commonMain.earth.worldwind.util.SunPosition.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package earth.worldwind.util
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.degrees
import earth.worldwind.geom.Angle.Companion.radians
import earth.worldwind.geom.Location
import kotlinx.datetime.Instant
import kotlinx.datetime.TimeZone
import kotlinx.datetime.toLocalDateTime
import kotlin.math.*
* Provides utilities for determining the Sun geographic and celestial location.
object SunPosition {
class CelestialLocation(val declination: Angle, val rightAscension: Angle)
* Computes the geographic location of the sun for a given date
* @param instant Input instant
* @return the geographic location
fun getAsGeographicLocation(instant: Instant) = celestialToGeographic(getAsCelestialLocation(instant), instant)
* Computes the celestial location of the sun for a given julianDate
* @param instant Input instant
* @return the celestial location
fun getAsCelestialLocation(instant: Instant): CelestialLocation {
val julianDate = computeJulianDate(instant)
//number of days (positive or negative) since Greenwich noon, Terrestrial Time, on 1 January 2000 (J2000.0)
val numDays = julianDate - 2451545
val meanLongitude = Angle.normalizeAngle360(280.460 + 0.9856474 * numDays)
val meanAnomaly = Angle.toRadians(Angle.normalizeAngle360(357.528 + 0.9856003 * numDays))
val eclipticLongitude = meanLongitude + 1.915 * sin(meanAnomaly) + 0.02 * sin(2 * meanAnomaly)
val eclipticLongitudeRad = Angle.toRadians(eclipticLongitude)
val obliquityOfTheEcliptic = Angle.toRadians(23.439 - 0.0000004 * numDays)
val declination = asin(sin(obliquityOfTheEcliptic) * sin(eclipticLongitudeRad)).radians
var rightAscension = atan(cos(obliquityOfTheEcliptic) * tan(eclipticLongitudeRad)).radians
if (eclipticLongitude >= 90 && eclipticLongitude < 270) rightAscension += Angle.POS180
return CelestialLocation(declination, rightAscension.normalize360())
* Converts from celestial coordinates (declination and right ascension) to geographic coordinates
* (latitude, longitude) for a given julian date
* @param celestialLocation Celestial location
* @param instant Input instant
* @return the geographic location
fun celestialToGeographic(celestialLocation: CelestialLocation, instant: Instant): Location {
val julianDate = computeJulianDate(instant)
//number of days (positive or negative) since Greenwich noon, Terrestrial Time, on 1 January 2000 (J2000.0)
val numDays = julianDate - 2451545
//Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time
val GMST = Angle.normalizeAngle360(280.46061837 + 360.98564736629 * numDays)
//Greenwich Hour Angle
val GHA = Angle.normalizeAngle360(GMST - celestialLocation.rightAscension.inDegrees)
val longitude = (-GHA).degrees.normalizeLongitude()
return Location(celestialLocation.declination, longitude)
* Computes the julian date from a javascript date object
* @param instant Input instant
* @return the julian date
fun computeJulianDate(instant: Instant): Double {
val date = instant.toLocalDateTime(TimeZone.UTC)
var year = date.year
var month = date.monthNumber + 1
val day = date.dayOfMonth
val hour = date.hour
val minute = date.minute
val second = date.second
val dayFraction = (hour + minute / 60.0 + second / 3600.0) / 24.0
if (month <= 2) {
year -= 1
month += 12
val a = floor(year / 100.0)
val b = 2 - a + floor(a / 4.0)
val JD0h = floor(365.25 * (year + 4716)) + floor(30.6001 * (month + 1)) + day + b - 1524.5
return JD0h + dayFraction
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