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edu.arizona.sista.discourse.rstparser.EDUClassifier.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package edu.arizona.sista.discourse.rstparser
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import edu.arizona.sista.utils.{Files, StringUtils}
import edu.arizona.sista.processors.Document
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable
import EDUClassifier._
import edu.arizona.sista.struct.Counter
import edu.arizona.sista.learning._
* Detects EDU boundaries
* User: mihais
* Date: 4/12/14
class EDUClassifier {
var classifier:Classifier[String, String] = null
var scaleRanges:ScaleRange[String] = null
def isTrained:Boolean = classifier != null
def saveTo(w:Writer) {
* Trains using all .dis in the given directory
def train(trees:List[(DiscourseTree, Document)], corpusStats:CorpusStats) {
logger.debug("Constructing dataset...")
scaleRanges = null
val dataset = constructDataset(trees)
logger.debug("Scaling dataset...")
scaleRanges = Datasets.svmScaleDataset(dataset)
classifier = new PerceptronClassifier[String, String](epochs = 5)
//classifier = new LinearSVMClassifier[String, String]()
//classifier = new LibSVMClassifier[String, String](PolynomialKernel)
//classifier = new LogisticRegressionClassifier[String, String]()
//classifier = new RandomForestClassifier[String, String](numTrees = 20)
//classifier = new BaggingClassifier[String, String](svmFactory, 10, new Random(1))
/** Tests the standalone segmenter for intra-sentence classification */
def test (trees:List[(DiscourseTree, Document)]) {
val tokenStats = new Counter[Boolean]()
val tokens = extractEDUTokens(trees, tokenStats)"Found " + tokens.size + " EDU tokens in TESTING: " +
tokenStats.getCount(true) + " +, " +
tokenStats.getCount(false) + " -.")
val datums = mkDatums(tokens)
val output = new ListBuffer[(String, String)]
var i = 0
for(datum <- datums) {
val token = tokens(i)
val l = classOf(datum)
output += new Tuple2(datum.label, l)
if(datum.label == POS && l == NEG) {
report(token, "FN")
} else if(datum.label == NEG && l == POS) {
assert(! token.eduStart)
println("FALSE POSITIVE:")
report(token, "FP")
i += 1
val (p, r, f, correct, predicted, total) = f1(output.toList)"P = $p + ($correct / $predicted)")"R = $r + ($correct / $total)")"F1 = $f")
def report(token:EDUToken, errType:String) {
val doc = token.doc
val sent = doc.sentences(token.position.sentence)
val offset = token.position.token
val context = 10
for(i <- scala.math.max(0, offset - context) until scala.math.min(offset + context, sent.size)) {
print(" ")
if(i == offset) print("[[")
if(i == offset) print("]]")
println("Incoming dependencies for token:")
val inc = sent.dependencies.get.incomingEdges
if(offset < inc.size) {
for (d <- inc(offset)) {
println("\t" + sent.words(d._1) + "\t" + d._2)
if(offset < sent.dependencies.get.outgoingEdges.size) {
val (_, top) = featureExtractor.pathToRoot(offset, sent.dependencies.get.incomingEdges)
val leftMost = sent.dependencies.get.outgoingEdges(offset).size == 0
println(errType + "\tleftmost:" + top + "|" + leftMost)
* Extracts all document tokens, identifying if they are the beginning of an intra-sentence EDU or not.
* It skips the first tokens in each sentence because they are not useful during classification (they always begin an EDU).
* @param trees Extract tokens from all these trees
* @return All tokens to be used during classification
private def extractEDUTokens(trees:List[(DiscourseTree, Document)], tokenStats:Counter[Boolean]):Array[EDUToken] = {
val tokens = new ListBuffer[EDUToken]
for(tree <- trees) {
// match known connectives in this document
val connectives = ConnectiveMatcher.matchConnectives(tree._2)
val docTokens = new ListBuffer[EDUToken]
// find positive examples
val starts = new mutable.HashSet[TokenOffset]()
findEDUStarts(tree._1, starts)
for(s <- starts) {
docTokens += new EDUToken(s, tree._2, connectives, true)
// find negative examples
val doc = tree._2
for(si <- 0 until doc.sentences.size) {
val sent = doc.sentences(si)
// skip the last token in a sentence: it can never be the start of an EDU
for(ti <- 0 until sent.words.size - 1) {
val p = new TokenOffset(si, ti)
if(! starts.contains(p)) {
docTokens += new EDUToken(p, doc, connectives, false)
// sort candidates in sentence/token order in this document
tokens ++= docTokens.toList.sortWith(boundarySort)
def boundarySort(e1:EDUToken, e2:EDUToken):Boolean = {
if(e1.position.sentence < e2.position.sentence) return true
if(e1.position.sentence > e2.position.sentence) return false
if(e1.position.token < e2.position.token) return true
def eduBoundaryStats(tokens:Iterable[EDUToken]) {
val posCounts = new Counter[String]()
val decileCounts = new Counter[Int]()
for(t <- tokens) {
if(t.eduStart) {
val s = t.doc.sentences(t.position.sentence)
if(s.tags.isDefined) {
val crt = s.tags.get(t.position.token)
decileCounts.incrementCount(Utils.toDecile(t.position.token, s.size))
val tags = posCounts.sorted
for(t <- tags) println(t._1 + "\t" + t._2)
val decs = decileCounts.sorted
for(d <- decs) println(d._1 + "\t" + d._2)
def printEDUBoundaries(tokens:Iterable[EDUToken]) {
for(t <- tokens) {
if(t.eduStart) {
val s = t.doc.sentences(t.position.sentence)
val crt = s.words(t.position.token)
val crtTag = s.tags.get(t.position.token)
val prev = s.words(t.position.token - 1)
var next = "END"
if(t.position.token < s.size - 1)
next = s.words(t.position.token + 1)
println("... " + prev + " " + crt + " " + next + " ...")
if(next == "END") {
print("ENDSENT: ")
for(w <- s.words) print(w + " ")
if(crtTag == ":") {
print("COLONSENT: ")
for(w <- s.words) print(w + " ")
def findEDUStarts(tree:DiscourseTree, starts:mutable.HashSet[TokenOffset]) {
if(tree.isTerminal) {
val s = tree.firstToken
// we only care about EDUs that are intra sentence, so we ignore EDUs that start at the beginning of sentence
if(s.token != 0) {
} else {
for(c <- tree.children) {
findEDUStarts(c, starts)
private def mkDataset(tokens:Array[EDUToken]):Dataset[String, String] = {
val dataset = new RVFDataset[String, String]()
for(i <- 0 until tokens.size) {
val token = tokens(i)
val datum = mkDatum(token)
dataset += datum
private def mkDatums(tokens:Array[EDUToken]):Iterable[Datum[String, String]] = {
val datums = new ListBuffer[Datum[String, String]]
for(i <- 0 until tokens.size) {
val token = tokens(i)
val datum = mkDatum(token)
datums += datum
def mkDatum(token:EDUToken):Datum[String, String] = {
var label = NEG
if(token.eduStart) label = POS
val feats = featureExtractor.mkFeatures(token.position, token.doc, token.connectives)
if(scaleRanges != null) {
val scaledFeats = Datasets.svmScaleDatum(feats, scaleRanges)
new RVFDatum[String, String](label, scaledFeats)
} else {
new RVFDatum[String, String](label, feats)
def classOf(datum:Datum[String, String]) = classifier.classOf(datum)
def constructDataset(trees:List[(DiscourseTree, Document)]):Dataset[String, String] = {
// find all intra-sentence tokens that can be EDU boundaries
val tokenStats = new Counter[Boolean]()
val tokens = extractEDUTokens(trees, tokenStats)"Found " + tokens.size + " EDU tokens: " +
tokenStats.getCount(true) + " +, " +
tokenStats.getCount(false) + " -.")
//for(t <- tokens) println(t.position.sentence + "\t" + t.position.token + "\t" + t.eduStart)
// make the actual dataset with positive and negative examples
val dataset = mkDataset(tokens)
def f1(output:Iterable[(String, String)]):(Double, Double, Double, Int, Int, Int) = {
var total = 0
var pred = 0
var correct = 0
for(o <- output) {
val gold = o._1
val sys = o._2
if(gold == POS) total += 1
if(sys == POS) {
pred += 1
if(sys == gold) correct += 1
val p = correct.toDouble / pred.toDouble
val r = correct.toDouble / total.toDouble
val f = 2 * p * r / (p + r)
(p, r, f, correct, pred, total)
def simpleF1(output:Iterable[(String, String)]):Double = f1(output)._3
def featureSelectionIncremental(trees:List[(DiscourseTree, Document)], corpusStats:CorpusStats) {
val dataset = constructDataset(trees)
val featureGroups = Utils.findFeatureGroups(":", dataset.featureLexicon)
logger.debug(s"Found ${featureGroups.size} feature groups:")
for(f <- featureGroups.keySet) {
logger.debug(s"Group $f containing ${featureGroups.get(f).get.size} features.")
val chosenGroups = Datasets.incrementalFeatureSelection(
dataset, Utils.svmFactory, simpleF1, featureGroups)"Selected ${chosenGroups.size} feature groups: " + chosenGroups)
def featureSelectionByInformativeness(trees:List[(DiscourseTree, Document)], corpusStats:CorpusStats) {
val dataset = constructDataset(trees)
val chosenFeatures = Datasets.featureSelectionByInformativeness(dataset, Utils.svmFactory, simpleF1)
def featureSelectionByFrequency(trees:List[(DiscourseTree, Document)], corpusStats:CorpusStats) {
val dataset = constructDataset(trees)
val chosenFeatures = Datasets.featureSelectionByFrequency(dataset, Utils.svmFactory, simpleF1)
class EDUToken (val position:TokenOffset, val doc:Document, val connectives:Array[Array[String]], val eduStart:Boolean)
object EDUClassifier {
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[EDUClassifier])
val featureExtractor = new EDUFeatureExtractor
val POS = "+"
val NEG = "-"
def main(args:Array[String]) {
val props = StringUtils.argsToProperties(args)
var cls:EDUClassifier = null
if(props.containsKey("train")) {
cls = new EDUClassifier
val (trees, corpusStats) = RSTParser.mkTrees(props.getProperty("train"))
cls.train(trees, corpusStats)
if(props.containsKey("model")) {
val os = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(props.getProperty("model"))))
if(props.containsKey("test")) {
val (trees, _) = RSTParser.mkTrees(props.getProperty("test"), makeStats = false)
if(props.containsKey("model")) {
val is = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(props.getProperty("model")))
cls = loadFrom(is)
if(props.containsKey("fsel")) {
cls = new EDUClassifier
val (trees, corpusStats) = RSTParser.mkTrees(props.getProperty("fsel"))
cls.featureSelectionIncremental(trees, corpusStats)
def loadFrom( = {
val edu = new EDUClassifier
val reader = Files.toBufferedReader(r)
val c = PerceptronClassifier.loadFrom[String, String](reader)
val sr = ScaleRange.loadFrom[String](reader)
edu.classifier = c
edu.scaleRanges = sr