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package edu.arizona.sista.utils
import scala.collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, ArrayBuffer}
import java.util.Random
* Math utility methods useful for stats and ML
* User: mihais, dfried
* Date: 4/23/13
object MathUtils {
* Puts a softmax layer over a collection of scores, so they look like probabilities
* @param scores A collection of unnormalized scores
* @param gamma Indicates how spiked the probability distribution should be
* @return
def softmax(scores:Iterable[Double], gamma:Double = 1.0):List[Double] = {
val scoreArrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer[Double]
for(s <- scores) scoreArrayBuffer += s * gamma
val scoreArray = scoreArrayBuffer.toArray
val softmaxes = new ListBuffer[Double]
val logSumStatic = logSum(scoreArray)
for(s <- scores) {
val logSoftmax = (gamma * s) - logSumStatic
softmaxes += math.exp(logSoftmax)
* Puts a softmax layer over a collection of scores, so they look like probabilities
* @param scores A collection of unnormalized scores
* @param gamma Indicates how spiked the probability distribution should be
* @return
def softmaxFloat(scores:Iterable[Float], gamma:Float = 1.0f):List[Float] = {
val scoreArrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer[Float]
for(s <- scores) scoreArrayBuffer += s * gamma
val scoreArray = scoreArrayBuffer.toArray
val softmaxes = new ListBuffer[Float]
val logSumStatic = logSum(scoreArray)
for(s <- scores) {
val logSoftmax = (gamma * s) - logSumStatic
softmaxes += math.exp(logSoftmax).toFloat
* Puts a softmax layer over a collection of scores, so they look like probabilities
* @param vector A collection of unnormalized scores
* @param gamma Indicates how spiked the probability distribution should be
* @return
def denseSoftmax(vector: Array[Double], gamma: Double = 1.0): Array[Double] = {
val scoreArray = if (gamma != 1.0) for{
v <- vector
} yield gamma * v
else vector
val logSumStatic = logSum(scoreArray)
for {
s <- vector
} yield math.exp((gamma * s) - logSumStatic)
* Puts a softmax layer over a collection of scores, so they look like probabilities
* @param vector A collection of unnormalized scores
* @param gamma Indicates how spiked the probability distribution should be
* @return
def denseSoftmaxFloat(vector: Array[Float], gamma: Float = 1.0f): Array[Float] = {
val scoreArray = if (gamma != 1.0f) for{
v <- vector
} yield gamma * v
else vector
val logSumStatic = logSum(scoreArray)
for {
s <- vector
} yield math.exp((gamma * s) - logSumStatic).toFloat
def logSum(logInputs:Array[Double]):Double =
logSum(logInputs, 0, logInputs.length)
def logSum(logInputs:Array[Float]):Float =
logSum(logInputs, 0, logInputs.length)
* Returns the log of the portion between fromIndex, inclusive, and
* toIndex, exclusive, of an array of numbers, which are
* themselves input in log form. This is all natural logarithms.
* Reasonable care is taken to do this as efficiently as possible
* (under the assumption that the numbers might differ greatly in
* magnitude), with high accuracy, and without numerical overflow. Throws an
* IllegalArgumentException if logInputs is of length zero.
* Otherwise, returns Double.NegativeInfinity if fromIndex >=
* toIndex.
* @param logInputs Numbers in log form
* @param fromIndex Start offset (inclusive)
* @param toIndex End offset (exclusive)
* @return log(x1 + ... + xn)
def logSum(logInputs:Array[Double], fromIndex:Int, toIndex:Int):Double = {
if (logInputs.length == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
if(fromIndex >= 0 && toIndex < logInputs.length && fromIndex >= toIndex)
return Double.NegativeInfinity
var maxIdx = fromIndex
var max = logInputs(fromIndex)
for (i <- fromIndex + 1 until toIndex) {
if (logInputs(i) > max) {
maxIdx = i
max = logInputs(i)
var haveTerms = false
var intermediate = 0.0
var cutoff = max - LogTolerance
for (i <- fromIndex until toIndex) {
if (i != maxIdx && logInputs(i) > cutoff) {
haveTerms = true
intermediate += math.exp(logInputs(i) - max)
if (haveTerms) {
return max + math.log(1.0 + intermediate)
def logSum(logInputs:Array[Float], fromIndex:Int, toIndex:Int):Float = {
if (logInputs.length == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
if(fromIndex >= 0 && toIndex < logInputs.length && fromIndex >= toIndex)
return Float.NegativeInfinity
var maxIdx = fromIndex
var max = logInputs(fromIndex)
for (i <- fromIndex + 1 until toIndex) {
if (logInputs(i) > max) {
maxIdx = i
max = logInputs(i)
var haveTerms = false
var intermediate = 0.0f
var cutoff = max - LogTolerance
for (i <- fromIndex until toIndex) {
if (i != maxIdx && logInputs(i) > cutoff) {
haveTerms = true
intermediate += math.exp(logInputs(i) - max).toFloat
if (haveTerms) {
return max + math.log(1.0 + intermediate).toFloat
* If a difference is bigger than this in log terms, then the sum or
* difference of them will just be the larger (to 12 or so decimal
* places for double, and 7 or 8 for float).
val LogTolerance:Double = 30.0
val LogToleranceFloat:Float = 20.0f
def randomize[T](l: Array[T], rand:Random): Array[T] = {
for (i <- l.length - 1 to 1 by -1) {
val j = rand.nextInt(i)
val tmp = l(j)
l(j) = l(i)
l(i) = tmp
// Manifest:
def nBest[T: Manifest](scoringFunction: T=>Double)(xs: Iterable[T], howMany:Int): List[
(T, Double)] = {
val bestd = new Array[Double](howMany)
val bestw = new Array[T](howMany)
var i = 0
while(i < howMany) {
bestd(i) = Double.MinValue
i += 1
for(x <- xs) {
val score = scoringFunction(x)
if(score > bestd(howMany - 1)) {
i = 0
var found = false
while(i < howMany && ! found) {
if(score > bestd(i)) {
var j = howMany - 1
while(j > i) {
bestd(j) = bestd(j - 1)
bestw(j) = bestw(j - 1)
j -= 1
bestd(i) = score
bestw(i) = x
found = true
i += 1
val l = (bestw zip bestd).toList
if (xs.size < l.size) l.take(xs.size) else l
/** sample howMany elements uniformly from xs. Doesn't retain order of xs */
def sampleStream[T: Manifest](xs: Iterable[T], howMany: Int) =
nBest((x:T) => scala.util.Random.nextDouble)(xs, howMany).map(_._1)
def histogram(xs: Traversable[Double], boundaries: Seq[Double]): Map[(Double, Double), Int] = {
// make sure divisions is monotonically increasing
require((boundaries, boundaries.tail).zipped.forall(_ < _), "boundaries must be an ascending sequence")
// TODO: do a binary search if we have lots of buckets?
def getBucket(x: Double) = {
boundaries.zipWithIndex.find({ case (b, i) => b >= x }).map(_._2).getOrElse(boundaries.size)
val extendedBounds = xs.min +: boundaries :+ xs.max
def getRange(bucket: Int) = {
val zipped =
val countsByBucket = xs.groupBy(getBucket).mapValues(_.size).toMap
(for {
(bucket) <- 0 to boundaries.size
} yield (getRange(bucket) -> countsByBucket.getOrElse(bucket, 0))).toMap
def histogram(xs: Traversable[Double], numBuckets: Int): Map[(Double, Double), Int] = {
val (min, max) = (xs.min, xs.max)
val step = (max - min) / numBuckets
require(step != 0, "xs has all same values")
val divisions = (min + step) to (max - step / 2) by step
histogram(xs, divisions)