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The WorldWind Kotlin SDK (WWK) includes the library, examples and tutorials for building multiplatform 3D virtual globe applications for Android, Web and Java.
The newest version!
package earth.worldwind.shape
import earth.worldwind.draw.DrawShapeState
import earth.worldwind.draw.Drawable
import earth.worldwind.draw.DrawableShape
import earth.worldwind.draw.DrawableSurfaceShape
import earth.worldwind.geom.*
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.ZERO
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.toDegrees
import earth.worldwind.render.*
import earth.worldwind.render.buffer.FloatBufferObject
import earth.worldwind.render.buffer.IntBufferObject
import earth.worldwind.render.buffer.ShortBufferObject
import earth.worldwind.render.image.ImageOptions
import earth.worldwind.render.image.ResamplingMode
import earth.worldwind.render.image.WrapMode
import earth.worldwind.render.program.TriangleShaderProgram
import earth.worldwind.util.Logger.ERROR
import earth.worldwind.util.Logger.logMessage
import earth.worldwind.util.kgl.*
import kotlin.jvm.JvmOverloads
import kotlin.math.*
* Ellipse shape defined by a geographic center position and radii for the semi-major and semi-minor axes.
* Axes and Heading
* Ellipse axes, by default, are oriented such that the semi-major axis points East and the semi-minor axis points
* North. Ellipse provides an optional heading, which when set to anything other than 0.0 rotates the semi-major and
* semi-minor axes about the center position, while retaining the axes relative relationship to one another. Heading is
* defined clockwise from North. Configuring ellipse with a heading of 45.0 results in the semi-major axis
* pointing Southeast and the semi-minor axis pointing Northeast.
* Altitude Mode and Terrain Following
* Ellipse geometry displays at a constant altitude determined by the geographic center position and altitude mode. For
* example, an ellipse with a center position altitude of 1km and altitude mode of ABSOLUTE displays at 1km above mean
* sea level. The same ellipse with an altitude mode of RELATIVE_TO_GROUND displays at 1km above ground level, relative
* to the ellipse's center location.
* Surface ellipse geometry, where an ellipse appears draped across the terrain, may be achieved by enabling ellipse's
* terrain following state and setting its altitude mode to CLAMP_TO_GROUND. See [isFollowTerrain] and
* [altitudeMode].
* Display Granularity
* Ellipse's appearance on screen is composed of discrete segments which approximate the ellipse's geometry. This
* approximation is chosen such that the display appears to be a continuous smooth ellipse. Applications can control the
* maximum number of angular intervals used in this representation with [maximumIntervals].
open class Ellipse @JvmOverloads constructor(
center: Position, majorRadius: Double, minorRadius: Double, attributes: ShapeAttributes = ShapeAttributes()
): AbstractShape(attributes) {
* The ellipse's geographic center position.
var center = Position(center)
set(value) {
* The ellipse's radius perpendicular to it's heading, in meters.
* When the ellipse's heading is 0.0, the semi-major axis points East.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the radius is negative
var majorRadius = majorRadius
set(value) {
require(value >= 0) {
logMessage(ERROR, "Ellipse", "setMajorRadius", "invalidRadius")
field = value
* The ellipse's radius parallel to it's heading, in meters.
* When the ellipse's heading is 0.0, the semi-minor axis points North.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the radius is negative
var minorRadius = minorRadius
set(value) {
require(value >= 0) {
logMessage(ERROR, "Ellipse", "setMinorRadius", "invalidRadius")
field = value
* The ellipse's heading clockwise from North. When ellipse's heading is 0.0,
* the semi-major axis points East and the semi-minor axis points North.
* Headings other than 0.0 rotate the axes about the ellipse's center position,
* while retaining the axes relative relationship to one another.
var heading = ZERO
set(value) {
field = value
* The maximum pixels a single edge interval will span before the number of intervals is increased. Increasing this
* value will make ellipses appear coarser.
var maximumPixelsPerInterval = 50.0
set(value) {
require(value >= 0) {
logMessage(ERROR, "Ellipse", "maximumPixelsPerInterval", "invalidPixelsPerInterval")
field = value
* Sets the maximum number of angular intervals that may be used to approximate this ellipse's on screen.
* Ellipse may use a minimum number of intervals to ensure that its appearance on screen at least roughly
* approximates the ellipse's shape. When the specified number of intervals is too small, it is clamped to an
* implementation-defined minimum number of intervals.
* Ellipse may require that the number of intervals is an even multiple of some integer. When the specified number
* of intervals does not meet this criteria, the next smallest integer that meets ellipse's criteria is used
* instead.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the number of intervals is negative
var maximumIntervals = 256
set(value) {
require(value >= 0) {
logMessage(ERROR, "Ellipse", "setMaximumIntervals", "invalidNumIntervals")
field = value
* The number of intervals used for generating geometry. Clamped between MIN_INTERVALS and maximumIntervals.
* Will always be even.
protected var activeIntervals = 0
protected var vertexArray = FloatArray(0)
protected var vertexIndex = 0
protected var vertexBufferKey = Any()
protected var lineVertexArray = FloatArray(0)
protected var lineVertexIndex = 0
protected var lineVertexBufferKey = Any()
protected var lineElementBufferKey = Any()
protected var verticalVertexIndex = 0
protected val verticalElements = mutableListOf()
protected val outlineElements = mutableListOf()
protected val vertexOrigin = Vec3()
protected var texCoord1d = 0.0
protected val texCoord2d = Vec3()
protected val texCoordMatrix = Matrix3()
protected val modelToTexCoord = Matrix4()
protected var cameraDistance = 0.0
protected val prevPoint = Vec3()
init {
require(majorRadius >= 0 && minorRadius >= 0) {
logMessage(ERROR, "Ellipse", "constructor", "invalidRadius")
companion object {
protected const val VERTEX_STRIDE = 5
protected const val LINE_VERTEX_STRIDE = 10
* The minimum number of intervals that will be used for geometry generation.
protected const val MIN_INTERVALS = 32
* Key for Range object in the element buffer describing the top of the Ellipse.
protected const val TOP_RANGE = 0
* Key for Range object in the element buffer describing the extruded sides of the Ellipse.
protected const val SIDE_RANGE = 1
protected val defaultInteriorImageOptions = ImageOptions().apply { wrapMode = WrapMode.REPEAT }
protected val defaultOutlineImageOptions = ImageOptions().apply {
wrapMode = WrapMode.REPEAT
resamplingMode = ResamplingMode.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR
* Simple interval count based cache of the keys for element buffers. Element buffers are dependent only on the
* number of intervals so the keys are cached here. The element buffer object itself is in the
* RenderResourceCache and subject to the restrictions and behavior of that cache.
protected val elementBufferKeys = mutableMapOf()
private val scratchPosition = Position()
private val scratchPoint = Vec3()
private val scratchVertPoint = Vec3()
protected fun assembleElements(intervals: Int): ShortBufferObject {
// Create temporary storage for elements
// TODO Use ShortArray instead of mutableListOf to avoid unnecessary memory re-allocations
val elements = mutableListOf()
// Generate the top element buffer with spine
var idx = intervals.toShort()
val offset = computeIndexOffset(intervals)
// Add the anchor leg
// Tessellate the interior
for (i in 2 until intervals) {
// Add the corresponding interior spine point if this isn't the vertex following the last vertex for the
// negative major axis
if (i != intervals / 2 + 1) if (i > intervals / 2) elements.add(--idx) else elements.add(idx++)
// Add the degenerate triangle at the negative major axis in order to flip the triangle strip back towards
// the positive axis
if (i == intervals / 2) elements.add(i.toShort())
// Add the exterior vertex
// Complete the strip
val topRange = Range(0, elements.size)
// Generate the side element buffer
for (i in 0 until intervals) {
val sideRange = Range(topRange.upper, elements.size)
// Generate a buffer for the element
val elementBuffer = ShortBufferObject(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, elements.toShortArray())
elementBuffer.ranges[TOP_RANGE] = topRange
elementBuffer.ranges[SIDE_RANGE] = sideRange
return elementBuffer
protected fun computeNumberSpinePoints(intervals: Int) = intervals / 2 - 1 // intervals should be even
protected fun computeIndexOffset(intervals: Int) = intervals + computeNumberSpinePoints(intervals)
override fun makeDrawable(rc: RenderContext) {
if (majorRadius == 0.0 && minorRadius == 0.0) return // nothing to draw
if (mustAssembleGeometry(rc)) {
vertexBufferKey = Any()
lineVertexBufferKey = Any()
lineElementBufferKey = Any()
// Obtain a drawable form the render context pool.
val drawable: Drawable
val drawState: DrawShapeState
val drawableLines: Drawable
val drawStateLines: DrawShapeState
if (isSurfaceShape) {
val pool = rc.getDrawablePool()
drawable = DrawableSurfaceShape.obtain(pool)
drawState = drawable.drawState
drawable.offset = rc.globe.offset
drawableLines = DrawableSurfaceShape.obtain(pool)
drawStateLines = drawableLines.drawState
// Use the basic GLSL program for texture projection.
drawableLines.offset = rc.globe.offset
cameraDistance = cameraDistanceGeographic(rc, boundingSector)
} else {
val pool = rc.getDrawablePool()
drawable = DrawableShape.obtain(pool)
drawState = drawable.drawState
drawableLines = DrawableShape.obtain(pool)
drawStateLines = drawableLines.drawState
cameraDistance = boundingBox.distanceTo(rc.cameraPoint)
// Use the basic GLSL program to draw the shape.
drawState.program = rc.getShaderProgram { TriangleShaderProgram() }
// Assemble the drawable's OpenGL vertex buffer object.
drawState.vertexBuffer = rc.getBufferObject(vertexBufferKey) { FloatBufferObject(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexArray) }
// Get the attributes of the element buffer
val elementBufferKey = elementBufferKeys[activeIntervals] ?: Any().also { elementBufferKeys[activeIntervals] = it }
drawState.elementBuffer = rc.getBufferObject(elementBufferKey) { assembleElements(activeIntervals) }
drawStateLines.isLine = true
// Use the basic GLSL program to draw the shape.
drawStateLines.program = rc.getShaderProgram { TriangleShaderProgram() }
// Assemble the drawable's OpenGL vertex buffer object.
drawStateLines.vertexBuffer = rc.getBufferObject(lineVertexBufferKey) { FloatBufferObject(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, lineVertexArray) }
// Assemble the drawable's OpenGL element buffer object.
drawStateLines.elementBuffer = rc.getBufferObject(lineElementBufferKey) {
val array = IntArray(outlineElements.size + verticalElements.size)
var index = 0
for (element in outlineElements) array[index++] = element
for (element in verticalElements) array[index++] = element
IntBufferObject(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, array)
drawInterior(rc, drawState)
drawOutline(rc, drawStateLines)
// Configure the drawable according to the shape's attributes.
drawState.vertexStride = VERTEX_STRIDE * 4 // stride in bytes
drawState.enableCullFace = isExtrude
drawState.enableDepthTest = activeAttributes.isDepthTest
drawState.enableDepthWrite = activeAttributes.isDepthWrite
// Configure the drawable according to the shape's attributes.
drawStateLines.enableCullFace = false
drawStateLines.enableDepthTest = activeAttributes.isDepthTest
drawStateLines.enableDepthWrite = activeAttributes.isDepthWrite
// Enqueue the drawable for processing on the OpenGL thread.
if (isSurfaceShape) {
rc.offerSurfaceDrawable(drawable, 0.0 /*zOrder*/)
rc.offerSurfaceDrawable(drawableLines, 0.0 /*zOrder*/)
} else {
rc.offerShapeDrawable(drawableLines, cameraDistance)
rc.offerShapeDrawable(drawable, cameraDistance)
protected open fun drawInterior(rc: RenderContext, drawState: DrawShapeState) {
if (!activeAttributes.isDrawInterior) return
// Configure the drawable to use the interior texture when drawing the interior.
activeAttributes.interiorImageSource?.let { interiorImageSource ->
rc.getTexture(interiorImageSource, defaultInteriorImageOptions)?.let { texture ->
val metersPerPixel = rc.pixelSizeAtDistance(cameraDistance)
computeRepeatingTexCoordTransform(texture, metersPerPixel, texCoordMatrix)
} ?: drawState.texture(null)
// Configure the drawable to display the shape's interior.
drawState.color(if (rc.isPickMode) pickColor else activeAttributes.interiorColor)
drawState.opacity(if (rc.isPickMode) 1f else rc.currentLayer.opacity)
drawState.texCoordAttrib(2 /*size*/, 12 /*offset in bytes*/)
val top = drawState.elementBuffer!!.ranges[TOP_RANGE]!!
drawState.drawElements(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, top.length, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, top.lower * 2 /*offset*/)
if (isExtrude) {
val side = drawState.elementBuffer!!.ranges[SIDE_RANGE]!!
drawState.drawElements(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, side.length, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, side.lower * 2)
protected open fun drawOutline(rc: RenderContext, drawState: DrawShapeState) {
if (!activeAttributes.isDrawOutline) return
// Configure the drawable to use the outline texture when drawing the outline.
activeAttributes.outlineImageSource?.let { outlineImageSource ->
rc.getTexture(outlineImageSource, defaultOutlineImageOptions)?.let { texture ->
val metersPerPixel = rc.pixelSizeAtDistance(cameraDistance)
computeRepeatingTexCoordTransform(texture, metersPerPixel, texCoordMatrix)
} ?: drawState.texture(null)
// Configure the drawable to display the shape's outline.
drawState.color(if (rc.isPickMode) pickColor else activeAttributes.outlineColor)
drawState.opacity(if (rc.isPickMode) 1f else rc.currentLayer.opacity)
GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, outlineElements.size,
if (activeAttributes.isDrawVerticals && isExtrude && !isSurfaceShape) {
drawState.color(if (rc.isPickMode) pickColor else activeAttributes.outlineColor)
drawState.opacity(if (rc.isPickMode) 1f else rc.currentLayer.opacity)
GL_TRIANGLES, verticalElements.size,
GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (outlineElements.size) * Int.SIZE_BYTES
protected open fun mustAssembleGeometry(rc: RenderContext): Boolean {
val calculatedIntervals = computeIntervals(rc)
val sanitizedIntervals = sanitizeIntervals(calculatedIntervals)
if (vertexArray.isEmpty() || isExtrude && !isSurfaceShape && lineVertexArray.isEmpty() || sanitizedIntervals != activeIntervals) {
activeIntervals = sanitizedIntervals
return true
return false
protected open fun assembleGeometry(rc: RenderContext) {
// Compute a matrix that transforms from Cartesian coordinates to shape texture coordinates.
// Use the ellipse's center position as the local origin for vertex positions.
if (isSurfaceShape) {
vertexOrigin.set(center.longitude.inDegrees, center.latitude.inDegrees, center.altitude)
} else {
rc.geographicToCartesian(center, altitudeMode, scratchPoint)
vertexOrigin.set(scratchPoint.x, scratchPoint.y, scratchPoint.z)
// Determine the number of spine points
val spineCount = computeNumberSpinePoints(activeIntervals) // activeIntervals must be even
// Clear the shape's vertex array. The array will accumulate values as the shapes's geometry is assembled.
vertexIndex = 0
vertexArray = if (isExtrude && !isSurfaceShape) FloatArray((activeIntervals * 2 + spineCount) * VERTEX_STRIDE)
else FloatArray((activeIntervals + spineCount) * VERTEX_STRIDE)
lineVertexIndex = 0
lineVertexArray = if (isExtrude && !isSurfaceShape) FloatArray((activeIntervals + 3 + (activeIntervals + 1) * 4) * LINE_VERTEX_STRIDE)
else FloatArray((activeIntervals + 3) * LINE_VERTEX_STRIDE)
verticalVertexIndex = (activeIntervals + 3) * LINE_VERTEX_STRIDE
// Check if minor radius is less than major in which case we need to flip the definitions and change the phase
val isStandardAxisOrientation = majorRadius > minorRadius
val headingAdjustment = if (isStandardAxisOrientation) 90.0 else 0.0
// Vertex generation begins on the positive major axis and works ccs around the ellipse. The spine points are
// then appended from positive major axis to negative major axis.
val deltaRadians = 2 * PI / activeIntervals
val majorArcRadians: Double
val minorArcRadians: Double
val globeRadius = max(rc.globe.equatorialRadius, rc.globe.polarRadius)
if (isStandardAxisOrientation) {
majorArcRadians = majorRadius / globeRadius
minorArcRadians = minorRadius / globeRadius
} else {
majorArcRadians = minorRadius / globeRadius
minorArcRadians = majorRadius / globeRadius
// Determine the offset from the top and extruded vertices
val arrayOffset = computeIndexOffset(activeIntervals) * VERTEX_STRIDE
// Setup spine radius values
var spineIdx = 0
val spineRadius = DoubleArray(spineCount)
var firstLoc = Position()
// Iterate around the ellipse to add vertices
for (i in 0 until activeIntervals) {
val radians = deltaRadians * i
val x = cos(radians) * majorArcRadians
val y = sin(radians) * minorArcRadians
val azimuthDegrees = toDegrees(-atan2(y, x))
val arcRadius = sqrt(x * x + y * y)
// Calculate the great circle location given this activeIntervals step (azimuthDegrees) a correction value to
// start from an east-west aligned major axis (90.0) and the user specified user heading value
val azimuth = heading.plusDegrees(azimuthDegrees + headingAdjustment)
val loc = center.greatCircleLocation(azimuth, arcRadius, scratchPosition)
addVertex(rc, loc.latitude, loc.longitude, center.altitude, arrayOffset, isExtrude)
// Add the major arc radius for the spine points. Spine points are vertically coincident with exterior
// points. The first and middle most point do not have corresponding spine points.
if (i > 0 && i < activeIntervals / 2) spineRadius[spineIdx++] = x
if (i < 1) {
firstLoc = Position(loc.latitude, loc.longitude, center.altitude)
addLineVertex(rc, loc.latitude, loc.longitude, center.altitude, verticalVertexIndex, true)
addLineVertex(rc, loc.latitude, loc.longitude, center.altitude, verticalVertexIndex, false)
addLineVertex(rc, firstLoc.latitude, firstLoc.longitude, firstLoc.altitude, verticalVertexIndex, false)
addLineVertex(rc, firstLoc.latitude, firstLoc.longitude, firstLoc.altitude, verticalVertexIndex, true)
// Add the interior spine point vertices
for (i in 0 until spineCount) {
center.greatCircleLocation(heading.plusDegrees(headingAdjustment), spineRadius[i], scratchPosition)
addVertex(rc, scratchPosition.latitude, scratchPosition.longitude, center.altitude, arrayOffset, false)
// Compute the shape's bounding sector from its assembled coordinates.
if (isSurfaceShape) {
boundingSector.union(vertexArray, vertexArray.size, VERTEX_STRIDE)
boundingSector.translate(vertexOrigin.y /*lat*/, vertexOrigin.x /*lon*/)
boundingBox.setToUnitBox() // Surface/geographic shape bounding box is unused
} else {
boundingBox.setToPoints(vertexArray, vertexArray.size, VERTEX_STRIDE)
boundingBox.translate(vertexOrigin.x, vertexOrigin.y, vertexOrigin.z)
protected open fun addLineVertex(
rc: RenderContext, latitude: Angle, longitude: Angle, altitude: Double, offset : Int, firstOrLast : Boolean
) {
val vertex = (lineVertexIndex / LINE_VERTEX_STRIDE - 1) * 2
val point = rc.geographicToCartesian(latitude, longitude, altitude, altitudeMode, scratchPoint)
if (lineVertexIndex == 0) texCoord1d = 0.0
else texCoord1d += point.distanceTo(prevPoint)
if (isSurfaceShape) {
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = (longitude.inDegrees - vertexOrigin.x).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = (latitude.inDegrees - vertexOrigin.y).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = (altitude - vertexOrigin.z).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = 1.0f
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = texCoord1d.toFloat()
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = (longitude.inDegrees - vertexOrigin.x).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = (latitude.inDegrees - vertexOrigin.y).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = (altitude - vertexOrigin.z).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = -1.0f
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = texCoord1d.toFloat()
if (!firstOrLast) {
} else {
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = (point.x - vertexOrigin.x).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = (point.y - vertexOrigin.y).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = (point.z - vertexOrigin.z).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = 1.0f
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = texCoord1d.toFloat()
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = (point.x - vertexOrigin.x).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = (point.y - vertexOrigin.y).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = (point.z - vertexOrigin.z).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = -1.0f
lineVertexArray[lineVertexIndex++] = texCoord1d.toFloat()
if (!firstOrLast) {
if (isExtrude && !firstOrLast) {
val vertPoint = rc.geographicToCartesian(latitude, longitude, 0.0, altitudeMode, scratchVertPoint)
val index = verticalVertexIndex / LINE_VERTEX_STRIDE * 2
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (point.x - vertexOrigin.x).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (point.y - vertexOrigin.y).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (point.z - vertexOrigin.z).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = 1f
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = 0f
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (point.x - vertexOrigin.x).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (point.y - vertexOrigin.y).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (point.z - vertexOrigin.z).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = -1f
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = 0f
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (point.x - vertexOrigin.x).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (point.y - vertexOrigin.y).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (point.z - vertexOrigin.z).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = 1f
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = 0f
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (point.x - vertexOrigin.x).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (point.y - vertexOrigin.y).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (point.z - vertexOrigin.z).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = -1f
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = 0f
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (vertPoint.x - vertexOrigin.x).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (vertPoint.y - vertexOrigin.y).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (vertPoint.z - vertexOrigin.z).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = 1f
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = 0f
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (vertPoint.x - vertexOrigin.x).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (vertPoint.y - vertexOrigin.y).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (vertPoint.z - vertexOrigin.z).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = -1f
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = 0f
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (vertPoint.x - vertexOrigin.x).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (vertPoint.y - vertexOrigin.y).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (vertPoint.z - vertexOrigin.z).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = 1f
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = 0f
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (vertPoint.x - vertexOrigin.x).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (vertPoint.y - vertexOrigin.y).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = (vertPoint.z - vertexOrigin.z).toFloat()
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = -1f
lineVertexArray[verticalVertexIndex++] = 0f
verticalElements.add(index + 1)
verticalElements.add(index + 2)
verticalElements.add(index + 2)
verticalElements.add(index + 1)
verticalElements.add(index + 3)
protected open fun addVertex(
rc: RenderContext, latitude: Angle, longitude: Angle, altitude: Double, offset: Int, isExtrudedSkirt: Boolean
) {
var offsetVertexIndex = vertexIndex + offset
var point = rc.geographicToCartesian(latitude, longitude, altitude, altitudeMode, scratchPoint)
val texCoord2d = texCoord2d.copy(point).multiplyByMatrix(modelToTexCoord)
if (isSurfaceShape) {
vertexArray[vertexIndex++] = (longitude.inDegrees - vertexOrigin.x).toFloat()
vertexArray[vertexIndex++] = (latitude.inDegrees - vertexOrigin.y).toFloat()
vertexArray[vertexIndex++] = (altitude - vertexOrigin.z).toFloat()
// reserved for future texture coordinate use
vertexArray[vertexIndex++] = texCoord2d.x.toFloat()
vertexArray[vertexIndex++] = texCoord2d.y.toFloat()
} else {
vertexArray[vertexIndex++] = (point.x - vertexOrigin.x).toFloat()
vertexArray[vertexIndex++] = (point.y - vertexOrigin.y).toFloat()
vertexArray[vertexIndex++] = (point.z - vertexOrigin.z).toFloat()
vertexArray[vertexIndex++] = texCoord2d.x.toFloat()
vertexArray[vertexIndex++] = texCoord2d.y.toFloat()
if (isExtrudedSkirt) {
point = rc.geographicToCartesian(latitude, longitude, 0.0, AltitudeMode.CLAMP_TO_GROUND, scratchPoint)
vertexArray[offsetVertexIndex++] = (point.x - vertexOrigin.x).toFloat()
vertexArray[offsetVertexIndex++] = (point.y - vertexOrigin.y).toFloat()
vertexArray[offsetVertexIndex++] = (point.z - vertexOrigin.z).toFloat()
vertexArray[offsetVertexIndex++] = 0f //unused
vertexArray[offsetVertexIndex] = 0f //unused
protected open fun determineModelToTexCoord(rc: RenderContext) {
val point = rc.geographicToCartesian(center, altitudeMode, scratchPoint)
rc.globe.cartesianToLocalTransform(point.x, point.y, point.z, modelToTexCoord)
* Calculate the number of times to split the edges of the shape for geometry assembly.
* @param rc current RenderContext
* @return an even number of intervals
protected open fun computeIntervals(rc: RenderContext): Int {
var intervals = MIN_INTERVALS
if (intervals >= maximumIntervals) return intervals // use at least the minimum number of intervals
val centerPoint = rc.geographicToCartesian(center, altitudeMode, scratchPoint)
val maxRadius = max(majorRadius, minorRadius)
val cameraDistance = centerPoint.distanceTo(rc.cameraPoint) - maxRadius
if (cameraDistance <= 0) return maximumIntervals // use the maximum number of intervals when the camera is very close
val metersPerPixel = rc.pixelSizeAtDistance(cameraDistance)
val circumferencePixels = computeCircumference() / metersPerPixel
val circumferenceIntervals = circumferencePixels / maximumPixelsPerInterval
val subdivisions = ln(circumferenceIntervals / intervals) / ln(2.0)
val subdivisionCount = ceil(subdivisions).toInt().coerceAtLeast(0)
intervals = intervals shl subdivisionCount // subdivide the base intervals to achieve the desired number of intervals
return intervals.coerceAtMost(maximumIntervals) // don't exceed the maximum number of intervals
protected open fun sanitizeIntervals(intervals: Int) = if (intervals % 2 == 0) intervals else intervals - 1
open fun computeCircumference(): Double {
val a = majorRadius
val b = minorRadius
return PI * (3 * (a + b) - sqrt((3 * a + b) * (a + 3 * b)))
override fun reset() {
vertexArray = FloatArray(0)
lineVertexArray = FloatArray(0)
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