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shark.execution.SparkLoadTask.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package shark.execution

import java.util.{Map => JavaMap, Properties}

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.{Context, DriverContext}
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.{Task => HiveTask, Utilities}
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.{Hive, Table => HiveTable}
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.api.StageType
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde.serdeConstants
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.{ObjectInspector, StructObjectInspector}
import org.apache.spark.SerializableWritable
import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

import shark.{LogHelper, SharkEnv, Utils}
import shark.api.QueryExecutionException
import shark.execution.serialization.KryoSerializer
import shark.memstore2._
import shark.util.HiveUtils

 * Container for fields needed during SparkLoadTask execution.
 * @param databaseName Namespace for the table being handled.
 * @param tableName Name of the table being handled.
 * @param commandType Enum representing the command that will be executed for the target table. See
 *     SparkLoadWork.CommandTypes for a description of which SQL commands correspond to each type.
 * @param cacheMode Cache type that the RDD should be stored in (e.g., Spark heap).
class SparkLoadWork(
    val databaseName: String,
    val tableName: String,
    val commandType: SparkLoadWork.CommandTypes.Type,
    val cacheMode: CacheType.CacheType)
  extends Serializable {

  // Defined if the command is an INSERT and under these conditions:
  // - Table is partitioned, and the partition being updated already exists
  //   (i.e., `partSpecOpt.isDefined == true`)
  // - Table is not partitioned - Hive guarantees that data directories exist for updates on such
  //   tables.
  var pathFilterOpt: Option[PathFilter] = None

  // A collection of partition key specifications for partitions to update. Each key is represented
  // by a Map of (partitioning column -> value) pairs.
  var partSpecs: Seq[JavaMap[String, String]] = Nil

  def addPartSpec(partSpec: JavaMap[String, String]) {
    // Not the most efficient, but this method isn't called very often - either a single partition
    // spec is passed for partition update, or all partitions are passed for cache load operation.
    partSpecs = partSpecs ++ Seq(partSpec)

object SparkLoadWork {
  object CommandTypes extends Enumeration {
    type Type = Value

    // Type of commands executed by the SparkLoadTask created from a SparkLoadWork.
    // Corresponding SQL commands for each enum:
    // - NEW_ENTRY:
    //   CACHE or ALTER TABLE  SET TBLPROPERTIES('shark.cache' = `true` ... )
    // - INSERT:
val OVERWRITE, INSERT, NEW_ENTRY = Value } /** * Factory/helper method used in LOAD and INSERT INTO/OVERWRITE analysis. Sets all necessary * fields in the SparkLoadWork returned. */ def apply( db: Hive, conf: HiveConf, hiveTable: HiveTable, partSpecOpt: Option[JavaMap[String, String]], isOverwrite: Boolean): SparkLoadWork = { val commandType = if (isOverwrite) { SparkLoadWork.CommandTypes.OVERWRITE } else { SparkLoadWork.CommandTypes.INSERT } val cacheMode = CacheType.fromString(hiveTable.getProperty("shark.cache")) val sparkLoadWork = new SparkLoadWork( hiveTable.getDbName, hiveTable.getTableName, commandType, cacheMode) partSpecOpt.foreach(sparkLoadWork.addPartSpec(_)) if (commandType == SparkLoadWork.CommandTypes.INSERT) { if (hiveTable.isPartitioned) { partSpecOpt.foreach { partSpec => // None if the partition being updated doesn't exist yet. val partitionOpt = Option(db.getPartition(hiveTable, partSpec, false /* forceCreate */)) sparkLoadWork.pathFilterOpt = => Utils.createSnapshotFilter(part.getPartitionPath, conf)) } } else { sparkLoadWork.pathFilterOpt = Some(Utils.createSnapshotFilter(hiveTable.getPath, conf)) } } sparkLoadWork } } /** * A Hive task to load data from disk into the Shark cache. Handles INSERT INTO/OVERWRITE, * LOAD INTO/OVERWRITE, CACHE, and CTAS commands. */ private[shark] class SparkLoadTask extends HiveTask[SparkLoadWork] with Serializable with LogHelper { override def execute(driveContext: DriverContext): Int = { logDebug("Executing " + this.getClass.getName) // Set the fair scheduler's pool using mapred.fairscheduler.pool if it is defined. Option(conf.get("mapred.fairscheduler.pool")).foreach { pool =>"spark.scheduler.pool", pool) } val databaseName = work.databaseName val tableName = work.tableName // Set Spark's job description to be this query. s"Updating table $databaseName.$tableName for a(n) ${work.commandType}") val hiveTable = Hive.get(conf).getTable(databaseName, tableName) // Use HadoopTableReader to help with table scans. The `conf` passed is reused across HadoopRDD // instantiations. val hadoopReader = new HadoopTableReader(Utilities.getTableDesc(hiveTable), conf) if (hiveTable.isPartitioned) { loadPartitionedMemoryTable( hiveTable, work.partSpecs, hadoopReader, work.pathFilterOpt) } else { loadMemoryTable( hiveTable, hadoopReader, work.pathFilterOpt) } // Success! 0 } /** * Creates and materializes the in-memory, columnar RDD for a given input RDD. * * @param inputRdd A hadoop RDD, or a union of hadoop RDDs if the table is partitioned. * @param serDeProps Properties used to initialize local ColumnarSerDe instantiations. This * contains the output schema of the ColumnarSerDe and used to create its * output object inspectors. * @param broadcastedHiveConf Allows for sharing a Hive Configuration broadcast used to create * the Hadoop `inputRdd`. * @param inputOI Object inspector used to read rows from `inputRdd`. * @param hivePartitionKeyOpt A defined Hive partition key if the RDD being loaded is part of a * Hive-partitioned table. */ private def materialize( inputRdd: RDD[_], serDeProps: Properties, broadcastedHiveConf: Broadcast[SerializableWritable[HiveConf]], inputOI: StructObjectInspector, tableKey: String, hivePartitionKeyOpt: Option[String]) = { val statsAcc =[(Int, TablePartitionStats)]()) val offHeapWriter = if (work.cacheMode == CacheType.OFFHEAP) { // Find the number of columns in the table schema using `serDeProps`. val numColumns = serDeProps.getProperty(serdeConstants.LIST_COLUMNS).split(',').size // Use an additional row to store metadata (e.g. number of rows in each partition). OffHeapStorageClient.client.createTablePartitionWriter( tableKey, hivePartitionKeyOpt, numColumns + 1) } else { null } val serializedOI = KryoSerializer.serialize(inputOI) var transformedRdd = inputRdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex { case (partIndex, partIter) => val serde = new ColumnarSerDe serde.initialize(broadcastedHiveConf.value.value, serDeProps) val localInputOI = KryoSerializer.deserialize[ObjectInspector](serializedOI) var builder: Writable = null partIter.foreach { row => builder = serde.serialize(row.asInstanceOf[AnyRef], localInputOI) } if (builder == null) { // Empty partition. statsAcc += Tuple2(partIndex, new TablePartitionStats(Array.empty, 0)) Iterator(new TablePartition(0, Array())) } else { statsAcc += Tuple2(partIndex, builder.asInstanceOf[TablePartitionBuilder].stats) Iterator(builder.asInstanceOf[TablePartitionBuilder].build()) } } // Run a job to materialize the RDD. if (work.cacheMode == CacheType.OFFHEAP) { // Put the table in off-heap storage. logInfo("Putting RDD for %s in off-heap storage".format(tableKey)) if (work.commandType == SparkLoadWork.CommandTypes.OVERWRITE && OffHeapStorageClient.client.tablePartitionExists(tableKey, hivePartitionKeyOpt)) { // For INSERT OVERWRITE, delete the old table or Hive partition directory, if it exists. OffHeapStorageClient.client.dropTablePartition(tableKey, hivePartitionKeyOpt) } offHeapWriter.createTable() transformedRdd = transformedRdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex { case(part, iter) => val partition = partition.toOffHeap.zipWithIndex.foreach { case(buf, column) => offHeapWriter.writeColumnPartition(column, part, buf) } Iterator(partition) } } else { transformedRdd.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK) } transformedRdd.context.runJob( transformedRdd, (iter: Iterator[TablePartition]) => iter.foreach(_ => Unit)) if (work.cacheMode == CacheType.OFFHEAP) { offHeapWriter.setStats(statsAcc.value.toMap) } (transformedRdd, statsAcc.value) } /** Returns a MemoryTable for the given Hive table. */ private def getOrCreateMemoryTable(hiveTable: HiveTable): MemoryTable = { val databaseName = hiveTable.getDbName val tableName = hiveTable.getTableName work.commandType match { case SparkLoadWork.CommandTypes.NEW_ENTRY => { // This is a new entry, e.g. we are caching a new table or partition. // Create a new MemoryTable object and return that. SharkEnv.memoryMetadataManager.createMemoryTable(databaseName, tableName, work.cacheMode) } case _ => { // This is an existing entry (e.g. we are handling an INSERT or INSERT OVERWRITE). // Get the MemoryTable object from the Shark metastore. SharkEnv.memoryMetadataManager.getTable(databaseName, tableName) match { case Some(table: MemoryTable) => table case None => throw new QueryExecutionException( "Memory table being updated cannot be found in the Shark metastore.") } } } } /** * Handles loading data from disk into the Shark cache for non-partitioned tables. * * @param hiveTable Hive metadata object representing the target table. * @param hadoopReader Used to create a HadoopRDD from the table's data directory. * @param pathFilterOpt Defined for INSERT update operations (e.g., INSERT INTO) and passed to * hadoopReader#makeRDDForTable() to determine which new files should be read from the table's * data directory - see the SparkLoadWork#apply() factory method for an example of how a * path filter is created. */ private def loadMemoryTable( hiveTable: HiveTable, hadoopReader: HadoopTableReader, pathFilterOpt: Option[PathFilter]) { val databaseName = hiveTable.getDbName val tableName = hiveTable.getTableName val tableSchema = hiveTable.getMetadata val serDe = hiveTable.getDeserializer serDe.initialize(conf, tableSchema) // Scan the Hive table's data directory. val inputRDD = hadoopReader.makeRDDForTable(hiveTable, serDe.getClass, pathFilterOpt) // Transform the HadoopRDD to an RDD[TablePartition]. val (tablePartitionRDD, tableStats) = materialize( inputRDD, tableSchema, hadoopReader.broadcastedHiveConf, serDe.getObjectInspector.asInstanceOf[StructObjectInspector], MemoryMetadataManager.makeTableKey(databaseName, tableName), hivePartitionKeyOpt = None) if (work.cacheMode != CacheType.OFFHEAP) { val memoryTable = getOrCreateMemoryTable(hiveTable) work.commandType match { case (SparkLoadWork.CommandTypes.OVERWRITE | SparkLoadWork.CommandTypes.NEW_ENTRY) => memoryTable.put(tablePartitionRDD, tableStats.toMap) case SparkLoadWork.CommandTypes.INSERT => { memoryTable.update(tablePartitionRDD, tableStats) } } } } /** * Returns the created (for CommandType.NEW_ENTRY) or fetched (for CommandType.INSERT or * OVERWRITE) PartitionedMemoryTable corresponding to `partSpecs`. * * @param hiveTable The Hive Table. * @param partSpecs A map of (partitioning column -> corresponding value) that uniquely * identifies the partition being created or updated. */ private def getOrCreatePartitionedMemoryTable( hiveTable: HiveTable, partSpecs: JavaMap[String, String]): PartitionedMemoryTable = { val databaseName = hiveTable.getDbName val tableName = hiveTable.getTableName work.commandType match { case SparkLoadWork.CommandTypes.NEW_ENTRY => { SharkEnv.memoryMetadataManager.getTable(databaseName, tableName) match { case Some(table: PartitionedMemoryTable) => table case None => { SharkEnv.memoryMetadataManager.createPartitionedMemoryTable( databaseName, tableName, work.cacheMode, hiveTable.getParameters) } } } case _ => { SharkEnv.memoryMetadataManager.getTable(databaseName, tableName) match { case Some(table: PartitionedMemoryTable) => table case None => throw new QueryExecutionException( "Partitioned memory table being updated cannot be found in the Shark metastore.") } } } } /** * Handles loading data from disk into the Shark cache for non-partitioned tables. * * @param hiveTable Hive metadata object representing the target table. * @param partSpecs Sequence of partition key specifications that contains either a single key, * or all of the table's partition keys. This is because only one partition specficiation is * allowed for each append or overwrite command, and new cache entries (i.e, for a CACHE * comand) are full table scans. * @param hadoopReader Used to create a HadoopRDD from each partition's data directory. * @param pathFilterOpt Defined for INSERT update operations (e.g., INSERT INTO) and passed to * hadoopReader#makeRDDForTable() to determine which new files should be read from the table * partition's data directory - see the SparkLoadWork#apply() factory method for an example of * how a path filter is created. */ private def loadPartitionedMemoryTable( hiveTable: HiveTable, partSpecs: Seq[JavaMap[String, String]], hadoopReader: HadoopTableReader, pathFilterOpt: Option[PathFilter]) { val databaseName = hiveTable.getDbName val tableName = hiveTable.getTableName val partCols = for (partSpec <- partSpecs) { // Read, materialize, and store a columnar-backed RDD for `partSpec`. val partitionKey = MemoryMetadataManager.makeHivePartitionKeyStr(partCols, partSpec) val partition = db.getPartition(hiveTable, partSpec, false /* forceCreate */) val tableDesc = Utilities.getTableDesc(hiveTable) val tableSerDe = tableDesc.getDeserializerClass().newInstance() tableSerDe.initialize(conf, tableDesc.getProperties()) // Get a UnionStructObjectInspector that unifies the two StructObjectInspectors for the table // columns and the partition columns. val unionOI = HiveUtils.makeUnionOIForPartitionedTable(partition.getSchema, tableSerDe) // Create a HadoopRDD for the file scan. val inputRDD = hadoopReader.makeRDDForPartitionedTable( Map(partition -> partition.getDeserializer.getClass), pathFilterOpt) val (tablePartitionRDD, tableStats) = materialize( inputRDD, SparkLoadTask.addPartitionInfoToSerDeProps(partCols, partition.getSchema), hadoopReader.broadcastedHiveConf, unionOI, MemoryMetadataManager.makeTableKey(databaseName, tableName), Some(partitionKey)) if (work.cacheMode != CacheType.OFFHEAP) { // Handle appends or overwrites. val partitionedTable = getOrCreatePartitionedMemoryTable(hiveTable, partSpec) if (partitionedTable.containsPartition(partitionKey) && (work.commandType == SparkLoadWork.CommandTypes.INSERT)) { partitionedTable.updatePartition(partitionKey, tablePartitionRDD, tableStats) } else { partitionedTable.putPartition(partitionKey, tablePartitionRDD, tableStats.toMap) } } } } override def getType = StageType.MAPRED override def getName = "MAPRED-LOAD-SPARK" override def localizeMRTmpFilesImpl(ctx: Context) = Unit } object SparkLoadTask { /** * Returns a copy of `baseSerDeProps` with the names and types for the table's partitioning * columns appended to respective row metadata properties. */ private def addPartitionInfoToSerDeProps( partCols: Seq[String], baseSerDeProps: Properties): Properties = { val serDeProps = new Properties(baseSerDeProps) // Column names specified by the Constants.LIST_COLUMNS key are delimited by ",". // E.g., for a table created from // CREATE TABLE page_views(key INT, val BIGINT), PARTITIONED BY (dt STRING, country STRING), // `columnNameProperties` will be "key,val". We want to append the "dt, country" partition // column names to it, and reset the Constants.LIST_COLUMNS entry in the SerDe properties. var columnNameProperties: String = serDeProps.getProperty(serdeConstants.LIST_COLUMNS) columnNameProperties += "," + partCols.mkString(",") serDeProps.setProperty(serdeConstants.LIST_COLUMNS, columnNameProperties) // `None` if column types are missing. By default, Hive SerDeParameters initialized by the // ColumnarSerDe will treat all columns as having string types. // Column types specified by the Constants.LIST_COLUMN_TYPES key are delimited by ":" // E.g., for the CREATE TABLE example above, if `columnTypeProperties` is defined, then it // will be "int:bigint". Partition columns are strings, so "string:string" should be appended. val columnTypePropertiesOpt = Option(serDeProps.getProperty(serdeConstants.LIST_COLUMN_TYPES)) columnTypePropertiesOpt.foreach { columnTypeProperties => serDeProps.setProperty(serdeConstants.LIST_COLUMN_TYPES, columnTypeProperties + ((":" + serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME) * partCols.size)) } serDeProps } }