crystal.react.hooks.UseStreamResource.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package crystal.react.hooks
import cats.effect.Resource
import crystal.*
import crystal.react.*
import crystal.react.reuse.Reuse
import crystal.react.syntax.pot.given
import japgolly.scalajs.react.*
import japgolly.scalajs.react.hooks.CustomHook
import japgolly.scalajs.react.util.DefaultEffects.Async as DefaultA
import japgolly.scalajs.react.util.DefaultEffects.Sync as DefaultS
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
object UseStreamResource:
private def buildStreamResource[D, A](
streamResource: D => StreamResource[A],
setState: PotOption[A] => DefaultA[Unit]
): D => Resource[DefaultA, fs2.Stream[DefaultA, Unit]] =
(deps: D) =>
.flatMap: _ =>
.map: stream =>
fs2.Stream.eval(setState(PotOption.ReadyNone)) ++
.evalMap(v => setState(v.readySome))
.handleErrorWith: t =>
// START useStreamResource
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount or when dependencies change, and drain
* the stream by creating a fiber. Provides pulled values as a `PotOption[A]`. Will rerender when
* the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount or deps change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResource[D: Reusability, A](deps: => D)(
streamResource: D => StreamResource[A]
): HookResult[PotOption[A]] =
state <- useState(PotOption.pending[A])
_ <- useEffectStreamResourceWithDeps(deps):
buildStreamResource(streamResource, state.setStateAsync)
yield state.value
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount, and drain the stream by creating a
* fiber. Provides pulled values as a `PotOption[A]`. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state
* changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final inline def useStreamResourceOnMount[A](
streamResource: StreamResource[A]
): HookResult[PotOption[A]] =
useStreamResource(())(_ => streamResource)
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount or when deps change. Provides
* pulled values as a `PotOption[A]`. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber
* will be cancelled on unmount or deps change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final inline def useStream[D: Reusability, A](deps: => D)(
stream: D => fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]
): HookResult[PotOption[A]] =
useStreamResource(deps)(deps => Resource.pure(stream(deps)))
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount. Provides pulled values as a
* `PotOption[A]`. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled
* on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final inline def useStreamOnMount[A](stream: fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]): HookResult[PotOption[A]] =
// END useStreamResource
// START useStreamResourceView
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount or when dependencies change, and drain
* the stream by creating a fiber. Provides pulled values as a `PotOption[View[A]]` so that the
* value can also be changed locally. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber
* will be cancelled on unmount or deps change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResourceView[D: Reusability, A](deps: => D)(
streamResource: D => StreamResource[A]
): HookResult[PotOption[View[A]]] =
state <- useStateView(PotOption.pending[A])
_ <- useEffectStreamResourceWithDeps(deps):
buildStreamResource(streamResource, state.set(_).to[DefaultA])
yield state.toPotOptionView
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount, and drain the stream by creating a
* fiber. Provides pulled values as a `PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed
* locally. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on
* unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final inline def useStreamResourceViewOnMount[A](
streamResource: StreamResource[A]
): HookResult[PotOption[View[A]]] =
useStreamResourceView(())(_ => streamResource)
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount or when deps change. Provides
* pulled values as a `PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed locally. Will
* rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount or deps
* change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final inline def useStreamView[D: Reusability, A](deps: => D)(
stream: D => fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]
): HookResult[PotOption[View[A]]] =
useStreamResourceView(deps)(deps => Resource.pure(stream(deps)))
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount. Provides pulled values as a
* `PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed locally. Will rerender when the
* `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final inline def useStreamViewOnMount[A](
stream: fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]
): HookResult[PotOption[View[A]]] =
// END useStreamResourceView
// START useStreamResourceViewWithReuse
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount or when dependencies change, and drain
* the stream by creating a fiber. Provides pulled values as a `Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]` so that
* the value can also be changed locally, reusable by value. Will rerender when the `PotOption`
* state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount or deps change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResourceViewWithReuse[D: Reusability, A: ClassTag: Reusability](
deps: => D
streamResource: D => StreamResource[A]
): HookResult[Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]]] =
state <- useStateViewWithReuse(PotOption.pending[A])
_ <- useEffectStreamResourceWithDeps(deps):
buildStreamResource(streamResource, state.set(_).to[DefaultA])
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount, and drain the stream by creating a
* fiber. Provides pulled values as a `Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be
* changed locally, reusable by value. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber
* will be cancelled on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final inline def useStreamResourceViewWithReuseOnMount[A: ClassTag: Reusability](
streamResource: StreamResource[A]
): HookResult[Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]]] =
useStreamResourceViewWithReuse(())(_ => streamResource)
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount or when deps change. Provides
* pulled values as a `Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed locally,
* reusable by value. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be
* cancelled on unmount or deps change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final inline def useStreamViewWithReuse[D: Reusability, A: ClassTag: Reusability](
deps: => D
stream: D => fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]
): HookResult[Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]]] =
useStreamResourceViewWithReuse(deps)(deps => Resource.pure(stream(deps)))
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount. Provides pulled values as a
* `Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed locally, reusable by value.
* Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final inline def useStreamViewWithReuseOnMount[A: ClassTag: Reusability](
stream: fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]
): HookResult[Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]]] =
// END useStreamResourceViewWithReuse
// *** The rest is to support builder-style hooks *** //
private def hook[D: Reusability, A]: CustomHook[WithDeps[D, StreamResource[A]], PotOption[A]] =
CustomHook.fromHookResult(input => useStreamResource(input.deps)(input.fromDeps))
private def hookView[D: Reusability, A]
: CustomHook[WithDeps[D, StreamResource[A]], PotOption[View[A]]] =
CustomHook.fromHookResult(input => useStreamResourceView(input.deps)(input.fromDeps))
private def hookReuseView[D: Reusability, A: ClassTag: Reusability]
: CustomHook[WithDeps[D, StreamResource[A]], Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]]] =
CustomHook.fromHookResult(input => useStreamResourceViewWithReuse(input.deps)(input.fromDeps))
object HooksApiExt {
sealed class Primary[Ctx, Step <: HooksApi.AbstractStep](api: HooksApi.Primary[Ctx, Step]) {
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount or when deps change. Provides
* pulled values as a `PotOption[A]`. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The
* fiber will be cancelled on unmount or deps change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStream[D: Reusability, A](deps: => D)(
stream: D => fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[A]] =
useStreamResource(deps)(deps => Resource.pure(stream(deps)))
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount or when deps change. Provides
* pulled values as a `PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed locally. Will
* rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount or deps
* change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamView[D: Reusability, A](deps: => D)(
stream: D => fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[View[A]]] =
useStreamResourceView(deps)(deps => Resource.pure(stream(deps)))
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount or when deps change. Provides
* pulled values as a `Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed
* locally, reusable by value. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber
* will be cancelled on unmount or deps change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamViewWithReuse[D: Reusability, A: ClassTag: Reusability](
deps: => D
stream: D => fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]]] =
useStreamResourceViewWithReuse(deps)(deps => Resource.pure(stream(deps)))
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount. Provides pulled values as a
* `PotOption[A]`. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be
* cancelled on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamOnMount[A](
stream: fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[A]] =
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount. Provides pulled values as a
* `PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed locally. Will rerender when the
* `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamViewOnMount[A](
stream: fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]
step: Step
): step.Next[PotOption[View[A]]] =
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount. Provides pulled values as a
* `Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed locally, reusable by
* value. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on
* unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamViewWithReuseOnMount[A: ClassTag: Reusability](
stream: fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]]] =
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount or when deps change. Provides
* pulled values as a `PotOption[A]`. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The
* fiber will be cancelled on unmount or deps change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamBy[D: Reusability, A](deps: Ctx => D)(
stream: Ctx => D => fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[A]] =
useStreamResourceBy(deps)(ctx => deps => Resource.pure(stream(ctx)(deps)))
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount or when deps change. Provides
* pulled values as a `PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed locally. Will
* rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount or deps
* change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamViewBy[D: Reusability, A](deps: Ctx => D)(
stream: Ctx => D => fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[View[A]]] =
useStreamResourceViewBy(deps)(ctx => deps => Resource.pure(stream(ctx)(deps)))
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount or when deps change. Provides
* pulled values as a `Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed
* locally, reusable by value. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber
* will be cancelled on unmount or deps change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamViewWithReuseBy[D: Reusability, A: ClassTag: Reusability](
deps: Ctx => D
stream: Ctx => D => fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]]] =
useStreamResourceViewWithReuseBy(deps)(ctx => deps => Resource.pure(stream(ctx)(deps)))
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount. Provides pulled values as a
* `PotOption[A]`. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be
* cancelled on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamOnMountBy[A](
stream: Ctx => fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[A]] =
useStreamResourceOnMountBy(ctx => Resource.pure(stream(ctx)))
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount. Provides pulled values as a
* `PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed locally. Will rerender when the
* `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamViewOnMountBy[A](
stream: Ctx => fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[View[A]]] =
useStreamResourceViewOnMountBy(ctx => Resource.pure(stream(ctx)))
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount. Provides pulled values as a
* `Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed locally, reusable by
* value. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on
* unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamViewWithReuseOnMountBy[A: ClassTag: Reusability](
stream: Ctx => fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]
step: Step
): step.Next[Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]]] =
useStreamResourceViewWithReuseOnMountBy(ctx => Resource.pure(stream(ctx)))
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount or when dependencies change, and
* drain the stream by creating a fiber. Provides pulled values as a `PotOption[A]`. Will
* rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount or deps
* change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResource[D: Reusability, A](deps: => D)(
streamResource: D => StreamResource[A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[A]] =
useStreamResourceBy(_ => deps)(_ => streamResource)
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount or when dependencies change, and
* drain the stream by creating a fiber. Provides pulled values as a `PotOption[View[A]]` so
* that the value can also be changed locally. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state
* changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount or deps change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResourceView[D: Reusability, A](deps: => D)(
streamResource: D => StreamResource[A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[View[A]]] =
useStreamResourceViewBy(_ => deps)(_ => streamResource)
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount or when dependencies change, and
* drain the stream by creating a fiber. Provides pulled values as a
* `Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed locally, reusable by
* value. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on
* unmount or deps change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResourceViewWithReuse[D: Reusability, A: ClassTag: Reusability](
deps: => D
streamResource: D => StreamResource[A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]]] =
useStreamResourceViewWithReuseBy(_ => deps)(_ => streamResource)
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount, and drain the stream by creating a
* fiber. Provides pulled values as a `PotOption[A]`. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state
* changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResourceOnMount[A](
streamResource: StreamResource[A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[A]] =
useStreamResourceOnMountBy(_ => streamResource)
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount, and drain the stream by creating a
* fiber. Provides pulled values as a `PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be
* changed locally. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be
* cancelled on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResourceViewOnMount[A](
streamResource: StreamResource[A]
step: Step
): step.Next[PotOption[View[A]]] =
useStreamResourceViewOnMountBy(_ => streamResource)
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount, and drain the stream by creating a
* fiber. Provides pulled values as a `Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be
* changed locally, reusable by value. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The
* fiber will be cancelled on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResourceViewWithReuseOnMount[A: ClassTag: Reusability](
streamResource: StreamResource[A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]]] =
useStreamResourceViewWithReuseOnMountBy(_ => streamResource)
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount or when dependencies change, and
* drain the stream by creating a fiber. Provides pulled values as a `PotOption[A]`. Will
* rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount or deps
* change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResourceBy[D: Reusability, A](deps: Ctx => D)(
streamResource: Ctx => D => StreamResource[A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[A]] =
api.customBy { ctx =>
val hookInstance = hook[D, A]
hookInstance(WithDeps(deps(ctx), streamResource(ctx)))
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount or when dependencies change, and
* drain the stream by creating a fiber. Provides pulled values as a `PotOption[View[A]]` so
* that the value can also be changed locally. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state
* changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount or deps change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResourceViewBy[D: Reusability, A](deps: Ctx => D)(
streamResource: Ctx => D => StreamResource[A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[View[A]]] =
api.customBy { ctx =>
val hookInstance = hookView[D, A]
hookInstance(WithDeps(deps(ctx), streamResource(ctx)))
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount or when dependencies change, and
* drain the stream by creating a fiber. Provides pulled values as a
* `Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed locally, reusable by
* value. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on
* unmount or deps change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResourceViewWithReuseBy[D: Reusability, A: ClassTag: Reusability](
deps: Ctx => D
streamResource: Ctx => D => StreamResource[A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]]] =
api.customBy { ctx =>
val hookInstance = hookReuseView[D, A]
hookInstance(WithDeps(deps(ctx), streamResource(ctx)))
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount, and drain the stream by creating a
* fiber. Provides pulled values as a `PotOption[A]`. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state
* changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResourceOnMountBy[A](
streamResource: Ctx => StreamResource[A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[A]] = // () has Reusability = always.
useStreamResourceBy(_ => ())(ctx => _ => streamResource(ctx))
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount, and drain the stream by creating a
* fiber. Provides pulled values as a `PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be
* changed locally. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be
* cancelled on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResourceViewOnMountBy[A](
streamResource: Ctx => StreamResource[A]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[View[A]]] = // () has Reusability = always.
useStreamResourceViewBy(_ => ())(ctx => _ => streamResource(ctx))
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount, and drain the stream by creating a
* fiber. Provides pulled values as a `Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be
* changed locally, reusable by value. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The
* fiber will be cancelled on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResourceViewWithReuseOnMountBy[A: ClassTag: Reusability](
streamResource: Ctx => StreamResource[A]
step: Step
): step.Next[Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]]] = // () has Reusability = always.
useStreamResourceViewWithReuseBy(_ => ())(ctx => _ => streamResource(ctx))
final class Secondary[Ctx, CtxFn[_], Step <: HooksApi.SubsequentStep[Ctx, CtxFn]](
api: HooksApi.Secondary[Ctx, CtxFn, Step]
) extends Primary[Ctx, Step](api) {
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount or when deps change. Provides
* pulled values as a `PotOption[A]`. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The
* fiber will be cancelled on unmount or deps change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamBy[D: Reusability, A](deps: CtxFn[D])(
stream: CtxFn[D => fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[A]] =
useStreamResourceBy(step.squash(deps)(_))(ctx =>
deps => Resource.pure(step.squash(stream)(ctx)(deps))
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount or when deps change. Provides
* pulled values as a `PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed locally. Will
* rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount or deps
* change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamViewBy[D: Reusability, A](deps: CtxFn[D])(
stream: CtxFn[D => fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[View[A]]] =
useStreamResourceViewBy(step.squash(deps)(_))(ctx =>
deps => Resource.pure(step.squash(stream)(ctx)(deps))
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount or when deps change. Provides
* pulled values as a `Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed
* locally, reusable by value. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber
* will be cancelled on unmount or deps change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamViewWithReuseBy[D: Reusability, A: ClassTag: Reusability](
deps: CtxFn[D]
stream: CtxFn[D => fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]]] =
useStreamResourceViewWithReuseBy(step.squash(deps)(_))(ctx =>
deps => Resource.pure(step.squash(stream)(ctx)(deps))
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount. Provides pulled values as a
* `PotOption[A]`. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be
* cancelled on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamOnMountBy[A](
stream: CtxFn[fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[A]] =
useStreamResourceOnMountBy((ctx: Ctx) =>
Resource.pure[DefaultA, fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]](step.squash(stream)(ctx))
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount. Provides pulled values as a
* `PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed locally. Will rerender when the
* `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamViewOnMountBy[A](
stream: CtxFn[fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[View[A]]] =
useStreamResourceViewOnMountBy((ctx: Ctx) =>
Resource.pure[DefaultA, fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]](step.squash(stream)(ctx))
* Drain a `fs2.Stream[Async, A]` by creating a fiber on mount. Provides pulled values as a
* `Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed locally, reusable by
* value. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on
* unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamViewWithReuseOnMountBy[A: ClassTag: Reusability](
stream: CtxFn[fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]]
step: Step
): step.Next[Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]]] =
useStreamResourceViewWithReuseOnMountBy((ctx: Ctx) =>
Resource.pure[DefaultA, fs2.Stream[DefaultA, A]](step.squash(stream)(ctx))
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount or when dependencies change, and
* drain the stream by creating a fiber. Provides pulled values as a `PotOption[A]`. Will
* rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount or deps
* change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResourceBy[D: Reusability, A](deps: CtxFn[D])(
streamResource: CtxFn[D => StreamResource[A]]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[A]] =
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount or when dependencies change, and
* drain the stream by creating a fiber. Provides pulled values as a `PotOption[View[A]]` so
* that the value can also be changed locally. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state
* changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount or deps change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResourceViewBy[D: Reusability, A](deps: CtxFn[D])(
streamResource: CtxFn[D => StreamResource[A]]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[View[A]]] =
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount or when dependencies change, and
* drain the stream by creating a fiber. Provides pulled values as a
* `Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be changed locally, reusable by
* value. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be cancelled on
* unmount or deps change.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResourceViewWithReuseBy[D: Reusability, A: ClassTag: Reusability](
deps: CtxFn[D]
streamResource: CtxFn[D => StreamResource[A]]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]]] =
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount, and drain the stream by creating a
* fiber. Provides pulled values as a `PotOption[A]`. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state
* changes. The fiber will be cancelled on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResourceOnMountBy[A](
streamResource: CtxFn[StreamResource[A]]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[A]] =
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount, and drain the stream by creating a
* fiber. Provides pulled values as a `PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be
* changed locally. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The fiber will be
* cancelled on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResourceViewOnMountBy[A](
streamResource: CtxFn[StreamResource[A]]
)(using step: Step): step.Next[PotOption[View[A]]] =
* Open a `Resource[Async, fs.Stream[Async, A]]` on mount, and drain the stream by creating a
* fiber. Provides pulled values as a `Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]` so that the value can also be
* changed locally, reusable by value. Will rerender when the `PotOption` state changes. The
* fiber will be cancelled on unmount.
* The value will be `Pending` when the stream hasn't been mounted yet, `ReadyNone` when the
* stream is mounted but no value received yet, and `ReadySome(a)` when `a` is the last value
* received.
final def useStreamResourceViewWithReuseOnMountBy[A: ClassTag: Reusability](
streamResource: CtxFn[StreamResource[A]]
step: Step
): step.Next[Reuse[PotOption[View[A]]]] =
protected trait HooksApiExt {
import HooksApiExt.*
implicit def hooksExtStreamResourceView1[Ctx, Step <: HooksApi.AbstractStep](
api: HooksApi.Primary[Ctx, Step]
): Primary[Ctx, Step] =
new Primary(api)
implicit def hooksExtStreamResourceView2[Ctx, CtxFn[_], Step <: HooksApi.SubsequentStep[Ctx,
api: HooksApi.Secondary[Ctx, CtxFn, Step]
): Secondary[Ctx, CtxFn, Step] =
new Secondary(api)
object syntax extends HooksApiExt
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