org.apache.hadoop.hive.shims.HadoopShims Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hive.shims;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ClusterStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputSplit;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RecordReader;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskCompletionEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable;
* In order to be compatible with multiple versions of Hadoop, all parts
* of the Hadoop interface that are not cross-version compatible are
* encapsulated in an implementation of this class. Users should use
* the ShimLoader class as a factory to obtain an implementation of
* HadoopShims corresponding to the version of Hadoop currently on the
* classpath.
public interface HadoopShims {
static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(HadoopShims.class);
* Return true if the current version of Hadoop uses the JobShell for
* command line interpretation.
boolean usesJobShell();
* Constructs and Returns TaskAttempt Log Url
* or null if the TaskLogServlet is not available
* @return TaskAttempt Log Url
String getTaskAttemptLogUrl(JobConf conf,
String taskTrackerHttpAddress,
String taskAttemptId)
throws MalformedURLException;
* Return true if the job has not switched to RUNNING state yet
* and is still in PREP state
boolean isJobPreparing(RunningJob job) throws IOException;
* Calls fs.deleteOnExit(path) if such a function exists.
* @return true if the call was successful
boolean fileSystemDeleteOnExit(FileSystem fs, Path path) throws IOException;
* Calls fmt.validateInput(conf) if such a function exists.
void inputFormatValidateInput(InputFormat fmt, JobConf conf) throws IOException;
* If JobClient.getCommandLineConfig exists, sets the given
* property/value pair in that Configuration object.
* This applies for Hadoop 0.17 through 0.19
void setTmpFiles(String prop, String files);
* return the last access time of the given file.
* @param file
* @return last access time. -1 if not supported.
long getAccessTime(FileStatus file);
* Returns a shim to wrap MiniMrCluster
public MiniMrShim getMiniMrCluster(Configuration conf, int numberOfTaskTrackers,
String nameNode, int numDir) throws IOException;
* Shim for MiniMrCluster
public interface MiniMrShim {
public int getJobTrackerPort() throws UnsupportedOperationException;
public void shutdown() throws IOException;
public void setupConfiguration(Configuration conf);
* Returns a shim to wrap MiniDFSCluster. This is necessary since this class
* was moved from org.apache.hadoop.dfs to org.apache.hadoop.hdfs
MiniDFSShim getMiniDfs(Configuration conf,
int numDataNodes,
boolean format,
String[] racks) throws IOException;
* Shim around the functions in MiniDFSCluster that Hive uses.
public interface MiniDFSShim {
FileSystem getFileSystem() throws IOException;
void shutdown() throws IOException;
* We define this function here to make the code compatible between
* hadoop 0.17 and hadoop 0.20.
* Hive binary that compiled Text.compareTo(Text) with hadoop 0.20 won't
* work with hadoop 0.17 because in hadoop 0.20, Text.compareTo(Text) is
* implemented in, and Java compiler
* references that class, which is not available in hadoop 0.17.
int compareText(Text a, Text b);
CombineFileInputFormatShim getCombineFileInputFormat();
String getInputFormatClassName();
* Wrapper for Configuration.setFloat, which was not introduced
* until 0.20.
void setFloatConf(Configuration conf, String varName, float val);
* getTaskJobIDs returns an array of String with two elements. The first
* element is a string representing the task id and the second is a string
* representing the job id. This is necessary as TaskID and TaskAttemptID
* are not supported in Haddop 0.17
String[] getTaskJobIDs(TaskCompletionEvent t);
int createHadoopArchive(Configuration conf, Path parentDir, Path destDir,
String archiveName) throws Exception;
public URI getHarUri(URI original, URI base, URI originalBase)
throws URISyntaxException;
* Hive uses side effect files exclusively for it's output. It also manages
* the setup/cleanup/commit of output from the hive client. As a result it does
* not need support for the same inside the MR framework
* This routine sets the appropriate options related to bypass setup/cleanup/commit
* support in the MR framework, but does not set the OutputFormat class.
void prepareJobOutput(JobConf conf);
* Used by TaskLogProcessor to Remove HTML quoting from a string
* @param item the string to unquote
* @return the unquoted string
public String unquoteHtmlChars(String item);
* Get the UGI that the given job configuration will run as.
* In secure versions of Hadoop, this simply returns the current
* access control context's user, ignoring the configuration.
public void closeAllForUGI(UserGroupInformation ugi);
public UserGroupInformation getUGIForConf(Configuration conf) throws LoginException, IOException;
* Used by metastore server to perform requested rpc in client context.
* @param
* @param ugi
* @param pvea
* @throws IOException
* @throws InterruptedException
public T doAs(UserGroupInformation ugi, PrivilegedExceptionAction pvea) throws
IOException, InterruptedException;
* Used by metastore server to creates UGI object for a remote user.
* @param userName remote User Name
* @param groupNames group names associated with remote user name
* @return UGI created for the remote user.
public UserGroupInformation createRemoteUser(String userName, List groupNames);
* Get the short name corresponding to the subject in the passed UGI
* In secure versions of Hadoop, this returns the short name (after
* undergoing the translation in the kerberos name rule mapping).
* In unsecure versions of Hadoop, this returns the name of the subject
public String getShortUserName(UserGroupInformation ugi);
* Return true if the Shim is based on Hadoop Security APIs.
public boolean isSecureShimImpl();
* Return true if the hadoop configuration has security enabled
* @return
public boolean isSecurityEnabled();
* Get the string form of the token given a token signature.
* The signature is used as the value of the "service" field in the token for lookup.
* Ref: AbstractDelegationTokenSelector in Hadoop. If there exists such a token
* in the token cache (credential store) of the job, the lookup returns that.
* This is relevant only when running against a "secure" hadoop release
* The method gets hold of the tokens if they are set up by hadoop - this should
* happen on the map/reduce tasks if the client added the tokens into hadoop's
* credential store in the front end during job submission. The method will
* select the hive delegation token among the set of tokens and return the string
* form of it
* @param tokenSignature
* @return the string form of the token found
* @throws IOException
String getTokenStrForm(String tokenSignature) throws IOException;
* Add a delegation token to the given ugi
* @param ugi
* @param tokenStr
* @param tokenService
* @throws IOException
void setTokenStr(UserGroupInformation ugi, String tokenStr, String tokenService)
throws IOException;
enum JobTrackerState { INITIALIZING, RUNNING };
* Convert the ClusterStatus to its Thrift equivalent: JobTrackerState.
* See MAPREDUCE-2455 for why this is a part of the shim.
* @param clusterStatus
* @return the matching JobTrackerState
* @throws Exception if no equivalent JobTrackerState exists
public JobTrackerState getJobTrackerState(ClusterStatus clusterStatus) throws Exception;
public TaskAttemptContext newTaskAttemptContext(Configuration conf, final Progressable progressable);
public JobContext newJobContext(Job job);
* Check wether MR is configured to run in local-mode
* @param conf
* @return
public boolean isLocalMode(Configuration conf);
* All retrieval of jobtracker/resource manager rpc address
* in the configuration should be done through this shim
* @param conf
* @return
public String getJobLauncherRpcAddress(Configuration conf);
* All updates to jobtracker/resource manager rpc address
* in the configuration should be done through this shim
* @param conf
* @return
public void setJobLauncherRpcAddress(Configuration conf, String val);
* All references to jobtracker/resource manager http address
* in the configuration should be done through this shim
* @param conf
* @return
public String getJobLauncherHttpAddress(Configuration conf);
* Perform kerberos login using the given principal and keytab
* @throws IOException
public void loginUserFromKeytab(String principal, String keytabFile) throws IOException;
* Move the directory/file to trash. In case of the symlinks or mount points, the file is
* moved to the trashbin in the actual volume of the path p being deleted
* @param fs
* @param path
* @param conf
* @return false if the item is already in the trash or trash is disabled
* @throws IOException
public boolean moveToAppropriateTrash(FileSystem fs, Path path, Configuration conf)
throws IOException;
* Get the default block size for the path. FileSystem alone is not sufficient to
* determine the same, as in case of CSMT the underlying file system determines that.
* @param fs
* @param path
* @return
public long getDefaultBlockSize(FileSystem fs, Path path);
* Get the default replication for a path. In case of CSMT the given path will be used to
* locate the actual filesystem.
* @param fs
* @param path
* @return
public short getDefaultReplication(FileSystem fs, Path path);
* Create the proxy ugi for the given userid
* @param userName
* @return
UserGroupInformation createProxyUser(String userName) throws IOException;
* InputSplitShim.
public interface InputSplitShim extends InputSplit {
JobConf getJob();
long getLength();
/** Returns an array containing the startoffsets of the files in the split. */
long[] getStartOffsets();
/** Returns an array containing the lengths of the files in the split. */
long[] getLengths();
/** Returns the start offset of the ith Path. */
long getOffset(int i);
/** Returns the length of the ith Path. */
long getLength(int i);
/** Returns the number of Paths in the split. */
int getNumPaths();
/** Returns the ith Path. */
Path getPath(int i);
/** Returns all the Paths in the split. */
Path[] getPaths();
/** Returns all the Paths where this input-split resides. */
String[] getLocations() throws IOException;
void shrinkSplit(long length);
String toString();
void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException;
void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException;
* CombineFileInputFormatShim.
* @param
* @param
interface CombineFileInputFormatShim {
Path[] getInputPathsShim(JobConf conf);
void createPool(JobConf conf, PathFilter... filters);
InputSplitShim[] getSplits(JobConf job, int numSplits) throws IOException;
InputSplitShim getInputSplitShim() throws IOException;
RecordReader getRecordReader(JobConf job, InputSplitShim split, Reporter reporter,
Class> rrClass) throws IOException;
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