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shark.execution.HadoopTableReader.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (C) 2012 The Regents of The University California.
 * All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package shark.execution

import java.util.{BitSet => JBitSet}

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{Path, PathFilter}
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.hive_metastoreConstants.META_TABLE_PARTITION_COLUMNS
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.Utilities
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.{Partition => HivePartition, Table => HiveTable}
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.TableDesc
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.{Deserializer, Serializer}
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.columnar.{ColumnarStruct => HiveColumnarStruct}
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.`lazy`.LazyStruct
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.{StructObjectInspector, ObjectInspectorConverters}
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.{FileInputFormat, InputFormat, JobConf}

import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast
import org.apache.spark.rdd.{EmptyRDD, HadoopRDD, RDD, UnionRDD}
import org.apache.spark.SerializableWritable

import shark.{SharkEnv, Utils}
import shark.execution.TableReader.PruningFunctionType

 * Helper class for scanning tables stored in Hadoop - e.g., to read Hive tables that reside in the
 * data warehouse directory.
class HadoopTableReader(@transient _tableDesc: TableDesc, @transient _localHConf: HiveConf)
  extends TableReader {

  // Choose the minimum number of splits. If is set, then use that unless
  // it is smaller than what Spark suggests.
  private val _minSplitsPerRDD = math.max(
    _localHConf.getInt("", 1),

  // Add security credentials before broadcasting the Hive configuration, which is used accross all
  // reads done by an instance of this class.
  private val _broadcastedHiveConf = SerializableWritable(_localHConf))

  def broadcastedHiveConf = _broadcastedHiveConf

  def hiveConf = _broadcastedHiveConf.value.value

  override def makeRDDForTable(
      hiveTable: HiveTable,
      columnsUsed: JBitSet,
      pruningFn: PruningFunctionType = NonPruningFunction
    ): RDD[_] =
      filterOpt = None)

   * Creates a Hadoop RDD to read data from the target table's data directory. Returns a transformed
   * RDD that contains deserialized rows.
   * @param hiveTable Hive metadata for the table being scanned.
   * @param deserializerClass Class of the SerDe used to deserialize Writables read from Hadoop.
   * @param filterOpt If defined, then the filter is used to reject files contained in the data
   *                  directory being read. If None, then all files are accepted.
  def makeRDDForTable(
      hiveTable: HiveTable,
      deserializerClass: Class[_ <: Deserializer],
      filterOpt: Option[PathFilter]): RDD[_] = {
    assert(!hiveTable.isPartitioned, """makeRDDForTable() cannot be called on a partitioned table,
      since input formats may differ across partitions. Use makeRDDForTablePartitions() instead.""")

    val fs = hiveTable.getPath().getFileSystem(hiveConf)
    if (!fs.exists(hiveTable.getPath()))
      return new EmptyRDD(

    // Create local references to member variables, so that the entire `this` object won't be
    // serialized in the closure below.
    val tableDesc = _tableDesc
    val broadcastedHiveConf = _broadcastedHiveConf

    val tablePath = hiveTable.getPath
    val inputPathStr = applyFilterIfNeeded(tablePath, filterOpt)

    logDebug("Table input: %s".format(tablePath))
    val ifc = hiveTable.getInputFormatClass
      .asInstanceOf[java.lang.Class[InputFormat[Writable, Writable]]]
    val hadoopRDD = createHadoopRdd(tableDesc, inputPathStr, ifc)

    val deserializedHadoopRDD = hadoopRDD.mapPartitions { iter =>
      val hconf = broadcastedHiveConf.value.value
      val deserializer = deserializerClass.newInstance().asInstanceOf[Deserializer]
      deserializer.initialize(hconf, tableDesc.getProperties)

      // Deserialize each Writable to get the row value. { value =>
        value match {
          case v: Writable => deserializer.deserialize(v)
          case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Failed to match " + value.toString)

  override def makeRDDForPartitionedTable(
      partitions: Seq[HivePartition],
      columnsUsed: JBitSet,
      pruningFn: PruningFunctionType = NonPruningFunction
    ): RDD[_] = {
    val partitionToDeserializer = =>
      (part, part.getDeserializer.getClass.asInstanceOf[Class[Deserializer]])).toMap
    makeRDDForPartitionedTable(partitionToDeserializer, filterOpt = None)

   * Create a HadoopRDD for every partition key specified in the query. Note that for on-disk Hive
   * tables, a data directory is created for each partition corresponding to keys specified using
   * @param partitionToDeserializer Mapping from a Hive Partition metadata object to the SerDe
   *     class to use to deserialize input Writables from the corresponding partition.
   * @param filterOpt If defined, then the filter is used to reject files contained in the data
   *     subdirectory of each partition being read. If None, then all files are accepted.
  def makeRDDForPartitionedTable(
      partitionToDeserializer: Map[HivePartition, Class[_ <: Deserializer]],
      filterOpt: Option[PathFilter]): RDD[_] = {
    val hivePartitionRDDs = { case (partition, _partSerDeClass) =>
      val partDesc = Utilities.getPartitionDesc(partition)
      val partPath = partition.getPartitionPath

      val fs = partPath.getFileSystem(hiveConf)
      if (!fs.exists(partPath))
        return new EmptyRDD(

      val inputPathStr = applyFilterIfNeeded(partPath, filterOpt)
      val ifc = partDesc.getInputFileFormatClass
        .asInstanceOf[java.lang.Class[InputFormat[Writable, Writable]]]
      // Get partition field info
      val partSpec = partDesc.getPartSpec()
      val partProps = partDesc.getProperties()

      val partColsDelimited = partProps.getProperty(META_TABLE_PARTITION_COLUMNS)
      // Partitioning columns are delimited by "/"
      val partCols = partColsDelimited.trim().split("/").toSeq
      // 'partValues[i]' contains the value for the partitioning column at 'partCols[i]'.
      val partValues = if (partSpec == null) {
        Array.fill(partCols.size)(new String)
      } else { => new String(partSpec.get(col))).toArray

      // Create local references so that the outer object isn't serialized.
      val tableDesc = partDesc.getTableDesc
      val tableSerDeClass = tableDesc.getDeserializerClass()
      // Note that _partSerDeClass is an alias for Tuple2._2, the Tuple2 being a pair from `partitionToDeserializer`.
      // Create another reference to just the SerDe class. Otherwise, the scheduler will try to serialize the Tuple2,
      // which throws an exception due to the non-serializable Partition.
      val partSerDeClass = _partSerDeClass
      val tableProps = tableDesc.getProperties()
      val broadcastedHiveConf = _broadcastedHiveConf

      val hivePartitionRDD = createHadoopRdd(tableDesc, inputPathStr, ifc)
      hivePartitionRDD.mapPartitions { iter =>
        val partSerDe = partSerDeClass.newInstance()
        val tableSerDe = tableSerDeClass.newInstance()
        val hconf = broadcastedHiveConf.value.value
        partSerDe.initialize(hconf, partProps)
        tableSerDe.initialize(hconf, tableProps)

        val tblConvertedOI = ObjectInspectorConverters.getConvertedOI(
          partSerDe.getObjectInspector(), tableSerDe.getObjectInspector())
        val partTblObjectInspectorConverter = ObjectInspectorConverters.getConverter(
          partSerDe.getObjectInspector(), tblConvertedOI)
        val rowWithPartArr = new Array[Object](2)
        // Map each tuple to a row object { value =>
          val deserializedRow = {

            // If partition schema does not match table schema, update the row to match
            val convertedRow = partTblObjectInspectorConverter.convert(partSerDe.deserialize(value))

            // If conversion was performed, convertedRow will be a standard Object, but if
            // conversion wasn't necessary, it will still be lazy. We can't have both across
            // partitions, so we serialize and deserialize again to make it lazy.
            if (tableSerDe.isInstanceOf[OrcSerde]) {
            } else {
              convertedRow match {
                case _: LazyStruct => convertedRow
                case _: HiveColumnarStruct => convertedRow
                case _ => tableSerDe.deserialize(
                    convertedRow, tblConvertedOI))
          rowWithPartArr.update(0, deserializedRow)
          rowWithPartArr.update(1, partValues)
    // Even if we don't use any partitions, we still need an empty RDD
    if (hivePartitionRDDs.size == 0) {
      new EmptyRDD[Object](
    } else {
      new UnionRDD(hivePartitionRDDs(0).context, hivePartitionRDDs)

   * If `filterOpt` is defined, then it will be used to filter files from `path`. These files are
   * returned in a single, comma-separated string.
  private def applyFilterIfNeeded(path: Path, filterOpt: Option[PathFilter]): String = {
    filterOpt match {
      case Some(filter) => {
        val fs = path.getFileSystem(_localHConf)
        val filteredFiles = fs.listStatus(path, filter).map(_.getPath.toString)
      case None => path.toString

   * Creates a HadoopRDD based on the broadcasted HiveConf and other job properties that will be
   * applied locally on each slave.
  private def createHadoopRdd(
      tableDesc: TableDesc,
      path: String,
      inputFormatClass: Class[InputFormat[Writable, Writable]])
    : RDD[Writable] = {
    val initializeJobConfFunc = HadoopTableReader.initializeLocalJobConfFunc(path, tableDesc) _

    val rdd = new HadoopRDD(,

    // Only take the value (skip the key) because Hive works only with values.


object HadoopTableReader {

   * Curried. After given an argument for 'path', the resulting JobConf => Unit closure is used to
   * instantiate a HadoopRDD.
  def initializeLocalJobConfFunc(path: String, tableDesc: TableDesc)(jobConf: JobConf) {
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(jobConf, path)
    if (tableDesc != null) {
      Utilities.copyTableJobPropertiesToConf(tableDesc, jobConf)
    val bufferSize = System.getProperty("spark.buffer.size", "65536")
    jobConf.set("io.file.buffer.size", bufferSize)

  /** Adds S3 credentials to the `conf`. */
  def addCredentialsToConf(conf: Configuration) {
    // Set s3/s3n credentials. Setting them in localJobConf ensures the settings propagate
    // from Spark's master all the way to Spark's slaves.
    var s3varsSet = false
    Seq("fs.s3n.awsAccessKeyId", "fs.s3n.awsSecretAccessKey",
      "fs.s3.awsAccessKeyId", "fs.s3.awsSecretAccessKey").foreach { variableName =>
      if (conf.get(variableName) != null) {
        s3varsSet = true

    // If none of the s3 credentials are set in Hive conf, try use the environmental
    // variables for credentials.
    if (!s3varsSet) {

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