jvmCommonMain.earth.worldwind.ogc.gpkg.GeoPackage.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package earth.worldwind.ogc.gpkg
import com.j256.ormlite.dao.BaseDaoImpl
import com.j256.ormlite.dao.Dao
import com.j256.ormlite.dao.DaoManager
import com.j256.ormlite.table.DatabaseTableConfig
import com.j256.ormlite.table.TableUtils
import earth.worldwind.geom.*
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.degrees
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.radians
import earth.worldwind.globe.elevation.coverage.CacheableElevationCoverage
import earth.worldwind.globe.elevation.coverage.WebElevationCoverage
import earth.worldwind.layer.CacheableImageLayer
import earth.worldwind.layer.WebImageLayer
import earth.worldwind.layer.mercator.MercatorSector
import earth.worldwind.util.LevelSet
import earth.worldwind.util.LevelSetConfig
import earth.worldwind.util.Logger
import earth.worldwind.util.ormlite.initConnection
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import java.sql.SQLException
import java.util.*
import kotlin.math.*
// TODO Verify its a GeoPackage container
open class GeoPackage(val pathName: String, val isReadOnly: Boolean = true) {
private val connectionSource = initConnection(pathName, isReadOnly)
private val srsDao: Dao =
DaoManager.createDao(connectionSource, GpkgSpatialReferenceSystem::class.java)
private val contentDao: Dao = DaoManager.createDao(connectionSource, GpkgContent::class.java)
private val webServiceDao: Dao =
DaoManager.createDao(connectionSource, GpkgWebService::class.java)
private val tileMatrixSetDao: Dao =
DaoManager.createDao(connectionSource, GpkgTileMatrixSet::class.java)
private val tileMatrixDao = DaoManager.createDao(connectionSource, GpkgTileMatrix::class.java)
private val extensionDao = DaoManager.createDao(connectionSource, GpkgExtension::class.java)
private val griddedCoverageDao: Dao =
DaoManager.createDao(connectionSource, GpkgGriddedCoverage::class.java)
private val griddedTileDao: Dao =
DaoManager.createDao(connectionSource, GpkgGriddedTile::class.java)
private val tileUserDataDao = mutableMapOf>()
val isShutdown get() = !connectionSource.isOpen("")
fun shutdown() = connectionSource.close()
suspend fun countContent(dataType: String) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
if (contentDao.isTableExists) contentDao.queryBuilder().where().eq(GpkgContent.DATA_TYPE, dataType).countOf() else 0L
suspend fun getContent(tableName: String): GpkgContent? = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
if (contentDao.isTableExists) contentDao.queryForId(tableName) else null
suspend fun getContent(dataType: String, tableNames: List?): List = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
if (contentDao.isTableExists) {
val builder = contentDao.queryBuilder()
val where = builder.where().eq(GpkgContent.DATA_TYPE, dataType)
if (tableNames != null) where.and().`in`(GpkgContent.TABLE_NAME, tableNames)
} else emptyList()
suspend fun getWebService(content: GpkgContent): GpkgWebService? = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
if (webServiceDao.isTableExists) {
webServiceDao.queryBuilder().where().eq(GpkgWebService.TABLE_NAME, content.tableName).queryForFirst()
} else null
suspend fun getGriddedCoverage(content: GpkgContent): GpkgGriddedCoverage? = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
if (griddedCoverageDao.isTableExists) {
.where().eq(GpkgGriddedCoverage.TILE_MATRIX_SET_NAME, content.tableName).queryForFirst()
} else null
suspend fun getExtension(
tableName: String, columnName: String, extensionName: String
): GpkgExtension? = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
if (extensionDao.isTableExists){
extensionDao.queryBuilder().where().eq(GpkgExtension.TABLE_NAME, tableName)
.and().eq(GpkgExtension.COLUMN_NAME, columnName).and().eq(GpkgExtension.EXTENSION_NAME, extensionName)
} else null
suspend fun readTilesDataSize(tableName: String) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
getTileUserDataDao(tableName).queryRawValue("SELECT SUM(LENGTH(tile_data)) FROM '$tableName'")
suspend fun readTileUserData(
content: GpkgContent, zoomLevel: Int, tileColumn: Int, tileRow: Int
): GpkgTileUserData? = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
getTileUserDataDao(content.tableName).queryBuilder().where().eq(GpkgTileUserData.ZOOM_LEVEL, zoomLevel)
.and().eq(GpkgTileUserData.TILE_COLUMN, tileColumn).and().eq(GpkgTileUserData.TILE_ROW, tileRow)
suspend fun writeTileUserData(
content: GpkgContent, zoomLevel: Int, tileColumn: Int, tileRow: Int, tileData: ByteArray
) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
if (isReadOnly) error("Tile cannot be saved. GeoPackage is read-only!")
val tileUserData = readTileUserData(content, zoomLevel, tileColumn, tileRow) ?: GpkgTileUserData().also {
it.zoomLevel = zoomLevel
it.tileColumn = tileColumn
it.tileRow = tileRow
tileUserData.tileData = tileData // Replace tile data
// Update content last modified date
content.lastChange = Date()
suspend fun readGriddedTile(
content: GpkgContent, tileUserData: GpkgTileUserData
): GpkgGriddedTile? = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
griddedTileDao.queryBuilder().where().eq(GpkgGriddedTile.CONTENT, content)
.and().eq(GpkgGriddedTile.TILE_ID, tileUserData.id).queryForFirst()
suspend fun writeGriddedTile(
content: GpkgContent, zoomLevel: Int, tileColumn: Int, tileRow: Int, scale: Float = 1.0f, offset: Float = 0.0f,
min: Float? = null, max: Float? = null, mean: Float? = null, stdDev: Float? = null
) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
if (isReadOnly) error("Tile cannot be saved. GeoPackage is read-only!")
readTileUserData(content, zoomLevel, tileColumn, tileRow)?.let { tileUserData ->
val griddedTile = readGriddedTile(content, tileUserData) ?: GpkgGriddedTile().also {
it.content = content
it.tileId = tileUserData.id
// Replace tile attributes
griddedTile.scale = scale
griddedTile.offset = offset
griddedTile.min = min
griddedTile.max = max
griddedTile.mean = mean
griddedTile.stdDev = stdDev
suspend fun buildLevelSetConfig(content: GpkgContent) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
require(content.dataType.equals(TILES, ignoreCase = true)) {
"Unsupported GeoPackage content data_type: ${content.dataType}"
val srs = content.srs?.also { srsDao.refresh(it) }
require(srs != null && srs.organization.equals(EPSG, ignoreCase = true)
&& (srs.organizationSysId == EPSG_3857 || srs.organizationSysId == EPSG_4326)) {
"Unsupported GeoPackage spatial reference system: ${srs?.name ?: "undefined"}"
val tms = tileMatrixSetDao.queryForId(content.tableName)
require(tms != null && tms.srs.id == srs.id) { "Unsupported GeoPackage tile matrix set" }
val tm = content.tileMatrices?.associateBy { it.zoomLevel }
require(!tm.isNullOrEmpty()) { "Unsupported GeoPackage tile matrix" }
// Determine tile matrix zoom range. Not the same as tile metrics min and max zoom level!
val zoomLevels = tm.keys.sorted()
val minZoom = zoomLevels.first()
val maxZoom = zoomLevels.last()
val minTileMatrix = tm[minZoom]!!
val tmsSector = buildSector(tms.minX, tms.minY, tms.maxX, tms.maxY, tms.srs.id)
val contentSector = getBoundingSector(content) ?: tmsSector
// Create layer config based on tile matrix set bounding box and available matrix zoom range
LevelSetConfig().apply {
firstLevelDelta = Location(
tmsSector.deltaLatitude / minTileMatrix.matrixHeight * (1 shl minZoom),
tmsSector.deltaLongitude / minTileMatrix.matrixWidth * (1 shl minZoom)
levelOffset = minZoom
numLevels = maxZoom + 1
suspend fun setupTilesContent(
layer: CacheableImageLayer, tableName: String, levelSet: LevelSet, setupWebLayer: Boolean
): GpkgContent = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
if (isReadOnly) error("Content $tableName cannot be created. GeoPackage is read-only!")
// Ensure the necessary tables created
// Write the necessary SRS data
val srs = if (levelSet.sector is MercatorSector) writeEPSG3857SpatialReferenceSystem()
else writeEPSG4326SpatialReferenceSystem()
// Define bounding boxes. Content bounding box can be smaller than matrix set bounding box.
val matrixBox = buildBoundingBox(levelSet.tileOrigin, srs.id)
val contentBox = if (levelSet.sector != levelSet.tileOrigin) buildBoundingBox(levelSet.sector, srs.id) else matrixBox
// Create or update content metadata
val content = GpkgContent().also {
it.tableName = tableName
it.dataType = TILES
it.identifier = layer.displayName ?: tableName
it.minX = contentBox[0]
it.minY = contentBox[1]
it.maxX = contentBox[2]
it.maxY = contentBox[3]
it.srs = srs
// Process WebLayer
if (layer is WebImageLayer) {
// Write web service metadata
if (setupWebLayer) setupWebLayer(layer, content)
// Write WEBP extension if necessary
if (layer.imageFormat.equals("image/webp", true)) extensionDao.create(
GpkgExtension().also {
it.tableName = tableName
it.columnName = "tile_data"
it.extensionName = "gpkg_webp"
it.definition = "GeoPackage 1.0 Specification Annex P"
it.scope = "read-write"
// Write tile matrix set
val tms = GpkgTileMatrixSet().also {
it.tableName = content.tableName
it.srs = srs
it.minX = matrixBox[0]
it.minY = matrixBox[1]
it.maxX = matrixBox[2]
it.maxY = matrixBox[3]
setupTileMatrices(content, levelSet)
suspend fun updateTilesContent(
layer: CacheableImageLayer, tableName: String, levelSet: LevelSet, content: GpkgContent
): Unit = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val srs = srsDao.queryForId(if (levelSet.sector is MercatorSector) EPSG_3857 else EPSG_4326)
val box = buildBoundingBox(levelSet.sector, srs.id)
with(content) {
identifier = layer.displayName ?: tableName
minX = box[0]
minY = box[1]
maxX = box[2]
maxY = box[3]
suspend fun setupTileMatrices(content: GpkgContent, levelSet: LevelSet) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
if (isReadOnly) error("Content ${content.tableName} cannot be updated. GeoPackage is read-only!")
val tms = tileMatrixSetDao.queryForId(content.tableName) ?: error("Matrix set not found")
val deltaX = tms.maxX - tms.minX
val deltaY = tms.maxY - tms.minY
initializeTileMatrices(content) // Ensure foreign collection exists
val tm = content.tileMatrices?.associateBy { it.zoomLevel }
for (i in 0 until levelSet.numLevels) levelSet.level(i)?.run {
tm?.get(levelNumber) ?: run {
val matrixWidth = levelWidth / tileWidth
val matrixHeight = levelHeight / tileHeight
val pixelXSize = deltaX / levelWidth
val pixelYSize = deltaY / levelHeight
content.tileMatrices?.add(GpkgTileMatrix().also {
it.content = content
it.zoomLevel = levelNumber
it.matrixWidth = matrixWidth
it.matrixHeight = matrixHeight
it.tileWidth = tileWidth
it.tileHeight = tileHeight
it.pixelXSize = pixelXSize
it.pixelYSize = pixelYSize
suspend fun setupWebLayer(layer: WebImageLayer, content: GpkgContent): Unit = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
if (isReadOnly) error("WebService $content cannot be updated. GeoPackage is read-only!")
GpkgWebService().also {
it.tableName = content.tableName
it.type = layer.serviceType
it.address = layer.serviceAddress
it.metadata = layer.serviceMetadata
it.layerName = layer.layerName
it.outputFormat = layer.imageFormat
it.isTransparent = layer.isTransparent
suspend fun buildTileMatrixSet(content: GpkgContent) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
require(content.dataType.equals(COVERAGE, ignoreCase = true)) {
"Unsupported GeoPackage content data_type: ${content.dataType}"
val srs = content.srs?.also { srsDao.refresh(it) }
require(srs != null && srs.organization.equals(EPSG, ignoreCase = true) && srs.organizationSysId == EPSG_4326) {
"Unsupported GeoPackage spatial reference system: ${srs?.name ?: "undefined"}"
val tms = tileMatrixSetDao.queryForId(content.tableName)
require(tms != null && tms.srs.id == srs.id) { "Unsupported GeoPackage tile matrix set" }
val tm = content.tileMatrices
require(!tm.isNullOrEmpty()) { "Unsupported GeoPackage tile matrix" }
val sector = buildSector(tms.minX, tms.minY, tms.maxX, tms.maxY, tms.srs.id)
val entries = tm.sortedBy { it.zoomLevel }.map {
TileMatrix(sector, it.zoomLevel, it.matrixWidth, it.matrixHeight, it.tileWidth, it.tileHeight)
TileMatrixSet(sector, entries)
suspend fun setupGriddedCoverageContent(
coverage: CacheableElevationCoverage, tableName: String, setupWebCoverage: Boolean, isFloat: Boolean
) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
if (isReadOnly) error("Content $tableName cannot be created. GeoPackage is read-only!")
// Ensure the necessary tables created
// Write the necessary SRS data
val srs = writeEPSG4326SpatialReferenceSystem()
// Define bounding boxes. Content bounding box can be smaller than matrix set bounding box.
val matrixBox = buildBoundingBox(coverage.tileMatrixSet.sector, srs.id)
val contentBox = if (coverage.sector != coverage.tileMatrixSet.sector)
buildBoundingBox(coverage.sector, srs.id) else matrixBox
// Create or update content metadata
val content = GpkgContent().also {
it.tableName = tableName
it.dataType = COVERAGE
it.identifier = coverage.displayName ?: tableName
it.minX = contentBox[0]
it.minY = contentBox[1]
it.maxX = contentBox[2]
it.maxY = contentBox[3]
it.srs = srs
// Write web service metadata
if (setupWebCoverage && coverage is WebElevationCoverage) setupWebCoverage(coverage, content)
// Write tile matrix set
val tms = GpkgTileMatrixSet().also {
it.tableName = content.tableName
it.srs = srs
it.minX = matrixBox[0]
it.minY = matrixBox[1]
it.maxX = matrixBox[2]
it.maxY = matrixBox[3]
setupTileMatrices(content, coverage.tileMatrixSet)
// Write gridded coverage metadata
GpkgGriddedCoverage().also {
it.tileMatrixSetName = tms.tableName
it.datatype = if (isFloat) "float" else "integer"
it.dataNull = if (isFloat) Float.MAX_VALUE else Short.MIN_VALUE.toFloat()
// Write the necessary extensions
GpkgExtension().also {
it.tableName = "gpkg_2d_gridded_coverage_ancillary"
it.extensionName = "gpkg_2d_gridded_coverage"
it.definition = "http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/17-066r1/17-066r1.html"
it.scope = "read-write"
GpkgExtension().also {
it.tableName = "gpkg_2d_gridded_tile_ancillary"
it.extensionName = "gpkg_2d_gridded_coverage"
it.definition ="http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/17-066r1/17-066r1.html"
it.scope = "read-write"
GpkgExtension().also {
it.tableName = tableName
it.columnName = "tile_data"
it.extensionName = "gpkg_2d_gridded_coverage"
it.definition = "http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/17-066r1/17-066r1.html"
it.scope = "read-write"
suspend fun updateGriddedCoverageContent(
coverage: CacheableElevationCoverage, tableName: String, content: GpkgContent
) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val srs = srsDao.queryForId(EPSG_4326)
val box = buildBoundingBox(coverage.sector, srs.id)
with(content) {
identifier = coverage.displayName ?: tableName
minX = box[0]
minY = box[1]
maxX = box[2]
maxY = box[3]
suspend fun setupTileMatrices(content: GpkgContent, tileMatrixSet: TileMatrixSet) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
if (isReadOnly) error("Content ${content.tableName} cannot be updated. GeoPackage is read-only!")
val tms = tileMatrixSetDao.queryForId(content.tableName) ?: error("Matrix set not found")
val deltaX = tms.maxX - tms.minX
val deltaY = tms.maxY - tms.minY
initializeTileMatrices(content) // Ensure foreign collection exists
val tm = content.tileMatrices?.associateBy { it.zoomLevel }
for (tileMatrix in tileMatrixSet.entries) tm?.get(tileMatrix.ordinal) ?: tileMatrix.run {
val pixelXSize = deltaX / matrixWidth / tileWidth
val pixelYSize = deltaY / matrixHeight / tileHeight
content.tileMatrices?.add(GpkgTileMatrix().also {
it.content = content
it.zoomLevel = ordinal
it.matrixWidth = matrixWidth
it.matrixHeight = matrixHeight
it.tileWidth = tileWidth
it.tileHeight = tileHeight
it.pixelXSize = pixelXSize
it.pixelYSize = pixelYSize
suspend fun setupWebCoverage(coverage: WebElevationCoverage, content: GpkgContent): Unit = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
if (isReadOnly) error("WebService ${content.tableName} cannot be updated. GeoPackage is read-only!")
GpkgWebService().also {
it.tableName = content.tableName
it.type = coverage.serviceType
it.address = coverage.serviceAddress
it.metadata = coverage.serviceMetadata
it.layerName = coverage.coverageName
it.outputFormat = coverage.outputFormat
* Clear specified content table and keep its related metadata
* @throws IllegalStateException In case of read-only database.
suspend fun clearContent(tableName: String) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
if (isReadOnly) error("Content $tableName cannot be deleted. GeoPackage is read-only!")
if (!contentDao.isTableExists) return@withContext
val content = contentDao.queryForId(tableName) ?: return@withContext
// Remove all tiles in specified content table and gridded tile data but keep the table itself
tileUserDataDao[tableName]?.let {
TableUtils.dropTable(it, true)
if (griddedTileDao.isTableExists) griddedTileDao.deleteBuilder().apply {
where().eq(GpkgGriddedTile.CONTENT, content)
* Delete specified content table and its related metadata
* @throws IllegalStateException In case of read-only database.
suspend fun deleteContent(tableName: String): Unit = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
if (isReadOnly) error("Content $tableName cannot be deleted. GeoPackage is read-only!")
if (!contentDao.isTableExists) return@withContext
val content = contentDao.queryForId(tableName) ?: return@withContext
// Remove specified content table and gridded tile data
tileUserDataDao[tableName]?.let { TableUtils.dropTable(it, true) }
tileUserDataDao -= tableName
if (griddedTileDao.isTableExists) griddedTileDao.deleteBuilder().apply {
where().eq(GpkgGriddedTile.CONTENT, content)
if (tileMatrixSetDao.isTableExists) tileMatrixSetDao.queryForId(content.tableName)?.let { tileMatrixSet ->
// Remove tile matrix set related to specified content table
// Remove gridded coverage metadata if exists
if (griddedCoverageDao.isTableExists) griddedCoverageDao.deleteBuilder().apply {
where().eq(GpkgGriddedCoverage.TILE_MATRIX_SET_NAME, tileMatrixSet.tableName)
// Remove all tile matrices related to specified content table
if (tileMatrixDao.isTableExists) tileMatrixDao.deleteBuilder().apply {
where().eq(GpkgTileMatrix.CONTENT, content)
// Remove all extensions related to specified content table
if (extensionDao.isTableExists) extensionDao.deleteBuilder().apply {
where().eq(GpkgExtension.TABLE_NAME, content.tableName)
// Remove web service settings if exists
if (webServiceDao.isTableExists) webServiceDao.deleteById(content.tableName)
// Remove metadata of specified content table
fun getBoundingSector(content: GpkgContent): Sector? {
val minX = content.minX ?: return null
val minY = content.minY ?: return null
val maxX = content.maxX ?: return null
val maxY = content.maxY ?: return null
val srsId = content.srs?.id ?: return null
return buildSector(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, srsId)
protected open suspend fun createBaseTables() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
TableUtils.createTableIfNotExists(connectionSource, GpkgSpatialReferenceSystem::class.java)
TableUtils.createTableIfNotExists(connectionSource, GpkgContent::class.java)
TableUtils.createTableIfNotExists(connectionSource, GpkgTileMatrixSet::class.java)
TableUtils.createTableIfNotExists(connectionSource, GpkgTileMatrix::class.java)
TableUtils.createTableIfNotExists(connectionSource, GpkgExtension::class.java)
protected open suspend fun createGriddedCoverageTables() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
TableUtils.createTableIfNotExists(connectionSource, GpkgGriddedCoverage::class.java)
TableUtils.createTableIfNotExists(connectionSource, GpkgGriddedTile::class.java)
protected open suspend fun createWebServiceTable() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
TableUtils.createTableIfNotExists(connectionSource, GpkgWebService::class.java)
protected open suspend fun createTileTable(tableName: String) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
getTileUserDataDao(tableName).let { if (!it.isTableExists) TableUtils.createTable(it) }
* Undefined cartesian and geographic SRS - Requirement 11 http://www.geopackage.org/spec131/index.html
protected open suspend fun writeDefaultSpatialReferenceSystems(): Unit = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
GpkgSpatialReferenceSystem().also {
it.name = "Undefined cartesian SRS"
it.id = -1
it.organization = "NONE"
it.organizationSysId = -1
it.definition = "undefined"
it.description = "undefined cartesian coordinate reference system"
GpkgSpatialReferenceSystem().also {
it.name = "Undefined geographic SRS"
it.id = 0
it.organization = "NONE"
it.organizationSysId = 0
it.definition = "undefined"
it.description = "undefined geographic coordinate reference system"
protected open suspend fun writeEPSG3857SpatialReferenceSystem() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
GpkgSpatialReferenceSystem().also {
it.name = "Web Mercator"
it.id = EPSG_3857
it.organization = "EPSG"
it.organizationSysId = EPSG_3857
it.definition = """PROJCS["WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator",GEOGCS["Popular Visualisation CRS",DATUM["Popular_Visualisation_Datum",SPHEROID["Popular Visualisation Sphere",6378137,0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7059"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6055"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4055"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],PROJECTION["Mercator_1SP"],PARAMETER["central_meridian",0],PARAMETER["scale_factor",1],PARAMETER["false_easting",0],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],AUTHORITY["EPSG","3785"],AXIS["X",EAST],AXIS["Y",NORTH]]"""
it.description = "Popular Visualisation Sphere"
protected open suspend fun writeEPSG4326SpatialReferenceSystem() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
GpkgSpatialReferenceSystem().also {
it.name = "WGS 84 geodetic"
it.id = EPSG_4326
it.organization = "EPSG"
it.organizationSysId = EPSG_4326
it.definition = """GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]"""
it.description = "longitude/latitude coordinates in decimal degrees on the WGS 84 spheroid"
protected open fun latToEPSG3857(lat: Angle) = ln(tan(PI / 4.0 + lat.inRadians / 2.0)) * Ellipsoid.WGS84.semiMajorAxis
protected open fun lonToEPSG3857(lon: Angle) = lon.inRadians * Ellipsoid.WGS84.semiMajorAxis
protected open fun latFromEPSG3857(y: Double) = (atan(exp(y / Ellipsoid.WGS84.semiMajorAxis)) * 2.0 - PI / 2.0).radians
protected open fun lonFromEPSG3857(x: Double) = (x / Ellipsoid.WGS84.semiMajorAxis).radians
protected open fun buildSector(
minX: Double, minY: Double, maxX: Double, maxY: Double, srsId: Int
) = if (srsId == EPSG_3857) MercatorSector.fromSector(Sector(
latFromEPSG3857(minY), latFromEPSG3857(maxY), lonFromEPSG3857(minX), lonFromEPSG3857(maxX)
)) else Sector(minY.degrees, maxY.degrees, minX.degrees, maxX.degrees)
protected open fun buildBoundingBox(sector: Sector, srsId: Int) = if (srsId == EPSG_3857) arrayOf(
lonToEPSG3857(sector.minLongitude), latToEPSG3857(sector.minLatitude),
lonToEPSG3857(sector.maxLongitude), latToEPSG3857(sector.maxLatitude)
) else arrayOf(
sector.minLongitude.inDegrees, sector.minLatitude.inDegrees,
sector.maxLongitude.inDegrees, sector.maxLatitude.inDegrees
protected open fun getTileUserDataDao(tableName: String) = tileUserDataDao[tableName] ?: object : BaseDaoImpl(
connectionSource, DatabaseTableConfig(GpkgTileUserData::class.java, tableName, null)
) {}.also {
DaoManager.registerDaoWithTableConfig(connectionSource, it)
tileUserDataDao[tableName] = it
protected open fun initializeTileMatrices(content: GpkgContent) {
if (content.tileMatrices == null) {
contentDao.assignEmptyForeignCollection(content, GpkgContent.TILE_MATRICES)
companion object {
const val EPSG = "EPSG"
const val EPSG_3857 = 3857
const val EPSG_4326 = 4326
const val TILES = "tiles"
const val COVERAGE = "2d-gridded-coverage"
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