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package edu.arizona.sista.learning
import scala.collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, ArrayBuffer}
import edu.arizona.sista.struct.Counter
import edu.arizona.sista.struct.Lexicon
import{FileWriter, PrintWriter, FileInputStream, BufferedInputStream}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import RVFDataset._
* Parent class for classification datasets
* User: mihais
* Date: 4/23/13
abstract class Dataset[L, F](
val labelLexicon:Lexicon[L],
val featureLexicon:Lexicon[F],
val labels:ArrayBuffer[Int]) {
def this() = this(new Lexicon[L], new Lexicon[F], new ArrayBuffer[Int])
def += (datum:Datum[L, F])
def numFeatures = featureLexicon.size
def numLabels = labelLexicon.size
/** number of training examples */
def size = labels.size
def featuresCounter(datumOffset:Int):Counter[Int]
def mkDatum(row:Int):Datum[L, F] = {
val intFeats = featuresCounter(row)
val feats = new Counter[F]
for(f <- intFeats.keySet) {
feats.setCount(featureLexicon.get(f), intFeats.getCount(f))
new RVFDatum[L, F](labelLexicon.get(labels(row)), feats)
/** Removes features that appear less than threshold times in this dataset. Works in place. */
def removeFeaturesByFrequency(threshold:Int)
/** Creates a new dataset keeping only the features in the given set */
def keepOnly(featuresToKeep:Set[Int]):Dataset[L, F]
* Dataset containing only BVFDatums
* Important note: to encode feature values > 1, simply store the same feature multiple times (equal to feature value)!
* @tparam L Type of labels
* @tparam F Type of features
class BVFDataset[L, F] (
val features:ArrayBuffer[Array[Int]]) extends Dataset[L, F](ll, fl, ls) {
def this() = this(
new Lexicon[L], new Lexicon[F], new ArrayBuffer[Int],
new ArrayBuffer[Array[Int]])
def += (datum:Datum[L, F]) {
datum match {
case bd:BVFDatum[L, F] => {
labels += labelLexicon.add(bd.label)
features += featuresToArray(bd.features)
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: you cannot add a non BVFDatum to a BVFDataset!")
private def featuresToArray(fs:Iterable[F]):Array[Int] = {
val fb = new ListBuffer[Int]
for(f <- fs) fb += featureLexicon.add(f)
override def featuresCounter(datumOffset:Int):Counter[Int] = {
val c = new Counter[Int]
features(datumOffset).foreach(f => c.incrementCount(f))
def countFeatures(fs:ArrayBuffer[Array[Int]]):Counter[Int] = {
val counts = new Counter[Int]
for(d <- fs) {
for(f <- d) {
override def removeFeaturesByFrequency(threshold:Int) {
val newFeatures = new ArrayBuffer[Array[Int]]
val counts = countFeatures(features)
logger.debug("Total unique features before filtering: " + counts.size)
for(row <- features) {
newFeatures += removeByFreq(row, counts, threshold)
logger.debug("Total features after filtering: " + countFeatures(newFeatures).size)
// TODO: this keeps the original feature lexicon. build a new one just with the remaining features
new BVFDataset[L, F](labelLexicon, featureLexicon, labels, newFeatures)
private def removeByFreq(fs:Array[Int], counts:Counter[Int], threshold:Int):Array[Int] = {
val filtered = new ArrayBuffer[Int]()
for(f <- fs) {
if(counts.getCount(f) >= threshold) {
filtered += f
override def keepOnly(featuresToKeep:Set[Int]):Dataset[L, F] = {
throw new RuntimeException("Not supported yet!")
* Dataset containing only RVFDatums
* @tparam L Type of labels
* @tparam F Type of features
class RVFDataset[L, F] (
val values:ArrayBuffer[Array[Double]]) extends BVFDataset[L, F](ll, fl, ls, fs) with FeatureTraversable[F, Double]{
def this() = this(
new Lexicon[L], new Lexicon[F], new ArrayBuffer[Int],
new ArrayBuffer[Array[Int]],
new ArrayBuffer[Array[Double]])
override def += (datum:Datum[L, F]) {
datum match {
case d:RVFDatum[L, F] => {
labels += labelLexicon.add(d.label)
val fvs = featuresCounterToArray(d.featuresCounter)
features += => fv._1)
values += => fv._2)
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: you cannot add a non RVFDatum to a RVFDataset!")
private def featuresCounterToArray(fs:Counter[F]):Array[(Int, Double)] = {
val fb = new ListBuffer[(Int, Double)]
for(f <- fs.keySet) {
fb += new Tuple2[Int, Double](featureLexicon.add(f), fs.getCount(f))
override def featuresCounter(datumOffset:Int):Counter[Int] = {
val c = new Counter[Int]
val fs = features(datumOffset)
val vs = values(datumOffset)
for(i <- 0 until fs.length) {
c.incrementCount(fs(i), vs(i))
override def removeFeaturesByFrequency(threshold:Int) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not supported yet!")
def featureUpdater: FeatureUpdater[F, Double] = new FeatureUpdater[F, Double] {
def foreach[U](fn: ((F, Double)) => U): Unit = {
for(i <- 0 until RVFDataset.this.size) {
for(j <- 0 until features(i).size) {
val fi = features(i)(j)
val v = values(i)(j)
val f = featureLexicon.get(fi)
fn((f, v))
def updateAll(fn: ((F, Double)) => Double): Unit = {
for(i <- 0 until RVFDataset.this.size) {
for(j <- 0 until features(i).size) {
val fi = features(i)(j)
val v = values(i)(j)
val f = featureLexicon.get(fi)
values(i)(j) = fn((f, v))
override def keepOnly(featuresToKeep:Set[Int]):Dataset[L, F] = {
val newFeatures = new ArrayBuffer[Array[Int]]
val newValues = new ArrayBuffer[Array[Double]]
for(row <- 0 until features.size) {
val (nfs, nvs) = keepOnlyRow(features(row), values(row), featuresToKeep)
newFeatures += nfs
newValues += nvs
new RVFDataset[L, F](labelLexicon, featureLexicon, labels, newFeatures, newValues)
def keepOnlyRow(feats:Array[Int], vals:Array[Double], featuresToKeep:Set[Int]):(Array[Int], Array[Double]) = {
val newFeats = new ArrayBuffer[Int]()
val newVals = new ArrayBuffer[Double]()
for(i <- 0 until feats.size) {
val f = feats(i)
val v = vals(i)
if(featuresToKeep.contains(f)) {
newFeats += f
newVals += v
(newFeats.toArray, newVals.toArray)
object RVFDataset {
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[RVFDataset[String, String]])
def mkDatasetFromSvmLightFormat(fn:String):RVFDataset[Int, String] = {
val dataset = new RVFDataset[Int, String]
var datumCount = 0
var source:BufferedSource = null
source = io.Source.fromInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fn))))
source = io.Source.fromFile(fn)
for(line <- source.getLines()) {
// strip comments following #
val pound = line.indexOf("#")
var content = line
if(pound >= 0) {
content = line.substring(0, pound)
content = content.trim
// logger.debug("Parsing line: [" + content + "]")
if(content.length > 0) {
val bits = content.split("\\s+")
var label = bits(0)
if(label.startsWith("+")) label = label.substring(1)
val features = new Counter[String]
for(i <- 1 until bits.length) {
val fbits = bits(i).split(":")
if(fbits.length != 2) {
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: invalid feature format: " + bits(i))
val f = fbits(0)
val v = fbits(1).toDouble
features.incrementCount(f, v)
val datum = new RVFDatum[Int, String](label.toInt, features)
dataset += datum
datumCount += 1
def saveToSvmLightFormat(
datums:Iterable[Datum[Int, String]],
fn:String) {
val os = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(fn))
for(datum <- datums) {
val fs = new ListBuffer[(Int, Double)]
val c = datum.featuresCounter
for(k <- c.keySet) {
val fi = featureLexicon.get(k)
if(fi.isDefined) {
// logger.debug(s"Feature [$k] converted to index ${fi.get + 1}")
fs += new Tuple2(fi.get + 1, c.getCount(k))
val fss = fs.toList.sortBy(_._1)
for(t <- fss) {
os.print(s" ${t._1}:${t._2}")
def mkDatumsFromSvmLightFormat(fn:String):Iterable[Datum[Int, String]] = {
val datums = new ArrayBuffer[Datum[Int, String]]()
var datumCount = 0
var source:BufferedSource = null
source = io.Source.fromInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fn))))
source = io.Source.fromFile(fn)
for(line <- source.getLines()) {
// strip comments following #
val pound = line.indexOf("#")
var content = line
if(pound >= 0) {
content = line.substring(0, pound)
content = content.trim
//logger.debug("Parsing line: " + content)
if(content.length > 0) {
val bits = content.split("\\s+")
var label = bits(0)
if(label.startsWith("+")) label = label.substring(1)
val features = new Counter[String]
for(i <- 1 until bits.length) {
val fbits = bits(i).split(":")
if(fbits.length != 2) {
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: invalid feature format: " + bits(i))
val f = fbits(0)
val v = fbits(1).toDouble
features.incrementCount(f, v)
val datum = new RVFDatum[Int, String](label.toInt, features)
datums += datum
datumCount += 1