crystal.react.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package crystal.react
import cats.arrow.FunctionK
import cats.~>
import crystal.*
import crystal.react.reuse.Reuse
import crystal.react.syntax.*
import japgolly.scalajs.react.*
import japgolly.scalajs.react.util.DefaultEffects.Async as DefaultA
import japgolly.scalajs.react.util.DefaultEffects.Sync as DefaultS
import japgolly.scalajs.react.util.Effect.UnsafeSync
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.VdomNode
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
type SetState[F[_], A] = A => F[Unit]
type ModState[F[_], A] = (A => A) => F[Unit]
type ContextComponent[S, B] =
type StateComponent[S, B] =
ScalaComponent[Reuse[View[S] => VdomNode], S, B, CtorType.Props]
type View[A] = ViewF[DefaultS, A]
type ViewOpt[A] = ViewOptF[DefaultS, A]
type ViewList[A] = ViewListF[DefaultS, A]
type ReuseViewF[F[_], A] = Reuse[ViewF[F, A]]
type ReuseViewOptF[F[_], A] = Reuse[ViewOptF[F, A]]
type ReuseViewListF[F[_], A] = Reuse[ViewListF[F, A]]
type ReuseView[A] = Reuse[View[A]]
type ReuseViewOpt[A] = Reuse[ViewOpt[A]]
type ReuseViewList[A] = Reuse[ViewList[A]]
type ViewThrottler[A] = ViewThrottlerF[DefaultS, DefaultA, A]
type ThrottlingView[A] = ThrottlingViewF[DefaultS, DefaultA, A]
export crystal.react.syntax.all.*, crystal.react.syntax.all.given
val syncToAsync: DefaultS ~> DefaultA = new FunctionK[DefaultS, DefaultA] { self =>
def apply[A](fa: DefaultS[A]): DefaultA[A] = fa.toAsync
def View[A](
value: A,
modCB: (A => A, (A, A) => DefaultS[Unit]) => DefaultS[Unit]
): View[A] = ViewF[DefaultS, A](value, modCB)
def fromState = new FromStateView
class FromStateView {
def apply[S]($ : StateAccess[DefaultS, DefaultA, S])(using
dispatch: UnsafeSync[DefaultS]
): View[S] =
(f, cb) =>
$.state >>= (oldState => $.modState(f, $.state.flatMap(newState => cb(oldState, newState))))
object ReuseView {
inline def apply[A: ClassTag: Reusability](
value: A,
modCB: (A => A, (A, A) => DefaultS[Unit]) => DefaultS[Unit]
): ReuseView[A] =
View(value, modCB).reuseByValue
def fromState = new FromStateReuseView
class FromStateReuseView {
def apply[S: ClassTag: Reusability]($ : StateAccess[DefaultS, DefaultA, S])(using
dispatch: UnsafeSync[DefaultS]
): ReuseView[S] =
(f, cb) =>
$.state >>= (oldState => $.modState(f, $.state.flatMap(newState => cb(oldState, newState))))
def ViewThrottler[A](timeout: FiniteDuration): DefaultA[ViewThrottler[A]] =
ViewThrottlerF[DefaultS, DefaultA, A](timeout, syncToAsync, _.runAsyncAndForget)