Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package earth.worldwind.layer.graticule
import earth.worldwind.geom.*
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.degrees
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.toDegrees
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.toRadians
import earth.worldwind.globe.Globe
import earth.worldwind.layer.AbstractLayer
import earth.worldwind.render.Color
import earth.worldwind.render.Font
import earth.worldwind.render.RenderContext
import earth.worldwind.render.Renderable
import earth.worldwind.shape.Label
import earth.worldwind.shape.Path
import earth.worldwind.shape.PathType
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.sign
* Displays a graticule.
abstract class AbstractGraticuleLayer(name: String): AbstractLayer(name) {
override var isPickEnabled = false
private val graticuleSupport = GraticuleSupport()
private val surfacePoint = Vec3()
private val lastCameraPoint = Vec3()
private var lastCameraHeading = 0.0
private var lastCameraTilt = 0.0
private var lastFOV = 0.0
private var lastVerticalExaggeration = 0.0
private var lastGlobeState: Globe.State? = null
private var lastGlobeOffset: Globe.Offset? = null
init {
protected abstract fun initRenderingParams()
* Returns whether graticule lines will be rendered.
* @param key the rendering parameters key.
* @return true if graticule lines will be rendered; false otherwise.
fun isDrawGraticule(key: String) = getRenderingParams(key).isDrawLines
* Sets whether graticule lines will be rendered.
* @param drawGraticule true to render graticule lines; false to disable rendering.
* @param key the rendering parameters key.
fun setDrawGraticule(drawGraticule: Boolean, key: String) { getRenderingParams(key).isDrawLines = drawGraticule }
* Returns the graticule line Color.
* @param key the rendering parameters key.
* @return Color used to render graticule lines.
fun getGraticuleLineColor(key: String) = getRenderingParams(key).lineColor
* Sets the graticule line Color.
* @param color Color that will be used to render graticule lines.
* @param key the rendering parameters key.
fun setGraticuleLineColor(color: Color, key: String) { getRenderingParams(key).lineColor = color }
* Returns the graticule line width.
* @param key the rendering parameters key.
* @return width of the graticule lines.
fun getGraticuleLineWidth(key: String) = getRenderingParams(key).lineWidth
* Sets the graticule line width.
* @param lineWidth width of the graticule lines.
* @param key the rendering parameters key.
fun setGraticuleLineWidth(lineWidth: Float, key: String) { getRenderingParams(key).lineWidth = lineWidth }
* Returns the graticule line rendering style.
* @param key the rendering parameters key.
* @return rendering style of the graticule lines.
fun getGraticuleLineStyle(key: String) = getRenderingParams(key).lineStyle
* Sets the graticule line rendering style.
* @param lineStyle rendering style of the graticule lines.
* One of [LineStyle.SOLID], [LineStyle.DASHED], [LineStyle.DOTTED] or [LineStyle.DASH_DOTTED].
* @param key the rendering parameters key.
fun setGraticuleLineStyle(lineStyle: LineStyle, key: String) { getRenderingParams(key).lineStyle = lineStyle }
* Returns whether graticule labels will be rendered.
* @param key the rendering parameters key.
* @return true if graticule labels will be rendered; false otherwise.
fun isDrawLabels(key: String) = getRenderingParams(key).isDrawLabels
* Sets whether graticule labels will be rendered.
* @param drawLabels true to render graticule labels; false to disable rendering.
* @param key the rendering parameters key.
fun setDrawLabels(drawLabels: Boolean, key: String) { getRenderingParams(key).isDrawLabels = drawLabels }
* Returns the graticule label Color.
* @param key the rendering parameters key.
* @return Color used to render graticule labels.
fun getLabelColor(key: String) = getRenderingParams(key).labelColor
* Sets the graticule label Color.
* @param color Color that will be used to render graticule labels.
* @param key the rendering parameters key.
fun setLabelColor(color: Color, key: String) { getRenderingParams(key).labelColor = color }
* Returns the Font used for graticule labels.
* @param key the rendering parameters key.
* @return Font used to render graticule labels.
fun getLabelFont(key: String) = getRenderingParams(key).labelFont
* Sets the Font used for graticule labels.
* @param font Font that will be used to render graticule labels.
* @param key the rendering parameters key.
fun setLabelFont(font: Font, key: String) { getRenderingParams(key).labelFont = font }
fun getRenderingParams(key: String) = graticuleSupport.getRenderingParams(key)
fun setRenderingParams(key: String, renderingParams: GraticuleRenderingParams) {
graticuleSupport.setRenderingParams(key, renderingParams)
fun addRenderable(renderable: Renderable, paramsKey: String) { graticuleSupport.addRenderable(renderable, paramsKey) }
private fun removeAllRenderables() { graticuleSupport.removeAllRenderables() }
public override fun doRender(rc: RenderContext) {
if (needsToUpdate(rc)) {
} else if (rc.globe.offset != lastGlobeOffset) {
// Continue selecting renderables for additional globe offsets.
lastGlobeOffset = rc.globe.offset
// Render
graticuleSupport.render(rc, opacity)
* Select the visible grid elements
* @param rc the current `RenderContext`.
protected abstract fun selectRenderables(rc: RenderContext)
protected abstract val orderedTypes: List
abstract fun getTypeFor(resolution: Double): String
* Determines whether the grid should be updated. It returns true if: * the eye has moved more than 1% of its
* altitude above ground * the view FOV, heading or pitch have changed more than 1 degree * vertical
* exaggeration has changed `RenderContext`.
* @return true if the graticule should be updated.
private fun needsToUpdate(rc: RenderContext): Boolean {
if (lastVerticalExaggeration != rc.verticalExaggeration) return true
if (abs(lastCameraHeading - > 1) return true
if (abs(lastCameraTilt - > 1) return true
if (abs(lastFOV - > 1) return true
if (rc.cameraPoint.distanceTo(lastCameraPoint) > computeAltitudeAboveGround(rc) / 100) return true
if (rc.globeState != lastGlobeState) return true
return false
protected open fun clear(rc: RenderContext) {
lastFOV =
lastCameraHeading =
lastCameraTilt =
lastVerticalExaggeration = rc.verticalExaggeration
lastGlobeState = rc.globeState
fun computeLabelOffset(rc: RenderContext): Location {
return rc.lookAtPosition?.let {
val labelOffset = toDegrees(rc.pixelSize / rc.globe.equatorialRadius * rc.viewport.width / 4)
it.latitude.minusDegrees(labelOffset).normalizeLatitude().coerceIn(MIN_LAT, MAX_LAT),
} ?:
fun createLineRenderable(positions: List, pathType: PathType) = Path(positions).apply {
this.pathType = pathType
altitudeMode = AltitudeMode.CLAMP_TO_GROUND
isFollowTerrain = true
fun createTextRenderable(position: Position, label: String, resolution: Double) = Label(position, label).apply {
altitudeMode = AltitudeMode.CLAMP_TO_GROUND
// priority = resolution * 1e6 // TODO Implement priority
fun getSurfacePoint(rc: RenderContext, latitude: Angle, longitude: Angle): Vec3 {
if (!rc.terrain.surfacePoint(latitude, longitude, surfacePoint))
latitude, longitude, rc.globe.getElevation(latitude, longitude)
* rc.verticalExaggeration, surfacePoint
return surfacePoint
fun computeAltitudeAboveGround(rc: RenderContext): Double {
val surfacePoint = getSurfacePoint(rc,,
return rc.cameraPoint.distanceTo(surfacePoint)
fun computeTruncatedSegment(p1: Position, p2: Position, sector: Sector, positions: MutableList) {
val p1In = sector.contains(p1.latitude, p1.longitude)
val p2In = sector.contains(p2.latitude, p2.longitude)
if (!p1In && !p2In) return // the whole segment is (likely) outside
if (p1In && p2In) {
// the whole segment is (likely) inside
} else {
// segment does cross the boundary
var outPoint = if (!p1In) p1 else p2
val inPoint = if (p1In) p1 else p2
for (i in 1..2) {
// there may be two intersections
var intersection: Location? = null
if (outPoint.longitude.inDegrees > sector.maxLongitude.inDegrees
|| sector.maxLongitude.inDegrees == 180.0 && outPoint.longitude.inDegrees < 0.0) {
// intersect with east meridian
intersection = greatCircleIntersectionAtLongitude(
inPoint, outPoint, sector.maxLongitude
} else if (outPoint.longitude.inDegrees < sector.minLongitude.inDegrees
|| sector.minLongitude.inDegrees == -180.0 && outPoint.longitude.inDegrees > 0.0) {
// intersect with west meridian
intersection = greatCircleIntersectionAtLongitude(
inPoint, outPoint, sector.minLongitude
} else if (outPoint.latitude.inDegrees > sector.maxLatitude.inDegrees) {
// intersect with top parallel
intersection = greatCircleIntersectionAtLatitude(
inPoint, outPoint, sector.maxLatitude
} else if (outPoint.latitude.inDegrees < sector.minLatitude.inDegrees) {
// intersect with bottom parallel
intersection = greatCircleIntersectionAtLatitude(
inPoint, outPoint, sector.minLatitude
outPoint = if (intersection != null) Position(
) else break
* Computes the intersection point position between a great circle segment and a meridian.
* @param p1 the great circle segment start position.
* @param p2 the great circle segment end position.
* @param longitude the meridian longitude `Angle`
* @return the intersection `Position` or null if there was no intersection found.
private fun greatCircleIntersectionAtLongitude(p1: Location, p2: Location, longitude: Angle): Location? {
if (p1.longitude == longitude) return p1
if (p2.longitude == longitude) return p2
var pos: Location? = null
val deltaLon = getDeltaLongitude(p1, p2.longitude)
if (getDeltaLongitude(p1, longitude) < deltaLon && getDeltaLongitude(p2, longitude) < deltaLon) {
var count = 0
val precision = 1.0 / Ellipsoid.WGS84.semiMajorAxis // 1m angle in radians
var a = p1
var b = p2
var midPoint = greatCircleMidPoint(a, b)
while (toRadians(getDeltaLongitude(midPoint, longitude)) > precision && count <= 20) {
if (getDeltaLongitude(a, longitude) < getDeltaLongitude(b, longitude)) b = midPoint else a = midPoint
midPoint = greatCircleMidPoint(a, b)
pos = midPoint
// Adjust final longitude for an exact match
if (pos != null) pos = Location(pos.latitude, longitude)
return pos
* Computes the intersection point position between a great circle segment and a parallel.
* @param p1 the great circle segment start position.
* @param p2 the great circle segment end position.
* @param latitude the parallel latitude `Angle`
* @return the intersection `Position` or null if there was no intersection found.
private fun greatCircleIntersectionAtLatitude(p1: Location, p2: Location, latitude: Angle): Location? {
var pos: Location? = null
if (sign(p1.latitude.inDegrees - latitude.inDegrees) != sign(p2.latitude.inDegrees - latitude.inDegrees)) {
var count = 0
val precision = 1.0 / Ellipsoid.WGS84.semiMajorAxis // 1m angle in radians
var a = p1
var b = p2
var midPoint = greatCircleMidPoint(a, b)
while (abs(midPoint.latitude.inRadians - latitude.inRadians) > precision && count <= 20) {
if (sign(a.latitude.inDegrees - latitude.inDegrees) != sign(midPoint.latitude.inDegrees - latitude.inDegrees))
b = midPoint else a = midPoint
midPoint = greatCircleMidPoint(a, b)
pos = midPoint
// Adjust final latitude for an exact match
if (pos != null) pos = Location(latitude, pos.longitude)
return pos
private fun greatCircleMidPoint(p1: Location, p2: Location): Location {
val azimuth = p1.greatCircleAzimuth(p2)
val distance = p1.greatCircleDistance(p2)
return p1.greatCircleLocation(azimuth, distance / 2, Location())
private fun getDeltaLongitude(p1: Location, longitude: Angle): Double {
val deltaLon = abs(p1.longitude.inDegrees - longitude.inDegrees)
return if (deltaLon < 180) deltaLon else 360 - deltaLon
companion object {
private val MIN_LAT = (-70.0).degrees
private val MAX_LAT = 70.0.degrees
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