commonMain.earth.worldwind.shape.milstd2525.AbstractMilStd2525TacticalGraphic.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package earth.worldwind.shape.milstd2525
import earth.worldwind.geom.AltitudeMode
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle
import earth.worldwind.geom.Location
import earth.worldwind.geom.Sector
import earth.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceRenderable
import earth.worldwind.render.RenderContext
import earth.worldwind.render.Renderable
import earth.worldwind.shape.*
import earth.worldwind.shape.milstd2525.MilStd2525.labelScaleThreshold
import kotlin.jvm.JvmStatic
import kotlin.math.PI
import kotlin.math.ln
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
abstract class AbstractMilStd2525TacticalGraphic(
protected val sidc: String, protected val boundingSector: Sector,
modifiers: Map?, attributes: Map?,
) : AbstractSurfaceRenderable(boundingSector), Highlightable {
override var isHighlighted = false
var modifiers = modifiers
set(value) {
field = value
var attributes = attributes
set(value) {
field = value
private var minScale = Double.MIN_VALUE
private var maxScale = Double.MAX_VALUE
private val lodBuffer = mutableMapOf>()
private val lodSector = mutableMapOf()
protected companion object {
const val MAX_WIDTH_DP = 1e-3
const val MIN_WIDTH_DP = 1e-5
const val HIGHLIGHT_FACTOR = 2f
private const val ZERO_LEVEL_PX = 256
fun defaultBoundingSector(locations: List) = Sector().apply { locations.forEach { l -> union(l) } }
private fun computeNearestLoD(equatorialRadius: Double, scale: Double) =
(ln(2 * PI * equatorialRadius / ZERO_LEVEL_PX / scale) / ln(2.0)).roundToInt()
private fun computeLoDScale(equatorialRadius: Double, lod: Int) =
2 * PI * equatorialRadius / ZERO_LEVEL_PX / (1 shl lod)
init {
fun setBoundingSector(sector: Sector) {
override fun doRender(rc: RenderContext) {
// Get the current map scale based on observation range.
val currentScale = rc.pixelSize * rc.densityFactor
// Limit scale based on clipping sector diagonal size
val limitedScale = currentScale.coerceIn(minScale, maxScale)
// Get renderables for current LoD
val equatorialRadius = rc.globe.equatorialRadius
val lod = computeNearestLoD(equatorialRadius, limitedScale)
// Set sector based on selected lod
sector.copy(lodSector[lod] ?: boundingSector)
// Check if tactical graphics visible
val terrainSector = rc.terrain.sector
if (!terrainSector.isEmpty && terrainSector.intersects(sector) && getExtent(rc).intersectsFrustum(rc.frustum)) {
val shapes = lodBuffer[lod] ?: run {
sector.setEmpty() // Prepare bounding box to be extended by real graphics measures
makeRenderables(computeLoDScale(equatorialRadius, lod)).also {
lodBuffer[lod] = it
lodSector[lod] = Sector(sector) // Remember real bounding box based on LoD
// Draw available shapes
for (renderable in shapes) {
if (renderable is Highlightable) renderable.isHighlighted = isHighlighted
if (renderable !is Label || isHighlighted || currentScale <= labelScaleThreshold) renderable.render(rc)
protected abstract fun makeRenderables(scale: Double): List // Platform dependent implementation
protected fun reset() {
protected fun applyShapeAttributes(shape: AbstractShape) = shape.apply {
altitudeMode = AltitudeMode.CLAMP_TO_GROUND
isFollowTerrain = true
maximumIntermediatePoints = 0 // Do not draw intermediate vertices for tactical graphics
highlightAttributes = ShapeAttributes(attributes).apply {
outlineWidth *= HIGHLIGHT_FACTOR
pickDelegate = this@AbstractMilStd2525TacticalGraphic
protected fun applyLabelAttributes(label: Label, angle: Angle) = label.apply {
altitudeMode = AltitudeMode.CLAMP_TO_GROUND
rotation = angle
rotationMode = OrientationMode.RELATIVE_TO_GLOBE
pickDelegate = this@AbstractMilStd2525TacticalGraphic
private fun recalculateScaleLimits() {
val diagonalDistance = Location(boundingSector.minLatitude, boundingSector.minLongitude)
.greatCircleDistance(Location(boundingSector.maxLatitude, boundingSector.maxLongitude))
minScale = diagonalDistance / MAX_WIDTH_DP
maxScale = diagonalDistance / MIN_WIDTH_DP
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