commonMain.earth.worldwind.geom.Sector.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package earth.worldwind.geom
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.NEG180
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.NEG90
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.POS180
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.POS90
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.ZERO
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.average
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.clampLatitude
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.clampLongitude
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.fromDegrees
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.fromRadians
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.max
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.min
import earth.worldwind.util.Logger.ERROR
import earth.worldwind.util.Logger.logMessage
import kotlin.jvm.JvmStatic
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.ceil
import kotlin.math.floor
* Geographic rectangular region.
open class Sector(
* The sector's minimum latitude.
var minLatitude: Angle,
* The sector's maximum latitude.
var maxLatitude: Angle,
* The sector's minimum longitude.
var minLongitude: Angle,
* The sector's maximum longitude.
var maxLongitude: Angle
) {
* Indicates whether this sector has no dimensions.
val isEmpty get() = minLatitude == ZERO && maxLatitude == ZERO && minLongitude == ZERO && maxLongitude == ZERO
* Indicates whether this sector contains the full range of latitude [90 to +90] and longitude [-180 to +180].
val isFullSphere get() = minLatitude == NEG90 && maxLatitude == POS90 && minLongitude == NEG180 && maxLongitude == POS180
* Returns the angle between this sector's minimum and maximum latitudes.
val deltaLatitude get() = maxLatitude - minLatitude
* Returns the angle between this sector's minimum and maximum longitudes.
val deltaLongitude get() = maxLongitude - minLongitude
* Returns the angle midway between this sector's minimum and maximum latitudes.
val centroidLatitude get() = average(minLatitude, maxLatitude)
* Returns the angle midway between this sector's minimum and maximum longitudes.
val centroidLongitude get() = average(minLongitude, maxLongitude)
* Constructs an empty sector with minimum and maximum latitudes and longitudes all 0.
constructor(): this(minLatitude = ZERO, maxLatitude = ZERO, minLongitude = ZERO, maxLongitude = ZERO)
* Constructs a sector with the minimum and maximum latitudes and longitudes of a specified sector.
* @param sector the sector specifying the coordinates
constructor(sector: Sector): this(sector.minLatitude, sector.maxLatitude, sector.minLongitude, sector.maxLongitude)
companion object {
fun fromDegrees(minLatDegrees: Double, minLonDegrees: Double, deltaLatDegrees: Double, deltaLonDegrees: Double): Sector {
val maxLatDegrees = if (deltaLatDegrees > 0)
clampLatitude(minLatDegrees + deltaLatDegrees) else minLatDegrees
val maxLonDegrees = if (deltaLonDegrees > 0)
clampLongitude(minLonDegrees + deltaLonDegrees) else minLonDegrees
return Sector(
fromDegrees(minLatDegrees), fromDegrees(maxLatDegrees),
fromDegrees(minLonDegrees), fromDegrees(maxLonDegrees)
fun fromRadians(minLatRadians: Double, minLonRadians: Double, deltaLatRadians: Double, deltaLonRadians: Double): Sector {
val maxLatRadians = if (deltaLatRadians > 0)
clampLatitude(minLatRadians + deltaLatRadians) else minLatRadians
val maxLonRadians = if (deltaLonRadians > 0)
clampLongitude(minLonRadians + deltaLonRadians) else minLonRadians
return Sector(
fromRadians(minLatRadians), fromRadians(maxLatRadians),
fromRadians(minLonRadians), fromRadians(maxLonRadians)
* Computes the location of the angular center of this sector, which is the mid-angle of each of this sector's
* latitude and longitude dimensions.
* @param result a pre-allocated [Location] in which to return the computed centroid
* @return the specified result argument containing the computed centroid
fun centroid(result: Location): Location {
result.latitude = centroidLatitude
result.longitude = centroidLongitude
return result
* Sets this sector to the specified latitude, longitude and dimension.
* @param minLatitude the minimum latitude, i.e., the latitude at the southwest corner of the sector.
* @param minLongitude the minimum longitude, i.e., the longitude at the southwest corner of the sector.
* @param deltaLatitude the width of the sector; must equal to or greater than zero.
* @param deltaLongitude the height of the sector; must equal to or greater than zero.
* @return this sector with its coordinates set to the specified values
fun set(minLatitude: Angle, minLongitude: Angle, deltaLatitude: Angle, deltaLongitude: Angle) = apply {
this.minLatitude = minLatitude
this.minLongitude = minLongitude
maxLatitude = if (deltaLatitude.inDegrees > 0.0) (minLatitude + deltaLatitude).clampLatitude() else minLatitude
maxLongitude = if (deltaLongitude.inDegrees > 0.0) (minLongitude + deltaLongitude).clampLongitude() else minLongitude
* Sets this sector to the specified latitude, longitude and dimension in degrees.
* @param minLatitude the minimum latitude in degrees, i.e., the latitude at the southwest corner of the sector.
* @param minLongitude the minimum longitude in degrees, i.e., the longitude at the southwest corner of the sector.
* @param deltaLatitude the width of the sector in degrees; must equal to or greater than zero.
* @param deltaLongitude the height of the sector in degrees; must equal to or greater than zero.
* @return this sector with its coordinates set to the specified values
fun setDegrees(minLatitude: Double, minLongitude: Double, deltaLatitude: Double, deltaLongitude: Double) = set(
fromDegrees(minLatitude), fromDegrees(minLongitude),
fromDegrees(deltaLatitude), fromDegrees(deltaLongitude),
* Sets this sector to the specified latitude, longitude and dimension in radians.
* @param minLatitude the minimum latitude in radians, i.e., the latitude at the southwest corner of the sector.
* @param minLongitude the minimum longitude in radians, i.e., the longitude at the southwest corner of the sector.
* @param deltaLatitude the width of the sector in radians; must equal to or greater than zero.
* @param deltaLongitude the height of the sector in radians; must equal to or greater than zero.
* @return this sector with its coordinates set to the specified values
fun setRadians(minLatitude: Double, minLongitude: Double, deltaLatitude: Double, deltaLongitude: Double) = set(
fromRadians(minLatitude), fromRadians(minLongitude),
fromRadians(deltaLatitude), fromRadians(deltaLongitude),
* Sets this sector to the minimum and maximum latitudes and longitudes of a specified sector.
* @param sector the sector specifying the new coordinates
* @return this sector with its coordinates set to that of the specified sector
fun copy(sector: Sector) = apply {
minLatitude = sector.minLatitude
maxLatitude = sector.maxLatitude
minLongitude = sector.minLongitude
maxLongitude = sector.maxLongitude
* Sets this sector to an empty sector.
* @return this sector with its coordinates set to an empty sector
fun setEmpty() = apply {
minLatitude = ZERO
maxLatitude = ZERO
minLongitude = ZERO
maxLongitude = ZERO
* Sets this sector to the full range of latitude [90 to +90] and longitude [-180 to +180].
* @return this sector with its coordinates set to the full range of latitude and longitude
fun setFullSphere() = apply {
minLatitude = NEG90
maxLatitude = POS90
minLongitude = NEG180
maxLongitude = POS180
* Indicates whether this sector intersects a specified sector. Two sectors intersect when both the latitude
* boundaries and the longitude boundaries overlap by a non-zero amount. An empty sector never intersects another
* sector.
* The sectors are assumed to have normalized angles (angles within the range [-90, +90] latitude and [-180, +180]
* longitude).
* @param sector the sector to test intersection with
* @return true if the specified sector intersections this sector, false otherwise
fun intersects(sector: Sector) = minLatitude.inDegrees < sector.maxLatitude.inDegrees
&& maxLatitude.inDegrees > sector.minLatitude.inDegrees
&& minLongitude.inDegrees < sector.maxLongitude.inDegrees
&& maxLongitude.inDegrees > sector.minLongitude.inDegrees
* Indicates if this sector is next to, or intersects, a specified sector. Two sectors intersect when the conditions
* of the [Sector.intersects] methods have been met, and if the boundary or corner is shared with the
* specified sector. This is a temporary implementation and will be deprecated in future releases.
* The sectors are assumed to have normalized angles (angles within the range [-90, +90] latitude and [-180, +180]
* longitude).
* @param sector the sector to test intersection with
* @return true if the specified sector intersects or is next to this sector, false otherwise
fun intersectsOrNextTo(sector: Sector) = minLatitude.inDegrees <= sector.maxLatitude.inDegrees
&& maxLatitude.inDegrees >= sector.minLatitude.inDegrees
&& minLongitude.inDegrees <= sector.maxLongitude.inDegrees
&& maxLongitude.inDegrees >= sector.minLongitude.inDegrees
* Computes the intersection of this sector and a specified sector, storing the result in this sector and returning
* whether or not the sectors intersect. Two sectors intersect when both the latitude boundaries and the longitude
* boundaries overlap by a non-zero amount. An empty sector never intersects another sector. When there is no
* intersection, this returns false and leaves this sector unchanged.
* The sectors are assumed to have normalized angles (angles within the range [-90, +90] latitude and [-180, +180]
* longitude).
* @param sector the sector to intersect with
* @return this true if this sector intersects the specified sector, false otherwise
fun intersect(sector: Sector): Boolean {
if (minLatitude.inDegrees < sector.maxLatitude.inDegrees
&& maxLatitude.inDegrees > sector.minLatitude.inDegrees
&& minLongitude.inDegrees < sector.maxLongitude.inDegrees
&& maxLongitude.inDegrees > sector.minLongitude.inDegrees
) {
if (minLatitude.inDegrees < sector.minLatitude.inDegrees) minLatitude = sector.minLatitude
if (maxLatitude.inDegrees > sector.maxLatitude.inDegrees) maxLatitude = sector.maxLatitude
if (minLongitude.inDegrees < sector.minLongitude.inDegrees) minLongitude = sector.minLongitude
if (maxLongitude.inDegrees > sector.maxLongitude.inDegrees) maxLongitude = sector.maxLongitude
return true
return false // the two sectors do not intersect
* Indicates whether this sector contains a specified geographic location.
* An empty sector never contains a location.
* Assumes normalized angles: [-90, +90], [-180, +180]
* @param latitude the location's latitude
* @param longitude the location's longitude
* @return true if this sector contains the location, false otherwise
fun contains(latitude: Angle, longitude: Angle) = latitude.inDegrees in minLatitude.inDegrees..maxLatitude.inDegrees
&& longitude.inDegrees in minLongitude.inDegrees..maxLongitude.inDegrees
* Indicates whether this sector contains a specified geographic location. An empty sector never contains a
* location.
* @param location the location
* @return true if this sector contains the location, false otherwise
fun contains(location: Location) = contains(location.latitude, location.longitude)
* Indicates whether this sector fully contains a specified sector. This sector contains the specified sector when
* the specified sector's boundaries are completely contained within this sector's boundaries, or are equal to this
* sector's boundaries. An empty sector never contains another sector.
* The sectors are assumed to have normalized angles (angles within the range [-90, +90] latitude and [-180, +180]
* longitude).
* @param sector the sector to test containment with
* @return true if the specified sector contains this sector, false otherwise
fun contains(sector: Sector) = minLatitude.inDegrees <= sector.minLatitude.inDegrees
&& maxLatitude.inDegrees >= sector.maxLatitude.inDegrees
&& minLongitude.inDegrees <= sector.minLongitude.inDegrees
&& maxLongitude.inDegrees >= sector.maxLongitude.inDegrees
* Sets this sector to the union of itself and a specified location.
* Assumes normalized angles: [-90, +90], [-180, +180]
* @param latitude the location's latitude
* @param longitude the location's longitude
* @return this sector, set to its union with the specified location
fun union(latitude: Angle, longitude: Angle) = apply {
if (!isEmpty) {
minLatitude = min(minLatitude, latitude)
maxLatitude = max(maxLatitude, latitude)
minLongitude = min(minLongitude, longitude)
maxLongitude = max(maxLongitude, longitude)
} else {
minLatitude = latitude
maxLatitude = latitude
minLongitude = longitude
maxLongitude = longitude
* Sets this sector to the union of itself and a specified location.
* @param location the location
* @return this sector, set to its union with the specified location
fun union(location: Location) = union(location.latitude, location.longitude)
* Sets this sector to the union of itself and an array of specified locations. If this sector is empty, it bounds
* the specified locations. The array is understood to contain location of at least two coordinates organized as
* (longitude, latitude, ...), where stride indicates the number of coordinates between longitude values.
* @param array the array of locations to consider
* @param count the number of array elements to consider
* @param stride the number of coordinates between the first coordinate of adjacent locations - must be at least 2
* @return This bounding box set to contain the specified array of locations.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the array is empty, if the count is less than 0, or if the stride is
* less than 2
fun union(array: FloatArray, count: Int, stride: Int) = apply {
require(array.size >= stride) {
logMessage(ERROR, "Sector", "union", "missingArray")
require(count >= 0) {
logMessage(ERROR, "Sector", "union", "invalidCount")
require(stride >= 2) {
logMessage(ERROR, "Sector", "union", "invalidStride")
val empty = isEmpty
var minLat = if (empty) Double.MAX_VALUE else minLatitude.inDegrees
var maxLat = if (empty) -Double.MAX_VALUE else maxLatitude.inDegrees
var minLon = if (empty) Double.MAX_VALUE else minLongitude.inDegrees
var maxLon = if (empty) -Double.MAX_VALUE else maxLongitude.inDegrees
for (idx in 0 until count step stride) {
val lon = array[idx].toDouble()
val lat = array[idx + 1].toDouble()
if (maxLat < lat) maxLat = lat
if (minLat > lat) minLat = lat
if (maxLon < lon) maxLon = lon
if (minLon > lon) minLon = lon
if (minLat < Double.MAX_VALUE) minLatitude = fromDegrees(minLat)
if (maxLat > -Double.MAX_VALUE) maxLatitude = fromDegrees(maxLat)
if (minLon < Double.MAX_VALUE) minLongitude = fromDegrees(minLon)
if (maxLon > -Double.MAX_VALUE) maxLongitude = fromDegrees(maxLon)
* Sets this sector to the union of itself and a specified sector.
* This has no effect if the specified sector is empty.
* If this sector is empty, it is set to the specified sector.
* Assumes normalized angles: [-90, +90], [-180, +180]
* @param sector the sector to union with
* @return this sector, set to its union with the specified sector
fun union(sector: Sector) = apply {
if (!sector.isEmpty) {
// specified sector not empty
if (!isEmpty) {
// this sector not empty, make a union
if (minLatitude.inDegrees > sector.minLatitude.inDegrees) minLatitude = sector.minLatitude
if (maxLatitude.inDegrees < sector.maxLatitude.inDegrees) maxLatitude = sector.maxLatitude
if (minLongitude.inDegrees > sector.minLongitude.inDegrees) minLongitude = sector.minLongitude
if (maxLongitude.inDegrees < sector.maxLongitude.inDegrees) maxLongitude = sector.maxLongitude
} else {
// this sector is empty, set to the specified sector
minLatitude = sector.minLatitude
maxLatitude = sector.maxLatitude
minLongitude = sector.minLongitude
maxLongitude = sector.maxLongitude
* Translates this sector by a specified geographic increment.
* The translated sector is assumed to have normalized angles (angles within the range [-90, +90] latitude and
* [-180, +180] longitude).
* @param deltaLatitudeDegrees the translation's latitude increment in degrees
* @param deltaLongitudeDegrees the translation's longitude increment in degrees
* @return this sector, translated by the specified increment
fun translate(deltaLatitudeDegrees: Double, deltaLongitudeDegrees: Double) = apply {
minLatitude = minLatitude.plusDegrees(deltaLatitudeDegrees)
maxLatitude = maxLatitude.plusDegrees(deltaLatitudeDegrees)
minLongitude = minLongitude.plusDegrees(deltaLongitudeDegrees)
maxLongitude = maxLongitude.plusDegrees(deltaLongitudeDegrees)
* Determines minimal level number relevant for sector of the specified size
* @param maxLevelNumber Maximum available level number
* @return Minimal relevant level number for sector
fun minLevelNumber(maxLevelNumber: Int): Int {
val relWidth = abs(maxLongitude.relativeLongitude - minLongitude.relativeLongitude)
val relHeight = abs(maxLatitude.relativeLatitude - minLatitude.relativeLatitude)
val delta = 0.00001
for (minLevelNumber in 0 until maxLevelNumber) {
val tileSize = 1.0 / (1 shl (minLevelNumber + 1))
if (relWidth - delta > tileSize && relHeight - delta > tileSize) return minLevelNumber
return maxLevelNumber
fun equals(other: Sector, tolerance: Double): Boolean {
// if (this === other) return true // Empty sector is not equal self
if (isEmpty && other.isEmpty) return false // Two empty sectors are not equal
return abs(minLatitude.inDegrees - other.minLatitude.inDegrees) < tolerance
&& abs(maxLatitude.inDegrees - other.maxLatitude.inDegrees) < tolerance
&& abs(minLongitude.inDegrees - other.minLongitude.inDegrees) < tolerance
&& abs(maxLongitude.inDegrees - other.maxLongitude.inDegrees) < tolerance
* Computes a row number for a tile within a level given the tile's latitude.
* @param tileDelta the level's tile delta
* @param latitude the tile's minimum latitude
* @return the computed row number
open fun computeRow(tileDelta: Angle, latitude: Angle): Int {
var row = floor((latitude.inDegrees - minLatitude.inDegrees) / tileDelta.inDegrees).toInt()
// if latitude is at the end of the grid, subtract 1 from the computed row to return the last row
if (latitude.inDegrees - minLatitude.inDegrees == 180.0) row -= 1
return row
* Computes a column number for a tile within a level given the tile's longitude.
* @param tileDelta the level's tile delta
* @param longitude the tile's minimum longitude
* @return The computed column number
open fun computeColumn(tileDelta: Angle, longitude: Angle): Int {
var col = floor((longitude.inDegrees - minLongitude.inDegrees) / tileDelta.inDegrees).toInt()
// if longitude is at the end of the grid, subtract 1 from the computed column to return the last column
if (longitude.inDegrees - minLongitude.inDegrees == 360.0) col -= 1
return col
* Computes the last row number for a tile within a level given the tile's maximum latitude.
* @param tileDelta the level's tile delta
* @param latitude the tile's maximum latitude
* @return the computed row number
open fun computeLastRow(tileDelta: Angle, latitude: Angle): Int {
var row = ceil((latitude.inDegrees - minLatitude.inDegrees) / tileDelta.inDegrees - 1).toInt()
// if max latitude is in the first row, set the max row to 0
if (latitude.inDegrees - minLatitude.inDegrees < tileDelta.inDegrees) row = 0
return row
* Computes the last column number for a tile within a level given the tile's maximum longitude.
* @param tileDelta the level's tile delta
* @param longitude the tile's maximum longitude
* @return The computed column number
open fun computeLastColumn(tileDelta: Angle, longitude: Angle): Int {
var col = ceil((longitude.inDegrees - minLongitude.inDegrees) / tileDelta.inDegrees - 1).toInt()
// if max longitude is in the first column, set the max column to 0
if (longitude.inDegrees - minLongitude.inDegrees < tileDelta.inDegrees) col = 0
return col
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
// if (this === other) return true // Empty sector is not equal self
if (other !is Sector) return false
if (isEmpty && other.isEmpty) return false // Two empty sectors are not equal
return minLatitude == other.minLatitude && maxLatitude == other.maxLatitude
&& minLongitude == other.minLongitude && maxLongitude == other.maxLongitude
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = minLatitude.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + maxLatitude.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + minLongitude.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + maxLongitude.hashCode()
return result
override fun toString() = "Sector(minLatitude=$minLatitude, maxLatitude=$maxLatitude, minLongitude=$minLongitude, maxLongitude=$maxLongitude)"
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