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edu.berkeley.nlp.util.OptionsParser Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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The Berkeley parser analyzes the grammatical structure of natural language using probabilistic context-free grammars (PCFGs).

The newest version!
package edu.berkeley.nlp.util;

import static edu.berkeley.nlp.util.LogInfo.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;

class OptInfo {
  public String group, name, gloss;
  public String condReq;
  public boolean required;
  public boolean specified;
  public Object obj;
  // For serialization: sometimes the obj doesn't have enough information,
  // so we need to use the string that was used to construct the object
  public String stringRepn; // Used when obj is Random or BufferedReader (hard to get string)

  // One of the following two are set
  public Field field;
  public Method setMethod, getMethod;

  public String fullName() { return group+"."+name; }

  // Return "" if field is not an enum type
  public String getEnumStr() {
    return getEnumStr(field != null ? field.getType() : getMethod.getReturnType());
  public static String getEnumStr(Class c) {
    return StrUtils.join(c.getEnumConstants(), "|");

  public Object getValue() {
    try {
      return field != null ? field.get(obj) : getMethod.invoke(obj);
    } catch(InvocationTargetException e) {
      stderr.println("Can't access method: " + e);
      return null;
    } catch(IllegalAccessException e) {
      stderr.println("Can't access field: " + e);
      return null;

  // Important to format properly in a way that we can read it and parse it again.
  public String getValueString() {
    if(stringRepn != null) return stringRepn;
    Object o = getValue();
    //System.out.println("GOT " + fullName() + " " + o);
    if(o == null) return "";
    if(o instanceof ArrayList)
      return StrUtils.join((ArrayList)o);
    if(o instanceof Pair)
      return ((Pair)o).getFirst() + "," + ((Pair)o).getSecond();

    // Array
    if(objIsArray(o)) {
      StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
      for(int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(o); i++) {
        if(i > 0) buf.append(' ');
        buf.append(Array.get(o, i));
      return buf.toString();
    if(o instanceof Random) // Argh, can't get the seed, just assume it's 1
      return "1";
    return o.toString();

  public String toString() {
    String valueStr = getValueString();
    String s = String.format("%-30s <%5s> : %s [%s]",
      fullName(), typeStr(), gloss, valueStr);
    String t = getEnumStr();
    if(!t.equals("")) s += " " + t;
    return s;
  public void print() { stdout.println("  " + toString()); }

  private Type getGenericType() {
    return field != null ? field.getGenericType() : getMethod.getGenericReturnType();

  private String typeStr() { return typeStr(getGenericType()); }

  private static boolean isEnum(Type type) {
    return type instanceof Class && ((Class)type).isEnum();

  // Array detectors
  static boolean objIsArray(Object o) { return typeIsArray(o.getClass()); }
  static boolean typeIsArray(Type t) { return t instanceof Class && ((Class)t).getComponentType() != null; }
  static Class arrayTypeOfObj(Object o) { return arrayTypeOfType(o.getClass()); }
  static Class arrayTypeOfType(Type t) { return (Class)((Class)t).getComponentType(); }

  private static boolean isBool(Type type) { return type.equals(boolean.class) || type.equals(Boolean.class); }
  private static String typeStr(Type type) {
    if(type.equals(boolean.class) || type.equals(Boolean.class)) return "bool";
    if(type.equals(int.class) || type.equals(Integer.class))     return "int";
    if(type.equals(short.class) || type.equals(Short.class))     return "shrt";
    if(type.equals(double.class) || type.equals(Double.class))   return "dbl";
    if(type.equals(String.class))         return "str";
    if(type.equals(BufferedReader.class)) return "read";
    if(type.equals(Random.class))         return "rand";
    if(isEnum(type))                      return "enum";
    if(typeIsArray(type)) return typeStr(arrayTypeOfType(type)) + "*";
    if(type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
      ParameterizedType ptype = (ParameterizedType)type;
      type = ptype.getRawType();
      Type[] childTypes = ptype.getActualTypeArguments();
      if(type.equals(ArrayList.class))      return typeStr(childTypes[0]) + "*";
      if(type.equals(Pair.class))           return typeStr(childTypes[0]) + "2";
    return "unk";

  private static boolean checkNumArgs(int want, int have, String fullName) {
    if(have != want) {
      stderr.printf(want + " arguments required for " + fullName + ", but got " + have + "\n");
      return false;
    return true;

  // Return errorValue if there's an error (null is a valid value).
  // type: the data type of the variable
  // l: the command line arguments to interpret
  private static String errorValue = "ERROR";
  private static Object interpretValue(Type type, List l, String fullName) {
    int n = l.size();
    String firstArg = n > 0 ? l.get(0) : null;

    if(type.equals(boolean.class) || type.equals(Boolean.class)) {
      boolean x = (n == 0 ? true : Boolean.parseBoolean(firstArg));
      return x;
    if(type.equals(int.class) || type.equals(Integer.class)) {
      if(!checkNumArgs(1, n, fullName)) return errorValue;
      int x;
      if(firstArg.equals("MAX"))      x = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
      else if(firstArg.equals("MIN")) x = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
      else                            x = Integer.parseInt(firstArg);
      return x;
    if(type.equals(short.class) || type.equals(Short.class)) {
      if(!checkNumArgs(1, n, fullName)) return errorValue;
      short x;
      if(firstArg.equals("MAX"))      x = Short.MAX_VALUE;
      else if(firstArg.equals("MIN")) x = Short.MIN_VALUE;
      else                            x = Short.parseShort(firstArg);
      return x;
    if(type.equals(double.class) || type.equals(Double.class)) {
      if(!checkNumArgs(1, n, fullName)) return errorValue;
      double x;
      if(firstArg.equals("MAX"))      x = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
      else if(firstArg.equals("MIN")) x = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
      else                            x = Double.parseDouble(firstArg);
      return x;
    if(type.equals(double[].class)) {
      double[] x = new double[l.size()];
      for(int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++)
        x[i] = Double.parseDouble(l.get(i));
      return x;
    if(type.equals(String[].class)) {
        String[] x = new String[l.size()];
        for(int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++)
          x[i] = l.get(i);
        return x;
    if(type.equals(String.class)) { // Join many arguments using spaces
      String x = StrUtils.join(l);
      return x;
    if(type.equals(BufferedReader.class)) {
      if(!checkNumArgs(1, n, fullName)) return errorValue;
      BufferedReader x = "-".equals(firstArg) ? LogInfo.stdin : IOUtils.openInHard(firstArg);
      return x;
    if(type.equals(Random.class)) {
      if(!checkNumArgs(1, n, fullName)) return errorValue;
      // seed 0 means use the time
      int seed = Integer.parseInt(firstArg);
      Random x = seed == 0 ? new Random() : new Random(seed);
      return x;
    if(type instanceof Class && ((Class)type).isEnum()) {
      if(n == 0) return null;
      if(!checkNumArgs(1, n, fullName)) return errorValue;
      Object x = Utils.parseEnum((Class)type, firstArg);
      if(x == null) {
        stderr.println("Invalid enum: '" + firstArg + "'; valid choices: " + getEnumStr((Class)type));
        return errorValue;
      return x;

    // Foo[], where Foo is any class
    if(typeIsArray(type)) {
      // Put the elements in the array
      Class childType = arrayTypeOfType(type);
      Object x = Array.newInstance(childType, l.size());
      int i = 0;
      for(String a : l) {
        Object o = interpretValue(childType, ListUtils.newList(a), fullName);
        if(o == errorValue) return errorValue;
        Array.set(x, i++, o);
      return x;

    // Pair or ArrayList
    if(type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
      // Types involving generics: pair, arraylist
      ParameterizedType ptype = (ParameterizedType)type;
      type = ptype.getRawType();
      Type[] childTypes = ptype.getActualTypeArguments();

      if(type.equals(Pair.class)) { // Delimited by comma
        if(!checkNumArgs(1, n, fullName)) return errorValue;
        // Put the elements in the array
        String[] tokens = firstArg.split(",", 2);
        if(tokens.length != 2) {
          stderr.println("Invalid pair: '" + firstArg + "'");
          return errorValue;
        Object o1 = interpretValue(childTypes[0], ListUtils.newList(tokens[0]), fullName);
        if(o1 == errorValue) return errorValue;
        Object o2 = interpretValue(childTypes[1], ListUtils.newList(tokens[1]), fullName);
        if(o2 == errorValue) return errorValue;
        return new Pair(o1, o2);
      else if(type.equals(List.class) || type.equals(ArrayList.class)) {
        ArrayList x = new ArrayList();
        // Put the elements in the array
        for(String a : l) {
          Object o = interpretValue(childTypes[0], ListUtils.newList(a), fullName);
          if(o == errorValue) return errorValue;
        return x;

    // Try to construct the weird type using the constructor
    // that takes one string argument.
    if(type instanceof Class) {
      try {
        Constructor con = ((Class)type).getConstructor(String.class);
        return con.newInstance(new Object[] { StrUtils.join(l) });
      } catch(Exception e) {
        stderr.println("Failed to construct " + type + ": " + e);
        return errorValue;

    stderr.println("Can't handle weird field type: " + type);
    return errorValue;
  private void setField(Object v) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
    if (!tryToUseSetters(v)) {        
      if(field != null)
        field.set(obj, v);
        setMethod.invoke(obj, v);

  private boolean tryToUseSetters(Object v) {
    if(field == null) return false;
    String targetMethodName = "set" + field.getName();
    Method[] methods = obj.getClass().getMethods();
    for (Method m: methods) {
        String methodName = m.getName().toLowerCase();
        if (methodName.equalsIgnoreCase(targetMethodName)) {
            try {
                m.invoke(obj, v);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return false;
            return true;
    return false;

  public boolean set(List l, boolean append) {
    try {
      Object v = interpretValue(getGenericType(), l, fullName());
      if(v == errorValue) return false;
      //System.out.println(name + " " + stringRepn + " " + v);
      if(!append) {
        // Treat boolean case specially because -flag means true, and l is empty
          stringRepn = v.toString();
          stringRepn = StrUtils.join(l);
//        field.set(obj, v);
      else {
        Object oldv = field.get(obj);
        //System.out.println("append " + l);
        //System.out.println((oldv == null ? "" : (String)oldv + " ") + v);
        stringRepn = (stringRepn == null ? "" : stringRepn + " ") +
        if(oldv instanceof ArrayList)
        else if(oldv instanceof String)
//        field.set(obj, (oldv == null ? "" : (String)oldv + " ") + v);
          setField((oldv == null ? "" : (String)oldv + " ") + v);
    } catch(InvocationTargetException e) {
      stderr.println("Can't set method: " + e);
      return false;
    } catch(IllegalAccessException e) {
      stderr.println("Can't set field: " + e);
      return false;

    specified = true;
    return true;

 * Due to historical reasons, all the member functions are prefixed with do,
 * and all the static functions (apply to the global theParser instance)
 * are not.
 * 3/1/2007: static methods register and parse have been deprecated.
 * Please create an instance and use the doRegister and doParse counterparts.
public class OptionsParser {
  public OptionsParser() { }
  public OptionsParser(Object... objects) { doRegisterAll(objects); }

  public OptionsParser doRegister(String group, Object o) {
      throw Exceptions.bad("Group name already exists: " + group);
    objects.put(group, o);

    // Recursively register its option sets
    for(Field field : classOf(o).getFields()) {
      OptionSet ann = (OptionSet)field.getAnnotation(OptionSet.class);
      if(ann == null) continue;
      try {
        doRegister(group+".", field.get(o));
      } catch(IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw Exceptions.bad("Can't access field: " + e);

    for(Method method : classOf(o).getMethods()) {
      OptionSet ann = (OptionSet)method.getAnnotation(OptionSet.class);
      if(ann == null) continue;
      try {
        doRegister(group+".", method.invoke(o));
      } catch(InvocationTargetException e) {
        throw Exceptions.bad("Can't access method: " + e);
      } catch(IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw Exceptions.bad("Can't access method: " + e);

    return this;

  public OptionsParser doRegisterAll(Object[] objects) {
    // Strings are interpreted as the key name for the next object.
    String name = null;
    for(Object o : objects) {
      if(o == null) continue;
      if(o instanceof String)
        name = (String)o;
      else {
        if(name == null) {
          if(o instanceof Class)
            name = ((Class)o).getSimpleName();
            name = o.getClass().getSimpleName();
        doRegister(name, o);
        name = null;
    return this;

  @Deprecated // Don't use the static methods
  public static void register(String group, Object o) { theParser.doRegister(group, o); }

  @Deprecated // Don't use the static methods
  public static void registerAll(Object[] objects) { theParser.doRegisterAll(objects); }

  private static Class classOf(Object o) {
    return (o instanceof Class) ? (Class)o : o.getClass();

  private List matchOpt(ArrayList options, String s,
      boolean allowMultipleMatches) {
    s = s.toLowerCase();

    ArrayList completeMatches = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList partialMatches = new ArrayList();
    for(OptInfo opt : options) {
      String t;

      // First try to match full name
      t = opt.fullName().toLowerCase();
      if(t.equals(s)) completeMatches.add(opt);
      if(t.startsWith(s)) partialMatches.add(opt);

      // Otherwise, match name (without the group)
      if(!mustMatchFullName) {
        t =;
        if(t.equals(s)) completeMatches.add(opt);
        if(t.startsWith(s)) partialMatches.add(opt);

    if(completeMatches.size()+partialMatches.size() == 0) {
        stderr.println("Unknown option: '" + s + "'; -help for usage");
      return ListUtils.newList();

      return partialMatches;
    else {
      // Enforce one match
      if(completeMatches.size() == 1)
        return ListUtils.newList(completeMatches.get(0));
      if(completeMatches.size() == 0 && partialMatches.size() == 1)
        return ListUtils.newList(partialMatches.get(0));

      stderr.println("Ambiguous option: '" + s + "'; possible matches:");
      for(OptInfo opt : partialMatches) opt.print();
      return ListUtils.newList();

  private static void printHelp(List options) {
    for(OptInfo opt : options)
  public void printHelp() { printHelp(options); }

  private ArrayList getOptInfos() {
    ArrayList options = new ArrayList();

    // For each group...
    for(String group : objects.keySet()) {
      Object obj = objects.get(group);

      // For each field that has an option annotation...
      //for(Field field : classOf(obj).getDeclaredFields()) {
      for(Field field : classOf(obj).getFields()) {
        Option ann = (Option)field.getAnnotation(Option.class);
        if(ann == null) continue;

        // Get the option
        OptInfo opt = new OptInfo(); = group; ="") ? field.getName() :;
        opt.gloss = ann.gloss();
        opt.condReq = ann.condReq();
        opt.required = ann.required();
        opt.obj = obj;
        opt.field = field;

        //System.out.println("OPT " +;

      // In Scala, "@Option var x" generates two methods
      // a setter and a getter
      // public int Options.x()
      // public void Options.x_$eq(int)

      // Map getter method name to the option
      HashMap optMap = new HashMap();
      for(Method method : classOf(obj).getMethods()) {
        Option ann = (Option)method.getAnnotation(Option.class);
        if(ann == null) continue;

        //System.out.println("OPT " + method);
        String getterName = method.getName().replace("_$eq", "");
        OptInfo opt = optMap.get(getterName);
        if(opt == null) {
          opt = new OptInfo();
 = group;
 ="") ? method.getName() :;
          opt.gloss = ann.gloss();
          opt.condReq = ann.condReq();
          opt.required = ann.required();
          opt.obj = obj;
          optMap.put(getterName, opt);

        // Get the option
        if(method.getName().endsWith("_$eq")) // setter
          opt.setMethod = method;
        else // getter
          opt.getMethod = method;

    for(OptInfo opt : options) {
      if(!(opt.field != null || (opt.getMethod != null && opt.setMethod != null)))
        System.err.printf("%s must have either field or a getter/setter pair (probably missing setter; use var instead of val in Scala)\n", opt.fullName());

    return options;

  // Options file: one option per line
  // Key and value separated by tab (or spaces).
  private boolean readOptionsFile(ArrayList options, String file) {
    if(new File(file).isDirectory())
      file = new File(file, defaultDirFileName).toString();
    boolean ignoreOpts =
      new File(file).getName().equals(ignoreOptsFileName);

    try {
      //OrderedStringMap map = OrderedStringMap.fromFile(file);
      // {12/06/08}: Allow spaces

      BufferedReader in = IOUtils.openIn(file);
      String line;
      while((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
        line = line.trim();
        if(line.length() == 0 || line.startsWith("#")) continue;
        String[] tokens = line.split("\\s+", 2);
        String key = tokens[0];
        String val = (tokens.length > 1 ? tokens[1] : "");

        boolean append = false;

        if(key.startsWith("+")) { append = true; key = key.substring(1); }

        if(key.equals("!include")) { // Include other file
          if(!readOptionsFile(options, val)) return false;
        else {
          for(OptInfo opt : matchOpt(options, key, false)) {
            if(ignoreOpts && ignoreFileNameOpts.contains(opt.fullName())) continue;
            if(!opt.set(Arrays.asList(StrUtils.split(val)), append)) return false;
    } catch(IOException e) {
      return false;
    return true;

  public boolean parseOptionsFile(String path) {
    ArrayList options = getOptInfos();
    return readOptionsFile(options, path);

  // Return true iff x is a strict prefix of
  private static boolean isStrictPrefixOf(String x, String... ys) {
    for(String y : ys)
      if(x.startsWith(y) && x.length() > y.length()) return true;
    return false;

  private static String stripDashes(String s) {
    int i = 0;
    while(i < s.length() && (s.charAt(i) == '-' || s.charAt(i) == '+'))
    return s.substring(i);

  public static boolean parse(String[] args) { return theParser.doParse(args); }
  public void doParseHard(String[] args) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Parsing '" + StrUtils.join(args) + "' failed");
  public boolean doParse(String[] args) {
    if(this.options == null) this.options = getOptInfos();

    // For each command-line argument...
    for(int i = 0; i < args.length;) {
      if(args[i].equals("-help")) { // Get usage help
        return false;
        //if(!ignoreUnknownOpts) continue;
        //else return false;
      else if(isStrictPrefixOf(args[i], "++")) {
        if(!readOptionsFile(options, args[i++].substring(2))) {
          if(ignoreUnknownOpts) continue;
          else return false;
      else if(isStrictPrefixOf(args[i], "-", "+", "--")) {
        boolean append = args[i].startsWith("+");
        boolean allowMultipleMatches = args[i].startsWith("--");
        //System.err.println(allowMultipleMatches + " " + args[i]);
        List opts = matchOpt(options, stripDashes(args[i++]), allowMultipleMatches);

        // Get the data values of this parameter
        ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
        boolean nextIsVerbatim = false;
        boolean allIsVerbatim = false;
        while(i < args.length) {
            nextIsVerbatim = true;
          else if(args[i].equals("---"))
            allIsVerbatim = !allIsVerbatim;
          else {
            if(!allIsVerbatim && !nextIsVerbatim && (isStrictPrefixOf(args[i], "+", "-", "++")))
            nextIsVerbatim = false;

        if(opts.size() == 0 && !ignoreUnknownOpts) return false;
        for(OptInfo opt : opts) {
          if(!opt.set(l, append)) {
            if(ignoreUnknownOpts) continue;
            else return false;
      else {
        stderr.println("Argument not part of an option: " + args[i]);
        if(!ignoreUnknownOpts) return false;

    // Check that all required options are specified
    if(!relaxRequired) {
      List missingOptMsgs = new ArrayList();
      for(OptInfo o : options) {
        String msg = isMissing(o, options);
        if(msg != null) missingOptMsgs.add(msg);
      if(missingOptMsgs.size() > 0) {
        stderr.println("Missing required option(s):");
        for(String msg : missingOptMsgs)
        return false;

    return true;

  // Return the option info with the given name (which could be full or not).
  // If not, then prepend the given group.
  private OptInfo findOptInfo(List optInfos, String name, String group) {
    for(OptInfo info : optInfos)
      if(info.fullName().equals(name)) return info;
    name = group + "." + name;
    for(OptInfo info : optInfos)
      if(info.fullName().equals(name)) return info;
    return null;

  // If the option is missing, return the message (to be printed out) of why
  // Otherwise, return null
  private String isMissing(OptInfo o, List optInfos) {
    if(o.specified) return null; // Specified, we're fine
    if(o.required) return o.toString(); // This option is required
    if(!StrUtils.isEmpty(o.condReq)) {
      // This option is conditionally required
      String[] tokens = o.condReq.split("=", 2);
      String name = tokens[0], value = tokens.length == 2 ? tokens[1] : null;
      OptInfo info = findOptInfo(optInfos, name,;
      boolean missing;
      if(info == null) // Shouldn't happen, but if it does, the user will be notified
        return o.toString() + ", " + name + " not found";
      else if(value == null) { // Just need to be specified
        if(info.specified) return o.toString() + ", " + name + " specified";
      else {
        if(info.getValue() instanceof ArrayList) { // For an array, suffices if just one element matches
          for(Object x : (ArrayList)info.getValue())
              return o.toString() + ", " + o.condReq + " holds";
        else {
            return o.toString() + ", " + o.condReq + " holds";
    return null;

  // Return a list of options (verbose - human-readable)
  public static OrderedStringMap getOptionStrings() { return theParser.doGetOptionStrings(); }
  public OrderedStringMap doGetOptionStrings() {
    if(this.options == null) this.options = getOptInfos();
    OrderedStringMap map = new OrderedStringMap();
    for(OptInfo opt : options)
    return map;

  // Return a list of option pairs (mapping name to value)
  public static OrderedStringMap getOptionPairs() { return theParser.doGetOptionPairs(); }
  public OrderedStringMap doGetOptionPairs() {
    if(this.options == null) this.options = getOptInfos();
    OrderedStringMap map = new OrderedStringMap();
    for(OptInfo opt : options)
      map.put(opt.fullName(), opt.getValueString());
    return map;

  public boolean writeEasy(String path) {
    return doGetOptionPairs().printEasy(path);

  public OptionsParser setDefaultDirFileName(String defaultDirFileName) {
    this.defaultDirFileName = defaultDirFileName;
    return this;
  public OptionsParser setIgnoreOptsFromFileName(String ignoreOptsFileName, List ignoreFileNameOpts) {
    this.ignoreOptsFileName = ignoreOptsFileName;
    this.ignoreFileNameOpts = ignoreFileNameOpts;
    return this;
  public OptionsParser relaxRequired() { this.relaxRequired = true; return this; }
  public OptionsParser ignoreUnknownOpts() { this.ignoreUnknownOpts = true; return this; }
  public OptionsParser mustMatchFullName() { this.mustMatchFullName = true; return this; }

  //public String getHotSpec() { return hotSpec; }

  // Each object could either be a class or an object.
  private HashMap objects = new HashMap();
  private ArrayList options;
  //private String hotSpec;

  // Settings for parsing
  private String defaultDirFileName; // If ++ is specified, read from /
  private String ignoreOptsFileName; // If reading a file with this file name...
  private List ignoreFileNameOpts; // ignore these options

  private boolean relaxRequired; // Forget about having to have all options
  private boolean ignoreUnknownOpts; // Don't stop parsing if have error
  private boolean mustMatchFullName; // Must include group and name

  public static final OptionsParser theParser = new OptionsParser();

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