edu.emory.mathcs.nlp.common.treebank.CTNode Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015, Emory University
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package edu.emory.mathcs.nlp.common.treebank;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import edu.emory.mathcs.nlp.common.constant.StringConst;
import edu.emory.mathcs.nlp.common.propbank.PBLocation;
import edu.emory.mathcs.nlp.common.util.DSUtils;
import edu.emory.mathcs.nlp.common.util.StringUtils;
* @author Jinho D. Choi ({@code [email protected]})
public class CTNode implements Comparable
static public final String DELIM_FUNCTION_TAG = StringConst.HYPHEN;
static public final String DELIM_EMPTY_CATEGORY = StringConst.HYPHEN;
static public final String DELIM_GAPPING_RELATION = StringConst.EQUAL;
// basic information
private String s_wordForm = null;
private String s_constituentTag;
private Set s_functionTags;
private int i_emptyCategoryIndex = -1;
private int i_gappingRelationIndex = -1;
// constituent information
private CTNode n_parent = null;
private CTNode n_antecedent = null;
private CTNode n_leftSibling = null;
private CTNode n_rightSibling = null;
private Listn_children;
private int i_terminalID = -1;
private int i_tokenID = -1;
// propbank
private List pb_heads = null;
private PBLocation pb_location = null;
private String pb_rolesetID = null;
// conversion
private String named_entity_tag = null;
// ======================== Constructors ========================
/** @param tags tags in the Penn Treebank format (e.g., "NP-SBJ-TMP-1=2"). */
public CTNode(String tags)
n_children = new ArrayList<>();
/** @param tags tags in the Penn Treebank format (e.g., "NP-SBJ-TMP-1=2"). */
public CTNode(String tags, String form)
// ======================== Getters ========================
public String getNamedEntityTag()
return named_entity_tag;
/** @return all tags of this node in the Penn Treebank format. */
public String getTags()
StringBuilder build = new StringBuilder();
List fTags = new ArrayList<>(s_functionTags);
for (String fTag : fTags)
if (i_emptyCategoryIndex != -1)
if (i_gappingRelationIndex != -1)
return build.toString();
* @return the word-form of this node.
* If this is not a terminal node, returns {@code null}.
public String getWordForm()
return s_wordForm;
/** @return the pos/phrase/clause tag of this node. */
public String getConstituentTag()
return s_constituentTag;
/** @return a set of function tags of this node. */
public Set getFunctionTagSet()
return s_functionTags;
/** @return the index of empty category if this node is the antecedent of the corresponding node (e.g., NP-1); otherwise, {@code -1}. */
public int getEmptyCategoryIndex()
return i_emptyCategoryIndex;
/** @return the index of gapping relation if this node is in ellipsis (e.g., NP=1); otherwise, {@code -1}. */
public int getGappingRelationIndex()
return i_gappingRelationIndex;
/** @return a list of children of this node. */
public List getChildrenList()
return n_children;
* @return an immutable list of sub-children of this node.
* The sublist begins at the specific position and extends to the end.
* @param fstId the ID of the first child (inclusive).
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException for an illegal ID.
public List getChildrenList(int fstId)
return n_children.subList(fstId, getChildrenSize());
* @return an immutable list of sub-children of this node.
* The sublist begins and ends at the specific positions.
* @param fstId the ID of the first child (inclusive).
* @param lstId the ID of the last child (exclusive)
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException for an illegal ID.
public List getChildrenList(int fstId, int lstId)
return n_children.subList(fstId, lstId);
public List getChildrenList(Predicate matcher)
List list = new ArrayList<>();
for (CTNode child : n_children)
if (matcher.test(child))
return list;
public int getChildrenSize()
return n_children.size();
* @return the index'th child of this node if exists; otherwise, {@code null}.
* @param index starting with 0.
public CTNode getChild(int index)
return DSUtils.isRange(n_children, index) ? n_children.get(index) : null;
/** @return the first child of this node if exists; otherwise, {@code null}. */
public CTNode getFirstChild()
return getChild(0);
public CTNode getLastChild()
return getChild(n_children.size()-1);
public CTNode getFirstChild(Predicate matcher)
for (CTNode child : n_children)
if (matcher.test(child))
return child;
return null;
public CTNode getLastChild(Predicate matcher)
CTNode child; int i;
for (i=n_children.size()-1; i>=0; i--)
child = n_children.get(i);
if (matcher.test(child))
return child;
return null;
/** @return the parent of this node if exists; otherwise, {@code null}. */
public CTNode getParent()
return n_parent;
public CTNode getNearestAncestor(Predicate matcher)
CTNode node = n_parent;
while (node != null)
if (matcher.test(node)) return node;
node = node.n_parent;
return null;
public CTNode getHighestChainedAncestor(Predicate matcher)
CTNode node = n_parent, ancestor = null;
while (node != null)
if (matcher.test(node)) ancestor = node;
else break;
node = node.n_parent;
return ancestor;
public CTNode getLowestCommonAncestor(CTNode node)
if (this.isDescendantOf(node)) return node;
if (node.isDescendantOf(this)) return this;
CTNode ancestor = n_parent;
while (ancestor != null)
if (node.isDescendantOf(ancestor))
return ancestor;
ancestor = ancestor.n_parent;
return null;
public CTNode getFirstDescendant(Predicate matcher)
return getFirstDescendantAux(n_children, matcher);
private CTNode getFirstDescendantAux(Collection nodes, Predicate matcher)
for (CTNode node : nodes)
if (matcher.test(node))
return node;
if ((node = getFirstDescendantAux(node.n_children, matcher)) != null)
return node;
return null;
public CTNode getFirstLowestChainedDescendant(Predicate matcher)
CTNode node = getFirstChild(matcher), descendant = null;
while (node != null)
descendant = node;
node = node.getFirstChild(matcher);
return descendant;
/** @return the left sibling of this node if exists; otherwise, {@code null}. */
public CTNode getLeftSibling()
return n_leftSibling;
public CTNode getLeftNearestSibling(Predicate matcher)
CTNode node = n_leftSibling;
while (node != null)
if (matcher.test(node))
return node;
node = node.n_leftSibling;
return null;
/** @return the right sibling of this node if exists; otherwise, {@code null}. */
public CTNode getRightSibling()
return n_rightSibling;
public CTNode getRightNearestSibling(Predicate matcher)
CTNode node = n_rightSibling;
while (node != null)
if (matcher.test(node))
return node;
node = node.n_rightSibling;
return null;
/** @return the antecedent of this node if exists; otherwise, {@code null}. */
public CTNode getAntecedent()
return n_antecedent;
* @return the ID (starting at 0) of this node among other terminal nodes in the tree.
* If this is not a terminal node, returns {@code -1}.
public int getTerminalID()
return i_terminalID;
public CTNode getFirstTerminal()
return getFirstTerminalAux(this);
private CTNode getFirstTerminalAux(CTNode node)
return node.isTerminal() ? node : getFirstTerminalAux(node.getFirstChild());
public CTNode getLastTerminal()
return getLastTerminalAux(this);
private CTNode getLastTerminalAux(CTNode node)
return node.isTerminal() ? node : getLastTerminalAux(node.getLastChild());
public Set getTerminalIDSet()
return getTerminalList().stream().map(node -> node.getTerminalID()).collect(Collectors.toCollection(HashSet::new));
/** @return a list of terminal nodes in the subtree of this node. */
public List getTerminalList()
List terminals = new ArrayList<>();
getTerminalListAux(terminals, this);
return terminals;
private void getTerminalListAux(Collection terminals, CTNode node)
if (node.isTerminal())
for (CTNode child : node.n_children)
getTerminalListAux(terminals, child);
* @return the ID (starting at 0) of this node among other terminal nodes (disregarding empty categories) in the tree.
* If this is not a terminal node, returns {@code -1}.
public int getTokenID()
return i_tokenID;
/** @return a list of terminal nodes in the subtree of this node, disregarding empty categories. */
public List getTokenList()
List tokens = new ArrayList<>();
getSubTokens(tokens, this);
return tokens;
private void getSubTokens(Collection tokens, CTNode node)
if (node.isTerminal())
if (!node.isEmptyCategory())
for (CTNode child : node.n_children)
getSubTokens(tokens, child);
public List getEmptyCategoryListInSubtree(Pattern wordFormPattern)
List list = new ArrayList<>();
getEmptyCategoryListInSubtreeAux(list, this, wordFormPattern);
return list;
private void getEmptyCategoryListInSubtreeAux(Collection collection, CTNode node, Pattern wordFormPattern)
if (node.isEmptyCategory() && node.matchesWordForm(wordFormPattern))
for (CTNode child : node.n_children)
getEmptyCategoryListInSubtreeAux(collection, child, wordFormPattern);
public int getDistanceToTop()
CTNode node = n_parent;
int dist;
for (dist=0; node != null; dist++)
node = node.n_parent;
return dist;
// ======================== Setters ========================
public void setNamedEntityTag(String tag)
named_entity_tag = tag;
/** @param tags tags in the Penn Treebank format (e.g., "NP-SBJ-TMP-1=2"). */
public void setTags(String tags)
s_functionTags = new HashSet<>();
if (tags.charAt(0) == '-')
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(tags, DELIM_FUNCTION_TAG+DELIM_GAPPING_RELATION, true);
String delim, tag;
while (tok.hasMoreTokens())
delim = tok.nextToken();
if (!tok.hasMoreTokens())
System.err.println("Error: illegal tag \""+tags+"\"");
tag = tok.nextToken();
if (delim.equals(DELIM_FUNCTION_TAG))
if (StringUtils.containsDigitOnly(tag))
if (i_emptyCategoryIndex == -1)
else // if (delim.equals(DELIM_GAPPING_RELATION))
public void appendWordForm(String wordForm)
s_wordForm += wordForm;
public void setWordForm(String wordForm)
s_wordForm = wordForm;
public void setConstituentTag(String tag)
s_constituentTag = tag;
public void addFunctionTag(String tag)
public void addFunctionTags(Collection tags)
public void removeFunctionTag(String tag)
public void clearFunctionTags()
public void setEmptyCategoryIndex(int index)
i_emptyCategoryIndex = index;
public void setGappingRelationIndex(int index)
i_gappingRelationIndex = index;
public void setParent(CTNode node)
n_parent = node;
public void setAntecedent(CTNode node)
n_antecedent = node;
public void addChild(CTNode child)
setSiblings(getLastChild(), child);
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
public void addChild(int index, CTNode child)
if (index < 0 || index > n_children.size())
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
setSiblings(getChild(index-1), child);
setSiblings(child, getChild(index));
n_children.add(index, child);
public void setChild(int index, CTNode child)
if (index < 0 || index > n_children.size())
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
setSiblings(getChild(index-1), child);
setSiblings(child, getChild(index+1));
n_children.set(index, child);
public void removeChild(int index)
if (!DSUtils.isRange(n_children, index))
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(Integer.toString(index));
setSiblings(getChild(index-1), getChild(index+1));
n_children.remove(index).n_parent = null;
public void removeChild(CTNode child)
public void replaceChild(CTNode oldChild, CTNode newChild)
setChild(n_children.indexOf(oldChild), newChild);
private void setSiblings(CTNode leftSibling, CTNode rightSibling)
if (leftSibling != null)
leftSibling.n_rightSibling = rightSibling;
if (rightSibling != null)
rightSibling.n_leftSibling = leftSibling;
public void setTerminalID(int id)
i_terminalID = id;
public void setTokenID(int id)
i_tokenID = id;
// ======================== Booleans ========================
/** @return {@code true} if the word form of this node is the specific word form. */
public boolean isWordForm(String wordForm)
return wordForm.equals(s_wordForm);
public boolean isWordFormIgnoreCase(String wordForm)
return wordForm.equalsIgnoreCase(s_wordForm);
public boolean matchesWordForm(Pattern pattern)
return pattern.matcher(s_wordForm).find();
/** @return {@code true} if the constituent tag of this node is the specific tags. */
public boolean isConstituentTag(String tag)
return s_constituentTag.equals(tag);
public boolean isConstituentTagAny(Set tags)
return tags.contains(s_constituentTag);
* @return {@code true} if the constituent tag of this node is any of the specific tags.
* If the length of {@code tags} is long, use {@link #isConstituentTagAny(Set)} instead.
public boolean isConstituentTagAny(String... tags)
for (String tag : tags)
if (isConstituentTag(tag))
return true;
return false;
public boolean matches(Predicate matcher)
return matcher.test(this);
/** @return {@code true} if this node matches the specific pattern of constituent tags. */
public boolean matchesConstituentTag(Pattern pattern)
return pattern.matcher(s_constituentTag).find();
/** @return {@code true} if this node has the specific function tag. */
public boolean hasFunctionTag(String tag)
return s_functionTags.contains(tag);
/** @return {@code true} if this node has all of the specific function tags. */
public boolean hasFunctionTagAll(String... tags)
for (String tag : tags)
if (!hasFunctionTag(tag))
return false;
return true;
/** @return {@code true} if this node has any of the specific function tags. */
public boolean hasFunctionTagAny(String... tags)
for (String tag : tags)
if (hasFunctionTag(tag))
return true;
return false;
/** @return {@code true} if this node has any of the function tags in the specific set. */
public boolean hasFunctionTagAny(Set tags)
return DSUtils.hasIntersection(tags, s_functionTags);
/** @return {@code true} if this node is non-terminal. */
public boolean isTerminal()
return n_children.isEmpty();
/** @return {@code true} if this node is an empty category. */
public boolean isEmptyCategory()
return isConstituentTag(CTTagEn.NONE);
/** @return {@code true} if this node is single branched and its terminal node is an empty category. */
public boolean isEmptyCategoryTerminal()
CTNode node = this;
while (!node.isTerminal())
if (node.getChildrenSize() > 1)
return false;
node = node.getFirstChild();
return node.isEmptyCategory();
/** @return {@code true} if this node is a descendant of the specific node. */
public boolean isDescendantOf(CTNode node)
CTNode ancestor = getParent();
while (ancestor != null)
if (ancestor == node)
return true;
ancestor = ancestor.getParent();
return false;
/** @return {@code true} if this node is a left-sibling of the specific node. */
public boolean isLeftSiblingOf(CTNode node)
if (n_parent != node.n_parent) return false;
CTNode left = node.n_leftSibling;
while (left != null)
if (left == this) return true;
left = left.n_leftSibling;
return false;
/** @return {@code true} if this node is a right-sibling of the specific node. */
public boolean isRightSiblingOf(CTNode node)
if (n_parent != node.n_parent) return false;
CTNode right = node.n_rightSibling;
while (right != null)
if (right == this) return true;
right = right.n_rightSibling;
return false;
public boolean hasParent()
return n_parent != null;
public boolean hasAntecedent()
return n_antecedent != null;
public boolean hasLeftSibling()
return n_leftSibling != null;
public boolean hasRightSibling()
return n_rightSibling != null;
public boolean hasNoFunctionTag()
return s_functionTags.isEmpty();
public boolean wordFormStartsWith(String prefix)
return s_wordForm.startsWith(prefix);
public boolean containsChild(Predicate matcher)
return getFirstChild(matcher) != null;
// ======================== Strings ========================
/** Calls {@link #toWordForms(boolean, String)}, where {@code includeEmptyCategories=false, delim=" "}. */
public String toForms()
return toWordForms(false, StringConst.SPACE);
* @return the string containing ordered word-forms of the subtree of this node.
* @param includeEmptyCategories if {@code true}, include forms of empty categories.
public String toWordForms(boolean includeEmptyCategories, String delim)
StringBuilder build = new StringBuilder();
for (CTNode node : getTerminalList())
if (includeEmptyCategories || !node.isEmptyCategory())
return build.length() == 0 ? "" : build.substring(delim.length());
public String toString()
return toString(false, false, StringConst.NEW_LINE);
public String toStringLine()
return toString(false, false, StringConst.SPACE);
public String toString(boolean includeLineNumbers, boolean includeAntecedentPointers, String delim)
List lTree = new ArrayList<>();
toStringAux(lTree, this, StringConst.EMPTY, includeAntecedentPointers, delim.equals(StringConst.SPACE));
StringBuilder build = new StringBuilder();
int i, size = lTree.size();
for (i=0; i lTree, CTNode curr, String sTags, boolean includeAntecedentPointers, boolean isSpace)
if (curr.isTerminal())
StringBuilder build = new StringBuilder();
if (includeAntecedentPointers)
if (curr.n_antecedent != null)
sTags += StringConst.LRB + curr.getTags() + StringConst.SPACE;
for (CTNode child : curr.n_children)
toStringAux(lTree, child, sTags, includeAntecedentPointers, isSpace);
if (child.n_leftSibling == null) sTags = isSpace ? StringConst.EMPTY : StringUtils.spaces(sTags.length()); // indent
int last = lTree.size() - 1;
lTree.set(last, lTree.get(last)+StringConst.RRB);
public int compareTo(CTNode node)
return i_terminalID - node.i_terminalID;
// ======================== Semantic role labeling ========================
/** @return the PropBank location of this node if exists; otherwise, {@code null}. */
public PBLocation getPBLocation()
return pb_location;
public void setPBLocation(int terminalID, int height)
pb_location = new PBLocation(terminalID, height);
public void initPropBank()
pb_heads = new ArrayList<>();
/** @return the graph structure for semantic role labeling if exists; otherwise, {@code null}. */
public List getPBHeads()
return pb_heads;
public void addPBHead(PBArc arc)
public boolean isPBHead()
return pb_rolesetID != null;
public String getPBRolesetID()
return pb_rolesetID;
public void setPBRolesetID(String rolesetID)
pb_rolesetID = rolesetID;
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