to -30, // GMT+10
11 to -45, // GMT+11
12 to -45 // GMT+12
* Constructs a location with a specified latitude and longitude in degrees.
* @param latitudeDegrees the latitude in degrees
* @param longitudeDegrees the longitude in degrees
* @return the new location
fun fromDegrees(latitudeDegrees: Double, longitudeDegrees: Double) =
Location(fromDegrees(latitudeDegrees), fromDegrees(longitudeDegrees))
* Constructs a location with a specified latitude and longitude in radians.
* @param latitudeRadians the latitude in radians
* @param longitudeRadians the longitude in radians
* @return the new location
fun fromRadians(latitudeRadians: Double, longitudeRadians: Double) =
Location(fromRadians(latitudeRadians), fromRadians(longitudeRadians))
* Constructs an approximate location for a specified time zone. Used when selecting an initial camera position
* based on the device's current time zone.
* @param timeZone the time zone in question
* @return the new location
fun fromTimeZone(timeZone: TimeZone): Location {
val secPerHour = 3.6e3
val offsetSec = Clock.System.now().offsetIn(timeZone).totalSeconds
val offsetHours = (offsetSec / secPerHour).toInt()
// use a pre-determined latitude or 0 if none is available
val latDegrees = (timeZoneLatitudes[offsetHours]?:0).toDouble()
val lonDegrees = 180.0 * offsetHours / 12 // center on the time zone's average longitude
return Location(fromDegrees(latDegrees), fromDegrees(lonDegrees))
* Determines whether a list of locations crosses the antimeridian.
* @param locations the locations to test
* @return true if the antimeridian is crossed, false otherwise
fun locationsCrossAntimeridian(locations: List): Boolean {
// Check the list's length. A list with fewer than two locations does not cross the antimeridan.
val len = locations.size
if (len < 2) return false
// Compute the longitude attributes associated with the first location.
var lon1 = normalizeLongitude(locations[0].longitude.inDegrees)
var sig1 = sign(lon1)
// Iterate over the segments in the list. A segment crosses the antimeridian if its endpoint longitudes have
// different signs and are more than 180 degrees apart (but not 360, which indicates the longitudes are the same).
for (idx in 1 until len) {
val lon2 = normalizeLongitude(locations[idx].longitude.inDegrees)
val sig2 = sign(lon2)
if (sig1 != sig2) {
val delta = abs(lon1 - lon2)
if (delta > 180 && delta < 360) return true
lon1 = lon2
sig1 = sig2
return false
fun fromString(coordinates: String): Location {
val tokens = coordinates.replace("[*'\"NSEW;°′″,]".toRegex(), " ").trim { it <= ' ' }.split("\\s+".toRegex())
// Lat
var lat = 0.0
var exponent = 0
var i = 0
while (i < tokens.size / 2) {
lat += tokens[i].toDouble() / 60.0.pow(exponent++.toDouble())
// Lon
var lon = 0.0
exponent = 0
while (i < tokens.size) {
lon += tokens[i].toDouble() / 60.0.pow(exponent++.toDouble())
return fromDegrees(if (coordinates.contains("S")) -lat else lat, if (coordinates.contains("W")) -lon else lon)
* Sets this location to a specified latitude and longitude.
* @param latitude the new latitude
* @param longitude the new longitude
* @return this location with its latitude and longitude set to the specified values
fun set(latitude: Angle, longitude: Angle) = apply {
this.latitude = latitude
this.longitude = longitude
* Sets this location to a specified latitude and longitude in degrees.
* @param latitudeDegrees the new latitude in degrees
* @param longitudeDegrees the new longitude in degrees
* @return this location with its latitude and longitude set to the specified values
fun setDegrees(latitudeDegrees: Double, longitudeDegrees: Double) =
set(fromDegrees(latitudeDegrees), fromDegrees(longitudeDegrees))
* Sets this location to a specified latitude and longitude in radians.
* @param latitudeRadians the new latitude in radians
* @param longitudeRadians the new longitude in radians
* @return this location with its latitude and longitude set to the specified values
fun setRadians(latitudeRadians: Double, longitudeRadians: Double) =
set(fromRadians(latitudeRadians), fromRadians(longitudeRadians))
* Sets this location to the latitude and longitude of a specified location.
* @param location the location specifying the new coordinates
* @return this location with its latitude and longitude set to that of the specified location
fun copy(location: Location) = set(location.latitude, location.longitude)
* Compute a location along a path between two locations. The amount indicates the fraction of the path at which to
* compute a location. This value is typically between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates the begin location (this location)
* and 1 indicates the end location.
* @param endLocation the path's end location
* @param pathType [PathType] indicating type of path to assume
* @param amount the fraction of the path at which to compute a location
* @param result a pre-allocated Location in which to return the computed location
* @return the result argument set to the computed location
fun interpolateAlongPath(endLocation: Location, pathType: PathType, amount: Double, result: Location): Location {
return if (this == endLocation) {
result.latitude = latitude
result.longitude = longitude
} else when (pathType) {
val azimuth = greatCircleAzimuth(endLocation)
val distanceRadians = greatCircleDistance(endLocation) * amount
greatCircleLocation(azimuth, distanceRadians, result)
val azimuth = rhumbAzimuth(endLocation)
val distanceRadians = rhumbDistance(endLocation) * amount
rhumbLocation(azimuth, distanceRadians, result)
else -> {
val azimuth = linearAzimuth(endLocation)
val distanceRadians = linearDistance(endLocation) * amount
linearLocation(azimuth, distanceRadians, result)
* Computes the azimuth angle (clockwise from North) for the great circle path between this location and a specified
* location. This angle can be used as the starting azimuth for a great circle path beginning at this location, and
* passing through the specified location. This function uses a spherical model, not elliptical.
* @param location the great circle path's ending location
* @return the computed azimuth
fun greatCircleAzimuth(location: Location): Angle {
val lat1 = latitude.inRadians
val lon1 = longitude.inRadians
val lat2 = location.latitude.inRadians
val lon2 = location.longitude.inRadians
if (lat1 == lat2 && lon1 == lon2) return ZERO
if (lon1 == lon2) return if (lat1 > lat2) POS180 else ZERO
// Taken from "Map Projections - A Working Manual", page 30, equation 5-4b.
// The atan2() function is used in place of the traditional atan(y/x) to simplify the case when x == 0.
val y = cos(lat2) * sin(lon2 - lon1)
val x = cos(lat1) * sin(lat2) - sin(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos(lon2 - lon1)
val azimuthRadians = atan2(y, x)
return if (azimuthRadians.isNaN()) ZERO else fromRadians(azimuthRadians)
* Computes the angular distance of the great circle path between this location and a specified location. In
* radians, this angle is the arc length of the segment between the two locations. To compute a distance in meters
* from this value, multiply the return value by the radius of the globe. This function uses a spherical model, not
* elliptical.
* @param location the great circle path's ending location
* @return the computed angular distance in radians
fun greatCircleDistance(location: Location): Double {
val lat1Radians = latitude.inRadians
val lon1Radians = longitude.inRadians
val lat2Radians = location.latitude.inRadians
val lon2Radians = location.longitude.inRadians
if (lat1Radians == lat2Radians && lon1Radians == lon2Radians) return 0.0
// "Haversine formula," taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great-circle_distance#Formul.C3.A6
val a = sin((lat2Radians - lat1Radians) / 2.0)
val b = sin((lon2Radians - lon1Radians) / 2.0)
val c = a * a + cos(lat1Radians) * cos(lat2Radians) * b * b
val distanceRadians = 2.0 * asin(sqrt(c))
return if (distanceRadians.isNaN()) 0.0 else distanceRadians
* Computes the location on the great circle path starting at this location and traversing with the specified
* azimuth and angular distance. This function uses a spherical model, not elliptical.
* @param azimuth the starting azimuth
* @param distanceRadians the angular distance along the path in radians
* @param result a pre-allocated Location in which to return the computed location
* @return the result argument set to the computed location
fun greatCircleLocation(azimuth: Angle, distanceRadians: Double, result: Location): Location {
if (distanceRadians == 0.0) {
result.latitude = latitude
result.longitude = longitude
return result
val latRadians = latitude.inRadians
val lonRadians = longitude.inRadians
val azimuthRadians = azimuth.inRadians
val cosLat = cos(latRadians)
val sinLat = sin(latRadians)
val cosAzimuth = cos(azimuthRadians)
val sinAzimuth = sin(azimuthRadians)
val sinDistance = sin(distanceRadians)
val cosDistance = cos(distanceRadians)
// Taken from "Map Projections - A Working Manual", page 31, equation 5-5 and 5-6.
val endLatRadians = asin(sinLat * cosDistance + cosLat * sinDistance * cosAzimuth)
val endLonRadians = lonRadians + atan2(
sinDistance * sinAzimuth, cosLat * cosDistance - sinLat * sinDistance * cosAzimuth
if (endLatRadians.isNaN() || endLonRadians.isNaN()) {
result.latitude = latitude
result.longitude = longitude
} else {
result.latitude = fromRadians(endLatRadians).normalizeLatitude()
result.longitude = fromRadians(endLonRadians).normalizeLongitude()
return result
* Computes the azimuth angle (clockwise from North) for the rhumb path (line of constant azimuth) between this
* location and a specified location. This angle can be used as the starting azimuth for a rhumb path beginning at
* this location, and passing through the specified location. This function uses a spherical model, not elliptical.
* @param location the rhumb path's ending location
* @return the computed azimuth
fun rhumbAzimuth(location: Location): Angle {
val lat1 = latitude.inRadians
val lon1 = longitude.inRadians
val lat2 = location.latitude.inRadians
val lon2 = location.longitude.inRadians
if (lat1 == lat2 && lon1 == lon2) return ZERO
var dLon = lon2 - lon1
val dPhi = ln(tan(lat2 / 2.0 + PI / 4) / tan(lat1 / 2.0 + PI / 4))
// If lonChange over 180 take shorter rhumb across 180 meridian.
if (abs(dLon) > PI) dLon = if (dLon > 0) -(2 * PI - dLon) else 2 * PI + dLon
val azimuthRadians = atan2(dLon, dPhi)
return if (azimuthRadians.isNaN()) ZERO else fromRadians(azimuthRadians)
* Computes the angular distance of the rhumb path (line of constant azimuth) between this location and a specified
* location. In radians, this angle is the arc length of the segment between the two locations. To compute a
* distance in meters from this value, multiply the return value by the radius of the globe. This function uses a
* spherical model, not elliptical.
* @param location the great circle path's ending location
* @return the computed angular distance in radians
fun rhumbDistance(location: Location): Double {
val lat1 = latitude.inRadians
val lon1 = longitude.inRadians
val lat2 = location.latitude.inRadians
val lon2 = location.longitude.inRadians
if (lat1 == lat2 && lon1 == lon2) return 0.0
val dLat = lat2 - lat1
var dLon = lon2 - lon1
// Avoid indeterminates along E/W courses when lat end points are "nearly" identical
val q = if (abs(dLat) < NEAR_ZERO_THRESHOLD) cos(lat1)
else {
val dPhi = ln(tan(lat2 / 2.0 + PI / 4) / tan(lat1 / 2.0 + PI / 4))
dLat / dPhi
// If lonChange over 180 take shorter rhumb across 180 meridian.
if (abs(dLon) > PI) dLon = if (dLon > 0) -(2 * PI - dLon) else 2 * PI + dLon
val distanceRadians = sqrt(dLat * dLat + q * q * dLon * dLon)
return if (distanceRadians.isNaN()) 0.0 else distanceRadians
* Computes the location on a rhumb path (line of constant azimuth) starting at this location and traversing with
* the specified azimuth and angular distance. This function uses a spherical model, not elliptical.
* @param azimuth the starting azimuth
* @param distanceRadians the angular distance along the path in radians
* @param result a pre-allocated Location in which to return the computed location
* @return the result argument set to the computed location
fun rhumbLocation(azimuth: Angle, distanceRadians: Double, result: Location): Location {
if (distanceRadians == 0.0) {
result.latitude = latitude
result.longitude = longitude
return result
val latRadians = latitude.inRadians
val lonRadians = longitude.inRadians
val azimuthRadians = azimuth.inRadians
var endLatRadians = latRadians + distanceRadians * cos(azimuthRadians)
val dLat = endLatRadians - latRadians
// Avoid indeterminates along E/W courses when lat end points are "nearly" identical
val q = if (abs(dLat) < NEAR_ZERO_THRESHOLD) cos(latRadians)
else {
val dPhi = ln(tan(endLatRadians / 2 + PI / 4) / tan(latRadians / 2 + PI / 4))
dLat / dPhi
val dLon = distanceRadians * sin(azimuthRadians) / q
// Handle latitude passing over either pole.
if (abs(endLatRadians) > PI / 2) endLatRadians = if (endLatRadians > 0) PI - endLatRadians else -PI - endLatRadians
val endLonRadians = (lonRadians + dLon + PI) % (2 * PI) - PI
if (endLatRadians.isNaN() || endLonRadians.isNaN()) {
result.latitude = latitude
result.longitude = longitude
} else {
result.latitude = fromRadians(endLatRadians).normalizeLatitude()
result.longitude = fromRadians(endLonRadians).normalizeLongitude()
return result
* Computes the azimuth angle (clockwise from North) for the linear path between this location and a specified
* location. This angle can be used as the starting azimuth for a linear path beginning at this location, and
* passing through the specified location. This function uses a flat-earth approximation proximal to this location.
* @param location the linear path's ending location
* @return the computed azimuth
fun linearAzimuth(location: Location): Angle {
val lat1 = latitude.inRadians
val lon1 = longitude.inRadians
val lat2 = location.latitude.inRadians
val lon2 = location.longitude.inRadians
if (lat1 == lat2 && lon1 == lon2) return ZERO
var dLon = lon2 - lon1
val dPhi = lat2 - lat1
// If longitude change is over 180 take shorter path across 180 meridian.
if (abs(dLon) > PI) dLon = if (dLon > 0) -(2 * PI - dLon) else 2 * PI + dLon
val azimuthRadians = atan2(dLon, dPhi)
return if (azimuthRadians.isNaN()) ZERO else fromRadians(azimuthRadians)
* Computes the angular distance of the linear path between this location and a specified location. In radians, this
* angle is the arc length of the segment between the two locations. To compute a distance in meters from this
* value, multiply the return value by the radius of the globe. This function uses a flat-earth approximation
* proximal to this location.
* @param location the great circle path's ending location
* @return the computed angular distance in radians
fun linearDistance(location: Location): Double {
val lat1 = latitude.inRadians
val lon1 = longitude.inRadians
val lat2 = location.latitude.inRadians
val lon2 = location.longitude.inRadians
if (lat1 == lat2 && lon1 == lon2) return 0.0
val dLat = lat2 - lat1
var dLon = lon2 - lon1
// If lonChange over 180 take shorter path across 180 meridian.
if (abs(dLon) > PI) dLon = if (dLon > 0) -(2 * PI - dLon) else 2 * PI + dLon
val distanceRadians = sqrt(dLat * dLat + dLon * dLon)
return if (distanceRadians.isNaN()) 0.0 else distanceRadians
* Computes the location on the linear path starting at this location and traversing with the specified azimuth and
* angular distance. This function uses a flat-earth approximation proximal to this location.
* @param azimuth the starting azimuth
* @param distanceRadians the angular distance along the path in radians
* @param result a pre-allocated Location in which to return the computed location
* @return the result argument set to the computed location
fun linearLocation(azimuth: Angle, distanceRadians: Double, result: Location): Location {
if (distanceRadians == 0.0) {
result.latitude = latitude
result.longitude = longitude
return result
val latRadians = latitude.inRadians
val lonRadians = longitude.inRadians
val azimuthRadians = azimuth.inRadians
var endLatRadians = latRadians + distanceRadians * cos(azimuthRadians)
// Handle latitude passing over either pole.
if (abs(endLatRadians) > PI / 2) endLatRadians = if (endLatRadians > 0) PI - endLatRadians else -PI - endLatRadians
val endLonRadians = (lonRadians + distanceRadians * sin(azimuthRadians) + PI) % (2 * PI) - PI
if (endLatRadians.isNaN() || endLonRadians.isNaN()) {
result.latitude = latitude
result.longitude = longitude
} else {
result.latitude = fromRadians(endLatRadians).normalizeLatitude()
result.longitude = fromRadians(endLonRadians).normalizeLongitude()
return result
fun equals(other: Location, tolerance: Double): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
return abs(latitude.inDegrees - other.latitude.inDegrees) < tolerance
&& abs(longitude.inDegrees - other.longitude.inDegrees) < tolerance
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is Location) return false
return latitude.inDegrees == other.latitude.inDegrees && longitude.inDegrees == other.longitude.inDegrees
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = latitude.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + longitude.hashCode()
return result
override fun toString() = "Location(latitude=$latitude, longitude=$longitude)"
fun toDDString() = "%s%09.6f°, %s%010.6f°"
.format(latitude.latitudeLetter, abs(latitude.inDegrees), longitude.longitudeLetter, abs(longitude.inDegrees))
fun toDMString(): String {
val lat = latitude.toDMS()
val lon = longitude.toDMS()
return "%s%02d°%06.3f′, %s%03d°%06.3f′".format(
latitude.latitudeLetter, lat[1], lat[2] + lat[3] / 60.0,
longitude.longitudeLetter, lon[1], lon[2] + lon[3] / 60.0
fun toDMSString(): String {
val lat = latitude.toDMS()
val lon = longitude.toDMS()
return "%s%02d°%02d′%04.1f″, %s%03d°%02d′%04.1f″".format(
latitude.latitudeLetter, lat[1], lat[2], lat[3],
longitude.longitudeLetter, lon[1], lon[2], lon[3]
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