cmu.arktweetnlp.50mpaths2 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
0000 2)i 40
0000 \i 40
0000 /i/ 40
0000 today-i 41
0000 nowi 41
0000 #youever 47
0000 ifinally 47
0000 「i 47
0000 -i- 49
0000 ineva 49
0000 »i 50
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0000 iiiiiiiiii 53
0000 56
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0000 lol-i 61
0000 iactually 64
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0000 doyou 69
0000 i 72
0000 i̇ 75
0000 ï 81
0000 #lolatgirlswho 90
0000 #rtifyou 94
0000 ijst 96
0000 «i 99
0000 •i 101
0000 whoda 102
0000 whadya 102
0000 )i 106
0000 +i 111
0000 #yourfacemakesme 114
0000 iiiiiiii 117
0000 `i 117
0000 iiiiiii 121
0000 ialready 121
0000 _i 121
0000 #youmakeme 123
0000 *i 126
0000 |i 132
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0000 don'tcha 159
0000 who'da 178
0000 dyou 187
0000 whaddaya 192
0000 ionly 211
0000 ijuss 236
0000 ialways 241
0000 iiiii 254
0000 doncha 261
0000 (i 293
0000 d'ya 295
0000 ı 305
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0000 i-i 393
0000 ijus 424
0000 //i 438
0000 istill 477
0000 whaddya 511
0000 d'you 527
0000 ireally 705
0000 dontcha 872
0000 ijust 1446
0000 i 17071657
0000 -i 4254
000100 iyou 41
000100 #innowayshapeorform 41
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000100 //u 58
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000110 102
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0001111 40
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0001111 44
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0001111 we´ve 57
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0001111 83
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0001111 i\'ve 118
0001111 youv 121
0001111 you'v 122
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0001111 174
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001111111 76
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010001001 knooooooow 59
010001001 knoowww 61
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010001001 know/ 65
010001001 lnow 72
010001001 knnow 77
010001001 kmow 80
010001001 knooowww 80
010001001 kniw 81
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010001001 konw 178
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010001001 knooooow 250
010001001 knwo 386
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010001001 know- 470
010001001 knowwwww 479
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010001001 knoow 612
010001001 knooow 669
010001001 knowwww 1080
010001001 knowww 2293
010001001 know 1635985
010001001 knoww 3341
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01000101010 meam 43
01000101010 bovvered 45
01000101010 meeeean 48
01000101010 won't!!! 49
01000101010 should've! 54
01000101010 meannnnn 54
01000101010 meean 59
01000101010 meaaan 60
01000101010 just- 63
01000101010 meeean 67
01000101010 like'em 77
01000101010 won't!! 79
01000101010 liiiiike 80
01000101010 mean- 83
01000101010 want- 87
01000101010 deserv 87
01000101010 wantttt 88
01000101010 can- 90
01000101010 meaan 110
01000101010 meannnn 126
01000101010 shouldn't! 127
01000101010 wanttt 134
01000101010 liiiike 145
01000101010 can't!! 200
01000101010 meannn 238
01000101010 meann 461
01000101010 won't! 616
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010001010111 hurt 103033
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0100010110 ssay 40
0100010110 ask- 43
0100010110 tell'm 43
0100010110 saaaaay 47
0100010110 vesper's 51
0100010110 theorize 54
0100010110 don't; 54
0100010110 say/ 55
0100010110 go/ 58
0100010110 die- 61
0100010110 asume 67
0100010110 sayyyyy 68
0100010110 have- 68
0100010110 lagta 68
0100010110 realiz 68
0100010110 do/ 75
0100010110 saaaay 95
0100010110 mispell 95
0100010110 insinuate 115
0100010110 think- 137
0100010110 see- 144
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0100010110 do/say 157
0100010110 saaay 158
0100010110 don't!!! 165
0100010110 sayyyy 184
0100010110 admitt 200
0100010110 be- 207
0100010110 say- 236
0100010110 don't!! 267
0100010110 do- 313
0100010110 saay 366
0100010110 reiterate 429
0100010110 sayyy 471
0100010110 tell'em 584
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01000101111011 underestimate 3116
01000101111011 forget 125967
01000101111011 4get 3620
0100010111110 dissagree 43
0100010111110 think) 48
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0100010111110 agreeee 152
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0100010111111 remmember 47
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0100010111111 rmember 76
0100010111111 rememberr 81
0100010111111 rembr 87
0100010111111 remmber 89
0100010111111 rmr 93
0100010111111 temme 100
0100010111111 remember- 100
0100010111111 rememer 118
0100010111111 remenber 131
0100010111111 remmeber 135
0100010111111 agree- 138
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0100010111111 rmbr 323
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0100010111111 suggest 15701
0100010111111 remember 208481
0100010111111 imagine 47678
010001100 lovvvveee 41
010001100 luvvvvv 41
010001100 wish- 42
010001100 lovvveeee 45
010001100 loooveeee 45
010001100 lovw 45
010001100 loveeeeeeeeeeeeee 45
010001100 solute 46
010001100 luuurve 47
010001100 _love_ 48
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010001100 loveeeeeeeeeeeee 49
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010001100 /love 52
010001100 looooooooooooove 53
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010001100 lovem 53
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010001100 loovvee 81
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010001100 lovvveee 91
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010001100 luhhh 98
010001100 ruv 98
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010001100 loveeeeeeeeee 115
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010001100 flove 118
010001100 luhv 119
010001100 lovvve 120
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010001100 looovee 139
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010001100 loooveee 144
010001100 loveeeeeeeee 158
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010001100 ℒℴѵℯ 200
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010001100 lurv 254
010001100 lvoe 263
010001100 loooooooove 282
010001100 luhh 285
010001100 iove 302
010001100 loveeeeeee 371
010001100 l-o-v-e 375
010001100 lve 389
010001100 lav 429
010001100 l.o.v.e. 450
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010001100 luvv 558
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010001110 fnk 96
010001110 thinl 106
010001110 tihnk 108
010001110 rekon 145
010001110 thinnk 149
010001110 thinkkk 211
010001110 thik 265
010001110 haven't! 347
010001110 thinkk 1243
010001110 can't! 1323
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01000111110 hpe 527
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0100011111110 geuss 234
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01001110011 49
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010101001010 tag 30949
010101001010 pop 53605
010101001010 sign 101883
010101001011 upconverting 40
010101001011 pigford 40
010101001011 parts)u 41
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010101001011 jonz 42
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010101001011 aila 64
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010101001011 rock- 77
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01010100110 43
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010101001110 gladrags 46
010101001110 cotch 47
010101001110 garfunkle 48
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010101001110 thither 49
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010101001110 what-not 51
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010101001110 hartly 54
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010101001110 #havesex 58
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0101010011110 breake 56
0101010011110 breakkkk 61
0101010011110 restyle 63
0101010011110 shoehorn 69
0101010011110 break- 94
0101010011110 breakkk 111
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0101010011110 break's 153
0101010011110 brthng 173
0101010011110 glau 182
0101010011110 breakk 255
0101010011110 brk 350
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01010100111110 40
01010100111110 responed 42
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01010100111110 blong 63
01010100111110 giveup 65
01010100111110 speakk 69
01010100111110 disrepect 71
01010100111110 lie- 73
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01010100111110 lieee 158
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01010100111111 sticc 55
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01010100111111 fukz 65
01010100111111 f**ks 66
01010100111111 fuckss 67
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01010100111111 fks 70
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01010100111111 phunk 120
01010100111111 fukks 126
01010100111111 messs 127
01010100111111 effs 136
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01010100111111 fcks 417
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01010101000 hitt 556
01010101001 plussed 40
01010101001 helpt 41
01010101001 slacken 42
01010101001 stratch 42
01010101001 hate- 45
01010101001 callem 46
01010101001 outclass 52
01010101001 forger 54
01010101001 manhandle 54
01010101001 get- 55
01010101001 steamroll 56
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01010101001 spel 171
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01010101010 🚌 45
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01010101010 tump 51
01010101010 re-gift 51
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01010101010 gtt 71
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010101010110 cut- 42
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010101010111 finsih 88
010101010111 blowdry 139
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010101010111 repaint 238
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010101011111 dm 90341
010101011111 text 165379
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010101100 libertador 41
010101100 helllllllllll 43
010101100 heeellll 44
010101100 heeelll 49
010101100 mid-off 50
010101100 hxll 50
010101100 heeeell 55
010101100 heelll 55
010101100 heeell 60
010101100 feezy 62
010101100 heell 67
010101100 hell- 70
010101100 hayle 72
010101100 hellllllllll 73
010101100 heckkk 78
010101100 bejeezus 88
010101100 helllllllll 89
010101100 h3ll 97
010101100 answer's 118
010101100 h*ll 118
010101100 hecky 127
010101100 heckk 155
010101100 hellllllll 157
010101100 bejesus 171
010101100 hek 189
010101100 helllllll 234
010101100 #hell 265
010101100 hecks 290
010101100 hellllll 465
010101100 helllll 635
010101100 hellll 909
010101100 hellz 1463
010101100 helll 1773
010101100 hells 3467
010101100 hell 251581
010101100 heck 26490
010101101 fuckkkkkkkkkkkk 40
010101101 fuckfuck 40
010101101 ffuck 40
010101101 fackkk 40
010101101 hoook 42
010101101 fuccckkk 42
010101101 efffffff 42
010101101 screww 43
010101101 f*&k 43
010101101 fukkkkk 44
010101101 foook 44
010101101 pissss 44
010101101 fyck 44
010101101 ifuck 44
010101101 fuck- 45
010101101 f'k 45
010101101 kcuf 46
010101101 fackkkk 46
010101101 frell 46
010101101 f**ck 46
010101101 faack 47
010101101 fugggg 47
010101101 fahk 48
010101101 fauck 49
010101101 iliked 50
010101101 twuck 50
010101101 ufck 51
010101101 f@#$ 51
010101101 fckkkk 52
010101101 dadada 53
010101101 f*%k 56
010101101 skrew 56
010101101 f#*k 57
010101101 fackk 57
010101101 fuckkkkkkkkkkk 58
010101101 fuccccck 58
010101101 -picks 59
010101101 phuk 59
010101101 fuch 59
010101101 fcck 60
010101101 fucckkk 61
010101101 fkc 61
010101101 beleee 63
010101101 balee 65
010101101 fuckkkkkkkkkk 65
010101101 fuggg 68
010101101 fucx 68
010101101 f*uck 71
010101101 fakk 72
010101101 effffff 72
010101101 faaaack 73
010101101 fuvk 74
010101101 frik 74
010101101 fuckkkkkkkkk 76
010101101 fucckk 76
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010101101 fukkkk 79
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010101101 fuccc 86
010101101 fek 88
010101101 fruck 89
010101101 faaack 90
010101101 fqk 93
010101101 f*k 101
010101101 f'ck 104
010101101 -fuck 105
010101101 efffff 107
010101101 fucccck 110
010101101 fxk 113
010101101 fxxk 115
010101101 fckkk 115
010101101 muthafuck 139
010101101 fluck 142
010101101 fuckkkkkkkk 149
010101101 fuccck 159
010101101 fsck 166
010101101 fick 171
010101101 fukkk 172
010101101 f^ck 174
010101101 f_ck 186
010101101 fuckkkkkkk 191
010101101 fukc 197
010101101 effff 200
010101101 fok 219
010101101 fuqq 220
010101101 fuuuuuuck 229
010101101 fuhk 233
010101101 fkk 236
010101101 belee 240
010101101 lookit 242
010101101 f- 249
010101101 fuhh 264
010101101 fuqk 274
010101101 fucck 337
010101101 fock 343
010101101 f-ck 343
010101101 motherfuck 355
010101101 fuckkkkkk 387
010101101 efff 390
010101101 fvck 425
010101101 fuuuuuck 430
010101101 frack 446
010101101 fckk 447
010101101 468
010101101 fook 473
010101101 fuuck 497
010101101 fug 564
010101101 fawk 574
010101101 phuck 597
010101101 fuckkkkk 633
010101101 fuuuuck 708
010101101 fu*k 731
010101101 fuuuck 774
010101101 fuxk 838
010101101 frak 901
010101101 feck 917
010101101 fuckkkk 1050
010101101 fugg 1063
010101101 frick 1073
010101101 fack 1193
010101101 fuq 1318
010101101 gtf 1694
010101101 fcuk 1735
010101101 fuckkk 1774
010101101 sod 1846
010101101 fuc 2076
010101101 fk 2327
010101101 fxck 2532
010101101 f**k 3021
010101101 fukk 3141
010101101 fuckk 3218
010101101 fucc 4538
010101101 f*ck 6872
010101101 fuk 11070
010101101 fck 11191
010101101 eff 11285
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010101101 screw 19905
010101110 parp 40
010101110 wink*wink 40
010101110 whooosh 40
010101110 tiredly 40
010101110 akari 40
010101110 gasp* 40
010101110 grinz 40
010101110 @natalieellis__ 41
010101110 @alicecwhitlock 41
010101110 @newborn_jen 41
010101110 wispers 41
010101110 jizzes 42
010101110 faps 42
010101110 toel 42
010101110 @kalacree 42
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010101110 @vampiremagister 43
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010101110 thuds 43
010101110 @werebraiden 43
010101110 @fairy_laurana 43
010101110 yawnz 43
010101110 yawwn 43
010101110 @lady_celeste1 43
010101110 ulp 43
010101110 curtsey 43
010101110 jiggs 44
010101110 purrrs 44
010101110 happyface 44
010101110 @teambrianhaner 44
010101110 siiiiiigh 44
010101110 shugs 44
010101110 @dark_apprentice 44
010101110 evillaugh 44
010101110 @ericslighttight 45
010101110 that* 46
010101110 salivates 46
010101110 zingt 46
010101110 dreamily 46
010101110 evily 46
010101110 wriggles 46
010101110 dead*rt 46
010101110 @werekai 46
010101110 @manicdistress 47
010101110 siqh 47
010101110 clapclap 47
010101110 o* 47
010101110 hinthint 47
010101110 teasingly 48
010101110 @ness_cullen 48
010101110 -cries 48
010101110 insiderr 48
010101110 *cough 48
010101110 retch 48
010101110 #gs4death 48
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010101110 kissses 49
010101110 curtsies 49
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010101110 fistbump 49
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010101110 wimper 50
010101110 mitter 50
010101110 hugssss 50
010101110 koff 51
010101110 hugggg 51
010101110 grimaces 51
010101110 gurgles 52
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010101110 blurp 52
010101110 @claudine_fairy 52
010101110 @plays 52
010101110 sneers 53
010101110 patpat 53
010101110 hoest 53
010101110 gigglesnort 54
010101110 @hoytscell 54
010101110 shrugss 54
010101110 me* 54
010101110 trollface 55
010101110 kissies 55
010101110 @felix_guard 56
010101110 frp 57
010101110 shimmies 57
010101110 cough* 57
010101110 siiiiigh 58
010101110 @vampire_makenna 58
010101110 @chelsea_v_ 58
010101110 couqh 58
010101110 kisshug 58
010101110 highfives 58
010101110 cosigns 58
010101110 sighz 58
010101110 thwack 58
010101110 yelps 58
010101110 flinches 59
010101110 *hugs 59
010101110 huggg 60
010101110 gubrak 60
010101110 yawnn 60
010101110 sigh* 61
010101110 e-hug 62
010101110 @alyxdom 62
010101110 @sheriffnorthman 62
010101110 yaaaaawn 63
010101110 moonwalks 63
010101110 hesitantly 64
010101110 clinks 64
010101110 @grabbitkwik 64
010101110 happydance 64
010101110 @irishcovenliam 64
010101110 hyperventilates 64
010101110 hollers 65
010101110 yawwwwn 66
010101110 hugs* 66
010101110 snogs 66
010101110 hening 66
010101110 hugs&kisses 66
010101110 waggles 67
010101110 smileyface 67
010101110 scrunches 67
010101110 nosetaps 68
010101110 shrugz 68
010101110 yawwwn 69
010101110 t.j 69
010101110 *smiles 69
010101110 cowers 70
010101110 nodnod 71
010101110 clunk 71
010101110 {}: 71
010101110 *dead 71
010101110 clenches 72
010101110 *sigh 72
010101110 snork 72
010101110 squees 73
010101110 nosetap 73
010101110 ichc 74
010101110 clapclapclap 75
010101110 @harrypotter19 76
010101110 you* 76
010101110 fingerscrossed 76
010101110 @sweetlycaroline 76
010101110 sighhhhhh 77
010101110 yoink 78
010101110 grumps 79
010101110 hearteyes 79
010101110 hugsss 79
010101110 kissess 81
010101110 yaaaawn 81
010101110 82
010101110 siigh 83
010101110 quivers 83
010101110 yawnnn 83
010101110 teleports 83
010101110 curtsy 84
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010101110 huggle 90
010101110 unzips 90
010101110 #dialtest 91
010101110 rollseyes 91
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010101110 mjbrt 96
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010101110 evl 116
010101110 snerk 117
010101110 trembles 117
010101110 spazzes 118
010101110 squishes 118
010101110 siiiigh 121
010101110 cackles 121
010101110 winces 121
010101110 caresses 122
010101110 kanyeshrug 123
010101110 jiggles 123
010101110 rolleyes 123
010101110 pingsan 127
010101110 smilez 127
010101110 hugss 128
010101110 sarcasim 128
010101110 evilly 128
010101110 flatlined 128
010101110 high5 129
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010101110 high-fives 130
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010101110 coughcough 131
010101110 barfs 132
010101110 twiddles 132
010101110 shyly 132
010101110 glomps 133
010101110 lo*luv 133
010101110 munches 133
010101110 pounces 133
010101110 thumbsup 133
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010101110 smoochies 135
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010101110 siiigh 142
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010101110 pauz 144
010101110 twerks 145
010101110 hisses 145
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010101110 exhales 175
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010101110 squints 187
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010101110 caugh 191
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010101110 scoffs 203
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010101110 pecks 211
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010101110 cringes 222
010101110 whimpers 222
010101110 mutters 223
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010101110 dnf 247
010101110 nuzzles 251
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010101110 sheepish 261
010101110 nags 262
010101110 grunts 269
010101110 swoons 271
010101110 twirls 275
010101110 bawls 276
010101110 cackle 277
010101110 highfive 277
010101110 excl 282
010101110 hi-5 307
010101110 hums 313
010101110 eyeroll 314
010101110 thrusts 316
010101110 yimu 325
010101110 daps 330
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010101110 pukes 377
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010101110 shruggs 383
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010101110 drumroll 399
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010101110 tilts 421
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010101110 whimper 454
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010101110 nibbles 488
010101110 clings 491
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010101110 mjb 574
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010101110 shudders 787
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010101110 hic 892
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010101110 faints 1131
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010101110 1425
010101110 snicker 1428
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010101110 pout 1442
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010101110 frowns 1583
010101110 sobs 1586
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010101110 swoon 1767
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010101110 burp 2009
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010101110 pokes 2192
010101110 chuckles 2254
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010101110 bows 2554
010101110 slaps 2574
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010101110 blushing 2787
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010101110 hides 3326
010101110 wipes 3354
010101110 sob 3607
010101110 whispers 3723
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010101110 sniff 5544
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010101110 shakes 7736
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010101110 wink 10607
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010101110 sigh 60881
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0101011110 я 51
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0101011110 sre 119
0101011110 darvish 122
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0101011110 wre 280
0101011110 rnt 425
0101011110 wer 4023
0101011110 r 257803
0101011110 ru 4352
0101011111 dbe 40
0101011111 farell 40
0101011111 namur 41
0101011111 /h1 41
0101011111 ghett 42
0101011111 infobox 44
0101011111 shorturl 44
0101011111 nbe 48
0101011111 [_] 49
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0101011111 mysbx 50
0101011111 eq&tw 52
0101011111 /font 52
0101011111 /h3 53
0101011111 /span 54
0101011111 stabbymac 55
0101011111 kill- 58
0101011111 @font 65
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0101011111 #nowon 69
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0101011111 ++++++++++ 72
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0101011111 /div 80
0101011111 vivastreet 80
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0101011111 mysql_connect 89
0101011111 702-544-4368 99
0101011111 searchresults 102
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0101011111 :*{ 107
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0101011111 /title 122
0101011111 beein 133
0101011111 -be 133
0101011111 behh 136
0101011111 beeh 179
0101011111 arnett 186
0101011111 /p 197
0101011111 o.d. 200
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0101011111 meteo 211
0101011111 /em 212
0101011111 6e 230
0101011111 ferrel 231
0101011111 be's 233
0101011111 bhe 328
0101011111 thurman 394
0101011111 beeee 396
0101011111 hava 444
0101011111 srt 515
0101011111 beee 797
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0101011111 /a 1686
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0101011111 /b 4184
0101100000 recommence 50
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0101100001 #ladyspleasestop 57
0101100001 -keeps 60
0101100001 #dontbother 60
0101100001 #whyyouatchurch 63
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0101100001 stop- 83
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0101100001 #thingsigotawhoopinfor 87
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0101100001 #fellaspleasestop 115
0101100001 #peoplepleasestop 118
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0101100001 #blackpeoplehobbies 166
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0101100001 #youmightwannastop 235
0101100001 #thingswomenshouldstopdoing 236
0101100001 #icantstop 266
0101100001 #ladiespleasestop 289
0101100001 #whyyouintheclub 307
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0101100001 #peopleneedtostop 376
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0101100010 keeo 58
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0101100010 keeeep 82
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01011000110 enjoy 136132
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01011000111 read/watch 53
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01011000111 fav'd 83
01011000111 read- 127
01011000111 proofread 457
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01011000111 reread 1264
01011000111 read 296601
01011000111 re-read 1581
01011001000 recur 40
01011001000 trembled 40
01011001000 die's 41
01011001000 overtweet 41
01011001000 do) 41
01011001000 overcompensate 42
01011001000 ovulate 42
01011001000 curdle 43
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01011001000 showup 45
01011001000 dieeeeeee 45
01011001000 oscillate 45
01011001000 sightsee 46
01011001000 materialise 46
01011001000 disembark 47
01011001000 reverberate 49
01011001000 diie 50
01011001000 proliferate 50
01011001000 dieeeeee 50
01011001000 be/ 51
01011001000 vegetate 51
01011001000 come- 51
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01011001000 remarry 52
01011001000 acquit 54
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01011001000 dieeeee 111
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01011001000 hyu 152
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010110010010 moveeeee 40
010110010010 likeeeeeee 40
010110010010 gotit 40
010110010010 #lied 41
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010110010010 diqq 42
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010110010010 readdd 42
010110010010 failz 44
010110010010 isuck 44
010110010010 liiive 45
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010110010011 seethe 77
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010110010011 encantan 81
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010110010011 aburro 87
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010111110 waait 187
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010111110 waitt 757
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011001010 amm 730
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0110010110 wouldbe 48
0110010110 wasx 52
0110010110 wasd 53
0110010110 -is- 56
0110010110 wa$ 59
0110010110 waaas 67
0110010110 wwas 78
0110010110 was- 79
0110010110 wsa 92
0110010110 wasssss 95
0110010110 willbe 113
0110010110 wuzz 187
0110010110 wasa 197
0110010110 wos 215
0110010110 wassss 216
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0110010111 was't 52
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0110010111 wasn´t 84
0110010111 waznt 101
0110010111 wasn`t 136
0110010111 was'nt 142
0110010111 wuznt 147
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0110010111 wasn't 120303
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011001100 52
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011001100 ìs 66
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011001100 bad's 70
011001100 /is/ 74
011001100 -was 101
011001100 iisz 109
011001100 isx 114
011001100 iiz 114
011001100 _is_ 116
011001100 i$ 149
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011001100 is/was 395
011001100 izz 407
011001100 was/is 508
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011001100 iis 2206
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011001101 is'nt 212
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011001110 that're 66
011001110 areeeee 87
011001110 are/were 110
011001110 aare 116
011001110 were/are 146
011001110 areeee 217
011001110 who're 425
011001110 areee 460
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011001110 aree 1980
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0110011110 aren´t 83
0110011110 are'nt 87
0110011110 aren`t 91
0110011110 rn't 101
0110011110 wern't 180
0110011110 aren't! 216
0110011110 weren’t 373
0110011110 arn't 502
0110011110 arnt 1550
0110011110 aren’t 1810
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0110011110 arent 12518
0110011110 aren't 78664
0110011110 weren't 23485
0110011111 #mustbe 40
0110011111 weere 45
0110011111 werre 49
0110011111 arer 60
0110011111 weren't! 66
0110011111 are- 154
0110011111 £$1500 156
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011010000 vut 40
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011010000 buhh 1415
011010000 pero 2850
011010000 buh 6947
011010000 but 2806914
011010000 bt 24942
0110100010 nexttime 42
0110100010 giggles- 44
0110100010 theeeen 46
0110100010 supporthyunjoongpetition 56
0110100010 jerry's! 58
0110100010 theeen 61
0110100010 nods- 63
0110100010 thence 64
0110100010 /or 73
0110100010 laughs- 75
0110100010 thennnnn 82
0110100010 theb 83
0110100010 tehn 91
0110100010 ferb's 109
0110100010 -then 114
0110100010 then- 121
0110100010 smiles- 159
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011010001100 51
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011010001100 64
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011010001100 93
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011010001100 211
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011010001100 691
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011010001100 1083
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011010001100 excluding 1904
011010001100 formerly 1937
011010001100 cept 2017
011010001100 2265
011010001100 e.g. 2822
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0110100011010 48
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0110100011010 67
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0110100011010 70
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0110100011010 108
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0110100011010 154
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0110100011010 236
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0110100011011 whr's 55
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0110100011011 where`s 58
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0110100011011 69
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0110100011011 94
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0110100011011 111
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0110100011011 153
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0110100011011 1972
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0110100011011 when's 4520
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0110100011011 hows 15425
0110100011011 where's 34315
0110100011011 how's 38457
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011010001110 #whenithinkaboutoomf 52
011010001110 iwishh 52
011010001110 (∫˘▽˘) 52
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011010001110 #somefactsyoushouldknow 57
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011010001110 #betyoudidntknow 59
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011010001110 64
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011010001110 #onethingidontlike 70
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011010001110 #top100femalelies 96
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011010001110 smtimes 113
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011010001110 #youknowicarewhen 115
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011010001110 #dontbemadatmebecause 159
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011010001110 #becauseofnickiminaj 165
011010001110 #reasonswedonttalkanymore 166
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011010001110 #ourfriendshipendedwhen 174
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011010001110 189
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011010001110 199
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011010001110 #reasonswecantbetogether 221
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011010001110 #thingsthatyoushouldknow 269
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011010001110 #itmakesmesmilewhen 271
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011010001110 #15thingsaboutmybestfriend 273
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011010001110 #10basicfactsaboutme 280
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011010001110 #becauseoftwitter 373
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011010001110 #ifyoumarryme 392
011010001110 #whatyoushouldknowaboutme 396
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011010001110 #everfeellike 416
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011010001110 #wecoolandallbut 423
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011010001110 #wheniwasakid 706
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011010001110 everytime 34039
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0110100011110 p'raps 43
0110100011110 nah- 44
0110100011110 praps 46
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0110100011110 maaaybe 111
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0110100011110 159
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0110100011110 mybe 353
0110100011110 mabey 356
0110100011110 mebbe 403
0110100011110 maby 459
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0110100011111 aaaaaaaaand 46
0110100011111 -austin 46
0110100011111 apparenly 47
0110100011111 __3 47
0110100011111 buuuuuuut 48
0110100011111 unfortch 48
0110100011111 warning- 49
0110100011111 eitherway 49
0110100011111 techincally 50
0110100011111 aaaaaaaaaand 51
0110100011111 appaz 52
0110100011111 -denver 52
0110100011111 _23 52
0110100011111 still- 54
0110100011111 basiclly 54
0110100011111 pluse 54
0110100011111 pistar$40 54
0110100011111 cukafresca 54
0110100011111 eduguedes 54
0110100011111 avdoturismo 54
0110100011111 antigocoracaoblue 54
0110100011111 amazoncityhall 54
0110100011111 casulo 56
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0110100011111 58
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0110100011111 62
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0110100011111 hoepfully 76
0110100011111 959.6 79
0110100011111 80
0110100011111 therfore 80
0110100011111 82
0110100011111 -phoenix 83
0110100011111 there4 84
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0110100110 where're 231
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0110100110 thaaank 238
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0110100110 thankkk 242
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01101011111111 41
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01101011111111 mp3/divx) 47
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01101011111111 vond 50
01101011111111 letras 56
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01101011111111 (s 58
01101011111111 c) 60
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01101011111111 ˘ 81
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01101011111111 a) 89
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01101011111111 l) 134
01101011111111 sne 135
01101011111111 bedoel 159
01101011111111 #whyursingle 163
01101011111111 wia 170
01101011111111 y) 187
01101011111111 8) 196
01101011111111 again) 200
01101011111111 hwo 209
01101011111111 htf 212
01101011111111 yyy 213
01101011111111 lol) 237
01101011111111 6600 268
01101011111111 1313 328
01101011111111 yhoo 389
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0110110111 sooooooooooooooooooooooo 60
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011011110 aaaall 121
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011011111001 87
011011111001 98
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01101111111011 noddin 209
01101111111011 re-doing 223
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01101111111011 loveing 234
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01101111111011 lamenting 484
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0110111111110 dooin 110
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0110111111110 d0in 129
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0110111111110 do'n 133
0110111111110 doin' 141
0110111111110 doinnn 153
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0110111111110 doinqq 199
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0110111111110 doinn 497
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01101111111110 drink'n 55
01101111111110 eatinggg 57
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01101111111110 braising 70
01101111111110 dehydrating 72
01101111111110 drinkinq 73
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01101111111110 bbq'ing 85
01101111111110 mainlining 86
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01101111111110 boilin 90
01101111111110 barbecuing 91
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01101111111110 eatinn 111
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01101111111110 bbqing 312
01101111111110 marinating 314
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01101111111110 eatinq 325
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01101111111110 drankin 401
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01101111111110 @having 490
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01101111111110 snorting 653
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01101111111110 eatn 1161
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01101111111110 roasting 2052
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01101111111110 grabbing 4913
01101111111110 sipping 5137
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01101111111110 ordering 7656
01101111111110 drinkin 8347
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01101111111110 baking 11709
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01101111111110 eating 133654
01101111111110 drinking 75855
01101111111111 1*561*463*2147 40
01101111111111 blastinq 41
01101111111111 playinqq 55
01101111111111 cohosting 62
01101111111111 plyn 67
01101111111111 plyin 68
01101111111111 playing- 91
01101111111111 playing| 104
01101111111111 playiin 105
01101111111111 plaing 107
01101111111111 djn 135
01101111111111 palying 136
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01101111111111 playng 160
01101111111111 plying 165
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01110000 54
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011100010 urrrr 56
011100010 ijaz 57
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011100010 maaaa 90
011100010 necole 92
011100010 -yo 92
011100010 ura 111
011100010 free's 112
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011100010 hys 159
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011100010 braun's 177
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011100010 irv 227
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011100010 witcho 291
011100010 thata 357
011100010 yerr 454
011100010 y0 476
011100010 1838
011100010 yoo 9515
011100010 yo 229122
011100011 youand 40
011100011 yuz 40
011100011 muffet 41
011100011 yeeew 42
011100011 youx 44
011100011 yoz 44
011100011 you1 45
011100011 youss 46
011100011 yoooouu 46
011100011 u@ 48
011100011 yoouuuu 48
011100011 myboy 48
011100011 you+ 48
011100011 youuuuuuuuuuu 48
011100011 yuuuuu 48
011100011 herrrrrrr 49
011100011 yallllll 52
011100011 chuuuu 52
011100011 mmeee 53
011100011 uuuuuuuuu 54
011100011 yooooooooou 56
011100011 j00 56
011100011 h.e.r. 58
011100011 yaaaaaaaaa 58
011100011 #biebsonnml 58
011100011 yhaa 59
011100011 yoooh 60
011100011 chaaaa 61
011100011 #myteam 63
011100011 youuuuuuuuuu 64
011100011 iitt 65
011100011 yoooooooou 67
011100011 chya 68
011100011 you2 70
011100011 yoooouuuu 72
011100011 yeew 72
011100011 yot 72
011100011 uuuuuuuu 73
011100011 ɣ 73
011100011 yoooouuu 74
011100011 mybaby 74
011100011 u^^ 75
011100011 my- 78
011100011 ya- 81
011100011 emmmmm 85
011100011 chaaa 85
011100011 ў 85
011100011 ya'! 87
011100011 yewwww 87
011100011 you:') 87
011100011 youa 94
011100011 juuu 94
011100011 yooouuuu 95
011100011 yoe 96
011100011 yaaaaaaaa 96
011100011 selfridge 107
011100011 you) 107
011100011 yooooooou 108
011100011 yooouu 114
011100011 yol 116
011100011 yuuuu 127
011100011 128
011100011 chuuu 131
011100011 yis 136
011100011 uuuuuuu 137
011100011 the- 137
011100011 youuuuuuuuu 139
011100011 yaaaaaaa 140
011100011 yuhhh 152
011100011 demm 156
011100011 yoouuu 172
011100011 yoooooou 179
011100011 yooouuu 192
011100011 yewww 193
011100011 you^^ 200
011100011 meeeh 211
011100011 ya's 212
011100011 youuuuuuuu 227
011100011 chaa 229
011100011 yourt 238
011100011 uuuuuu 250
011100011 yoouu 260
011100011 yaaaaaa 287
011100011 yooooou 323
011100011 yeww 391
011100011 yha 425
011100011 chuu 425
011100011 uuuuu 427
011100011 u- 428
011100011 youuuuuuu 455
011100011 yuuu 460
011100011 mert 506
011100011 yaah 534
011100011 yoooou 563
011100011 yaaaaa 647
011100011 kpopers 753
011100011 yooou 843
011100011 uuuu 873
011100011 youuuuuu 873
011100011 yas 1140
011100011 uuu 1436
011100011 yaaaa 1569
011100011 yahh 1691
011100011 herr 1793
011100011 youuuuu 1915
011100011 yaaa 3952
011100011 youuuu 4459
011100011 yaa 8721
011100011 youuu 9019
011100011 cha 9429
011100011 ye 17525
011100011 ya 308752
011100011 yah 19211
01110010 $374/h 42
01110010 $355/hour 42
01110010 @dj_cobra 42
01110010 @kenia_araujo 44
01110010 @nbarocksstc 44
01110010 @platinumpublcty 45
01110010 46
01110010 meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 47
01110010 jumpfly 47
01110010 708-524-1553 48
01110010 meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 49
01110010 me| 50
01110010 me_ 53
01110010 meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 55
01110010 me@ 55
01110010 mmee 56
01110010 me( 57
01110010 m3h 63
01110010 meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 64
01110010 ♍ƺ 66
01110010 me// 66
01110010 212-697-9767 67
01110010 me^ 68
01110010 me/us 73
01110010 meah 76
01110010 @911 78
01110010 meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 84
01110010 meehh 87
01110010 me1 93
01110010 meeeeeeeeeeeeeee 100
01110010 me:'( 107
01110010 @microsofttag 108
01110010 me:') 111
01110010 @amber_lily 114
01110010 meeeeeeeeeeeeee 122
01110010 me^^ 125
01110010 ussss 132
01110010 chocula 134
01110010 meeeeeeeeeeeee 179
01110010 me) 242
01110010 meeeeeeeeeeee 247
01110010 meeeeeeeeeee 278
01110010 meeeeeeeeee 368
01110010 mhee 413
01110010 me/ 464
01110010 meeeeeeeee 546
01110010 meeeeeeee 787
01110010 mhe 888
01110010 meeeeeee 1224
01110010 meeh 1315
01110010 mehh 1851
01110010 meeeeee 2106
01110010 meeeee 3819
01110010 meeee 7104
01110010 meee 11038
01110010 me 4804010
01110010 mee 26641
011100110 lgbtwitter 42
011100110 topguest 43
011100110 us) 44
011100110 sakineh 45
011100110 5¢ 46
011100110 us/ 49
011100110 porkies 52
011100110 @singforacure 55
011100110 jck 56
011100110 fancite 56
011100110 #churpchurp 61
011100110 97
011100110 embezzling 97
011100110 #tetley 118
011100110 @ocremix 214
011100110 245
011100110 @skate4cancer 287
011100110 us- 340
011100110 shikari 391
011100110 us 618707
011100110 653
0111001110 myelf 40
0111001110 yaselves 42
0111001110 43
0111001110 urslef 45
0111001110 45
0111001110 507-494-5169 45
0111001110 urselfs 46
0111001110 uself 46
0111001110 blackenedruby 48
0111001110 #yourself 49
0111001110 itsself 49
0111001110 themsleves 53
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0111001110 yuhself 61
0111001110 yourslef 62
0111001110 ureself 63
0111001110 theyselves 65
0111001110 mysef 66
0111001110 playmesh 67
0111001110 him/herself 69
0111001110 yourselff 70
0111001110 myselfff 72
0111001110 yourself- 74
0111001110 hiself 78
0111001110 ursef 79
0111001110 @leenarao 82
0111001110 themselve 85
0111001110 masar 87
0111001110 91
0111001110 jove 92
0111001110 demselves 96
0111001110 ourselfs 96
0111001110 theirself 97
0111001110 100
0111001110 yourselfs 103
0111001110 miself 106
0111001110 myside 107
0111001110 yo'self 111
0111001110 @jasonkincaid 116
0111001110 mahself 120
0111001110 mysel 122
0111001110 yoursel 148
0111001110 urslf 151
0111001110 ykb2's 152
0111001110 myself- 155
0111001110 themselfs 159
0111001110 myselff 179
0111001110 myslf 182
0111001110 theyself 212
0111001110 theirselves 229
0111001110 yerself 243
0111001110 urselves 262
0111001110 yrself 307
0111001110 myslef 343
0111001110 ourself 364
0111001110 hisself 393
0111001110 yurself 405
0111001110 maself 468
0111001110 meself 524
0111001110 youself 538
0111001110 thyself 538
0111001110 673
0111001110 themself 686
0111001110 oneself 1425
0111001110 yoself 1636
0111001110 yaself 2471
0111001110 yourselves 4372
0111001110 ourselves 12836
0111001110 urself 13144
0111001110 herself 18272
0111001110 itself 24183
0111001110 himself 32958
0111001110 themselves 34575
0111001110 myself 232661
0111001110 yourself 134335
01110011110 yooooooooooou 40
01110011110 r) 41
01110011110 someone- 45
01110011110 2)hug 50
01110011110 heeer 51
01110011110 theeem 51
01110011110 1-888-652-3315 51
01110011110 51
01110011110 it:') 53
01110011110 themmmmm 58
01110011110 her/ 61
01110011110 usssss 63
01110011110 me!' 70
01110011110 kittin 70
01110011110 74
01110011110 him/ 79
01110011110 herrrrrr 85
01110011110 you!' 88
01110011110 himmmmm 90
01110011110 it^^ 99
01110011110 themmmm 130
01110011110 eachotha 166
01110011110 herrrrr 171
01110011110 himmmm 181
01110011110 usss 228
01110011110 congeniality 244
01110011110 themmm 309
01110011110 her- 345
01110011110 her/him 349
01110011110 you/ 350
01110011110 herrrr 351
01110011110 hime 357
01110011110 viggle 368
01110011110 him- 409
01110011110 himmm 423
01110011110 hiim 540
01110011110 herrr 589
01110011110 hym 677
01110011110 himm 1465
01110011110 him/her 1939
01110011110 you- 2959
01110011110 him 607428
01110011110 eachother 7558
011100111110 thim 46
011100111110 them) 46
011100111110 them/ 52
011100111110 it2 71
011100111110 theem 137
011100111110 dhem 202
011100111110 it) 228
011100111110 it/ 283
011100111110 them- 350
011100111110 themm 970
011100111110 them 792495
011100111110 thm 1356
011100111111 emrt 41
011100111111 werevertumorro 44
011100111111 yersel 45
011100111111 em- 46
011100111111 shanedawsontv 63
011100111111 it!' 69
011100111111 vega4 74
011100111111 `em 108
011100111111 splainin 109
011100111111 em'! 122
011100111111 _' 138
011100111111 em 132054
011100111111 schmap 480
01110100 yiou 42
01110100 _you_ 43
01110100 youguys 45
01110100 you&i 55
01110100 /you/ 57
01110100 -you- 59
01110100 you-i 60
01110100 yopu 63
01110100 y-you 86
01110100 iever 87
01110100 you'se 90
01110100 youy 95
01110100 me-i 122
01110100 yoiu 123
01110100 youi 142
01110100 oyu 217
01110100 ypu 429
01110100 youse 475
01110100 you's 1904
01110100 yoou 1987
01110100 yous 4160
01110100 you 9358135
01110100 youu 26507
011101010 iiiiiiiiiiii 40
011101010 #2ofmyfollowers 41
011101010 yaull 41
011101010 somthings 42
011101010 you'all 44
011101010 yins 44
011101010 #2omfs 45
011101010 shantell 45
011101010 dheyy 46
011101010 rhey 47
011101010 th3y 47
011101010 yiz 47
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011101010 iain't 51
011101010 yaall 51
011101010 #myfollowers 53
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011101010 butchu 53
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011101010 emani 58
011101010 uall 60
011101010 theys 61
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011101010 #aomf 80
011101010 yalllll 81
011101010 y`all 82
011101010 #whyyobaby 84
011101010 imeant 84
011101010 #realthugs 84
011101010 sh3 85
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011101010 iwnt 87
011101010 yallz 88
011101010 ya’ll 91
011101010 iwe 91
011101010 somf 104
011101010 #3omf 105
011101010 ya'l 106
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011101010 #someofmyfollowers 108
011101010 ya`ll 110
011101010 #they 113
011101010 thye 115
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011101010 y'al 116
011101010 unnu 121
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011101010 #youcantbeuglyand 141
011101010 yinz 142
011101010 yallll 143
011101010 ya'all 150
011101010 y'll 172
011101010 yll 173
011101010 iiiiii 197
011101010 juh 217
011101010 uou 225
011101010 #toomanypeople 270
011101010 deyy 271
011101010 tey 301
011101010 2omf 304
011101010 chall 307
011101010 thems 313
011101010 y’all 340
011101010 isay 346
011101010 dhey 400
011101010 -u 412
011101010 uz 441
011101010 #somf 532
011101010 idid 538
011101010 isaid 548
011101010 yawl 661
011101010 yalll 738
011101010 #2omf 822
011101010 #you 872
011101010 ido 917
011101010 yeen 966
011101010 abouts 992
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011101010 yal 6054
011101010 chu 7262
011101010 ya'll 21811
011101010 dey 35038
011101010 y'all 81271
011101010 yall 137200
011101011 ʊ 40
011101011 ypou 41
011101011 me&i 43
011101011 uue 47
011101011 yuou 47
011101011 び 48
011101011 whenu 48
011101011 youuh 52
011101011 yhuuu 57
011101011 yhou 60
011101011 you'on 60
011101011 υ 61
011101011 it-i 63
011101011 tyou 68
011101011 ileave 74
011101011 eyou 74
011101011 yewh 77
011101011 yhue 78
011101011 somepeople 98
011101011 icome 103
011101011 yuee 115
011101011 yhew 117
011101011 yyu 126
011101011 u.i 148
011101011 ʋ 159
011101011 ΰ 186
011101011 yuuh 207
011101011 yiu 219
011101011 youhh 229
011101011 dyu 232
011101011 yyou 236
011101011 youz 365
011101011 dya 460
011101011 ʊ 474
011101011 juu 485
011101011 yue 487
011101011 u̶̲̥̅̊ 525
011101011 yuo 576
011101011 yooh 687
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011101011 yhuu 1056
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011101011 yuhh 1164
011101011 y0u 1715
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011101011 yuu 6587
011101011 uu 10647
011101011 yhu 10869
011101011 yuh 14163
011101011 u 2356331
011101011 yu 133725
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01110110 50
01110110 53
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01110110 iot 56
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01110110 70
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01110110 iiiit 97
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01110110 109
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01110110 ittttttt 190
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01110110 itttttt 376
01110110 ittttt 761
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01110110 itttt 1336
01110110 ittt 1933
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01110110 it 6306462
01110110 itt 4063
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01110111000 mudkipz 44
01110111000 45
01110111000 45
01110111000 miiiine 48
01110111000 queefing 48
01110111000 48
01110111000 para-para-paradise 49
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01110111000 punk'd! 52
01110111000 ures 54
01110111000 gimmes 58
01110111000 sinzu 58
01110111000 minesss 61
01110111000 #gottabeyou 61
01110111000 that) 61
01110111000 yourz 63
01110111000 miine 64
01110111000 yoursss 65
01110111000 mineeeee 66
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01110111000 myheart 74
01110111000 y-o-u 86
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01110111000 #onyourside 103
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01110111000 sauron 112
01110111000 mineeee 124
01110111000 yers 130
01110111000 yourss 141
01110111000 mine- 158
01110111000 minez 166
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01110111000 ur's 178
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01110111000 yurs 454
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01110111000 urs 9258
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01110111000 mine 148049
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01110111001 everyword 43
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01110111001 everythinggggg 52
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01110111001 everythiing 60
01110111001 everything- 63
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01110111001 everyhting 74
01110111001 everythinqq 74
01110111001 everythink 74
01110111001 everythn 75
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01110111001 errythang 194
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01110111001 erything 251
01110111001 errthing 269
01110111001 #everything 273
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01110111001 eveything 433
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01110111001 everthing 1198
01110111001 everything 271318
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01110111010 -nothing 79
01110111010 nothiin 83
01110111010 nadda 83
01110111010 immeasurably 84
01110111010 nothin'! 84
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01110111010 nothign 87
01110111010 n0thing 87
01110111010 nothinnn 89
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01110111010 ntg 99
01110111010 nttn 110
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01110111010 nthing 148
01110111010 nthng 149
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01110111010 nutin 491
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011101110110 som'n 43
011101110110 sumpn 44
011101110110 somethan 44
011101110110 sumpthin 44
011101110110 sumthyn 46
011101110110 somethin'! 46
011101110110 sumthg 47
011101110110 somethiin 47
011101110110 somethinng 48
011101110110 sumthinqq 48
011101110110 sthing 49
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011101110110 sumfing 53
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011101110110 sumfn 68
011101110110 somthng 70
011101110110 sumat 70
011101110110 somethang 70
011101110110 some'n 71
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011101110110 somehing 72
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011101110110 somethg 78
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011101110110 suttn 92
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011101110110 sumthinq 121
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011101110110 something- 125
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011101110110 somin 168
011101110110 sumpin 184
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011101110110 sometin 245
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011101110110 sumtn 258
011101110110 somn 259
011101110110 smthg 275
011101110110 sumthng 277
011101110110 sum'n 303
011101110110 smthing 336
011101110110 smthng 381
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011101110110 somethn 476
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011101110110 sumthn 1656
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011101110110 sumthing 3674
011101110110 sumthin 9173
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011101110111 nethng 59
011101110111 somethingggg 60
011101110111 anythinqq 62
011101110111 anythig 66
011101110111 anythink 67
011101110111 nothing- 69
011101110111 anythingggg 72
011101110111 anythg 73
011101110111 anything- 95
011101110111 #anything 96
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011101110111 nethin 103
011101110111 anythign 104
011101110111 anythn 118
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011101110111 anthing 164
011101110111 anytin 176
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011101110111 anythang 222
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011101110111 anythinq 358
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011101110111 anythng 424
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011101110111 anything 241180
011101110111 anythin 1990
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0111011110 #anyone 113
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0111011110 nebody 217
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0111011110 anyone 302546
0111011110 anybody 54048
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01110111110 66
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01110111110 70
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01110111110 somene 91
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01110111110 smebdy 113
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01110111110 smbdy 166
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01110111110 som1 509
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01110111110 #weallgotthatonefriend 874
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01110111110 sumbody 4918
01110111110 sum1 7342
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01110111110 somebody 95538
011101111110 everybodyyyy 40
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011101111110 eeryone 44
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011101111110 everyb0dy 53
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011101111110 erybdy 56
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011101111110 everybodii 63
011101111110 -everyone 64
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011101111110 aundrea 78
011101111110 errone 79
011101111110 every0ne 82
011101111110 erry1 89
011101111110 err'body 92
011101111110 ery1 100
011101111110 everybodyyy 102
011101111110 eryone 106
011101111110 erebody 109
011101111110 everybodi 126
011101111110 ev1 134
011101111110 err1 143
011101111110 everyone- 143
011101111110 er'body 147
011101111110 ever1 162
011101111110 #everybody 168
011101111110 eveybody 212
011101111110 everygirl 216
011101111110 errrbody 216
011101111110 erryone 220
011101111110 #everyone 274
011101111110 everyoneee 282
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011101111110 everybodyy 365
011101111110 erybody 638
011101111110 everyonee 652
011101111110 eveyone 673
011101111110 everybdy 679
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011101111110 evrybody 790
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011101111110 erbody 1080
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011101111110 evry1 1152
011101111110 everbody 1297
011101111110 errbody 2004
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011101111110 everyone 370469
011101111110 everybody 116730
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011101111111 n0b0dy 40
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011101111111 @sublimedreamer 41
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011101111111 nobodyyy 42
011101111111 dajah 42
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011101111111 harriz 42
011101111111 thibs 42
011101111111 nastasia 43
011101111111 crulejustice 43
011101111111 vonna 43
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011101111111 beno1066 44
011101111111 arbalest270 44
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011101111111 whoso 46
011101111111 jacen 46
011101111111 #lilwaynesbreath 46
011101111111 tyesha 46
011101111111 knowone 47
011101111111 #anyonethatreplieswithk 47
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011101111111 stonyarc 47
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011101111111 whoelse 50
011101111111 myesha 51
011101111111 nobodii 51
011101111111 myia 51
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011101111111 lashay 52
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011101111111 jamonek93 56
011101111111 lilmama 56
011101111111 dejah 56
011101111111 donjazzy 56
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011101111111 jalisa 61
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011101111111 janai 63
011101111111 quana 64
011101111111 aniyah 64
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011101111111 daisha 67
011101111111 daija 67
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011101111111 #amitheonlypersonthat 68
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011101111111 #thebestfeelinginarelationship 74
011101111111 #ibetsomebodyonmytl 74
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011101111111 bbiaj 81
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011101111111 maestr0efectiv0 84
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011101111111 noooobody 86
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011101111111 miyah 90
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011101111111 atomicow 93
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011101111111 #mymomma 97
011101111111 #oneofmyfollwers 98
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011101111111 dasia 100
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011101111111 #arealman 105
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011101111111 #arealnigga 106
011101111111 #iloveitwhenjustin 110
011101111111 #nevertrustaguywho 111
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011101111111 nbdy 115
011101111111 tyrion 116
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011101111111 #natalieschin 119
011101111111 #ooyf 120
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011101111111 rosci 123
011101111111 #immadoit 124
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011101111111 #somebodyonmytimeline 146
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011101111111 draya 192
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011101111111 210
011101111111 #myex 215
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011101111111 whoever 20943
011101111111 nobody 79692
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0111100000 readi 248
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01111000010 waitinggg 80
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01111000010 cm-wait 86
01111000010 $260+ 94
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011110100011 maddddddd 94
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01111010010 scandalized 49
01111010010 mesmorized 49
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011110101010 -thinking 51
011110101010 thinging 51
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011110101010 thinkig 57
011110101010 thinking- 60
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011110101010 thinkin 26772
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011110101011 sayin'! 157
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011110101011 @followermonitor 182
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011110101011 say'n 207
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011110101011 sayinq 327
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011110101101 99
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011110101101 151
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011110101101 291
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01111011000 backkkkkkkk 52
01111011000 bavk 53
01111011000 back) 54
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01111011000 baccc 63
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01111011000 @rebeccaminkoff 79
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011110110010 43
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011110110010 44
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011110110010 56
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011110110010 76
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011110110010 99
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011110110010 115
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011110110011 42
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011110110011 47
011110110011 2008/09/24 49
011110110011 50
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011110110011 55
011110110011 2008/10/15 55
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011110110011 62
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011110110011 65
011110110011 67
011110110011 68
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011110110011 73
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011110110011 74
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011110110011 77
011110110011 79
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011110110011 84
011110110011 84
011110110011 84
011110110011 85
011110110011 86
011110110011 86
011110110011 94
011110110011 97
011110110011 97
011110110011 99
011110110011 101
011110110011 102
011110110011 102
011110110011 106
011110110011 #angelsoncam 106
011110110011 106
011110110011 109
011110110011 109
011110110011 111
011110110011 112
011110110011 114
011110110011 115
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011110110011 117
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011110110011 125
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011110110011 130
011110110011 132
011110110011 132
011110110011 134
011110110011 136
011110110011 139
011110110011 144
011110110011 146
011110110011 163
011110110011 166
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011110110011 168
011110110011 168
011110110011 169
011110110011 170
011110110011 184
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011110110011 190
011110110011 221
011110110011 223
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011110110011 257
011110110011 283
011110110011 301
011110110011 331
011110110011 347
011110110011 407
011110110011 557
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01111011010 42
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01111011010 43
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01111011010 57
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01111011010 59
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01111011010 87
01111011010 94
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01111011010 106
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01111011010 110