crystal.ViewThrottlerF.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package crystal
import cats.effect.Ref
import cats.effect.Temporal
import cats.effect.syntax.all.*
import cats.syntax.all.*
import cats.~>
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
* Given a `ViewF`, creates two `ViewF`s over the same value:
* - A `throttledView`, which can be paused. While paused, it accumulates updates and applies them
* all at once upon timeout. The callback is called only once and only to the function provided
* in the last update during the pause. If unpaused, it acts as a normal `ViewF`.
* - A `throttlerView`, which will pause the `throttledView` whenever it is modified.
* This is particularly useful for values that can be both updated from a UI and from a server. The
* `throttlerView` should be used in the UI, while the `throttledView` should be used for the server
* updates. This way, the server updates will pause whenever the user changes a value. If the server
* sends updates for every changed value, the throttling will avoid the UI from glitching between
* old and new values when the UI is updated quickly.
* @typeparam
* F The sync effect. Your `ViewF` should be in this effect.
* @typeparam
* G The async effect. This will be used for concurrency.
final class ViewThrottlerF[F[_], G[_], A] private (
waitUntil: Ref[G, FiniteDuration],
nextUpdate: Ref[G, Option[ViewThrottlerF.ModCBType[G, A]]],
timeout: FiniteDuration,
syncToAsync: F ~> G,
dispatchAsync: G[Unit] => F[Unit]
)(using G: Temporal[G]) {
private def throttle: F[Unit] =
G.monotonic.flatMap(now => waitUntil.set(now + timeout))
private def throttlerView(view: ViewF[F, A]): ViewF[F, A] =
view.withOnMod(_ => throttle)
private def attemptSet(modCB: (A => A, (A, A) => G[Unit]) => G[Unit]): G[Unit] =
(waitUntil.get, G.monotonic).flatMapN: (waitUntil, now) =>
if (waitUntil > now)
(G.sleep(waitUntil - now) >> attemptSet(modCB)).start.void
.flatModify: accumModCb =>
(none,, cb) => modCB(mod, cb)).getOrElse(G.unit))
.flatTap(_ => G.unit)
private def throttledView(view: ViewF[F, A]): ViewF[G, A] =
new ViewF[G, A](
get = view.get,
modCB = (mod, cb) =>
nextUpdate.update: x =>
x match
case None => (mod, cb).some
case Some(oldMod, _) => (oldMod.andThen(mod), cb).some // We only keep last CB
attemptSet: (newMod, newCB) =>
syncToAsync(view.modCB(newMod, (oldA, newA) => dispatchAsync(newCB(oldA, newA))))
def throttle(view: ViewF[F, A]): ThrottlingViewF[F, G, A] =
ThrottlingViewF(throttlerView(view), throttledView(view))
object ViewThrottlerF {
private type ModCBType[F[_], A] = (A => A, (A, A) => F[Unit])
def apply[F[_], G[_], A](
timeout: FiniteDuration,
syncToAsync: F ~> G,
dispatchAsync: G[Unit] => F[Unit]
)(using G: Temporal[G]): G[ViewThrottlerF[F, G, A]] =
(G.monotonic.flatMap(G.ref(_)), G.ref(none[ModCBType[G, A]]))
.mapN(new ViewThrottlerF(_, _, timeout, syncToAsync, dispatchAsync))