commonMain.earth.worldwind.GoToAnimator.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package earth.worldwind
import earth.worldwind.geom.Location
import earth.worldwind.geom.LookAt
import earth.worldwind.geom.Position
import earth.worldwind.geom.Vec3
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.isActive
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.datetime.Clock
import kotlinx.datetime.Instant
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
* Incrementally and smoothly moves the Camera to a specified position.
open class GoToAnimator(
* The [WorldWind] engine associated with this animator.
protected val engine: WorldWind
) {
* The frequency in milliseconds at which to animate the position change.
var animationFrequency = 20L
* The animation's duration, in milliseconds. When the distance is short, less than twice the viewport
* size, the travel time is reduced proportionally to the distance to travel. It therefore takes less
* time to move shorter distances.
var travelTime = 3000
* Main scope to launch animation
protected val mainScope get() = engine.renderResourceCache.mainScope
* A temp variable used to hold the current view as a look at during calculations. Using an object level temp
* property negates the need for ad-hoc allocations and reduces load on the garbage collector.
protected val lookAt = LookAt()
protected var animationJob: Job? = null
protected var completionCallback: ((GoToAnimator) -> Unit)? = null
protected var targetPosition: Position? = null
protected var startPosition: Position? = null
protected var startTime = Instant.DISTANT_PAST
protected var maxAltitude = 0.0
protected var maxAltitudeReachedTime = Instant.DISTANT_PAST
protected var panVelocity = 0.0
protected var rangeVelocity = 0.0
* Stop the current animation.
fun cancel() { animationJob?.cancel() }
* Moves the camera to a specified look at location or position.
* @param position The [Location] or [Position] to move the camera to. If this
* argument contains an "altitude" property, as [Position] does, the end point of the navigation is
* at the specified altitude. Otherwise, the end point is at the current altitude of the camera.
* @param completionCallback If not null, specifies a function to call when the animation completes.
* The completion callback is called with a single argument, this animator.
open fun goTo(position: Location, completionCallback: ((GoToAnimator) -> Unit)? = null) {
if (engine.viewport.isEmpty) return
this.completionCallback = completionCallback
// Capture the target position and determine its altitude.
val targetPosition = Position(
position.latitude, position.longitude, if (position is Position) position.altitude else lookAt.range
).also { targetPosition = it }
// Capture the start position and start time.
val startPosition = Position(lookAt.position.latitude, lookAt.position.longitude, lookAt.range).also { startPosition = it }
startTime = Clock.System.now()
// Determination of the pan and range velocities requires the distance to be travelled.
var animationDuration = travelTime
val panDistance = startPosition.greatCircleDistance(targetPosition)
// Determine how high we need to go to give the user context. The max altitude computed is approximately
// that needed to fit the start and end positions in the same viewport assuming a 45 degree field of view.
val pA = engine.globe.geographicToCartesian(startPosition.latitude, startPosition.longitude, 0.0, Vec3())
val pB = engine.globe.geographicToCartesian(targetPosition.latitude, targetPosition.longitude, 0.0, Vec3())
maxAltitude = pA.distanceTo(pB)
// Determine an approximate viewport size in radians in order to determine whether we actually change
// the range as we pan to the new location. We don't want to change the range if the distance between
// the start and target positions is small relative to the current viewport.
val viewportSize = engine.pixelSizeAtDistance(startPosition.altitude) *
engine.viewport.width / engine.globe.equatorialRadius
// Start and target positions are close, so don't back out.
if (panDistance <= 2 * viewportSize) maxAltitude = startPosition.altitude
// We need to capture the time the max altitude is reached in order to begin decreasing the range
// midway through the animation. If we're already above the max altitude, then that time is now since
// we don't back out if the current altitude is above the computed max altitude.
maxAltitudeReachedTime = if (maxAltitude <= lookAt.range) Clock.System.now() else Instant.DISTANT_PAST
// Compute the total range to travel since we need that to compute the range velocity.
// Note that the range velocity and pan velocity are computed so that the respective animations, which
// operate independently, finish at the same time.
val rangeDistance = if (maxAltitude > startPosition.altitude) {
max(0.0, maxAltitude - startPosition.altitude) + abs(targetPosition.altitude - maxAltitude)
} else {
abs(targetPosition.altitude - startPosition.altitude)
// Determine which distance governs the animation duration.
val animationDistance = max(panDistance, rangeDistance / engine.globe.equatorialRadius)
if (animationDistance == 0.0) return // current and target positions are the same
if (animationDistance < 2 * viewportSize) {
// Start and target positions are close, so reduce the travel time based on the
// distance to travel relative to the viewport size.
animationDuration = min(((animationDistance / viewportSize) * travelTime).roundToInt(), travelTime)
// Don't let the animation duration go to 0.
animationDuration = max(1, animationDuration)
// Determine the pan velocity, in radians per millisecond.
panVelocity = panDistance / animationDuration
// Determine the range velocity, in meters per millisecond.
rangeVelocity = rangeDistance / animationDuration // meters per millisecond
// Set up the animation timer.
protected open fun setUpAnimationTimer() {
animationJob = mainScope.launch {
if (!isActive || !update()) completionCallback?.invoke(this@GoToAnimator) else setUpAnimationTimer()
* This is the timer callback function. It invokes the range animator and the pan animator.
protected open fun update(): Boolean {
val currentPosition = Position(lookAt.position.latitude, lookAt.position.longitude, lookAt.range)
val continueUpdateRange = updateRange(currentPosition)
val continueUpdateLocation = updateLocation(currentPosition)
return continueUpdateRange || continueUpdateLocation
* This function animates the range.
protected open fun updateRange(currentPosition: Position): Boolean {
val startPosition = startPosition ?: return false
val targetPosition = targetPosition ?: return false
// If we haven't reached the maximum altitude, then step-wise increase it. Otherwise, step-wise change
// the range towards the target altitude.
val continueAnimation = if (maxAltitudeReachedTime == Instant.DISTANT_PAST) {
val elapsedTime = Clock.System.now() - startTime
val nextRange = min(startPosition.altitude + rangeVelocity * elapsedTime.inWholeMilliseconds, maxAltitude)
// We're done if we get withing 1 meter of the desired range.
if (abs(lookAt.range - nextRange) < 1) maxAltitudeReachedTime = Clock.System.now()
lookAt.range = nextRange
} else {
val elapsedTime = Clock.System.now() - maxAltitudeReachedTime
val nextRange = if (maxAltitude > targetPosition.altitude) {
max(maxAltitude - (rangeVelocity * elapsedTime.inWholeMilliseconds), targetPosition.altitude)
} else {
min(maxAltitude + (rangeVelocity * elapsedTime.inWholeMilliseconds), targetPosition.altitude)
lookAt.range = nextRange
// We're done if we get withing 1 meter of the desired range.
abs(lookAt.range - targetPosition.altitude) > 1
return continueAnimation
* This function animates the pan to the desired location.
protected open fun updateLocation(currentPosition: Position): Boolean {
val startPosition = startPosition ?: return false
val targetPosition = targetPosition ?: return false
val elapsedTime = Clock.System.now() - startTime
val distanceTravelled = startPosition.greatCircleDistance(currentPosition)
val distanceRemaining = currentPosition.greatCircleDistance(targetPosition)
val azimuthToTarget = currentPosition.greatCircleAzimuth(targetPosition)
val distanceForNow = panVelocity * elapsedTime.inWholeMilliseconds
val nextDistance = min(distanceForNow - distanceTravelled, distanceRemaining)
val nextLocation = currentPosition.greatCircleLocation(azimuthToTarget, nextDistance, Location())
var locationReached = false
lookAt.position.latitude = nextLocation.latitude
lookAt.position.longitude = nextLocation.longitude
// We're done if we're within a meter of the desired location.
if (nextDistance < 1.0 / engine.globe.equatorialRadius) locationReached = true
return !locationReached
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