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package edu.arizona.sista.learning
import edu.arizona.sista.struct.Counter
import edu.arizona.sista.struct.Lexicon
import weka.core._
import java.util
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.Option
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import hr.irb.fastRandomForest.FastRandomForest
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import RandomForestClassifier.logger
* Wrapper for the fast-random-forest classifier
* User: mihais
* Date: 12/6/13
class RandomForestClassifier[L, F]( val numTrees:Int = 1000,
val featureSampleRatio:Double = -1.0,
val maxTreeDepth:Int = 0,
val numThreads:Int = 0,
val randomSeed:Int = 1 ) extends Classifier[L, F] with Serializable {
/** List of all attributes (features), excluding the class label */
private var attributeIndex = new mutable.HashMap[String, Attribute]
/** The class attribute */
private var classAttribute:Option[Attribute] = None
/** Used to convert labels from Weka's strings to L */
private var labelMap = new mutable.HashMap[String, L]()
private var instances:Option[Instances] = None
private var classifier:Option[FastRandomForest] = None
override def classOf(d:Datum[L, F]): L = {
val scores = getScores(d)
var max = Double.MinValue
var bestIndex = -1
for(i <- 0 until scores.length) {
if(scores(i) > max) {
max = scores(i)
bestIndex = i
assert(bestIndex >= 0)
override def scoresOf(d:Datum[L, F]): Counter[L] = {
val scores = getScores(d)
val c = new Counter[L]
for(i <- 0 until scores.length) {
val l = labelMap.get(classAttribute.get.value(i)).get
c.incrementCount(l, scores(i))
private def getScores(d:Datum[L, F]): Array[Double] = {
val i = mkInstanceFromDatum(d, attributeIndex.size + 1)
override def train(dataset:Dataset[L, F], indices:Array[Int]) {
// create the label map
for(l <- dataset.labelLexicon.keySet)
labelMap += asString(l) -> l
// create the Weka dataset
instances = Some(datasetToInstances(dataset, indices))
// create and configure the random forest
val rfc = new FastRandomForest
if(featureSampleRatio > 1)
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: featureSampleRatio must be <= 1!")
else if(featureSampleRatio > 0) // a ratio of all features
rfc.setNumFeatures((featureSampleRatio * attributeIndex.size).toInt)
if(featureSampleRatio == 0) // use all features
else // use a abs(ratio) * sqrt(total features)
(math.abs(featureSampleRatio) * math.sqrt(attributeIndex.size)).toInt,
// train
logger.debug("Training with the following parameters:")
logger.debug("Number of decision trees: " + rfc.getNumTrees)
logger.debug("Max depth of decision trees: " + rfc.getMaxDepth)
logger.debug("Total features and features used for each random split: " + attributeIndex.size + " " + rfc.getNumFeatures)
logger.debug("Random seed: " + rfc.getSeed)
classifier = Some(rfc)
logger.debug("Completed training.")
// instances are no longer needed after training
private def asString[T](v:T):String = {
v match {
case s: String => s
case _ => v.toString
private def datasetToInstances(dataset:Dataset[L, F], indices:Array[Int]):Instances = {
val featureLexicon = dataset.featureLexicon
val labelLexicon = dataset.labelLexicon
// this will store all Weka attributes, including the class attribute
val attributes = new util.ArrayList[Attribute]()
var index = 0
// create numeric attributes for all features
for(k <- featureLexicon.keySet) {
val ks = asString(k)
val a = new Attribute(ks, index)
attributeIndex += ks -> a
index += 1
// create the class attribute as the last one
val labels = new util.ArrayList[String]()
for(l <- labelLexicon.keySet) {
val ls = asString(l)
classAttribute = Some(new Attribute("theClass", labels, index))
index += 1
// create instances
val instances = new Instances("Dataset", attributes, indices.length)
for(i <- 0 until indices.length) {
val label = dataset.labels(indices(i))
val fs = dataset.featuresCounter(indices(i))
val inst = mkInstance(featureLexicon, labelLexicon, label, fs, index)
// set the index of the class attribute
/** Creates a sparse instance from one datum */
private def mkInstanceFromDatum(d:Datum[L, F], maxNumAttributes:Int, instanceWeight:Double = 1.0):Instance = {
// collect all non-zero features
val featIndicesAndValues = new ListBuffer[(Int, Double)]()
val features = d.featuresCounter
for(f <- features.keySet) {
val fa = attributeIndex.get(asString(f))
// the feature might not have been seen in training
if(fa.isDefined) {
val attValue = features.getCount(f)
if(attValue != 0.0) {
featIndicesAndValues += new Tuple2(fa.get.index(), attValue)
// create the instance
val (indices, attValues) = mkSparseArrays(featIndicesAndValues)
val i = new SparseInstance(instanceWeight, attValues, indices, maxNumAttributes)
/** Creates a sparse instance from one row in the dataset */
private def mkInstance(
instanceWeight:Double = 1.0):Instance = {
// collect all non-zero features
val featIndicesAndValues = new ListBuffer[(Int, Double)]()
for(f <- features.keySet) {
val attValue = features.getCount(f)
if(attValue != 0.0) {
val k = asString(featureLexicon.get(f))
val attIndex = attributeIndex.get(k).get.index()
featIndicesAndValues += new Tuple2(attIndex, attValue)
// add the class attribute
val ls = labelLexicon.get(label)
val classValue = classAttribute.get.indexOfValue(asString(ls))
if(classValue == -1) throw new RuntimeException(s"ERROR: unknown label $label:$ls")
featIndicesAndValues += new Tuple2(classAttribute.get.index(), classValue)
// create the instance
val (indices, attValues) = mkSparseArrays(featIndicesAndValues)
new SparseInstance(instanceWeight, attValues, indices, maxNumAttributes)
private def mkSparseArrays(fivs:Iterable[(Int, Double)]):(Array[Int], Array[Double]) = {
// sort weka features by index
val sortedFeatures = fivs.toList.sortBy(_._1)
// create the sparse arrays for feature indices and values
val indices = new Array[Int](sortedFeatures.size)
val attValues = new Array[Double](sortedFeatures.size)
var i = 0
for(sf <- sortedFeatures) {
indices(i) = sf._1
attValues(i) = sf._2
i += 1
(indices, attValues)
/** Saves the current model to a file */
override def saveTo(writer:Writer) { throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: saving to Writer not supported yet!") }
override def saveTo(fn:String) {
val os = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fn))
object RandomForestClassifier {
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[RandomForestClassifier[String, String]])
def loadFrom[L, F](fileName:String):RandomForestClassifier[L, F] = {
val is = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileName))
val c = is.readObject().asInstanceOf[RandomForestClassifier[L, F]]