burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.madynamicprogramming.MADynamicProgramming Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.madynamicprogramming;
import burlap.behavior.stochasticgames.madynamicprogramming.AgentQSourceMap.HashMapAgentQSourceMap;
import burlap.behavior.valuefunction.ValueFunction;
import burlap.mdp.core.StateTransitionProb;
import burlap.mdp.core.TerminalFunction;
import burlap.mdp.core.state.State;
import burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.JointAction;
import burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.SGDomain;
import burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.agent.SGAgentType;
import burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.model.FullJointModel;
import burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.model.JointModel;
import burlap.mdp.stochasticgames.model.JointRewardFunction;
import burlap.statehashing.HashableState;
import burlap.statehashing.HashableStateFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* An abstract value function based planning algorithm base for sequential stochastic games that require the computation of Q-values for each agent for each joint action. Value function
* updates are performed using a Bellman-like backup operator; however, planning for different solution concepts is achieved by providing different backup operators via the
* {@link SGBackupOperator} object.
* Note that the agent definitions can only be changed up until planning begins. Once planning has begun, the agent definitions must remain fixed
* for consistency of planning results. If the the client tries to change the agent definitions after planning has already begun, then a runtime exception will
* be thrown.
* Since value function planning algorithms compute multi-agent Q-values, this object implements the {@link MultiAgentQSourceProvider} interface.
* @author James MacGlashan
public abstract class MADynamicProgramming implements MultiAgentQSourceProvider{
* The domain in which planning is to be performed
protected SGDomain domain;
* The agent types
protected List agentDefinitions;
* The joint action model to use in planning.
protected JointModel jointModel;
* The joint reward function
protected JointRewardFunction jointRewardFunction;
* The state terminal function.
protected TerminalFunction terminalFunction;
* The discount factor in [0, 1]
protected double discount;
* The state hashing factory used to query the value function for individual states
protected HashableStateFactory hashingFactory;
* The Q-value initialization function to use.
protected ValueFunction vInit;
* The backup operating defining the solution concept to use.
protected SGBackupOperator backupOperator;
* The Hash map backed multi-agent Q-source in which to store Q-values.
protected HashMapAgentQSourceMap qSources;
* Whether planning has begun or not.
protected boolean planningStarted = false;
* Initializes all the main datstructres of the value function valueFunction
* @param domain the domain in which to perform planning
* @param agentDefinitions the definitions of the agents involved in the planning problem.
* @param jointRewardFunction the joint reward function
* @param terminalFunction the terminal state function
* @param discount the discount factor
* @param hashingFactory the state hashing factorying to use to lookup Q-values for individual states
* @param vInit the value function initialization function to use
* @param backupOperator the solution concept backup operator to use.
public void initMAVF(SGDomain domain, List agentDefinitions, JointRewardFunction jointRewardFunction, TerminalFunction terminalFunction,
double discount, HashableStateFactory hashingFactory, ValueFunction vInit, SGBackupOperator backupOperator){
this.domain = domain;
this.jointModel = domain.getJointActionModel();
this.jointRewardFunction = jointRewardFunction;
this.terminalFunction = terminalFunction;
this.discount = discount;
this.hashingFactory = hashingFactory;
this.vInit = vInit;
this.backupOperator = backupOperator;
* Indicates whether planning has begun or not. Once planning has begun, the agent defintions cannot be changed or a runtime exception will be thrown.
* @return true is planning has started; false if it has not.
public boolean hasStartedPlanning(){
return this.planningStarted;
* Sets/changes the agent definitions to use in planning. This can only be change up until planning begins, after which a runtime exception will
* be thrown. To check if the planning has already begun, use the {@link #hasStartedPlanning()} method.
* @param agentDefinitions the definitions of agents involve in the planning problem.
public void setAgentDefinitions(List agentDefinitions){
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot reset the agent definitions after planning has already started.");
if(agentDefinitions == null){
if(this.agentDefinitions == agentDefinitions){
return ;
this.agentDefinitions = agentDefinitions;
Map hQSources = new HashMap();
for(int i = 0; i < this.agentDefinitions.size(); i++){
QSourceForSingleAgent qs = new BackupBasedQSource(i);
hQSources.put(i, qs);
this.qSources = new AgentQSourceMap.HashMapAgentQSourceMap(hQSources);
* Calling this method causes planning to be performed from State s.
* @param s the state from which planning is to be performed.
public abstract void planFromState(State s);
public AgentQSourceMap getQSources(){
return qSources;
* Backups the state value function for all agent's value functions in state s.
* @param s the state in which the value functions should be backed up.
* @return the maximum value-function change from this backup.
public double backupAllValueFunctions(State s){
HashableState sh = this.hashingFactory.hashState(s);
double maxChange = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for(int i = 0; i < this.agentDefinitions.size(); i++){
BackupBasedQSource qsource = (BackupBasedQSource)this.qSources.agentQSource(i);
double oldVal = qsource.getValue(sh);
double newVal = this.backupOperator.performBackup(s, i, this.agentDefinitions, this.qSources);
maxChange = Math.max(maxChange, Math.abs(newVal-oldVal));
qsource.setValue(sh, newVal);
return maxChange;
* A class for holding all of the transition dynamic information for a given joint action in a given state. This includes
* state transitions as well as joint rewards. Information is stored as a triple consisting of the {@link JointAction},
* the list of state transtitions ({@link StateTransitionProb} objects), and a list of joint rewards (A map from agent names
* to rewards received).
* @author James MacGlashan
public class JointActionTransitions{
public JointAction ja;
public List tps;
public List jrs;
* Generates the transition information for the given state and joint aciton
* @param s the state in which the joint action is applied
* @param ja the joint action applied to the given state
public JointActionTransitions(State s, JointAction ja){
FullJointModel model = (FullJointModel)MADynamicProgramming.this.jointModel;
this.ja = ja;
this.tps = model.stateTransitions(s, ja);
this.jrs = new ArrayList(this.tps.size());
for(StateTransitionProb tp : this.tps){
double[] jr = MADynamicProgramming.this.jointRewardFunction.reward(s, ja, tp.s);
* A {@link QSourceForSingleAgent} implementation which stores a value function for an agent and produces Joint action Q-values
* by marginalizing over the transition dynamics the reward and discounted next state value.
* @author James MacGlashan
protected class BackupBasedQSource implements QSourceForSingleAgent{
* The agent for which this value function is assigned.
protected int agentNum;
* The tabular value function
protected Map valueFunction = new HashMap();
* Initializes a value function for the agent of the given name.
* @param agentNum the name of the agent for which the value function corresponds.
public BackupBasedQSource(int agentNum){
this.agentNum = agentNum;
public JAQValue getQValueFor(State s, JointAction ja) {
JointActionTransitions jat = new JointActionTransitions(s, ja);
double sumQ = 0.;
for(int i = 0; i < jat.tps.size(); i++){
StateTransitionProb tp = jat.tps.get(i);
double p = tp.p;
HashableState sh = MADynamicProgramming.this.hashingFactory.hashState(tp.s);
double r = jat.jrs.get(i)[this.agentNum];
double vprime = this.getValue(sh);
double contribution = r + MADynamicProgramming.this.discount*vprime;
double weightedContribution = p*contribution;
sumQ += weightedContribution;
JAQValue q = new JAQValue(s, ja, sumQ);
return q;
* Returns the stored state value for hashed state sh, or creates an entry with an initial value corresponding to the {@link MADynamicProgramming}
* instance's value function initialization object and returns that value if the the quried state has never previously been indexed.
* @param sh the state for which the value is to be returned.
* @return the value of the state.
public double getValue(HashableState sh){
Double stored = this.valueFunction.get(sh);
if(stored != null){
return stored;
double v = 0.;
v = MADynamicProgramming.this.vInit.value(sh.s());
this.valueFunction.put(sh, v);
return v;
* Sets the value of the state in this objects value function map.
* @param sh the hashed state for which the value is to be set
* @param v the value to set the state to.
public void setValue(HashableState sh, double v){
this.valueFunction.put(sh, v);