Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package earth.worldwind.geom
import earth.worldwind.util.Logger.ERROR
import earth.worldwind.util.Logger.logMessage
* Represents a line in Cartesian coordinates.
open class Line {
* This line's origin.
val origin = Vec3()
* This line's direction.
val direction = Vec3()
* Constructs a line with origin and direction both zero.
* Constructs a line with a specified origin and direction.
* @param origin the line's origin
* @param direction the line's direction
constructor(origin: Vec3, direction: Vec3): this() { set(origin, direction) }
* Constructs a line with the origin and direction from a specified line.
* @param line the line specifying origin and direction
constructor(line: Line): this(line.origin, line.direction)
* Sets this line to a specified origin and direction.
* @param origin the line's new origin
* @param direction the line's new direction
* @return this line, set to the new origin and direction
fun set(origin: Vec3, direction: Vec3) = apply {
* Sets this line to the specified segment. This line has its origin at the first endpoint and its direction
* extending from the first endpoint to the second.
* @param pointA the segment's first endpoint
* @param pointB the segment's second endpoint
* @return this line, set to the specified segment
fun setToSegment(pointA: Vec3, pointB: Vec3) = apply {
direction.set(pointB.x - pointA.x, pointB.y - pointA.y, pointB.z - pointA.z)
* Computes a Cartesian point a specified distance along this line.
* @param distance The distance from this line's origin at which to compute the point.
* @param result A pre-allocated [Vec3] instance in which to return the computed point.
* @return The specified result argument containing the computed point.
fun pointAt(distance: Double, result: Vec3): Vec3 {
result.x = origin.x + direction.x * distance
result.y = origin.y + direction.y * distance
result.z = origin.z + direction.z * distance
return result
* Computes the first intersection of a triangle strip with this line. This line is interpreted as a ray;
* intersection points behind the line's origin are ignored.
* The triangle strip is specified by a list of vertex points and a list of elements indicating the triangle strip
* tessellation of those vertices. The triangle strip elements are interpreted in the same manner as OpenGL, where
* each index indicates a vertex position rather than an actual index into the points array (e.g. a triangle strip
* index of 1 indicates the XYZ tuple starting at array index 3).
* @param points an array of points containing XYZ tuples
* @param stride the number of coordinates between the first coordinate of adjacent points - must be at least 3
* @param elements an array of indices into the points defining the triangle strip organization
* @param count the number of indices to consider
* @param result a pre-allocated Vec3 in which to return the nearest intersection point, if any
* @return true if this line intersects the triangle strip, otherwise false
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If array is empty, if the stride is less than 3,
* if the count is less than 0
fun triStripIntersection(points: FloatArray, stride: Int, elements: ShortArray, count: Int, result: Vec3): Boolean {
require(points.size >= stride) {
logMessage(ERROR, "Line", "triStripIntersection", "missingArray")
require(stride >= 3) {
logMessage(ERROR, "Line", "triStripIntersection", "invalidStride")
require(elements.isNotEmpty()) {
logMessage(ERROR, "Line", "triStripIntersection", "missingArray")
require(count >= 0) {
logMessage(ERROR, "Line", "triStripIntersection", "invalidCount")
// Taken from Moller and Trumbore
// Adapted from the original ray-triangle intersection algorithm to optimize for ray-triangle strip
// intersection. We optimize by reusing constant terms, replacing use of Vec3 with inline primitives, and
// exploiting the triangle strip organization to reuse computations common to adjacent triangles. These
// optimizations reduced worst-case terrain picking performance for Web WorldWind by approximately 50% in
// Chrome on a 2010 iMac and a Nexus 9.
val vx = direction.x
val vy = direction.y
val vz = direction.z
val sx = origin.x
val sy = origin.y
val sz = origin.z
val epsilon = 0.00001
// Get the triangle strip's first vertex.
var vertex = elements[0] * stride
var vert1x = points[vertex++]
var vert1y = points[vertex++]
var vert1z = points[vertex]
// Get the triangle strip's second vertex.
vertex = elements[1] * stride
var vert2x = points[vertex++]
var vert2y = points[vertex++]
var vert2z = points[vertex]
// Compute the intersection of each triangle with the specified ray.
for (idx in 2 until count) {
// Move the last two vertices into the first two vertices. This takes advantage of the triangle strip's
// structure and avoids redundant reads from points and elements. During the first iteration this places the
// triangle strip's first three vertices in vert0, vert1 and vert2, respectively.
val vert0x = vert1x
val vert0y = vert1y
val vert0z = vert1z
vert1x = vert2x
vert1y = vert2y
vert1z = vert2z
// Get the triangle strip's next vertex.
vertex = elements[idx] * stride
vert2x = points[vertex++]
vert2y = points[vertex++]
vert2z = points[vertex]
// find vectors for two edges sharing point a: vert1 - vert0 and vert2 - vert0
val edge1x = vert1x - vert0x
val edge1y = vert1y - vert0y
val edge1z = vert1z - vert0z
val edge2x = vert2x - vert0x
val edge2y = vert2y - vert0y
val edge2z = vert2z - vert0z
// Compute cross product of line direction and edge2
val px = vy * edge2z - vz * edge2y
val py = vz * edge2x - vx * edge2z
val pz = vx * edge2y - vy * edge2x
// Get determinant
val det = edge1x * px + edge1y * py + edge1z * pz // edge1 dot p
// if det is near zero then ray lies in plane of triangle
if (det > -epsilon && det < epsilon) continue
val invDet = 1.0 / det
// Compute distance for vertex A to ray origin: origin - vert0
val tx = sx - vert0x
val ty = sy - vert0y
val tz = sz - vert0z
// Calculate u parameter and test bounds: 1/det * t dot p
val u = invDet * (tx * px + ty * py + tz * pz)
if (u < -epsilon || u > 1 + epsilon) continue
// Prepare to test v parameter: tvec cross edge1
val qx = ty * edge1z - tz * edge1y
val qy = tz * edge1x - tx * edge1z
val qz = tx * edge1y - ty * edge1x
// Calculate v parameter and test bounds: 1/det * dir dot q
val v = invDet * (vx * qx + vy * qy + vz * qz)
if (v < -epsilon || u + v > 1 + epsilon) continue
// Calculate the point of intersection on the line: t = 1/det * edge2 dot q
val t = invDet * (edge2x * qx + edge2y * qy + edge2z * qz)
if (t >= 0 && t < tMin) tMin = t
if (tMin != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) result.set(sx + vx * tMin, sy + vy * tMin, sz + vz * tMin)
return tMin != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is Line) return false
return origin == other.origin && direction == other.direction
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = origin.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + direction.hashCode()
return result
override fun toString() = "Line(origin=$origin, direction=$direction)"
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