crystal.react.hooks.UseSingleEffect.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package crystal.react.hooks
import cats.Monoid
import cats.effect.Async
import cats.effect.Deferred
import cats.effect.Ref
import cats.effect.syntax.all.given
import cats.syntax.all.*
import japgolly.scalajs.react.*
import japgolly.scalajs.react.hooks.CustomHook
import japgolly.scalajs.react.util.DefaultEffects.{Async => DefaultA}
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
class UseSingleEffect[F[_]](
latch: Ref[F, Option[Deferred[F, UnitFiber[F]]]],
debounce: Option[FiniteDuration]
)(using F: Async[F], monoid: Monoid[F[Unit]]) {
private val debounceEffect: F[Unit] =
private def switchTo(effect: F[Unit]): F[Unit] =
Deferred[F, UnitFiber[F]] >>= (newLatch =>
.modify(oldLatch =>
for {
// Cleanup latch after effect + debounce, so that we don't run debounce again next time.
newFiber <- ( >> debounceEffect)).orEmpty >>
effect >> debounceEffect >> latch.set(none)).start
_ <- newLatch.complete(newFiber)
} yield ()
val cancel: F[Unit] = switchTo(F.unit)
// There's no need to clean up the fiber reference once the effect completes.
// Worst case scenario, cancel will be called on it, which will do nothing.
def submit(effect: F[Unit]): F[Unit] = switchTo(effect)
object UseSingleEffect {
val hook = CustomHook[Option[FiniteDuration]]
.useMemoBy(_ => ())(debounce =>
_ =>
new UseSingleEffect(
Ref.unsafe[DefaultA, Option[Deferred[DefaultA, UnitFiber[DefaultA]]]](none),
.useEffectBy((_, singleEffect) => Callback(singleEffect.cancel)) // Cleanup on unmount
.buildReturning((_, singleEffect) => singleEffect)
object HooksApiExt {
sealed class Primary[Ctx, Step <: HooksApi.AbstractStep](api: HooksApi.Primary[Ctx, Step]) {
* Provides a context in which to run a single effect at a time. When a new effect is
* submitted, the previous one is canceled. Also cancels the effect on unmount.
* A submitted effect can be explicitly canceled too.
final def useSingleEffect(debounce: FiniteDuration)(using
step: Step
): step.Next[Reusable[UseSingleEffect[DefaultA]]] =
useSingleEffectBy(_ => debounce)
* Provides a context in which to run a single effect at a time. When a new effect is
* submitted, the previous one is canceled. Also cancels the effect on unmount.
* A submitted effect can be explicitly canceled too.
final def useSingleEffect(using
step: Step
): step.Next[Reusable[UseSingleEffect[DefaultA]]] =
api.customBy(_ => hook(none))
* Provides a context in which to run a single effect at a time. When a new effect is
* submitted, the previous one is canceled. Also cancels the effect on unmount.
* A submitted effect can be explicitly canceled too.
final def useSingleEffectBy(debounce: Ctx => FiniteDuration)(using
step: Step
): step.Next[Reusable[UseSingleEffect[DefaultA]]] =
api.customBy(ctx => hook(debounce(ctx).some))
final class Secondary[Ctx, CtxFn[_], Step <: HooksApi.SubsequentStep[Ctx, CtxFn]](
api: HooksApi.Secondary[Ctx, CtxFn, Step]
) extends Primary[Ctx, Step](api) {
* Provides a context in which to run a single effect at a time. When a new effect is
* submitted, the previous one is canceled. Also cancels the effect on unmount.
* A submitted effect can be explicitly canceled too.
* `debounce` can specify a minimum `Duration` between invocations.
def useSingleEffectBy(debounce: CtxFn[FiniteDuration])(using
step: Step
): step.Next[Reusable[UseSingleEffect[DefaultA]]] =
protected trait HooksApiExt {
import HooksApiExt.*
implicit def hooksExtSingleEffect1[Ctx, Step <: HooksApi.AbstractStep](
api: HooksApi.Primary[Ctx, Step]
): Primary[Ctx, Step] =
new Primary(api)
implicit def hooksExtSingleEffect2[Ctx, CtxFn[_], Step <: HooksApi.SubsequentStep[Ctx, CtxFn]](
api: HooksApi.Secondary[Ctx, CtxFn, Step]
): Secondary[Ctx, CtxFn, Step] =
new Secondary(api)
object syntax extends HooksApiExt
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