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package edu.arizona.sista.utils
* Created by dfried on 5/22/14
object EvaluationStatistics {
case class Table(var tp: Int, var fp: Int, var tn: Int, var fn: Int) {
def accuracy = (tp + tn).toDouble / (tp + fp + tn + fn)
def precision = tp.toDouble / (tp + fp)
def recall = tp.toDouble / (tp + fn)
def f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall)
def total = tp + fp + tn + fn
def trueCount = tp + fn
def falseCount = fp + tn
def positiveCount = tp + fp
def negativeCount = tn + fn
def + (other: Table) = Table(tp +, fp + other.fp, tn +, fn + other.fn)
def makeTables[A](outcome: A)(predicted: Seq[A], actual: Seq[A]): Table = {
require(predicted.size == actual.size, "predicted and actual labels must be same size")
val counts = Table(0, 0, 0, 0)
for ((p, a) <- predicted zip actual) {
if (p == outcome) { // positive
if (a == outcome) += 1
else counts.fp += 1
} else { // negative
if (a == outcome) counts.fn += 1
else += 1
def makeTables[A](predicted: Seq[A], actual: Seq[A]): Map[A, Table] = {
val vals: Set[A] = (predicted ++ actual).toSet
(for {
v <- vals.toSeq
} yield v -> makeTables(v)(predicted, actual)).toMap
def microAverage[A](tables: Map[A, Table])(accessor: Table => Double) = {
accessor(tables.values.reduce(_ + _))
def macroAverage[A](tables: Map[A, Table])(accessor: Table => Double): Double = {
val N_classes = tables.size / N_classes
def weightedAverage[A](tables: Map[A, Table])(accessor: Table => Double): Double = {
val trueCounts: Map[A, Int] = tables.mapValues(_.trueCount)
val N_data ={
case (a, table) => accessor(table) * trueCounts(a).toDouble / N_data
* Calculate significance of the given evaluation statistic for labels predicted by a system over labels predicted by
* a baseline, compared to actual labels, using the bootstrap.
* @param stat A function of EvaluationStatistics, such as accuracy or microF1
* @param predicted The labels predicted by the treatment system
* @param baseline The labels predicted by the baseline (control) system
* @param actual The actual labels
* @param N_samples Number of samples to use in bootstrap
* @tparam A The label type
* @return The p-value of the statistic
def classificationSignificance[A](stat: EvaluationStatistics[A] => Double)(predicted: Seq[A], baseline: Seq[A],
actual: Seq[A], N_samples: Int = 10000) = {
require(predicted.size == baseline.size && baseline.size == actual.size, "label arrays must be same size")
val N_labels = predicted.size
// create an array of the labels zipped for easy access in bootstrap resampling
val zipped = new Array[(A, A, A)](predicted.size)
for (i <- 0 until N_labels)
zipped(i) = (predicted(i), baseline(i), actual(i))
def bootstrapDifference = {
// generate a length N_labels vector of indices for sampling w/ replacement
val indices = (0 until N_labels).map(_ => util.Random.nextInt(N_labels))
// get the corresponding labels from each array
val (predSampled, baseSampled, actSampled) = indices map (zipped(_)) unzip3
// calculate the evaluation statistic, stat for predicted vs actual and for baseline vs actual
val predictedEval = new EvaluationStatistics[A](predSampled, actSampled)
val baselineEval = new EvaluationStatistics[A](baseSampled, actSampled)
// return the difference of the stat
stat(predictedEval) - stat(baselineEval)
// produce N_samples samples from the sequences, and compute the difference in stat between the
// predicted and baseline accuracies (compared to actual labels) for each sample. Sort by value, increasing, and
// find the index of the difference corresponding to the null hypothesis
val sampledDifferences: Array[Double] = (for {
sampleIx <- (0 until N_samples).toArray
} yield bootstrapDifference).sorted
val indexOfZero = {
val i = java.util.Arrays.binarySearch(sampledDifferences, 0.0)
if (i >= 0) i else -(i + 1)
// return the percentile
indexOfZero.toDouble / N_samples
* Calculate accuracy significance for labels predicted by a system over labels
* predicted by a baseline, compared to actual labels, using the bootstrap.
* @param predicted The labels predicted by the treatment system
* @param baseline The labels predicted by the baseline (control) system
* @param actual The actual labels
* @param N_samples Number of samples to use in bootstrap
* @tparam A The label type
* @return The p-value significance of the accuracy statistic
def classificationAccuracySignificance[A](predicted: Seq[A], baseline: Seq[A], actual: Seq[A], N_samples: Int = 10000) =
classificationSignificance[A](_.accuracy)(predicted, baseline, actual, N_samples)
class EvaluationStatistics[A](tables: Map[A, EvaluationStatistics.Table]) {
import EvaluationStatistics.Table
def this(predicted: Seq[A], actual: Seq[A]) =
this(EvaluationStatistics.makeTables(predicted, actual))
private def microAverage: ((Table) => Double) => Double = EvaluationStatistics.microAverage(tables)
private def macroAverage: ((Table) => Double) => Double = EvaluationStatistics.macroAverage(tables)
private def weightedAverage: ((Table) => Double) => Double = EvaluationStatistics.weightedAverage(tables)
lazy val microPrecision = microAverage(_.precision)
lazy val microRecall = microAverage(_.recall)
lazy val microF1 = microAverage(_.f1)
lazy val macroPrecision = macroAverage(_.precision)
lazy val macroRecall = macroAverage(_.recall)
lazy val macroF1 = macroAverage(_.f1)
lazy val accuracy = /
/** format of this is based on David Hall's Nak */
override def toString = {
def f(d: Double) = "%.4f".format(d)
val tableRep = { case (a, table) => {
s"$a:\tPrecision: ${f(table.precision)}\tRecall: ${f(table.recall)}\tF1: ${f(table.f1)}\tAccuracy: ${f(table.accuracy)}"
s"""Evaluation Statistics:
Accuracy: ${f(accuracy)}
Macro\t Precision: ${f(macroPrecision)}\tRecall: ${f(macroRecall)}\tF1: ${f(macroF1)}
Micro\t Precision: ${f(microPrecision)}\tRecall: ${f(microRecall)}\tF1: ${f(microF1)}