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package burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.lspi;
import burlap.behavior.functionapproximation.dense.DenseStateActionFeatures;
import burlap.behavior.functionapproximation.dense.DenseStateActionLinearVFA;
import burlap.behavior.policy.EpsilonGreedy;
import burlap.behavior.policy.GreedyQPolicy;
import burlap.behavior.policy.Policy;
import burlap.behavior.policy.PolicyUtils;
import burlap.behavior.singleagent.Episode;
import burlap.behavior.singleagent.MDPSolver;
import burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.LearningAgent;
import burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.lspi.SARSCollector.UniformRandomSARSCollector;
import burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.lspi.SARSData.SARS;
import burlap.behavior.singleagent.planning.Planner;
import burlap.behavior.valuefunction.QProvider;
import burlap.behavior.valuefunction.QValue;
import burlap.debugtools.DPrint;
import burlap.mdp.auxiliary.common.ConstantStateGenerator;
import burlap.mdp.core.action.Action;
import burlap.mdp.core.state.State;
import burlap.mdp.singleagent.SADomain;
import burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment;
import burlap.mdp.singleagent.model.RewardFunction;
import org.ejml.simple.SimpleMatrix;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
* This class implements the optimized version of last squares policy iteration [1] (runs in quadratic time of the number of state features). Unlike other planning and learning algorithms,
* it is recommended that you use this class differently than the conventional ways. That is, rather than using the {@link #planFromState(State)} or {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment)}
* methods, you should instead use a {@link SARSCollector} object to gather a bunch of example state-action-reward-state tuples that are then used for policy iteration. You can
* set the dataset to use using the {@link #setDataset(SARSData)} method and then you can run LSPI on it using the {@link #runPolicyIteration(int, double)} method. LSPI requires
* initialize a matrix to an identity matrix multiplied by some large positive constant (see the reference for more information).
* By default this constant is 100, but you can change it with the {@link #setIdentityScalar(double)}
* method.
* If you do use the {@link #planFromState(State)} method, you should first initialize the parameters for it using the
* {@link #initializeForPlanning(int, SARSCollector)} or
* {@link #initializeForPlanning(int)} method.
* If you do not set a {@link burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.lspi.SARSCollector} to use for planning
* a {@link UniformRandomSARSCollector} will be automatically created. After collecting data, it will call
* the {@link #runPolicyIteration(int, double)} method using a maximum of 30 policy iterations. You can change the {@link SARSCollector} this method uses, the number of samples it acquires, the maximum weight change for PI termination,
* and the maximum number of policy iterations by using the {@link #setPlanningCollector(SARSCollector)}, {@link #setNumSamplesForPlanning(int)}, {@link #setMaxChange(double)}, and
* {@link #setMaxNumPlanningIterations(int)} methods respectively.
* If you use the {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment)} method (or the {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment, int)} method),
* it will work by following a learning policy for the episode and adding its observations to its dataset for its
* policy iteration. After enough new data has been acquired, policy iteration will be rereun.
* You can adjust the learning policy, the maximum number of allowed learning steps in an
* episode, and the minimum number of new observations until LSPI is rerun using the {@link #setLearningPolicy(Policy)}, {@link #setMaxLearningSteps(int)}, {@link #setMinNewStepsForLearningPI(int)}
* methods respectively. The LSPI termination parameters are set using the same methods that you use for adjusting the results from the {@link #planFromState(State)} method discussed above.
* This data gathering and replanning behavior from learning episodes is not expected to be an especially good choice.
* Therefore, if you want a better online data acquisition, you should consider subclassing this class
* and overriding the methods {@link #updateDatasetWithLearningEpisode(Episode)} and {@link #shouldRereunPolicyIteration(Episode)}, or
* the {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment, int)} method
* itself.
* Note that LSPI is not well defined for domains with terminal states. Therefore, you need to make sure
* your reward function returns a value for terminal transitions that offsets the effect of the state not being terminal.
* For example, for goal states, it should return a large enough value to offset any costs incurred from continuing.
* For failure states, it should return a negative reward large enough to offset any gains incurred from continuing.
* 1. Lagoudakis, Michail G., and Ronald Parr. "Least-squares policy iteration." The Journal of Machine Learning Research 4 (2003): 1107-1149.
* @author James MacGlashan
public class LSPI extends MDPSolver implements QProvider, LearningAgent, Planner {
* The object that performs value function approximation given the weights that are estimated
protected DenseStateActionLinearVFA vfa;
* The SARS dataset on which LSPI is performed
protected SARSData dataset;
* The state feature database on which the linear VFA is performed
protected DenseStateActionFeatures saFeatures;
* The initial LSPI identity matrix scalar; default is 100.
protected double identityScalar = 100.;
* The last weight values set from LSTDQ
protected SimpleMatrix lastWeights;
* the number of samples that are acquired for this object's dataset when the {@link #planFromState(State)} method is called.
protected int numSamplesForPlanning = 10000;
* The maximum change in weights permitted to terminate LSPI. Default is 1e-6.
protected double maxChange = 1e-6;
* The data collector used by the {@link #planFromState(State)} method.
protected SARSCollector planningCollector;
* The maximum number of policy iterations permitted when LSPI is run from the {@link #planFromState(State)} or {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment)} methods.
protected int maxNumPlanningIterations = 30;
* The learning policy followed in {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment)} method calls. Default is 0.1 epsilon greedy.
protected Policy learningPolicy;
* The maximum number of learning steps in an episode when the {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment)} method is called. Default is INT_MAX.
protected int maxLearningSteps = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* Number of new observations received from learning episodes since LSPI was run
protected int numStepsSinceLastLearningPI = 0;
* The minimum number of new observations received from learning episodes before LSPI will be run again.
protected int minNewStepsForLearningPI = 100;
* the saved previous learning episodes
protected LinkedList episodeHistory = new LinkedList();
* The number of the most recent learning episodes to store.
protected int numEpisodesToStore;
* Initializes.
* @param domain the problem domain
* @param gamma the discount factor
* @param saFeatures the state-action features to use
public LSPI(SADomain domain, double gamma, DenseStateActionFeatures saFeatures){
this.solverInit(domain, gamma, null);
this.saFeatures = saFeatures;
this.vfa = new DenseStateActionLinearVFA(saFeatures, 0.);
this.learningPolicy = new EpsilonGreedy(this, 0.1);
* Initializes.
* @param domain the problem domain
* @param gamma the discount factor
* @param saFeatures the state-action features
* @param dataset the dataset of transitions to use
public LSPI(SADomain domain, double gamma, DenseStateActionFeatures saFeatures, SARSData dataset){
this.solverInit(domain, gamma, null);
this.saFeatures = saFeatures;
this.vfa = new DenseStateActionLinearVFA(saFeatures, 0.);
this.learningPolicy = new EpsilonGreedy(this, 0.1);
this.dataset = dataset;
* Sets the number of {@link burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.lspi.SARSData.SARS} samples to use for planning when
* the {@link #planFromState(State)} method is called. If the
* {@link RewardFunction} and {@link burlap.mdp.core.TerminalFunction}
* are not set, the {@link #planFromState(State)} method will throw a runtime exception.
* @param numSamplesForPlanning the number of SARS samples to collect for planning.
public void initializeForPlanning(int numSamplesForPlanning){
this.numSamplesForPlanning = numSamplesForPlanning;
* Sets the number of {@link burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.lspi.SARSData.SARS} samples, and the {@link burlap.behavior.singleagent.learning.lspi.SARSCollector} to use
* to collect samples for planning when
* the {@link #planFromState(State)} method is called. If the
* {@link RewardFunction} and {@link burlap.mdp.core.TerminalFunction}
* are not set, the {@link #planFromState(State)} method will throw a runtime exception.
* @param numSamplesForPlanning the number of SARS samples to collect for planning.
* @param planningCollector the dataset collector to use for planning
public void initializeForPlanning(int numSamplesForPlanning, SARSCollector planningCollector){
this.numSamplesForPlanning = numSamplesForPlanning;
this.planningCollector = planningCollector;
* Sets the SARS dataset this object will use for LSPI
* @param dataset the SARSA dataset
public void setDataset(SARSData dataset){
this.dataset = dataset;
* Returns the dataset this object uses for LSPI
* @return the dataset this object uses for LSPI
public SARSData getDataset(){
return this.dataset;
* Returns the state-action features used
* @return the state-action features used
public DenseStateActionFeatures getSaFeatures() {
return saFeatures;
* Sets the state-action features to used
* @param saFeatures the state-action feature to use
public void setSaFeatures(DenseStateActionFeatures saFeatures) {
this.saFeatures = saFeatures;
* Returns the initial LSPI identity matrix scalar used
* @return the initial LSPI identity matrix scalar used
public double getIdentityScalar() {
return identityScalar;
* Sets the initial LSPI identity matrix scalar used.
* @param identityScalar the initial LSPI identity matrix scalar used.
public void setIdentityScalar(double identityScalar) {
this.identityScalar = identityScalar;
* Gets the number of SARS samples that will be gathered by the {@link #planFromState(State)} method.
* @return the number of SARS samples that will be gathered by the {@link #planFromState(State)} method.
public int getNumSamplesForPlanning() {
return numSamplesForPlanning;
* Sets the number of SARS samples that will be gathered by the {@link #planFromState(State)} method.
* @param numSamplesForPlanning the number of SARS samples that will be gathered by the {@link #planFromState(State)} method.
public void setNumSamplesForPlanning(int numSamplesForPlanning) {
this.numSamplesForPlanning = numSamplesForPlanning;
* Gets the {@link SARSCollector} used by the {@link #planFromState(State)} method for collecting data.
* @return the {@link SARSCollector} used by the {@link #planFromState(State)} method for collecting data.
public SARSCollector getPlanningCollector() {
return planningCollector;
* Sets the {@link SARSCollector} used by the {@link #planFromState(State)} method for collecting data.
* @param planningCollector the {@link SARSCollector} used by the {@link #planFromState(State)} method for collecting data.
public void setPlanningCollector(SARSCollector planningCollector) {
this.planningCollector = planningCollector;
* The maximum number of policy iterations that will be used by the {@link #planFromState(State)} method.
* @return the maximum number of policy iterations that will be used by the {@link #planFromState(State)} method.
public int getMaxNumPlanningIterations() {
return maxNumPlanningIterations;
* Sets the maximum number of policy iterations that will be used by the {@link #planFromState(State)} method.
* @param maxNumPlanningIterations the maximum number of policy iterations that will be used by the {@link #planFromState(State)} method.
public void setMaxNumPlanningIterations(int maxNumPlanningIterations) {
this.maxNumPlanningIterations = maxNumPlanningIterations;
* The learning policy followed by the {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment)} and {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment, int)} methods.
* @return learning policy followed by the {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment)} and {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment, int)} methods.
public Policy getLearningPolicy() {
return learningPolicy;
* Sets the learning policy followed by the {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment)} and {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment, int)} methods.
* @param learningPolicy the learning policy followed by the {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment)} and {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment, int)} methods.
public void setLearningPolicy(Policy learningPolicy) {
this.learningPolicy = learningPolicy;
* The maximum number of learning steps permitted by the {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment)} method.
* @return maximum number of learning steps permitted by the {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment)} method.
public int getMaxLearningSteps() {
return maxLearningSteps;
* Sets the maximum number of learning steps permitted by the {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment)} method.
* @param maxLearningSteps the maximum number of learning steps permitted by the {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment)} method.
public void setMaxLearningSteps(int maxLearningSteps) {
this.maxLearningSteps = maxLearningSteps;
* The minimum number of new learning observations before policy iteration is run again.
* @return the minimum number of new learning observations before policy iteration is run again.
public int getMinNewStepsForLearningPI() {
return minNewStepsForLearningPI;
* Sets the minimum number of new learning observations before policy iteration is run again.
* @param minNewStepsForLearningPI the minimum number of new learning observations before policy iteration is run again.
public void setMinNewStepsForLearningPI(int minNewStepsForLearningPI) {
this.minNewStepsForLearningPI = minNewStepsForLearningPI;
* The maximum change in weights required to terminate policy iteration when called from the {@link #planFromState(State)}, {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment)} or {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment, int)} methods.
* @return the maximum change in weights required to terminate policy iteration when called from the {@link #planFromState(State)}, {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment)} or {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment, int)} methods.
public double getMaxChange() {
return maxChange;
* Sets the maximum change in weights required to terminate policy iteration when called from the {@link #planFromState(State)}, {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment)} or {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment, int)} methods.
* @param maxChange the maximum change in weights required to terminate policy iteration when called from the {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment)} or {@link #runLearningEpisode(burlap.mdp.singleagent.environment.Environment, int)} methods.
public void setMaxChange(double maxChange) {
this.maxChange = maxChange;
* Runs LSTDQ on this object's current {@link SARSData} dataset.
* @return the new weight matrix as a {@link SimpleMatrix} object.
public SimpleMatrix LSTDQ(){
//set our policy
Policy p = new GreedyQPolicy(this);
//first we want to get all the features for all of our states in our data set; this is important if our feature database generates new features on the fly
List features = new ArrayList(this.dataset.size());
int nf = 0;
for(SARS sars : this.dataset.dataset){
SSFeatures transitionFeatures = new SSFeatures(this.saFeatures.features(sars.s, sars.a), this.saFeatures.features(sars.sp, p.action(sars.sp)));
nf = Math.max(nf, transitionFeatures.sActionFeatures.length);
SimpleMatrix B = SimpleMatrix.identity(nf).scale(this.identityScalar);
SimpleMatrix b = new SimpleMatrix(nf, 1);
for(int i = 0; i < features.size(); i++){
SimpleMatrix phi = this.phiConstructor(features.get(i).sActionFeatures, nf);
SimpleMatrix phiPrime = this.phiConstructor(features.get(i).sPrimeActionFeatures, nf);
double r = this.dataset.get(i).r;
SimpleMatrix numerator = B.mult(phi).mult(phi.minus(phiPrime.scale(gamma)).transpose()).mult(B);
SimpleMatrix denomenatorM = phi.minus(phiPrime.scale(this.gamma)).transpose().mult(B).mult(phi);
double denomenator = denomenatorM.get(0) + 1;
B = B.minus(numerator.scale(1./denomenator));
b =;
//, "updated matrix for row " + i + "/" + features.size());
SimpleMatrix w = B.mult(b);
this.vfa = this.vfa.copy();
for(int i = 0; i < nf; i++){
this.vfa.setParameter(i, w.get(i, 0));
return w;
* Runs LSPI for either numIterations or until the change in the weight matrix is no greater than maxChange.
* @param numIterations the maximum number of policy iterations.
* @param maxChange when the weight change is smaller than this value, LSPI terminates.
* @return a {@link burlap.behavior.policy.GreedyQPolicy} using this object as the {@link QProvider} source.
public GreedyQPolicy runPolicyIteration(int numIterations, double maxChange){
boolean converged = false;
for(int i = 0; i < numIterations && !converged; i++){
SimpleMatrix nw = this.LSTDQ();
double change = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
if(this.lastWeights != null){
change = this.lastWeights.minus(nw).normF();
if(change <= maxChange){
converged = true;
this.lastWeights = nw;, "Finished iteration: " + i + ". Weight change: " + change);
}, "Finished Policy Iteration.");
return new GreedyQPolicy(this);
* Constructs the state-action feature vector as a {@link SimpleMatrix}.
* @param features the state-action features
* @param nf the total number of state-action features.
* @return the state-action feature vector as a {@link SimpleMatrix}.
protected SimpleMatrix phiConstructor(double [] features, int nf){
SimpleMatrix phi = new SimpleMatrix(nf, 1, true, features);
return phi;
public List qValues(State s) {
List gas = this.applicableActions(s);
List qs = new ArrayList(gas.size());
for(Action ga : gas){
double q = this.vfa.evaluate(s, ga);
qs.add(new QValue(s, ga, q));
return qs;
public double qValue(State s, Action a) {
return this.vfa.evaluate(s, a);
public double value(State s) {
return Helper.maxQ(this, s);
* Plans from the input state and then returns a {@link burlap.behavior.policy.GreedyQPolicy} that greedily
* selects the action with the highest Q-value and breaks ties uniformly randomly.
* @param initialState the initial state of the planning problem
* @return a {@link burlap.behavior.policy.GreedyQPolicy}.
public GreedyQPolicy planFromState(State initialState) {
if(this.model == null){
throw new RuntimeException("LSPI cannot execute planFromState because the reward function and/or terminal function for planning have not been set. Use the initializeForPlanning method to set them.");
if(planningCollector == null){
this.planningCollector = new SARSCollector.UniformRandomSARSCollector(this.actionTypes);
this.dataset = this.planningCollector.collectNInstances(new ConstantStateGenerator(initialState), this.model, this.numSamplesForPlanning, Integer.MAX_VALUE, this.dataset);
return this.runPolicyIteration(this.maxNumPlanningIterations, this.maxChange);
public void resetSolver() {
* Pair of the the state-action features and the next state-action features.
* @author James MacGlashan
protected class SSFeatures{
* State-action features
public double[] sActionFeatures;
* Next state-action features.
public double[] sPrimeActionFeatures;
* Initializes.
* @param sActionFeatures state-action features
* @param sPrimeActionFeatures next state-action features
public SSFeatures(double[] sActionFeatures, double[] sPrimeActionFeatures){
this.sActionFeatures = sActionFeatures;
this.sPrimeActionFeatures = sPrimeActionFeatures;
public Episode runLearningEpisode(Environment env) {
return this.runLearningEpisode(env, -1);
public Episode runLearningEpisode(Environment env, int maxSteps) {
Episode ea = maxSteps != -1 ? PolicyUtils.rollout(this.learningPolicy, env, maxSteps) : PolicyUtils.rollout(this.learningPolicy, env);
this.runPolicyIteration(this.maxNumPlanningIterations, this.maxChange);
this.numStepsSinceLastLearningPI = 0;
this.numStepsSinceLastLearningPI += ea.numTimeSteps()-1;
if(episodeHistory.size() >= numEpisodesToStore){
return ea;
* Updates this object's {@link SARSData} to include the results of a learning episode.
* @param ea the learning episode as an {@link Episode} object.
protected void updateDatasetWithLearningEpisode(Episode ea){
if(this.dataset == null){
this.dataset = new SARSData(ea.numTimeSteps()-1);
for(int i = 0; i < ea.numTimeSteps()-1; i++){
this.dataset.add(ea.state(i), ea.action(i), ea.reward(i+1), ea.state(i+1));
* Returns whether LSPI should be rereun given the latest learning episode results. Default behavior is to return true
* if the number of leanring episode steps plus the number of steps since the last run is greater than the {@link #numStepsSinceLastLearningPI} threshold.
* @param ea the most recent learning episode
* @return true if LSPI should be rerun; false otherwise.
protected boolean shouldRereunPolicyIteration(Episode ea){
if(this.numStepsSinceLastLearningPI+ea.numTimeSteps()-1 > this.minNewStepsForLearningPI){
return true;
return false;
public Episode getLastLearningEpisode() {
return this.episodeHistory.getLast();
public void setNumEpisodesToStore(int numEps) {
this.numEpisodesToStore = numEps;
public List getAllStoredLearningEpisodes() {
return this.episodeHistory;