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package edu.arizona.sista.struct
import{Reader, Writer}
import edu.arizona.sista.utils.Files
import collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import java.text.DecimalFormat
* Counts elements of type T
* User: mihais
* Date: 3/18/13
class Counter[T](
private val counts:mutable.HashMap[T, MutableNumber[Double]],
private val defaultReturnValue:Double = 0.0) extends Serializable {
def this(elements:Iterable[T]) = this(Counter.mkCounts(elements), 0.0)
def this(defaultReturnValue:Double = 0.0) =
this(new mutable.HashMap[T, MutableNumber[Double]], defaultReturnValue)
def getCount(key:T):Double = {
counts.get(key) match {
case Some(c) => c.value
case None => defaultReturnValue
def incrementCount(key:T, inc:Double = 1.0):Double = Counter.incrementCount(counts, key, inc)
def decrementCount(key:T, inc:Double):Double = incrementCount(key, - inc)
def decrementCount(key:T):Double = incrementCount(key, -1.0)
def setCount(key:T, value:Double) { Counter.setCount(counts, key, value) }
def keySet = counts.keySet
def size = counts.size
def contains(key:T) = keySet.contains(key)
override def hashCode = counts.hashCode()
override def equals(other:Any):Boolean = {
other match {
case that:Counter[T] => counts.size == that.counts.size && counts == that.counts
case _ => false
/** Equivalent to incrementCount with inc = 1 */
def += (key:T) = incrementCount(key, 1)
/** Equivalent to decrementCount */
def -= (key:T) = decrementCount(key, 1)
def += (toAdd:Counter[T]) {
for(key <- toAdd.keySet)
incrementCount(key, toAdd.getCount(key))
def -(toSub:Counter[T]):Counter[T] = {
val out = new Counter[T]()
// Step 1: Subtract all keys that are just in toSub
for (key <- toSub.keySet) {
if (getCount(key) == defaultReturnValue) out.setCount(key, -toSub.getCount(key))
// Step 2: Subtract all keys that are common between this and toSub
for (key <- keySet) out.setCount(key, getCount(key) - toSub.getCount(key))
def +(toAdd:Counter[T]):Counter[T] = {
val out = new Counter[T]()
// Step 1: Add all keys that are just in toAdd
for (key <- toAdd.keySet) {
if (getCount(key) == defaultReturnValue) out.setCount(key, toAdd.getCount(key))
// Step 2: Add all keys that are common between this and toSub
for (key <- keySet) out.setCount(key, getCount(key) + toAdd.getCount(key))
def *(toMult:Double):Counter[T] = {
val out = new Counter[T]()
for (key <- keySet) out.setCount(key, getCount(key) * toMult)
def /(toDiv:Double):Counter[T] = {
val out = new Counter[T]()
for (key <- keySet) out.setCount(key, getCount(key) / toDiv)
def dotProduct(toDot:Counter[T]):Double = {
var dotproduct:Double = 0.0f
for (key <- keySet) dotproduct += getCount(key) * toDot.getCount(key)
def sorted:List[(T, Double)] = {
val vs = new ListBuffer[(T, Double)]
for(k <- keySet) vs += new Tuple2(k, getCount(k))
vs.toList.sortBy(0 - _._2)
override def toString:String = {
val os = new StringBuilder
os.append ("[")
for (key <- keySet) {
os.append (key + ":" + getCount(key).formatted("%3.3f") + ", ")
os.append ("]")
// use counters in for comprehensions
def map(f: ((T, Double)) => Double): Counter[T] = {
val out = new Counter[T](defaultReturnValue)
for (key <- keySet) out.setCount(key, f((key, getCount(key))))
def mapValues(f: Double => Double): Counter[T] =
map { case (_, x) => f(x) }
def filter(p: ((T, Double)) => Boolean): Counter[T] = {
val out = new Counter[T]()
for (key <- keySet) {
val count = getCount(key)
if (p((key, count))) out.setCount(key, count)
def filterValues(p: Double => Boolean): Counter[T] =
filter { case (_, x) => p(x)}
def flatMap(f: ((T, Double)) => Counter[T]): Counter[T] = {
// this one's gonna be inefficient
val counters = for {
key <- keySet
count = getCount(key)
} yield f((key, count))
counters.reduce(_ + _)
def toShortString: String = {
val df = new DecimalFormat("0.####")
val n = 10
val base = sorted.take(n).map({ case (key, cnt) => s"$key -> ${df.format(cnt)}"}).mkString(", ")
if (size > n)
base + " ..."
def toSeq: Seq[(T, Double)] = for (key <- keySet.toSeq) yield (key, getCount(key))
def values: Seq[Double] =
def toJSON: String = scala.util.parsing.json.JSONObject(
case (k, v) => k.toString -> v
def zipWith(f: (Double, Double) => Double)(other:Counter[T]): Counter[T] = {
val out = new Counter[T](defaultReturnValue)
for (key <- keySet.union(other.keySet)) {
val x = f(getCount(key), other.getCount(key))
out.setCount(key, x)
def *(other:Counter[T]): Counter[T] = zipWith(_*_)(other)
def /(other:Counter[T]): Counter[T] = zipWith(_/_)(other)
def +(x: Double) = mapValues(_+x)
def -(x: Double) = mapValues(_-x)
def l1Norm = values.sum
def l2Norm = Math.sqrt( => x*x).sum)
def topKeys(n: Int) = sorted.take(n).map(_._1)
def argMax : (T, Double) = {
var maxValue = Double.MinValue
var maxKey = keySet.head
for(k <- keySet) {
val v = getCount(k)
if(v > maxValue) {
maxKey = k
maxValue = v
(maxKey, maxValue)
def argMin : (T, Double) = {
var minValue = Double.MaxValue
var minKey = keySet.head
for(k <- keySet) {
val v = getCount(k)
if(v < minValue) {
minKey = k
minValue = v
(minKey, minValue)
def saveTo(w:Writer) {
val writer = Files.toPrintWriter(w)
writer.println(s"$defaultReturnValue ${counts.size}")
if(counts.size > 0) {
val first = counts.keys.head
first match {
// TODO: kinda hacky, but don't know how to recover from type erasure in loadFrom()...
case i: Int => writer.println("I")
case d: Double => writer.println("D")
case s: String => writer.println("S")
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: unknown type in lexicon!")
} else {
writer.println("S") // this does not matter
for(k <- counts.keySet) {
writer.println(s"${counts.get(k).get.value} $k")
object Counter {
private def incrementCount[T](map:mutable.HashMap[T, MutableNumber[Double]], key:T, inc:Double): Double = {
map.get(key) match {
case Some(c) => {
c.value += inc
case None => {
map.put(key, new MutableNumber[Double](inc))
private def setCount[T](map:mutable.HashMap[T, MutableNumber[Double]], key:T, value:Double) {
map.get(key) match {
case Some(c) => {
c.value = value
case None => {
map.put(key, new MutableNumber[Double](value))
private def mkCounts[T](elements:Iterable[T]):mutable.HashMap[T, MutableNumber[Double]] = {
val c = new mutable.HashMap[T, MutableNumber[Double]]
for (element <- elements) incrementCount(c, element, 1.0)
* warning: this shares memory between the old and new counters, don't use if you mutate state
def withDefault[T](defaultValue: Double)(counter: Counter[T]) = new Counter[T](counter.counts, defaultValue)
def binarize[S](xs: Counter[S]) = {
withDefault(0)(xs.mapValues(_ => 1))
def loadFrom[T](r:Reader):Counter[T] = {
val reader = Files.toBufferedReader(r)
val hline = reader.readLine()
//println("COUNTER HLINE: " + hline)
val bits = hline.split("\\s+")
val defaultReturnValue = bits(0).toDouble
val c = new Counter[T](defaultReturnValue)
val size = bits(1).toInt
assert(size >= 0)
val ftype = reader.readLine() // type of features in this counter
for(i <- 0 until size) {
val line = reader.readLine()
val space = line.indexOf(' ')
assert(space > 0)
val v = line.substring(0, space).toDouble
val f = line.substring(space + 1)
ftype match {
case "S" => c.setCount(f.asInstanceOf[T], v)
case "I" => c.setCount(f.toInt.asInstanceOf[T], v)
case "D" => c.setCount(f.toDouble.asInstanceOf[T], v)
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: unknown type in Counter!")